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Created November 12, 2017 16:19
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PageIndicator module
class PageIndicator extends Layer
constructor: (options = {} )->
_.defaults options,
width: 50
height: 10
backgroundColor: ""
borderRadius: "50%"
super options
for i in [0...@amount]
circle = new Layer
parent: @
size: @height
borderRadius: @borderRadius
x: @width/@amount*i =
backgroundColor: "white"
@define "amount",
get: -> @_amount
set: (value) -> @_amount = value
@define "index",
set: (value) ->
for indicator in @children
indicator.stateSwitch "default"
@children[value]?.stateSwitch "active"
indicator = new PageIndicator
amount: 3
indicator.index = 0
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