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Last active March 28, 2024 10:25
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Electric without atoms
(ns main
[missionary.core :as m]
[hyperfiddle.electric :as e]
[hyperfiddle.electric-dom2 :as dom])
(:require-macros [main])))
;; event emitter with only one subscriber
(defn new-emitter []
{:vcallback (volatile! nil)})
(defn subscribe [emitter callback]
(let [vcallback (:vcallback emitter)]
(when @vcallback (throw (ex-info "already have subscriber" {})))
(vreset! vcallback callback)
(defn unsubscribe [emitter]
(let [vcallback (:vcallback emitter)]
(when-not @vcallback (throw (ex-info "no subscriber" {})))
(vreset! vcallback nil)))
(defn publish [emitter v]
(let [callback @(:vcallback emitter)]
(when-not callback (throw (ex-info "no subscriber" {})))
(callback v)
;; observe events published to the emitter
(defn make-observer [emitter]
(fn [callback]
(subscribe emitter callback)
(fn []
(unsubscribe emitter)))))
;; A state is a continuous flow constructed by reducing a discrete
;; flow of updates.
;; An update is a function of one argument, the previous state, and
;; the function returns the new state.
(defn reduce-update [state f]
(f state))
;; Returns a vector of two objects:
;; - a continuous flow of the state value
;; - an update function to call to update the state
(defn new-state [initial-value]
(let [update-emitter (new-emitter)
updates> (make-observer update-emitter)]
(m/reductions reduce-update initial-value updates>))
(fn [f & args]
(publish update-emitter (fn [state] (apply f state args))))]))
;; Boot into Electric
(e/defn State [initial-value]
(let [[state< swap-state!] (new-state initial-value)]
[(new state<) swap-state!]))
;; Calls `act` on each value of discete flow `f` for side effects.
;; Returns a flow of nil's for integration into Electric. Is
;; that necessary? I don't know.
(defn mforeach [f act]
(fn [_ x] (act x) nil)
;; Simple DOM listener. Not reactive, just adds the event
;; listener on mount and removes on unmount.
(defn mlisten> [node event]
(fn mount [emit!]
(let [f (fn [e] (emit! e))]
(.addEventListener node event f)
(fn unmount []
(.removeEventListener node event f))))))
;; A "snapshot function" samples the current values of reactive
;; expressions at the time an event occurs.
;; The sfn isn't itself reactive: a new one is not generated when
;; reactive inputs change. (Contrast with `fn` in an Electric
;; expression).
;; Use like this, where `data` is a reactive value:
;; (sfn [id (:id data)] [event]
;; (prn "at the time of the event" event "id was" id))
;; Don't put any reactive expressions in the body! That will
;; break the implementation.
(defmacro sfn [reactive-bindings fn-params & body]
(let [pairs (partition 2 reactive-bindings)
reactive-params (map first pairs)
reactive-inputs (map second pairs)]
`{:reactive-inputs (e/fn [] [~@reactive-inputs])
:fn (fn [~@reactive-params ~@fn-params] ~@body)}))
;; Given a discrete flow of events, call the snapshot function for
;; each one.
(defn mforeach-event [>events sf]
(m/sample vector (:reactive-inputs sf) >events)
(fn [[snapshot event]]
(apply (:fn sf) (concat snapshot (list event))))))
;; Boot into Electric.
(e/defn foreach-event [>events sf]
(new (mforeach-event >events sf)))
;; Attach an event listener to the current DOM node and
;; call the snapshot function on each event.
(e/defn son! [event-type sf]
(foreach-event. (mlisten> dom/node event-type) sf)))
;; I don't believe it's possible to use a sfn at the point
;; of unmount. The problem is that responding to events using
;; a sfn is implemented by reducing the flow of events, and
;; of course at the time of unmount the flow is being shut down.
;; We can however set up an observer higher up in the DOM hierarchy
;; which can watch the mount and unmount of a child, and
;; get a snapshot of reactive values at the time of the child's mount
;; or unmount.
;; This isn't as convenient as simply being able to call
;; `e/on-unmount` with a function, but has well-defined semantics.
;; I think? Not relying on super-specific details of Electric
;; evaluation, just straight-forward reactive DAG. I hope :)
;; Returns a callback. Call the callback with an event. The
;; snapshot function will be called for each event.
(e/defn Observer [sf]
(let [emitter (new-emitter)
observer> (make-observer emitter)]
(foreach-event. observer> sf)
(fn [event] (publish emitter event))))
;; Report lifecycle events up to an observer higher in the hierarchy.
(e/defn Lifecycle [observer]
(observer :mount)
(e/on-unmount (fn [] (observer :unmount))))
(e/defn Main [ring-request]
(binding [dom/node js/document.body]
;; `state` is a reactive value of the current state, much
;; like (e/watch !state). Call swap-state! to update
;; the state, much like (swap! !state ...)
(let [[state swap-state!] (State. {:show false})]
(dom/text "state: " (pr-str state))))
(dom/props {:id "show-button"})
(dom/text (if (:show state) "Hide" "Show"))
(son!. "click"
(sfn [state-snapshot state] [event]
"at the time of the click event, the state was "
(pr-str state-snapshot)
", shift key pressed " (.-shiftKey event)))
(swap-state! update :show not))))
;; Here's where we need an observer that won't be unmounted
;; to report on the lifecycle of a child that will be
;; unmounted.
(let [observer
(sfn [show (:show state)] [event]
"at the time of " (name event) ", show was " show))))]
(when (:show state)
(dom/text "child content")
(Lifecycle. observer)))))))))
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