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# This is a quick and dirty script that emails an admin about any new IP addresses found in the auth.log.
# It includes the last 10 lines featuring a new IP along with output from
# It saves identified IPs in a text file to prevent repeat reporting.
# Set this up to run as a cron job to be notified of any new networks authenticating on your Linux server.
import sys
import os
import subprocess
msg_filename = 'monitor_auth.msg'
bagaag /
Last active August 31, 2024 12:47
Update file system paths in Navidrome's database
# This script changes the path for a folder or file in Navidrome's database, allowing music files to be
# moved or renamed on the file system without losing associated metadata in Navidrome. Since the original
# version, it has been updatd to account for the media_file IDs, which are calculated from the path value
# and referenced in several tables.
# This script is based on Navidrome version 0.49.2. If you are running an older version of Navidrom, it
# will likely fail. If you are running a newer version of Navidrome, your mileage may vary.
# It does NOT make any modifications to the file system - only to the Navidrome database.
create database <name>;
use <name>;
grant all on <name>.* to <user>@'%' idendified by '<password>'';
bagaag / .vimrc
Last active February 24, 2020 13:45
set number
set swapfile
set dir=c:/temp
colorscheme slate
filetype plugin indent on
" show existing tab with 4 spaces width
set tabstop=4
" when indenting with '>', use 4 spaces width
set shiftwidth=4
bagaag / tic-tac-toe.html
Last active March 2, 2017 13:00
Single File Tic Tac Toe against the Computer
<!DOCTYPE html>
Single file Tic Tac Toe against the Computer
Author: Matt Wiseley
License: GPL -
<meta charset="UTF-8">
bagaag /
Created January 29, 2014 02:52
Hit Aggregator Problem
* Write a class to support the following website feature. On each product
* detail page, display the number of hits in the past 10 minutes if there have
* been at least 10. Otherwise, display the number of hits in the past hour if
* there have been at least 10. Otherwise, display the number of hits in the
* past 24 hours if there have been at least 10. Otherwise, display nothing.
* There is no analytics service available to provide realtime reporting on the
* number of hits, so this class must also collect that data. It should aim to
* work on a website that has a few million product pages and gets 10 million
* unique visitors per day.
bagaag / palindrome.js
Last active March 2, 2017 15:55
Palindrome Test in JavaScript
// reverse word and compare
function isPalindrome1(word) {
var s = '';
for (var i=word.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
s += word[i];
return s === word;
// compare from end to end (more efficient)
bagaag /
Last active December 22, 2015 01:08
Parameterized string for safe sql queries, read from a file in the classpath.
* Parameterized string for safe sql queries, read from a file
* Use: Statement.create("")
* .set(":id", 123)
* .set(":date", new Date())
* .set(":name","O'Hara")
* .toString();
package com.wiseley.util;