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Created April 1, 2022 09:13
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Parses RGB string and returns tuple [R: number, G: number, B: number]
const RGB_VALUES_REGEX = new RegExp(/(rgba?)\((.+)\)/)
function parseRGBStrict(color: string): [number, number, number] | [number, number, number, number] {
const matches = color.match(RGB_VALUES_REGEX)
if (!matches) {
throw new Error("No RGB color string");
const scheme = matches[1]
if (scheme !== 'rgb' && scheme !== 'rgba') {
throw new Error("Not RGB or RGBA color definition");
const [r, g, b, a,] = matches[2].split(',')
.map(v => v.trim())
.map((rgb, index) => index < 3 && rgb.indexOf('.') < 0 ? parseInt(rgb) : parseFloat(rgb))
if (typeof a === 'number' && scheme !== 'rgba') {
throw new Error("RGB string expects 3 values");
if (typeof a !== 'number' && scheme === 'rgba') {
throw new Error("RGBA string expects 4 values");
if (rest.length !== 0) {
throw new Error("Unexpected number of RGB/RGBA channels");
return typeof a === 'number' ? [r, g, b, a] : [r, g, b]
function parseRGB(color: string): [number, number, number] | [number, number, number, number] | null {
try { parseRGBStrict(color) } catch (error) {}
return null
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