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Alexander Sikorski axsk

  • Zuse Institute Berlin
  • Berlin
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axsk / .jl
Created September 21, 2022 18:57
strange zygote call from forwarddiff-ing a flux network
julia> JET.@report_opt u([1.],1.)
═════ 77 possible errors found ═════
┌ @ /home/htc/bzfsikor/code/OptImpSampling.jl/src/control.jl:137 dlogz = fgrad(#148, x)
│┌ @ /home/htc/bzfsikor/code/OptImpSampling.jl/src/ociso.jl:25 ForwardDiff.gradient(f, x)
││┌ @ /home/htc/bzfsikor/.julia/packages/ForwardDiff/pDtsf/src/gradient.jl:17 ForwardDiff.GradientConfig(f, x)
│││┌ @ /home/htc/bzfsikor/.julia/packages/ForwardDiff/pDtsf/src/config.jl:121 ForwardDiff.Chunk(x)
││││┌ @ /home/htc/bzfsikor/.julia/packages/ForwardDiff/pDtsf/src/prelude.jl:26 #self#(x, ForwardDiff.DEFAULT_CHUNK_THRESHOLD)
│││││┌ @ /home/htc/bzfsikor/.julia/packages/ForwardDiff/pDtsf/src/prelude.jl:26 ForwardDiff.Chunk(ForwardDiff.length(x), threshold)
││││││┌ @ /home/htc/bzfsikor/.julia/packages/ForwardDiff/pDtsf/src/prelude.jl:22 %13()
│││││││ runtime dispatch detected: %13::Type{ForwardDiff.Chunk{_A}} where _A()::ForwardDiff.Chunk
axsk / cachedfunction.jl
Last active September 2, 2022 11:02
# basically a type stable version of memoize.jl with a 1-element dict/cache
# it would be nice however to be able to only call cachedf = cache(f)
# such that cachedf would be typle stable.
# so far i have no idea how to achieve this
mutable struct CachedFunction{F, I, O}
using Zygote
using StochasticDiffEq, SciMLSensitivity
using StatsBase
import Lux
function mwe()
x0 = rand(1)
p0 = rand(1)
axsk / mwe.jl
Last active August 29, 2022 17:42
MWE differentiate callbacks
using Zygote
using StochasticDiffEq, SciMLSensitivity
function mwe1()
x0 = [0.]
drift(dx, x, p, t) = (dx .= p)
noise(dx, x, p, t) = (dx .= 0.)
n0 = zeros(1,1)
T = 100.
axsk / gist:9139aa3d542d7d8daf094637e6b7a960
Created August 25, 2022 13:27
SciMLSensitivity Error on terminate!
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
ERROR: Event was triggered but no corresponding event in ContinuousCallback was found. Please report this error.
[1] error(s::String)
@ Base ./error.jl:35
import numpy as np
t_adopt = .5
p_adopt = .9
p_expl = .1
def timestep(state, influence):
influenced = (np.abs(,state)) > t_adopt)
r = np.random.rand(np.size(state))
# vectorized: 415us
using Sundials
function test1()
yS0 = [1. 2. 3.; 4. 5 6]
N, Ns = size(yS0)
GC.@preserve yS0n = [Sundials.NVector(yS0[:,j]) for j=1:Ns] # array of julia wrappers
GC.@preserve yS0nv = [Sundials.N_Vector(n) for n in yS0n] # array of pointers to sund. structs
pyS0 = pointer(yS0nv)
using Sundials
using Sundials: N_Vector, N_Vector_S
using ForwardDiff
#using ReverseDiff
sens(f!, t0, y0, p, tout; reltol, abstol)
Compute the solution and sensivities to the parametrized ODE problem defined by `f!(ẏ, t, y, p)`, starting at t0, y0, p.
using Plots
rect(x,y,w,h) = Shape(x+[0,w,w,0], y+[0,0,h,h])
@recipe function f(ds::Array{Measurement}; alpha = 1)
isempty(ds) && return []
binedges = [0,10,12,14,16,18,20,25]
nmax = nfollicles(ds)
a = alpha