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Last active October 25, 2017 17:02
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FINAL Course Project Gist:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Multiple Mini-Project on one canvas.</title>
<meta name="description" content="[add your bin description]">
<script data-require="p5.js@*" data-semver="0.5.7" src=""></script>
<h4>Multiple Mini-Project on one canvas.</h4>
<script src="script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
// mhs master repository project
var nava_x = 15;
var nava_y = 15;
var nava_xspeed = 1;
var nava_yspeed = 1.5;
//Jose Orozco Variables
var JOx = 17;
var JOy = 300;
var JOspeed = 4;
var JOradius = 15;
var JOangle = 0;
//speed should remain constant for all projects
var xspeed = 1, xspeed2 = 1.2;
var yspeed = 2, yspeed2 = 2.3;
function setup() {
createCanvas(800, 400);
function draw() {
// Rectangles overlapping canvas
//1. Mr.Nava's rectangle
// fill(125, 170, 220);
// rect(0,0,200,200);
//2. Juan Guzman rect
rect(200,0,200, 200);
//3. John Gonzalez rect
fill(130, 180, 60);
//4. Jose Orozco rect
//5. Angel Gomez rect
//6. Michael Esparaza rect
//7. Daniel Alberto Ayala Lopez
//8. New Student
//START Mr. Nava's Project
//Nava Variables
// fill(125, 170, 220);
// rect(0,0,200,200);
if (nava_x > 100) {
fill(90, 150, 10);
ellipse(nava_x, nava_y, 25, 25); // Mr.Nava ellipse
if (nava_x < 100) {
fill(125, 170, 220);
fill(225, 70, 20);
ellipse(nava_x, nava_y, 25, 25); // Mr.Nava ellipse
nava_x = nava_x + nava_xspeed;
nava_y = nava_y + nava_yspeed;
if (nava_x > (width / 4) - 12.5 || nava_x < 12.5) {
nava_xspeed = -nava_xspeed;
fill(125, 170, 220);
if (nava_y > (height / 2)-12.5 || nava_y < 12.5) {
nava_yspeed = -nava_yspeed;
fill(225, 70, 120);
//End of Mr. Nava
//START Jose Orozco Project
ellipse(JOx, JOy, JOradius * 2, JOradius * 2);
point(JOx + JOradius * sin(JOangle), JOy - JOradius * cos(JOangle));
JOangle = JOangle + JOspeed * 0.08;
JOx = JOx + JOspeed;
if (JOx > 184) {
JOspeed = -4;
} else if (JOx < 17) {
JOspeed = 4;
//END Jose Orozco Project
//START Juan Guzman
//END Juan Guzman
//START John Gonzalez
//END John Gonzalez
//START Angel Gomez
//END Angel Gomez
//START Michael Esparza
// END Michael Esparza
//START Daniel Ayala
// END Daniel Ayala
//START Monica Jaimes
// END Monica Jaimes
// text() function
n = "Mr. Nava";
jdg = "Juan Guzman";
jg = "John Gonzalez";
jo = "Jose Orozco";
ag = "Angel Gomez";
me = "Michael Esparza";
da = "Daniel Ayala";
mj = "Monica Jaimes";
text(n, 10, 10, 70, 80); // Text wraps within text box
text(jdg, 210, 10, 70, 80);
text(jg, 410, 10, 100, 80);
text(jo, 10, 210, 100, 80);
text(ag, 210, 210, 70, 80);
text(me, 410, 210, 70, 80);
text(da, 610, 10, 70, 80);
text(mj, 610, 210, 70, 80);
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Notice on lines 34-38 the use of the text(); function to insert text into canvas. Refer to the online documentation on p5.js for more information on its use.

What will you need code in order to insert your object into your 200 x 200 rectable in the mhs canvas?

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Inserted mhs canvas project member names to 200 x 200 areas.

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Added all remaining student names their canvas 200 x 200 rectangles.

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