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Last active October 10, 2017 20:28
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My life in a nutshell

2000- Born.

2002- "Used" a computer.

2007- Accepted to Middle East Technical University's Primary Grade School.

2010- Started developing with Adobe Flash.

2011/2012- Bought a website called which was a Forum which turned into a flash game platform.

2013- Left METU's secondary school due to the high amount of bullying. Started to Active College.

Q3 2013- I enter Cambridge Preliminary English Test. I get a B1 rate and pass with merit.

2013 Summer- Started developing Visual Basic.

2013 Summer- Started developing for Windows Phone 8 using C++ and Visual Basic.

2013 Summer- Dropped both C++ and Visual Basic, switched to C#.

2013 Summer- Released 2 apps (Both were removed by me on 2015 due to compatibility issues with Windows 10).

2013 Summer- Translated 2 apps on Windows Phone Store to Turkish.

25 January 2014- Made a speech on eTohum Entrepreneur Summit. Can be watched here (Turkish).

2014- Released a game called Bustin Jieber (the port of the game by Thomas Suarez, another young developer. The app has since been removed from store for "violent" content).

March 2014- Appears in Vogue Turkey's Ageless Heroes Photoshoot. A picture can be found here.

22 May 2014- Small talk in TedxTepebagEd. Can be watched here (in Turkish).

2014- Released ~10 apps. (Most of them were removed by me due to compatibility issues in 2015)

Summer 2014- I was asked to make a small speech about my life and how I got started to developing by Microsoft Turkey. This video was displayed on Microsoft Global Exchange 2014 in USA. Unfortunately due to the fact that the event is employees-only, I don't have access to the video.

Summer 2014- Invited and attended to Microsoft Open Academy Summer School 2014, a 30 day event about newest Microsoft Technologies and steps to making a successful startup.

Q4 2014- Invited and attended to Microsoft Turkey's 2014 Summit. A small interview with then-CEO of Microsoft Turkey.

Q3 2014- I get 4 year scholarship for my High School Education in Baskent University's Ayseabla College.

Q3 2014- I get 1000 TRY scholarship from an organization that helps skilled children. This money was spent to development software (mainly Unity Store Assets).

Q4 2014- I was invited and attended to the Microsoft's 2014 Hour of Code as Lecturer.

Q4 2014- I was invited and attended to another Microsoft's 2014 Hour of Code as Lecturer.

Q1 2015- I enter Intersteno Turkey Internet Championship (Fast Keyboard Typing Championship). I get the score 1935 in Turkish and 1563 in English. I get the 5th place in multilingual fast-typing.

Q2 2015- Me and a graphics designer create a Chat Application called Text 7/24 for a hackathon, we get the second place. (This app was removed from store in mid 2015 by us due to the low amount of users)

Summer 2015- Invited and attended to Microsoft Open Academy Summer School 2015.

Q3 2015- I set up a development club in my school (similar to, which I later got invited to but had to turn them down). I teached the members of the Club how to code in C# until Q3 2016.

Q3 2015- I join our school's Science Fair with a project that calculates the prime numbers. I get the first place. The project is on github with the name asalcalculator.

Q4 2015- Accepted as a Microsoft Student Partner. One of 50 in Turkey (only 3 being High School Students).

Q4 2015- I was invited and attended to the Microsoft's 2015 Hour of Code as Lecturer, this time as a Microsoft Student Partner.

2015-2016- I release 40+ projects on github, getting more than 10 stars in total. Can be found here.

2015-2016- I attend most "Mobile Monday Ankara" events (the event takes place in first monday of every month). My recommendations to the projects there were usually considered as an important thing to do.

2015-2016- I start being more active in StackExchange and StackOverflow. I got more than 7000 reputation in total in this period.

2015-2016- I buy many domains and set up many websites.

Q1 2016- I get invited to Bartin University to make a speech about how everyone can code.

Q1 2016- Me and another MSP organizes a Hackathon called "Azurefest".

Q1 2016- 3 of Ankara MSPs inc. me organize an event in TOBB University. We help people there register to Microsoft Azure and give them promotion items.

Q1 2016- We (MSPs) are asked to join an event called Microsoft Big Data and IoT Developer Event 2016. We help the the people who attend and meet Satya Nadella. Picture and turkish news can be found on official Microsoft Turkey blog here.

Q1 2016- Ankara MSPs are asked to help people in DigiGirlz Ankara event start learning to code. Me and another MSP attends and we do 3 small apps in 45 minutes.

Q1 2016- I enter Intersteno Turkey Internet Championship (Fast Keyboard Typing Championship). I get the score 1725 in Turkish and 1701 in English. I get the 10th place in multilingual fast-typing.

Q2 2016- The MSPs in Ankara are asked to represent Microsoft Turkey in METU. 2 of us attends and we represent Microsoft Turkey in a stand.

Q2 2016- I join our school's science fair with a quiz game for Literature. The project can be found on github.

Summer 2016- Unfortunately as I didn't get age ratings for my apps, Microsoft decided to unpublish my apps.

Summer 2016- I have translated the game Tallowmere into Turkish officially, however the translation never got released.

Summer 2016- I attended 2 game jams and released 2 games on GameJolt. While they were by no means best games ever made, I have gained a lot of experience.

January 2017- I got accepted again as MSP, again one of 50 students, again one of the 3 high school students, however, only 4 people continued from last year, and I was one of them.

March 2017 - ?- I am currently working a game and an app as part of Avertly, along with a friend.

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aveao commented Oct 10, 2017

there's this: also like i just 100%'d discord's translations

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aveao commented Oct 10, 2017

I translated a game called Tallowmere, 3 apps on windows phone store, released a fan translation to life is strange, I translated, also translated over 2500 strings on steam translation server, did a part of Discord's translation, also worked with's translations and tunnelblick's translations

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