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Átila Camurça Alves atilacamurca

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shakna-israel /
Created January 30, 2020 03:50
Let's Destroy C

Let's Destroy C

I have a pet project I work on, every now and then. CNoEvil.

The concept is simple enough.

What if, for a moment, we forgot all the rules we know. That we ignore every good idea, and accept all the terrible ones. That nothing is off limits. Can we turn C into a new language? Can we do what Lisp and Forth let the over-eager programmer do, but in C?

jeromecoupe / webstoemp-gulpfile.js
Last active August 22, 2024 18:59
Gulp 4 sample gulpfile.js. For a full explanation, have a look at
"use strict";
// Load plugins
const autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer");
const browsersync = require("browser-sync").create();
const cp = require("child_process");
const cssnano = require("cssnano");
const del = require("del");
const eslint = require("gulp-eslint");
const gulp = require("gulp");
stalniy / abilities.js
Created January 5, 2018 20:58
CASL Vue routes
import { AbilityBuilder, Ability } from 'casl'
// Alternatively this data can be retrieved from server
export default function defineAbilitiesFor(user) {
const { rules, can } = AbilityBuilder.extract()
can('read', 'User')
can('update', 'User', { id: })
if (user.role === 'doctor') {
vlucas / encryption.js
Last active September 19, 2024 02:34
Stronger Encryption and Decryption in Node.js
'use strict';
const crypto = require('crypto');
const ENCRYPTION_KEY = process.env.ENCRYPTION_KEY; // Must be 256 bits (32 characters)
const IV_LENGTH = 16; // For AES, this is always 16
function encrypt(text) {
let iv = crypto.randomBytes(IV_LENGTH);
let cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-cbc', Buffer.from(ENCRYPTION_KEY), iv);
henriquemenezes / postgresql-set-id-seq.sql
Created March 31, 2016 12:23
PostgreSQL set Next ID Sequence Value to MAX(id) from Table
-- Get Max ID from table
SELECT MAX(id) FROM table;
-- Get Next ID from table
SELECT nextval('table_id_seq');
-- Set Next ID Value to MAX ID
SELECT setval('table_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM table));
pjdietz / rfc3339.js
Last active May 27, 2024 12:25
Format a local date as an RFC 3339 date with timezone
function rfc3339(d) {
function pad(n) {
return n < 10 ? "0" + n : n;
function timezoneOffset(offset) {
var sign;
if (offset === 0) {
return "Z";
rock3r /
Last active January 14, 2022 09:00
Giffify - easily create optimised GIFs from a video
# License for any modification to the original (linked below):
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
# Sebastiano Poggi and Daniele Conti wrote this file. As long as you retain
# this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day,
# and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy us a beer in return.
import argparse, sys, subprocess, tempfile
subaddiction /
Last active April 29, 2020 11:40
debian 8 live build
# WARNING: to use "--binary-images hdd", see this bug:
# WARNING: to get persistence encryption working, apply this fix:
# Italian locale & keyboard, default boot with luks encrypted persistence
lb config --distribution jessie --debian-installer live --binary-images iso-hybrid --archive-areas "main contrib non-free" --bootappend-live "boot=live persistence persistence-encryption=luks locales=it_IT.UTF-8 keyboard-layouts=it username=utente hostname=D8"
# English locale & italian keyboard, default boot with luks encrypted persistence
#lb config --distribution jessie --debian-installer live --binary-images iso-hybrid --archive-areas "main contrib non-free" --bootappend-live "boot=live persistence persistence-encryption=luks keyboard-layouts=it username=user hostname=D8"
nolanlawson / protips.js
Last active August 22, 2024 14:19
Promise protips - stuff I wish I had known when I started with Promises
// Promise.all is good for executing many promises at once
// Promise.resolve is good for wrapping synchronous code
Promise.resolve().then(function () {
if (somethingIsNotRight()) {
throw new Error("I will be rejected asynchronously!");
cowboy / quine-examples.js
Last active September 6, 2024 15:08
A few JavaScript quines
// Today, I noticed that someone favorited this tweet of mine from 2012:
// !function $(){console.log('!'+$+'()')}() #quine
// So I fooled around for a little bit:
// Shortest JavaScript quine?
(function _(){return'('+_+')()'})()
// Have fun with this one!