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Password generators written in ZSH
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# Usage: genpass-apple [NUM]
# Generate a password made of 6 pseudowords of 6 characters each
# with the security margin of at least 128 bits.
# Example password: xudmec-4ambyj-tavric-mumpub-mydVop-bypjyp
# If given a numerical argument, generate that many passwords.
# Released to the public domain. No license.
emulate -L zsh -o no_unset -o warn_create_global -o warn_nested_var
if [[ ARGC -gt 1 || ${1-1} != ${~:-<1-$((16#7FFFFFFF))>} ]]; then
print -ru2 -- "usage: $0 [NUM]"
return 1
zmodload zsh/system zsh/mathfunc || return
local -r vowels=aeiouy
local -r consonants=bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz
local -r digits=0123456789
# Sets REPLY to a uniformly distributed random number in [1, $1].
# Requires: $1 <= 256.
function -$0-rand() {
local c
while true; do
sysread -s1 c || return
# Avoid bias towards smaller numbers.
(( #c < 256 / $1 * $1 )) && break
typeset -g REPLY=$((#c % $1 + 1))
local REPLY chars
repeat ${1-1}; do
# Generate 6 pseudowords of the form cvccvc where c and v
# denote random consonants and vowels respectively.
local words=()
repeat 6; do
repeat 2; do
for chars in $consonants $vowels $consonants; do
-$0-rand $#chars || return
local pwd=${(j:-:)words}
# Replace either the first or the last character in one of
# the words with a random digit.
-$0-rand $#digits || return
local digit=$digits[REPLY]
-$0-rand $((2 * $#words)) || return
# Convert one lower-case character to upper case.
while true; do
-$0-rand $#pwd || return
[[ $vowels$consonants == *$pwd[REPLY]* ]] && break
# NOTE: We aren't using ${(U)c} here because its results are
# locale-dependent. For example, when upper-casing 'i' in Turkish
# locale we would get 'İ', a.k.a. latin capital letter i with dot
# above. We could set LC_CTYPE=C locally but then we would run afoul
# of this zsh bug:
local c=$pwd[REPLY]
printf -v c '%o' $((#c - 32))
printf "%s\\$c%s\\n" "$pwd[1,REPLY-1]" "$pwd[REPLY+1,-1]" || return
} always {
unfunction -m -- "-${(b)0}-*"
} </dev/urandom
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# Usage: genpass-csv [NUM]
# Generate a password made of a comma-separated password of two 11-base64 characters
# with the security margin of at least 128 bits.
# Example password: R6bnlXCl7Bd,96+JZ6lxU6a
# > "Add commas to your passwords to mess with the CSV file they will be dumped into after being
# > breached. Until next time!" ~ Skeletor
# Released to the public domain. No license.
emulate -L zsh -o no_unset -o warn_create_global -o warn_nested_var
# Test if argument is numeric, or return unsuccessfully
if [[ ARGC -gt 1 || ${1-1} != ${~:-<1-$((16#7FFFFFFF))>} ]]; then
print -ru2 -- "usage: $0 [NUM]"
return 1
zmodload zsh/system zsh/mathfunc || return
local c
local chars="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
local length=$(( ceil(128/log2($#chars)) ))
repeat ${1-1}; do
local pw=""
repeat $length; do
sysread -s1 c || return
pw+=$chars[#c%$#chars+1] # Uniform as $#chars divides 128 evenly.
print -r -- \""$pw[1,$#pw/2]\",\"$pw[$#pw/2+1,$#pw]\""
} < /dev/urandom
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# Usage: genpass-monkey [NUM]
# Generate a password made of 26 alphanumeric characters
# with the security margin of at least 128 bits.
# Example password: nz5ej2kypkvcw0rn5cvhs6qxtm
# If given a numerical argument, generate that many passwords.
# Released to the public domain. No license.
emulate -L zsh -o no_unset -o warn_create_global -o warn_nested_var
if [[ ARGC -gt 1 || ${1-1} != ${~:-<1-$((16#7FFFFFFF))>} ]]; then
print -ru2 -- "usage: $0 [NUM]"
return 1
zmodload zsh/system || return
local -r chars=abcdefghjkmnpqrstvwxyz0123456789
local c
repeat ${1-1}; do
repeat 26; do
sysread -s1 c || return
# This is uniform because $#chars evenly divides 128.
print -rn -- $chars[#c%$#chars+1]
} </dev/urandom
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# Usage: genpass-whitespace [NUM]
# Generate a purely whitespace password with 128 bits of symmetric security.
# Characters are strictly non-control, non-graphical, horizontal spaces/blanks.
# Both nonzero- and zero-width characters are used. Two characters are
# technically vertical characters, but aren't interpreted as such in the shell.
# They are "\u2028" and "\u2029". You might need a font with good Unicode
# support to prevent some of these characters creating tofu.
# The password is wrapped in braille pattern blanks for correctly handling
# zero-width characters at the edges, to prevent whitespace stripping by the
# auth form, and to guarantee a copy-able width should only zero-width
# characters be generated.
# Example password: "⠀
ᅠ   ⁠  
­  ⠀"
# Released to the public domain. No license.
emulate -L zsh -o no_unset -o warn_create_global -o warn_nested_var
# Test if argument is numeric, or return unsuccessfully
if [[ ARGC -gt 1 || ${1-1} != ${~:-<1-$((16#7FFFFFFF))>} ]]; then
print -ru2 -- "usage: $0 [NUM]"
return 1
zmodload zsh/system zsh/mathfunc || return
tabs -1 # set tab width to 1 space
local c
local chars=(
$'\u0009' # Character tabulation
$'\u0020' # Space
$'\u00A0' # No-break space
$'\u00AD' # Soft hyphen
$'\u034F' # Combining grapheme joiner
$'\u115F' # Hangul Choseong filler
$'\u1160' # Hangul Jungseong filler
$'\u180E' # Mongolian vowel separator
$'\u2000' # En quad
$'\u2001' # Em quad
$'\u2002' # En space
$'\u2003' # Em space
$'\u2004' # Three-per-em space
$'\u2005' # Four-per-em space
$'\u2006' # Six-per-em space
$'\u2007' # Figure space
$'\u2008' # Punctuation space
$'\u2009' # Thin space
$'\u200A' # Hair space
$'\u200B' # Zero width space
$'\u200C' # Zero width non-joiner
$'\u200D' # Zero width joiner
$'\u2028' # Line separator
$'\u2029' # Paragraph separator
$'\u202F' # Narrow no-break space
$'\u205F' # Medium mathematical space
$'\u2060' # Word joiner
$'\u2800' # Braille pattern blank
$'\u3000' # Ideographic space
$'\u3164' # Hangul filler
$'\uFEFF' # Zero width non-breaking space
$'\uFFA0' # Halfwdith hangul filler
local length=$(( ceil(128/log2($#chars)) ))
repeat ${1-1}; do
print -rn -- $'"\u2800'
repeat $length; do
sysread -s1 c || return
print -rn -- $chars[#c%$#chars+1] # Uniform as $#chars divides 128 evenly.
print -r $'\u2800"'
} < /dev/urandom
tabs -8 # restore tab width
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# Usage: genpass-xkcd [NUM]
# Generate a password made of words from /usr/share/dict/words
# with the security margin of at least 128 bits.
# Example password: 9-mien-flood-Patti-buxom-dozes-ickier-pay-ailed-Foster
# If given a numerical argument, generate that many passwords.
# The name of this utility is a reference to
# Released to the public domain. No license.
emulate -L zsh -o no_unset -o warn_create_global -o warn_nested_var -o extended_glob
if [[ ARGC -gt 1 || ${1-1} != ${~:-<1-$((16#7FFFFFFF))>} ]]; then
print -ru2 -- "usage: $0 [NUM]"
return 1
zmodload zsh/system zsh/mathfunc || return
local -r dict=/usr/share/dict/words
if [[ ! -e $dict ]]; then
print -ru2 -- "$0: file not found: $dict"
return 1
# Read all dictionary words and leave only those made of 1-6 characters.
local -a words
words=(${(M)${(f)"$(<$dict)"}:#[a-zA-Z](#c1,6)}) || return
if (( $#words < 2 )); then
print -ru2 -- "$0: not enough suitable words in $dict"
return 1
if (( $#words > 16#7FFFFFFF )); then
print -ru2 -- "$0: too many words in $dict"
return 1
# Figure out how many words we need for 128 bits of security margin.
# Each word adds log2($#words) bits.
local -i n=$((ceil(128. / (log($#words) / log(2)))))
local c
repeat ${1-1}; do
print -rn -- $n
repeat $n; do
while true; do
# Generate a random number in [0, 2**31).
local -i rnd=0
repeat 4; do
sysread -s1 c || return
(( rnd = (~(1 << 23) & rnd) << 8 | #c ))
# Avoid bias towards words in the beginning of the list.
(( rnd < 16#7FFFFFFF / $#words * $#words )) || continue
print -rn -- -$words[rnd%$#words+1]
} </dev/urandom
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