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Created December 20, 2017 16:45
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Implicits in Unapply
// probably could be used for some cool type state stuff
sealed trait HList
case class HCons[A, R <: HList](head: A, tail: R) extends HList {
def ::[B](b: B): B :+: A :+: R = HCons(b, this)
case object HNil extends HList {
def ::[A](a: A): A :+: HNil = HCons(a, this)
type HNil = HNil.type
type :+:[A, R <: HList] = HCons[A, R]
sealed trait In[E, L <: HList] {}
object In {
implicit def here[E, L <: HList]: E In (E :+: L) = ???
implicit def there[E, R, L <: HList](implicit rest: E In L): E In (R :+: L) = ???
object IntElem {
def unapply[L <: HList](l: L)(implicit f: Int In L): Option[Int] = ???
val l = true :: 4 :: "foo" :: HNil
l match {
case IntElem(n) => ???
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