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Created March 23, 2017 16:34
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convertToTextLayer = (layer) ->
t = new TextLayer
frame: layer.frame
parent: layer.parent
cssObj = {}
css = layer._info.metadata.css
css.forEach (rule) ->
return if _.includes rule, '/*'
arr = rule.split(': ')
cssObj[arr[0]] = arr[1].replace(';','') = cssObj
importPath = layer.__framerImportedFromPath
if _.includes importPath, '@2x'
t.fontSize *= 2
t.lineHeight = (parseInt(t.lineHeight)*2)+'px'
t.letterSpacing *= 2
t.y -= (parseInt(t.lineHeight)-t.fontSize)/2 # compensate for how CSS handles line height
t.y -= t.fontSize * 0.1 # sketch padding
t.x -= t.fontSize * 0.08 # sketch padding
t.width += t.fontSize * 0.5 # sketch padding
t.text = layer._info.metadata.string
return t
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