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Created December 13, 2013 05:17
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Approximate item similarity using LSH in Scalding.
import com.twitter.scalding._
import com.twitter.algebird.{ MinHasher, MinHasher32, MinHashSignature }
* Computes similar items (with a string itemId), based on approximate
* Jaccard similarity, using LSH.
* Assumes an input data TSV file of the following format:
* itemId userId
* Generates an output file of the following format:
* itemId similarItemId
* Input arguments:
* --input location of input file
* --output location of output file
* --num_hashes number of hash functions to use, more means
* higher complexity, but higher accuracy
* --target_threshold minimum Jaccard similarity above which two
* items are considered similar
class ItemSimilarity(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
import TDsl._
val targetThreshold = args.optional("target_threshold")
.map { _.toDouble }.getOrElse(0.8)
val numHashes = args.optional("num_hashes")
.map { _.toInt }.getOrElse(50)
val numBands = MinHasher.pickBands(targetThreshold, numHashes)
implicit lazy val minHasher = new MinHasher32(numHashes, numBands)
TypedTsv[(String, Long)](args("input"))
// First generate minhash signatures
.map { case (itemId, userId) => (itemId, minHasher.init(userId)) }
.group[String, MinHashSignature]
// Now generate bands of similar books and aggregate
.flatMap { case (itemId, sig) =>
minHasher.buckets(sig) { case (bucket, ind) =>
((bucket, ind), Set((itemId, sig)))
.group[(Long, Int), Set[(String, MinHashSignature)]]
// Now expand all pairs of similar books
.flatMap { case (_, itemIdSet) =>
for {
(itemId1, sig1) <- itemIdSet
(itemId2, sig2) <- itemIdSet
sim = minHasher.similarity(sig1, sig2)
if (itemId1 != itemId2 && sim >= targetThreshold)
} yield (itemId1, itemId2)
.write(TypedTsv[(String, String)](args("output")))
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