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Created October 27, 2009 06:09
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Save ba3r/219356 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
dynastree in: de, at, ch, us, uk, ca, fr, es, nl, pl
N = 'Michael Baer';
H = '';
L = 'GPL';
I = '';
S = '/search/query/';
DE = '';
AT = '';
CH = '';
US = '';
UK = '';
CA = '';
FR = '';
ES = '';
NL = '';
PL = '';
// 1.64
names: ["", "fam-de"],
icon: I,
description: "Durchsucht nach Profilen und Namen",
help: " sucht in allen öffentlichen Profilen, sowie für angemeldte Nutzer auch in der eigenen Familie, nach dem eingegebenen oder markierten Namen. Als Vorschau erscheint die absolute Verteilung des Nachnamens in Deutschland, der Klick darauf führt zur interaktiven Karte.",
author: {name: N, homepage: H},
license: L,
homepage: DE,
arguments: [{role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: "Name"}],
preview: function(pblk, args) {
var q = args.object.text.replace(/\s+/g,"%2B");
q = q.replace(//gi,"%25C3%25A4");
q = q.replace(//gi,"%25C3%25B6");
q = q.replace(//gi,"%25C3%25BC");
q = q.replace(//g,"%25C3%259F");
q = q.replace(/\'/g,"%2527");
q = q.replace(//gi,"%25C3%25A9");
var prev= DE+"" + q + "_absolute.png";
var page= DE+"/karten/absolut/" + q + ".html";
if (args.object.text.length == 0){ pblk.innerHTML = "Durchsuche"; } else {
if (args.object.text.length < 2){ pblk.innerHTML = "Durchsuche nach <b>" + args.object.text + "</b>."; }
else { pblk.innerHTML = "Durchsuche nach <b>" + args.object.text + "</b>.<br><br><a href='" + page + "'><img src='" + prev + "' width='350' alt='Keine Kartenansicht gefunden.' /></a>"; }
; }
execute: function( args ) {
Utils.openUrlInBrowser( DE + S + args.object.text );
// 0.64
names: ["", "fam-at"],
icon: I,
description: "Durchsucht nach Profilen und Namen",
help: " sucht in allen öffentlichen Profilen, sowie für angemeldte Nutzer auch in der eigenen Familie, nach dem eingegebenen oder markierten Namen. Als Vorschau erscheint die absolute Verteilung des Nachnamens in Österreich, der Klick darauf führt zur interaktiven Karte.",
author: {name: N, homepage: H},
license: L,
homepage: AT,
arguments: [{role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: "Name"}],
preview: function(pblk, args) {
var q = args.object.text.replace(/\s+/g,"%2B");
q = q.replace(//gi,"%25C3%25A4");
q = q.replace(//gi,"%25C3%25B6");
q = q.replace(//gi,"%25C3%25BC");
q = q.replace(//g,"%25C3%259F");
q = q.replace(/\'/g,"%2527");
q = q.replace(//gi,"e");
var prev= AT+"" + q + "_absolute.png";
var page= AT+"/karten/absolut/" + q + ".html";
if (args.object.text == ""){ pblk.innerHTML = "Durchsuche"; } else {
if (args.object.text.length < 2){ pblk.innerHTML = "Durchsuche nach <b>" + args.object.text + "</b>."; }
else { pblk.innerHTML = "Durchsuche nach <b>" + args.object.text + "</b>.<br><br><a href='" + page + "'><img src='" + prev + "' width='450' alt='Keine Kartenansicht gefunden.' /></a>"; }
; }
execute: function( args ) {
Utils.openUrlInBrowser( AT + S + args.object.text );
// 0.64
names: ["", "fam-ch"],
icon: I,
description: "Durchsucht nach Profilen und Namen",
help: " sucht in allen öffentlichen Profilen, sowie für angemeldte Nutzer auch in der eigenen Familie, nach dem eingegebenen oder markierten Namen. Als Vorschau erscheint die absolute Verteilung des Nachnamens in der Schweiz, der Klick darauf führt zur interaktiven Karte.",
author: {name: N, homepage: H},
license: L,
homepage: CH,
arguments: [{role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: "Name"}],
preview: function(pblk, args) {
var q = args.object.text.replace(/\s+/g,"%2B");
q = q.replace(//gi,"%25C3%25A4");
q = q.replace(//gi,"%25C3%25B6");
q = q.replace(//gi,"%25C3%25BC");
q = q.replace(//g,"ss");
q = q.replace(/\'/g,"%2527");
q = q.replace(//gi,"%25C3%25A9");
var prev= CH+"" + q + "_absolute.png";
var page= CH+"/karten/absolut/" + q + ".html";
if (args.object.text == ""){ pblk.innerHTML = "Durchsuche"; } else {
if (args.object.text.length < 2){ pblk.innerHTML = "Durchsuche nach <b>" + args.object.text + "</b>."; }
else { pblk.innerHTML = "Durchsuche nach <b>" + args.object.text + "</b>.<br><br><a href='" + page + "'><img src='" + prev + "' width='450' alt='Keine Kartenansicht gefunden.' /></a>"; }
; }
execute: function( args ) {
Utils.openUrlInBrowser( CH + S + args.object.text );
// 0.64
names: ["", "fam-us"],
icon: I,
description: "Searches for profiles and names",
help: " searches for names in all public profiles and, if you are logged in, in your own family, too. The preview map works just for surnames, click it for further information!",
author: {name: N, homepage: H},
license: L,
homepage: US,
arguments: [{role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: "name"}],
preview: function(pblk, args) {
var q = args.object.text.replace(/\s+/g,"-");
q = q.replace(//gi,"ae");
q = q.replace(//gi,"oe");
q = q.replace(//gi,"ue");
q = q.replace(//g,"ss");
q = q.replace(/\'/g,"%2527");
var prev = "" + q + "_absolute.png";
var page = US +"/maps/detail/" + q + ".html";
if (args.object.text == ""){ pblk.innerHTML = "Searches"; } else {
if (args.object.text.length < 2){ pblk.innerHTML = "Searches for <b>" + args.object.text + "</b>."; }
else { pblk.innerHTML = "Searches for <b>" + args.object.text + "</b>.<br><br><a href='" + page + "'><img src='" + prev + "' width='450' alt='No map found.' /></a>"; }
; }
execute: function( args ) {
Utils.openUrlInBrowser( US + S + args.object.text );
// 0.64
names: ["", "fam-uk"],
icon: I,
description: "Searches for profiles and names",
help: " searches for names in all public profiles and, if you are logged in, in your own family, too. The preview map works just for surnames, click it for further information!",
author: {name: N, homepage: H},
license: L,
homepage: UK,
arguments: [{role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: "name"}],
preview: function(pblk, args) {
var q = args.object.text.replace(/\s+/g,"-");
q = q.replace(//gi,"ae");
q = q.replace(//gi,"oe");
q = q.replace(//gi,"ue");
q = q.replace(//g,"ss");
q = q.replace(/\'/g,"%2527");
var prev = UK+"" + q + "_absolute.png";
var page = UK+"/maps/detail/" + q + ".html";
if (args.object.text == ""){ pblk.innerHTML = "Searches"; } else {
if (args.object.text.length < 2){ pblk.innerHTML = "Searches for <b>" + args.object.text + "</b>."; }
else { pblk.innerHTML = "Searches for <b>" + args.object.text + "</b>.<br><br><a href='" + page + "'><img src='" + prev + "' width='370' alt='No map found.' /></a>"; }
; }
execute: function( args ) {
Utils.openUrlInBrowser( US + S + args.object.text );
// 0.64
names: ["", "fam-ca"],
icon: I,
description: "Searches for profiles and names",
help: " searches for names in all public profiles and, if you are logged in, in your own family, too. The preview map works just for surnames, click it for further information!",
author: {name: N, homepage: H},
license: L,
homepage: CA,
arguments: [{role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: "name"}],
preview: function(pblk, args) {
var q = args.object.text.replace(/\s+/g,"-");
q = q.replace(//gi,"ae");
q = q.replace(//gi,"oe");
q = q.replace(//gi,"ue");
q = q.replace(//g,"ss");
q = q.replace(/\'/g,"%2527");
var prev = "" + q + "_absolute.png";
var page = CA+"/maps/detail/" + q + ".html";
if (args.object.text == ""){ pblk.innerHTML = "Searches"; } else {
if (args.object.text.length < 2){ pblk.innerHTML = "Searches for <b>" + args.object.text + "</b>."; }
else { pblk.innerHTML = "Searches for <b>" + args.object.text + "</b>.<br><br><a href='" + page + "'><img src='" + prev + "' width='450' alt='No map found.' /></a>"; }
; }
execute: function( args ) {
Utils.openUrlInBrowser( CA + S + args.object.text );
// 0.64
names: ["", "fam-fr"],
icon: I,
description: "Recherche dans pour les profils et les noms",
help: " recherche des noms dans les profils publics et, si vous êtes connecté, à votre propre famille aussi. L'aperçu ne fonctionne qu'avec les patronymes, cliquez dessus pour plus d'informations!",
author: {name: N, homepage: H},
license: L,
homepage: FR,
arguments: [{role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: "nom"}],
preview: function(pblk, args) {
var q = args.object.text.replace(/\s+/g,"%2B");
q = q.replace(//gi,"ae");
q = q.replace(//gi,"oe");
q = q.replace(//gi,"ue");
q = q.replace(//g,"ss");
q = q.replace(/\'/g,"%2527");
q = q.replace(//gi,"%25C3%25A9");
q = q.replace(//gi,"a");
q = q.replace(//gi,"e");
q = q.replace(//gi,"u");
q = q.replace(//gi,"a");
q = q.replace(//gi,"e");
q = q.replace(//gi,"%25C3%25AE");
q = q.replace(//gi,"o");
q = q.replace(//gi,"u");
q = q.replace(//gi,"%25C3%25A7");
q = q.replace(//gi,"ae");
q = q.replace(//gi,"oe");
q = q.replace(//gi,"e");
q = q.replace(//gi,"i");
q = q.replace(/\ÿ/gi,"y");
var prev = FR+"" + q + "_absolute.png";
var page = FR+"/cartes/detaille/" + q + ".html";
if (args.object.text == ""){ pblk.innerHTML = "Recherche dans"; } else {
if (args.object.text.length < 2){ pblk.innerHTML = "Recherche dans pour <b>" + args.object.text + "</b>."; }
else { pblk.innerHTML = "Recherche dans pour <b>" + args.object.text + "</b>.<br><br><a href='" + page + "'><img src='" + prev + "' width='400' alt='Pas de carte trouvée.' /></a>"; }
; }
execute: function( args ) {
Utils.openUrlInBrowser( FR + S + args.object.text );
// 0.64
names: ["", "fam-es"],
icon: I,
description: "Búsqueda de para los perfiles y nombres de",
help: " de búsqueda de nombres en los perfiles de público y si estás conectado, su propia familia también. La vista previa sólo funciona con los apellidos, haga clic para más información.",
author: {name: N, homepage: H},
license: L,
homepage: ES,
arguments: [{role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: "nombre"}],
preview: function(pblk, args) {
var q = args.object.text.replace(/\s+/g,"%2B");
q = q.replace(//gi,"ae");
q = q.replace(//gi,"oe");
q = q.replace(//gi,"ue");
q = q.replace(//g,"ss");
q = q.replace(/\'/g,"%2527");
q = q.replace(//gi,"a");
q = q.replace(//gi,"e");
q = q.replace(//gi,"i");
q = q.replace(//gi,"o");
q = q.replace(//gi,"u");
q = q.replace(//gi,"%25C3%25A7");
q = q.replace(//gi,"n");
q = q.replace(//gi,"a");
q = q.replace(//gi,"e");
q = q.replace(//gi,"o");
q = q.replace(//gi,"i");
q = q.replace(/\?/gi,"l");
var prev = ES+"" + q + "_absoluto.png";
var page = ES+"/mapas/detalles/" + q + ".html";
if (args.object.text == ""){ pblk.innerHTML = "Búsqueda en"; } else {
if (args.object.text.length < 2){ pblk.innerHTML = "Búsqueda en para <b>" + args.object.text + "</b>."; }
else { pblk.innerHTML = "Búsqueda en para <b>" + args.object.text + "</b>.<br><br><a href='" + page + "'><img src='" + prev + "' width='400' alt='Ningún mapa encontrado.' /></a>"; }
; }
execute: function( args ) {
Utils.openUrlInBrowser( ES + S + args.object.text );
// 0.64
names: ["", "fam-nl"],
icon: I,
description: "Zoekt op naar profielen en namen",
help: " zoekt naar namen in alle openbare profielen en, als u ingelogd bent, in je eigen familie ook. De preview kaart werkt slechts voor familienamen, klik erop voor meer informatie!",
author: {name: N, homepage: H},
license: L,
homepage: NL,
arguments: [{role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: "naam"}],
preview: function(pblk, args) {
var q = args.object.text.replace(/\s+/g,"%2B");
q = q.replace(//gi,"ae");
q = q.replace(//gi,"oe");
q = q.replace(//gi,"ue");
q = q.replace(//g,"ss");
q = q.replace(/\'/g,"%2527");
var prev = NL+"" + q + "_absoluut.png";
var page = NL+"/kaarten/detail/" + q + ".html";
if (args.object.text == ""){ pblk.innerHTML = "Zoeken in"; } else {
if (args.object.text.length < 2){ pblk.innerHTML = "Zoek in voor <b>" + args.object.text + "</b>."; }
else { pblk.innerHTML = "Zoek in voor <b>" + args.object.text + "</b>.<br><br><a href='" + page + "'><img src='" + prev + "' width='380' alt='Geen kaart gevonden.' /></a>"; }
; }
execute: function( args ) {
Utils.openUrlInBrowser( NL + S + args.object.text );
// 0.64
names: ["", "fam-pl"],
icon: I,
description: "Wyszukiwania profili i nazwy",
help: "Wyszukiwania publicznych profile, a jesli jestes zalogowany, czlonków rodziny za. Podglad dziala tylko z nazwiska, kliknij go o dalsze informacje!",
author: {name: N, homepage: H},
license: L,
homepage: PL,
arguments: [{role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: "imie"}],
preview: function(pblk, args) {
var q = args.object.text.replace(/\s+/g,"%2B");
q = q.replace(//gi,"ae");
q = q.replace(//gi,"oe");
q = q.replace(//gi,"ue");
q = q.replace(//g,"ss");
q = q.replace(/\'/g,"%2527");
q = q.replace(/\c/gi,"c");
q = q.replace(/\n/gi,"n");
q = q.replace(//gi,"o");
q = q.replace(/\s/gi,"s");
q = q.replace(/\z/gi,"z");
q = q.replace(/\a/gi,"a");
q = q.replace(/\e/gi,"e");
q = q.replace(/\z/gi,"z");
q = q.replace(/\l/gi,"l");
var prev = "" + q + "_kompletny.png";
var page = PL+"/mapa/kompletny/" + q + ".html";
if (args.object.text == ""){ pblk.innerHTML = "Wyszukiwania"; } else {
if (args.object.text.length < 2){ pblk.innerHTML = " szukaj <b>" + args.object.text + "</b>."; }
else { pblk.innerHTML = " szukaj <b>" + args.object.text + "</b>.<br><br><a href='" + page + "'><img src='" + prev + "' width='400' alt='Nie znaleziono map.' /></a>"; }
; }
execute: function( args ) {
Utils.openUrlInBrowser( PL + S + args.object.text );
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