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Last active January 14, 2019 18:53
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ESP-8266 IR send
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Description: This code will send the IR encoded raw data to
* IR home appliencees. Here those are my Music
* System and AC.
* Date: 15-Jan-2019
* Author: Avijit Sengupta
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#ifndef UNIT_TEST
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <IRremoteESP8266.h>
#include <IRsend.h>
#define IR_LED 4 // ESP8266 GPIO pin to use. Recommended: 4 (D2).
#define MQTT_SERVER "" // MQTT Server
const char* ssid = "NETGEAR69"; //SSID
const char* password = "**************************"; //PASSWORD
IRsend irsend(IR_LED);
//IR raw data for Music System remote control
uint16_t rawDataMS_ON1[37] = {2752, 794, 512, 822, 488, 396, 514, 372, 488, 846, 956, 366, 516, 372, 458, 428, 512, 372, 484, 402, 982, 790, 512, 372, 926, 398, 456, 878, 482, 402, 512, 372, 898, 426, 514, 372, 484};
uint16_t rawDataMS_ON2[37] = {2718, 848, 512, 822, 512, 374, 486, 398, 486, 850, 926, 396, 512, 372, 486, 398, 486, 400, 484, 400, 930, 844, 484, 402, 954, 368, 486, 848, 482, 402, 512, 372, 960, 364, 542, 344, 510};
uint16_t rawDataMS_ON3[37] = {2720, 850, 540, 794, 484, 400, 516, 370, 516, 818, 958, 368, 486, 398, 488, 398, 518, 370, 512, 372, 956, 816, 514, 372, 956, 368, 514, 822, 476, 408, 514, 372, 956, 368, 510, 372, 486};
uint16_t rawDataMS_ON4[37] = {2720, 850, 512, 822, 514, 370, 484, 400, 484, 848, 928, 396, 486, 400, 512, 372, 516, 372, 484, 402, 898, 874, 512, 350, 950, 396, 480, 852, 486, 400, 486, 400, 956, 368, 482, 402, 486};
uint16_t rawDataMS_OFF1[35] = {2754, 790, 514, 820, 490, 394, 490, 396, 1396, 1260, 490, 396, 488, 396, 486, 400, 486, 400, 984, 786, 488, 398, 958, 366, 512, 822, 514, 370, 542, 344, 928, 396, 514, 370, 514};
uint16_t rawDataMS_OFF2[35] = {2698, 848, 486, 848, 482, 402, 486, 400, 1370, 1288, 516, 370, 490, 396, 486, 398, 488, 398, 954, 818, 486, 400, 928, 396, 486, 848, 486, 398, 486, 402, 926, 394, 516, 370, 488};
uint16_t rawDataMS_OFF3[35] = {2696, 850, 486, 848, 484, 402, 486, 400, 1372, 1286, 486, 400, 486, 400, 486, 400, 488, 398, 928, 844, 486, 400, 926, 398, 488, 846, 488, 396, 484, 402, 928, 396, 484, 400, 486};
uint16_t rawDataMS_OFF4[35] = {2722, 846, 488, 846, 490, 396, 544, 340, 1398, 1260, 492, 392, 516, 348, 538, 368, 516, 370, 958, 814, 488, 398, 960, 364, 516, 818, 516, 368, 518, 368, 952, 372, 488, 396, 514};
uint16_t rawDataAC_ON[199] = {4716, 4308, 732, 1484, 728, 380, 732, 1484, 752, 1464, 728, 378, 694, 416, 756, 1460, 720, 388, 758, 350, 706, 1514, 756, 348, 736, 372, 760, 1456, 760, 1456, 730, 376, 728, 1488, 696, 1520, 732, 376, 730, 1486, 692, 1524, 756, 1462, 782, 1432, 724, 1492, 728, 1490, 716, 392, 730, 1486, 760, 348, 734, 374, 762, 346, 760, 348, 754, 354, 754, 354, 728, 380, 760, 346, 696, 1520, 760, 348, 758, 350, 730, 378, 726, 384, 726, 382, 730, 1484, 754, 1464, 724, 384, 762, 1456, 758, 1456, 784, 1434, 756, 1460, 758, 1460, 762, 5150, 4718, 4308, 722, 1494, 732, 376, 764, 1452, 722, 1496, 790, 316, 732, 378, 730, 1486, 790, 316, 732, 376, 758, 1458, 790, 318, 722, 384, 730, 1488, 756, 1460, 724, 384, 726, 1492, 752, 1462, 760, 346, 728, 1488, 726, 1492, 736, 1482, 724, 1490, 756, 1460, 758, 1460, 752, 354, 762, 1454, 702, 406, 728, 378, 784, 322, 730, 380, 734, 374, 698, 412, 724, 382, 752, 356, 760, 1456, 728, 378, 758, 350, 726, 382, 780, 326, 694, 414, 722, 1492, 698, 1518, 696, 414, 820, 1396, 720, 1496, 728, 1488, 728, 1488, 788, 1430, 754};
uint16_t rawDataAC_OFF[199] = {4656, 4346, 692, 1526, 718, 390, 696, 1522, 690, 1526, 694, 414, 692, 416, 694, 1524, 692, 416, 694, 414, 746, 1470, 718, 390, 692, 416, 690, 1526, 718, 1496, 694, 416, 692, 1522, 656, 452, 722, 1494, 692, 1526, 722, 1496, 692, 1524, 692, 416, 716, 1500, 690, 1526, 724, 1494, 694, 416, 690, 416, 692, 416, 694, 414, 690, 1526, 692, 416, 694, 414, 722, 1494, 718, 1498, 694, 1522, 696, 412, 692, 416, 694, 414, 718, 390, 692, 416, 692, 416, 718, 390, 696, 412, 692, 1524, 724, 1492, 690, 1526, 692, 1524, 690, 1526, 694, 5218, 4654, 4372, 692, 1524, 692, 416, 694, 1522, 694, 1522, 694, 414, 694, 414, 722, 1494, 696, 412, 692, 418, 718, 1498, 692, 416, 720, 386, 694, 1522, 696, 1522, 694, 414, 720, 1496, 694, 414, 718, 1498, 694, 1524, 718, 1498, 720, 1496, 694, 414, 720, 1496, 664, 1552, 720, 1496, 694, 414, 692, 414, 692, 416, 692, 416, 692, 1524, 690, 418, 720, 388, 718, 1498, 694, 1522, 694, 1524, 722, 386, 692, 416, 720, 386, 692, 416, 692, 414, 694, 414, 720, 386, 696, 412, 720, 1496, 694, 1522, 692, 1526, 692, 1524, 722, 1494, 696};
//IR raw data for AC remote control
char* TopicAC = "AS-SmartIoT/AS-SmartIoT-IR001"; //AC topic
char* TopicMS = "AS-SmartIoT/AS-SmartIoT-IR002"; //Music System topic
WiFiClient wifiClient;
PubSubClient client(wifiClient);
void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {
String topicStr = topic;
Serial.println("Callback update.");
Serial.print("Topic: ");
if (topicStr == TopicMS){
if((char)payload[0] == '1'){
Serial.println("Sending power on signal to Music System");
irsend.sendRaw(rawDataMS_ON1, 37, 38); // Send a raw data capture at 38kHz.
irsend.sendRaw(rawDataMS_ON2, 37, 38); // Send a raw data capture at 38kHz.
irsend.sendRaw(rawDataMS_ON3, 37, 38); // Send a raw data capture at 38kHz.
irsend.sendRaw(rawDataMS_ON4, 37, 38); // Send a raw data capture at 38kHz.
else if ((char)payload[0] == '0'){
Serial.println("Sending power off signal to Music System");
irsend.sendRaw(rawDataMS_OFF1, 35, 38); // Send a raw data capture at 38kHz.
irsend.sendRaw(rawDataMS_OFF2, 35, 38); // Send a raw data capture at 38kHz.
irsend.sendRaw(rawDataMS_OFF3, 35, 38); // Send a raw data capture at 38kHz.
irsend.sendRaw(rawDataMS_OFF4, 35, 38); // Send a raw data capture at 38kHz.
}else if (topicStr == TopicAC){
if((char)payload[0] == '1'){
Serial.println("Sending power on signal to AC");
irsend.sendRaw(rawDataAC_ON, 199, 38); // Send a raw data capture at 38kHz.
}else if ((char)payload[0] == '0'){
Serial.println("Sending power off signal to AC");
irsend.sendRaw(rawDataAC_OFF, 199, 38); // Send a raw data capture at 38kHz.
void reconnect() {
if(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED){
Serial.print("Connecting to ");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi connected");
Serial.println("IP address: ");
if(WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED){
while (!client.connected()) {
Serial.print("Attempting MQTT connection...");
String clientName;
clientName += "esp8266-";
uint8_t mac[6];
clientName += macToStr(mac);
if (client.connect((char*) clientName.c_str())) {
Serial.print("\tMTQQ Connected");
else{Serial.println("\tFailed."); abort();}
String macToStr(const uint8_t* mac){
String result;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
result += String(mac[i], 16);
if (i < 5){
result += ':';
return result;
void setup() {
client.setServer(MQTT_SERVER, 1883);
Serial.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, SERIAL_TX_ONLY);
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
void loop(){
if (!client.connected() && WiFi.status() == 3) {reconnect();}
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