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Last active December 14, 2015 00:49
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ドラクエVIIのバロックタワーのパズルを解く ( ) を参考に問いてみたけど、出力結果が思うようにいかない…。
(define (baroque input)
(define (ok? ls)
(let ((model-1 (list-ref ls 0))
(model-2 (list-ref ls 1))
(model-3 (list-ref ls 2))
(model-4 (list-ref ls 3)))
(and (= model-1 2)
(= model-2 3)
(= model-3 0)
(= model-4 1))))
(define (next x)
(let ((next-x (+ x 1)))
(if (= next-x 4)
(define (push n ls)
(let loop ((m (next n))
(count 0)
(ls ls)
(out '()))
((null? ls) (reverse out))
((= count m)
(loop m
(+ count 1)
(cdr ls)
(cons (car ls) out)))
(loop m
(+ count 1)
(cdr ls)
(cons (next (car ls)) out))))))
(let loop ((count 0)
(max 8)
(input input)
(output '()))
((> count max) '())
((ok? input)
(reverse output))
(list (loop (+ count 1)
(push 0 input)
(cons 0 output))
(loop (+ count 1)
(push 1 input)
(cons 1 output))
(loop (+ count 1)
(push 2 input)
(cons 2 output))
(loop (+ count 1)
(push 3 input)
(cons 3 output)))))))
(baroque '(3 2 2 3))
;; ex.
;; input '(3 2 2 3)
;; output '(0 0 0 1 1 2 2 3)
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