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require 'rubygems'
require 'gruff'
# Let's hack almost everything
g ='800x700') # Define a custom size
g.sort = false # Do NOT sort data based on values
g.maximum_value = 40 # Declare a max value for the Y axis
g.minimum_value = 0 # Declare a min value for the Y axis
g.y_axis_increment = 1 # Points shown on the Y axis
g.legend_font_size = 14 # Legend font size
g.title_font_size = 22 # Title font size
g.font = '/Library/Fonts/NuevaStd-BoldCond.otf' # Path to a custom font
g.top_margin = 10 # Empty space on the upper part of the chart
g.bottom_margin = 30 # Empty space on the lower part of the chart
g.theme = { # Declare a custom theme
:colors => %w(orange purple green white red #cccccc), # colors can be described on hex values (#0f0f0f)
:marker_color => 'black', # The horizontal lines color
:background_colors => %w(white grey) # you can use instead: :background_image => ‘some_image.png’
g.title = 'A more advanced bar chart'
g.x_axis_label = "X axis label"
g.y_axis_label = "Y axis label"'Foo', [5, 10, 24])'Bar', [15, 3, 10])'Else', [38, 15, 32])
g.labels = {0 => 'Last year', 1 => 'This year', 2 => 'Next year'} # Define labels for each of the "columns" in data
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