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A quick script to check for vulnerable drivers. Compares drivers on system with list from
# Simple script to check drivers in C:\windows\system32\drivers against the loldrivers list
# Author: Oddvar Moe -
$drivers = get-childitem -Path c:\windows\system32\drivers
$web_client = new-object
$loldrivers = $web_client.DownloadString("") | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-output("Checking {0} drivers in C:\windows\system32\drivers against json file" -f $drivers.Count)
foreach ($lol in $loldrivers.KnownVulnerableSamples)
# Check for matching driver name
if($drivers.Name -contains $lol.Filename)
$Hash = Get-FileHash -Path "c:\windows\system32\drivers\$($lol.Filename)"
if($lol.Sha256 -eq $Hash.Hash)
write-output("The drivername {0} is vulnerable with a matching SHA256 hash of {1}" -f $lol.Filename, $lol.SHA256)
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