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Created January 6, 2018 17:59
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struct Delta {
x: [i8; 4],
y: [i8; 4],
fn geometric_center(points: &[[f64; 2]]) -> [f64; 2] {
const DELTA: Delta = Delta {
x: [-1, 0, 1, 0], // movement in `x` direction
y: [0, 1, 0, -1], // movement in `y` direction
const EPSILON: f64 = 0.001; // some acceptable margin
let arr_length = points.len() as f64;
let mut center = points.iter().fold([0., 0.], |avg, point| {
let x = avg[0] + (point[0] / arr_length);
let y = avg[1] + (point[1] / arr_length);
[x, y]
}); // starts off as the median
let mut step = 10.; // search radius
let mut score = cost(&points, &center);
while step > EPSILON {
let mut improved = false;
for i in 0..DELTA.x.len() {
let _center = [
center[0] + DELTA.x[i] as f64 * step,
center[1] + DELTA.y[i] as f64 * step,
let _score = cost(&points, &_center);
if _score < score {
center = _center;
score = _score;
improved = !improved;
if !improved {
step /= 2.;
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