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Created January 27, 2018 15:53
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  • Save aveao/45ae656d77dd1198c5edcac3c5f6f68b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aveao/45ae656d77dd1198c5edcac3c5f6f68b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

AveBot Commands:

How to read the variables

  • A <> after a command will state a required variable
  • A [] after a command will state an optional variable

Basic Bot Commands:

ab!help: Shows help and links to this. [ported]
ab!servercount: Returns the amount of servers AveBot is in. [ported, improved]
ab!whoami: Returns your information. [removed]
ab!info: Returns bot's information. [ported]
ab!uinfo: Returns information about the user. [ported, improved]
ab!sinfo [mention people to get their info]: Returns information about the server.
ab!feedback <message>: Sends feedback to developers.
ab!ping: Calculates the ping between the bot and the discord server. [ported]

Server Commands:

ab!invite: Gives a link that can be used to add AveBot [ported].
ab!ginvite <discord ID>: Generates a bot invite link. [new in v3]
ab!howmanymessages: Counts how many messages you sent in this channel in last 10000 [ported].

Stocks Commands

ab!s <ticker>: Returns stock info about the given ticker. [ported]
ab!c <ticker>: Returns stock chart of the given ticker. [ported]
ab!btc: Returns a 30 day BTC/USD chart, last close, and the change since last close. [ported]

Fun Commands

ab!copypasta <ticker>: Generates a buy copypasta for StockStream using the given ticker.
ab!copypastasell <ticker>: Generates a sell copypasta for StockStream using the given ticker.
ab!bigly <text>: Makes a piece of text as big as the hands of the god emperor. [ported, improved]
ab!roll <NdN>: Rolls a dice in NdN format.
abddg!<bang> <query>: Resolves a duckduckgo bang.
ab!xkcd: Returns info about the specified xkcd comic.
ab!xkcdlatest: Returns info about the latest xkcd comic.

NSFW Commands

ab!tumblrgrab <tumblr link>: Gets images from a tumblr post. [ported, improved]

Image Commands

ab!sbahjify <image link or uploaded image>: Makes images hella and sweet. [ported]
ab!jpegify <image link or uploaded image>: Makes images jaypeg. [ported]
ab!ultrajpegify <image link or uploaded image>: Makes images ULTRA jaypeg. [ported]
ab!joelify <image link or uploaded image>: Stretches and shrinks images randomly, similar to what Joel does in many Windows Destruction streams. [ported]
ab!ultrajoelify <image link or uploaded image>: like joelify but more joel. [ported]
ab!mazeify <image link or uploaded image>: mazeifies an image. [ported]
ab!ultramazeify <image link or uploaded image>: makes images even more maze. [ported]
ab!gifify <text>: turns images into gifs of 128x128 size, to turn into emojis. [ported]
ab!howold Returns gender and age data based on Microsoft Cognitive Services' Face API. Pretty unreliable.

Linguistic Commands

ab!similar <word or a word group>: Finds a similar word [ported]
ab!typo <word or a word group>: Fixes a typo [ported]
ab!soundslike <word or a word group>: Finds a word that sounds like that [ported]
ab!rhyme <word or a word group>: Finds a word that rhymes with it [ported]

Technical Commands

ab!unfurl <url>: Finds where a URL redirects to.
ab!resolve <domain>: Resolves a domain to a URL.
ab!epoch: Returns the Unix Time / Epoch.

Beta Commandds (requires priv/mod/admin)

ab!render <url>: Returns the page render of that URL.

Privileged-only Commands

ab!get: Gets a file from the internet (Privileged/Mod/Admin only).
ab!dget: Directly gets (doesn't care about name) a file from the internet (Privileged/Mod/Admin only).
ab!material: Gets a file from's icons gallery (Privileged/Mod/Admin only)

Mod-only Commands

ab!say <text>: Says something (Mod/Owner only). [ported]
ab!addpriv <tag as many people as you like>: Adds a privileged user (Mod/Owner only)
ab!rmpriv <tag as many people as you like>: Removes a privileged user (Mod/Owner only)
ab!ban <tag as many people as you like>: Bans a user (Mod/Owner only)
ab!unban <tag as many people as you like>: Unbans a user (Mod/Owner only)

Owner-only Commands

ab!addmod <tag as many people as you like>: Adds a mod (Owner only)
ab!rmmod <tag as many people as you like>: Removes a mod (Owner only)
ab!log <count>: Returns a log of the last messages in this channel. This will only be used by the dev on servers owned by them, so it's not a ToS violation. (Owner only)
ab!fetchlog: replies with the log file (Owner only)
ab!exit: Quits the bot (Owner only). [ported]
ab!pull: Does a git pull (Owner only). [ported]
ab!eval: Evalulates smth. [ported]
ab!sh: Runs a shell command, command can be wrapped in ` or ``` (Owner only). [ported]

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