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Last active September 6, 2024 02:19
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Configure Proxy Settings in Ubuntu and Fedora.

Proxy Config Format:


Single User Temporary Settings

When you do not need to force the system to be under the proxy.

  1. Open a Terminal window where you need proxy access.

  2. Set and export the HTTP_PROXY variable.

    export HTTP_PROXY=user:pass@my.proxy.server:8080

  3. Set and export the HTTPS_PROXY variable.

    export HTTPS_PROXY=user:pass@my.proxy.server:8081

  4. Set and export the NO_PROXY variable to prevent local traffic from being sent to the proxy.

    export NO_PROXY=localhost,,*.my.lan.domain

Single User Persistent Proxy Settings

  1. Open your bash profile file into a text editor. If you use other terminals like zsh, open their specific file, in case zsh would be ~/.zshrc.

    vi ~/.bash_profile

  2. Add the following lines, modifying them to match your environment.

    exprot no_proxy=localhost,, *.my.lan
  3. Save your settings.

  4. The proxy settings will be applied the next time you start a session, by logging into the server or opening a new Terminal window from a Desktop.

  5. To force apply your new proxy settings in the current Terminal session, execute the source command against your bash profile.

    source ~/.bash_profile

All Users

  1. Using an administrator account, open /etc/environment into a text editor.

    sudo vi /etc/environment

  2. Add the following lines, modifying them to fit your environment. Username and password may be omitted, if not required.


    For example, if you do not need to enter a username or password, and your proxy server is at port 8080, and you do not want local traffic going through the proxy, you would enter the following:

  3. Save your changes and exit the text editor.


Aptitude will not use the HTTP Proxy environment variables. Instead, it has its own configuration file where you can set your proxy.

Creating an Apt Proxy Conf File

  1. Create a new configuration file named proxy.conf.

    sudo touch /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf

  2. Open the proxy.conf file in a text editor.

    sudo vi /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf

  3. Add the following line to set your HTTP proxy.

    Acquire::http::Proxy "http://user:password@proxy.server:port/";

  4. Add the following line to set your HTTPS proxy.

    Acquire::https::Proxy "http://user:password@proxy.server:port/";

  5. Save your changes and exit the text editor.

    Your proxy settings will be applied the next time you run Apt.

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