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tkrotoff /
Last active September 25, 2024 15:11
Front-end frameworks popularity (React, Vue, Angular and Svelte)
augmt /
Last active September 3, 2024 15:50
Detecting similar and identical images using perseptual hashes

Detecting similar and identical images using perseptual hashes

Couple of my hobbies are travelling and photography. I love to take pictures and experiment with photography. Usually after my trips, I just copy the photos to either my iPad or couple of my external hard disks. After 10 years, I have over 200K photos distributed across several disks and machines. I had to find a way to organize these photos and create a workflow for future maintenance. In this post I want to address one of the issues I had to solve: ** finding duplicate images **.

First, I needed to find out what exactly is a duplicate image. Analysing my photos, I found couple of interesting things:

  1. Identical images: There were multiple copies of the same photo in different directories with different names.
  2. Similar images: I usually bracket (exposure compensate or flash compensate) important pictures. So I have photos that visually appear to be the same, but may be a little darker/lighter based on e
public class Args : Dictionary<string,object>{}
public class MyIoc
private Dictionary<Type, Dictionary<string, Func<Args, object>>> _registry
= new Dictionary<Type, Dictionary<string, Func<Args, object>>>();
public void Register<T>(Func<Args, T> factory, string name = "") where T : class
Type t = typeof(T);
define(['jquery', 'app'], function ($, app) {
return app.factory('Acronym', [function () {
var factory = {
desiredKeyLength: 2,
maxKeyLength: 5,
jkarsrud /
Last active May 27, 2020 08:51
How to use ASP.NET Bundling and Minifications in Umbraco

How to use ASP.NET Bundling and Minifications in Umbraco

Using the ASP.NET bundling and minifications is pretty straight forward, but here is a small guide that take care of a few gotchas when implementing bundles in your Umbraco project.

Installing ASP.NET Bundling and Minifications

ASP.NET Bundling and Minifications is part of the Microsoft ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework and is installed via NuGet;

PM> Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization

Once this is done, you need to create a BundleConfig.cs in your App_Start1 folder. This is where you register your different bundles. It can be extremely simple, or it can be more complex, but the gist of it is this;

bradwilson / gist:2417226
Created April 18, 2012 22:55
Ninject dependency resolver for Web API
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using System.Web.Http.Dependencies;
using Ninject;
using Ninject.Syntax;
public class NinjectDependencyScope : IDependencyScope
private IResolutionRoot resolver;
rberrelleza / UseServiceBusFromPowershell.ps1
Created March 27, 2012 23:55
Send and receive messages to a Service Bus queue via PowerShell
Import-Module "PATH_TO_Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll"
#Create the required credentials
$tokenProvider = [Microsoft.ServiceBus.TokenProvider]::CreateSharedSecretTokenProvider("owner", "YOUR_ISSUERSECRET")
$namespaceUri = [Microsoft.ServiceBus.ServiceBusEnvironment]::CreateServiceUri("sb", "YOUR_NAMESPACE", "");
$namespaceManager = New-Object Microsoft.ServiceBus.NamespaceManager $namespaceUri,$tokenProvider
#Create a queue
$queue = $namespaceManager.CreateQueue("MyPowershellQueue");
niik / CryptoRandom.cs
Created June 9, 2011 21:48
Buffered CryptoRandom implementation based on Stephen Toub and Shawn Farkas' CryptoRandom
* Original version by Stephen Toub and Shawn Farkas.
* Random pool and thread safety added by Markus Olsson (
* Original source:
* Some benchmarks (2009-03-18):
* Results produced by calling Next() 1 000 000 times on my machine (dual core 3Ghz)