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Forked from manudatta/bubblesort.mips.s
Created April 8, 2022 19:11
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Bubble sort in MIPS assembly.
# Copyright 2002 Manu Datta ( ID Manu dot Datta)
# All rights reserved
msg1: .asciiz "\nEnter integer values followed by return (-1 terminates input): \n"
msg2: .asciiz ","
msg3: .asciiz "Bubble Sort"
msg4: .asciiz "#########pass#########"
msg5: .asciiz "\n"
msg6: .asciiz "\nNumber list has been sorted\n"
.globl main
move $s0,$gp #get the intial point to save array
addi $t0,1 # $t0 = 1
add $t1,$zero,$zero #
add $t2,$zero,$zero #
add $t3,$zero,$zero #
add $t6,$zero,$zero
add $t4,$zero,$zero
sub $t7,$zero,1 # terminate
li $v0,4 # system call to put the string
la $a0,msg1 #
syscall #
add $s1,$s0,$zero # copy the pointer to array in $s1
li $v0,5 # get the value in v0
syscall #
beq $v0,$t7,bubblesort # end of string run to bubblesort
sb $v0,0($s1) # put the value at the position pointed by $s1
addi $s1,1 # move the $s1 pointer by one
add $t5,$s1,$zero # $t5 stores the end value
j entervalues
add $t4,$s0,$zero
addi $t6,1
#s1-1 -> s0
sub $s1,$s1,$t0
beq $s1,$s0,ending # we have sorted everything
#s0 -> s1
add $s2,$s0,$zero
lb $t1,0($s2) # first element
lb $t2,1($s2) # second element
slt $t3,$t2,$t1 #
beq $t3,$zero,proximo #
sb $t2,0($s2) #
sb $t1,1($s2) #
addi $s2,1 #
bne $s2,$s1,loopinterno #
li $v0,4 # system call to put the string
la $a0,msg5 #
syscall #
li $v0,4 # system call to put the string
la $a0,msg4 #
syscall #
li $v0,4 # system call to put the string
la $a0,msg5 #
syscall #
li $v0,1
lb $a0,0($t4)
li $v0,4
la $a0,msg2
addi $t4,1
bne $t4,$t5,imprime
jal bubblesort
li $v0,4 # system call to put the string
la $a0,msg6 #
syscall #
li $v0,5
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