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Last active February 22, 2021 16:25
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trump insults
target insult
thomas-frieden fool
thomas-frieden DOPE
politicians all talk and no action
ben-cardin It's politicians like Cardin that have destroyed Baltimore.
neil-young total hypocrite
rockin-in-the-free-world didn't love it
willie-geist uncomfortable looking
jeb-bush will NEVER Make America Great Again
molly-sims a disaster
nicole-wallace a disaster
the-view dead T.V.
the-view put it to sleep
nicole-wallace doesn't have a clue
the-view close to death
lawrence-o-donnell dopey political pundit
lawrence-o-donnell one of the dumber people on television
rick-scott did really poorly on television
john-roberts let us down
univision controlled by Mexican government?
john-roberts my judicial appointments will do the right thing unlike... Roberts
new-york-daily-news dying tabloid
mort-zuckerman dopey clown
new-york-daily-news it is dead
saudi-arabia without us, gone!
mexico not our friend
mexico they're killing us
macys weak on border security
george-pataki terrible governor of NY, one of the worst
george-pataki couldn't be elected dog catcher if he ran again
macys racists
macys they 'racial profile' all over the place
macys Macy's stock just dropped
macys so many people calling to say they are cutting up their Macy's credit card
macys terrible hypocrites
barack-obama weak & ineffective
southern-border totally out of control
southern-border absolutely disgraceful
juan-williams you never speak well of me & yet when I saw you at Fox you ran over like a child and wanted a picture
paulina-vega hypocrite
rick-perry failed at the border
rick-perry needs a new pair of glasses
jeb-bush will never secure the border
united-states has become a dumping ground for the world
macys Wow! I hear that thousands of people are cutting up their Macy's credit card
charles-krauthammer a dope
charles-krauthammer highly overrated
george-w-bush not nice!
george-w-bush wants $120,000 to make a boring speech
clare-o-connor dummy writer
forbes failing
clare-o-connor dummy
forbes failing
clare-o-connor dummy
forbes failed magazine
forbes circulation way down
barack-obama hollowing out our military
republicans hollowing out our military
iran doing many bad things behind our backs
jeb-bush-supporters everyone of those people who contributed are getting something to the detriment of America
macys no guts no glory
univision doing really badly
univision too much debt and not enough viewers
univision need money fast
mexico unbelievable corruption
chuck-todd love watching him fail
chuck-todd killing Meet the Press
chuck-todd pathetic
chuck-todd sleepy eyes
chuck-todd will be fired like a dog
meet-the-press ratings starved
mexico we get the killers, drugs & crime, they get the money!
mexico totally corrupt gov't
mexico totally corrupt
new-york-daily-news nobody reads it
karl-rove clown
karl-rove has no credibility
karl-rove a bush plant who called all races wrong
karl-rove irrelevant clown, sweats and shakes nervously
karl-rove has zero cred
karl-rove made fool of himself in '12
penn-jillette boring guy
penn-jillette goofball atheist
penn-jillette never had a chance
penn-jillette wrote letter to me begging for forgiveness
macys Macy's stores suck and they are bad for U.S.A.
karl-rove a clown with zero credibility
karl-rove wasted $400 million
karl-rove didn't win one race
karl-rove total loser
united-states out negotiated again
lawrence-o-donnell a fool
lawrence-o-donnell dopey
the-last-word-with-lawrence-o-donnell unwatchable
penn-jillette worst show in Las Vegas
penn-jillette hokey garbage
iran-deal poses a direct national security threat
john-mccain dummy
john-mccain graduated last in his class
john-mccain should be defeated in the primaries
rick-perry doesn't understand what the word demagoguery means
rick-perry failed on the border
rick-perry should be forced to take an IQ test
arianna-huffington liberal clown
huffington-post money losing
huffington-post money-losing
huffington-post they only write bad stories about me!
cnn ratings starved
cnn does not cover me accurately
cnn why can't they get it right
cnn just plain dumb!
john-mccain doing a lousy job in taking care of our Vets
john-mccain let us down
john-mccain has failed miserably
john-mccain All he does is go on television is talk, talk, talk
john-mccain incapable of doing anything.
mitt-romney why would anybody listen to @MittRomney?
mitt-romney lost an election that should have easily been won
john-mccain I am no fan
john-mccain has done nothing
wall-street-journal ever-dwindling
politicians incompetent
wall-street-journal looks like a tabloid
rick-perry did an absolutely horrible job of securing the border
rick-perry should be ashamed of himself
chuck-todd sleepy eyes
des-moines-register failing
des-moines-register ultra liberal
des-moines-register has no power in Iowa
??? failing
frank-luntz knows nothing about me or my religion
frank-luntz came to my office looking for work
anderson-cooper-360 a waste
anderson-cooper Has the absolutely worst anti-Trump talking heads on his show
tim-o-brien dopey writer
macys no guts, no glory
macys there are far better stores
tim-o-brien dumb guy with no clue
tim-o-brien really stupid talking head
weekly-standard small and slightly failing magazine
dana-perino just not getting there
politicians experts in never facing any consequence
des-moines-register ultra liberal
des-moines-register seriously failing
des-moines-register they lie
huffington-post money-losing
arianna-huffington dummy
macys racial profiling
scott-walker not smart
scott-walker your very dumb fundraiser hit me very hard--- not smart!
scott-walker not presidential material
scott-walker massive deficit, bad jobs forecast, a mess
steve-rattner should have gone to prison
john-sununu couldn't get elected dog catcher
john-sununu forgot to mention my phenomenal biz success rate
marty-walsh wasted a lot of time and money
barack-obama all talk & no action
barack-obama incompetent leader
iran-deal one of the dumbest & most dangerous misjudgments ever
jeb-bush just doesn't get it
elizabeth-beck she wanted to breast pump in front of me at dep.
elizabeth-beck easy for me to beat
elizabeth-beck I loved beating her
elizabeth-beck did a terrible job against me
elizabeth-beck knows nothing about me
people know NOTHING
daily-beast failing
daily-beast money losing
the-media lies
bias-free-language-guide an outrage
harry-hurt dummy dope
harry-hurt wrote a failed book
harry-hurt failed writer
harry-hurt People like lawyer Elizabeth Beck and failed writer Harry Hurt & others talk about me but know nothing about me
elizabeth-beck People like lawyer Elizabeth Beck and failed writer Harry Hurt & others talk about me but know nothing about me
carl-cameron consistently fumbles & misrepresents poll results
carl-cameron has been so wrong & he hates it!
politicians failing
dan-henninger lies
republican-candidates beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers
republican-candidates puppets
jeb-bush is miserable
the-new-york-times false @nytimes story
jeb-bush fell more than anybody
frank-luntz a low-class slob
frank-luntz where did you find that dumb panel
megyn-kelly really bombed tonight
frank-luntz a clown
fox-news not very good or professional
megyn-kelly not very good or professional
fox-news should be ashamed of yourself
charles-krauthammer dopey
charles-krauthammer should be fired
charles-krauthammer clown
politically-correct-fools stop wasting time and energy on nonsense
fox-news only Fox News is consistantly fighting the Trump win
red-state small crowds
erick-erickson a major sleaze and buffoon
carly-fiorina if you listen to Carly Fiorina for more than ten minutes straight, you develop a massive headache
carly-fiorina has zero chance
fox-news other networks seem to treat me so much better than Fox News
jeb-bush no more Bushes
george-w-bush no more Bushes
george-h-w-bush no more Bushes
rand-paul truly weird
rand-paul reminds me of a spoiled brat without a properly functioning brain
illegal-immigration crime and killing machine
rand-paul Why is @RandPaul allowed to take advantage of the people of Kentucky
iran-deal is a catastrophe
iran-deal will lead to at least partial world destruction
associated-press should change their fraudulent story
huffington-post should change their fraudulent story
politicians incompetent
politicians we are all tired [of them]
bad-deals we are all tired [of them]
george-will wrong on so many subjects
abc-politics LIE
tom-llamas cannot report the news truthfully
tom-llamas fraudulent story
world-news-tonight bad reporting
politico covers me more inaccurately than any other media source
politico go out of their way to distort truth!
bernie-sanders can't even defend his own microphone
bernie-sanders Very sad!
jeb-bush weak on illegal immigration
jeb-bush bad on women's health issues
jeb-bush just can't get it right!
megyn-kelly really off her game
george-pataki did a terrible job
anthony-weiner perv
anthony-weiner sleazebag
huma-abedin was a major security risk
jeb-bush a failing campaign
karl-rove spent $430 million and lost ALL races
karl-rove dope
karl-rove dopey
iran-deal terrible
iran-deal one of the most incompetent ever made
meghan-mccain terrible
meghan-mccain Angry
meghan-mccain obnoxious
meghan-mccain she will never make it on T.V.
hugh-hewitt Very low ratings
hugh-hewitt just a 3rd rate 'gotcha' guy!
hillary-clinton Just can't read speeches!
hillary-clinton 100% CONTROLLED
jeb-bush 100% CONTROLLED
club-for-growth phony
club-for-growth Total hypocrites!
iran-deal horrible
iran-deal incompetent
iran-deal incompetent
iran-deal insane
iran-deal truly stupid
karl-rove easy to beat!
jeb-bush policies in Florida helped lead to its almost total collapse
iran-deal horribly negotiated
iran-deal Really sad!
iran-deal horrible
iran-deal horrendous
bobby-jindal lightweight
bobby-jindal registered at less than 1 percent in the polls
rand-paul Lightweight
rand-paul didn't get the right gene
george-pataki did a terrible job
george-pataki registers ZERO in the polls
club-for-growth Little respected
club-for-growth Phony
club-for-growth falsely advertising
barack-obama horrible
the-media totally dishonest
the-media So sad!
carly-fiorina did such a horrible job
carly-fiorina terrible at business
jeb-bush has been confused for forty years
oreilly-factor why don't you have some knowledgeable talking heads on your show for a change
oreilly-factor Boring!
rich-lowry truly one of the dumbest of the talking heads
rich-lowry doesn't have a clue!
marco-rubio worst voting record in Senate
megyn-kelly highly overrated
megyn-kelly lightweight
megyn-kelly should take another eleven day 'unscheduled' vacation
headline headline
fox-news has been treating me very unfairly
rich-lowry incompetent
rich-lowry should not be allowed on TV
rich-lowry clueless
the-establishment despite the[ir] best efforts, the people are speaking loudly and clearly
the-media despite the[ir] best efforts, the people are speaking loudly and clearly
jonathan-martin dishonest
politico not read or respected by many
politico failing
politico losing lots of money
politico really dishonest
marco-rubio just another all talk, no action, politician
marco-rubio truly doesn't have a clue!
marco-rubio worst voting record in Sen.
politico serious haters
politico dishonest
marco-rubio weak on illegal immigration
marco-rubio will allow anyone into the country
marco-rubio rarely there to vote on a bill
marco-rubio worst attendance record in Senate
marco-rubio VERY weak on immigration
marco-rubio knows nothing about finance
marco-rubio incapable of making great trade deals
marco-rubio lightweight
marco-rubio very weak on stopping illegal immigration
jeb-bush doubled Florida State debt
marco-rubio all talk and no action
marco-rubio worst voting record in Senate
marco-rubio lazy
marco-rubio never made ten cents
marco-rubio totally controlled
mitt-romney he choked!
marco-rubio very disloyal
the-media troublemakers
obama-administration incompetence of our current administration is beyond comprehension
stuart-stevens terrible political instincts
club-for-growth crooked
club-for-growth total frauds
stuart-stevens a zero
stuart-stevens arrogant
politico clowns
politico has no power
politico so dishonest!
stuart-stevens made some of the dumbest political decisions of all time
glenn-beck wacky
glenn-beck a real nut job
glenn-beck always seems to be crying
glenn-beck viewers & ratings are way down
glenn-beck irrelevant
erick-erickson fired like a dog
erick-erickson just doesn't have IT!
washington-dc such a mess
washington-dc nothing works
erick-erickson no 'it' factor
erick-erickson total low life
erick-erickson will fade fast
erick-erickson ran Red State into the ground
politico pure scum
politico dishonest
barack-obama terrible
barack-obama I did much better on 60 Minutes last week than President Obama did tonight
marco-rubio perfect little puppet
jeb-staffer arrogant
jeb-staffer questioned me in such a nasty fashion
hillary-clinton the trade deal is a disaster, she was always for it!
lincoln-chafee Can anyone imagine Chafee as president? No way.
martin-o-malley has very little chance
democratic-candidates no STAR
democratic-candidates very gentle and soft
democratic-debate really boring
cnbc ridiculous debate terms
cnbc pushing the GOP around
democratic-debate very boring
chris-stirewalt really dumb puppet
marc-thiessen really dumb puppet
marc-thiessen failed
marc-thiessen never been able to make a comeback
marc-thiessen a third rate talent
megyn-kelly had her two puppets say bad stuff
megyn-kelly I don't watch
graydon-carter grubby
vanity-fair failing
george-w-bush the WTC came down during his watch
jeb-bush pathetic
jeb-bush our country needs more energy and spirit than you can provide!
mitt-romney terrible 'choke' loss to Obama
mitt-romney blew an election that should have never been lost
mitt-romney I don't need his angry advice
penn-jillette sad
charles-lane a real dope
wall-street-journal some of the dumbest people on television work for the Wall Street Journal
megyn-kelly don't watch her show
jeb-bush too soft
bandon-dunes a toy by comparison
the-media how will the media put a negative spin on this one?
hillary-clinton her record is so bad
jeb-bush totally lost
jeb-bush had a tiny 300 person crowd
jeb-bush if he can't manage his campaign, how can he manage our countries finances?
jeb-bush paid ridiculous amounts of money
jeb-bush campaign is in total disarray
us-government too much staff being paid way too much money
jeb-bush-campaign too much staff being paid way too much money
ben-carson very weak on illegal immigration
ben-carson has never created a job in his life (well, maybe a nurse)
ben-carson VERY weak on illegal immigration
jeb-bush VERY weak on illegal immigration
marco-rubio VERY weak on illegal immigration
presidential-candidates what the other candidates are doing is a disgrace
presidential-candidates not only breaking the spirit of the law but the law itself
bill-kristol Dopey
bill-kristol lost all credibility
cnbc continues to report fictious poll numbers
kasie-hunt poor and purposely inaccurate reporting
politico a scam!
cnbc fictitious polling numbers
cnbc sad
the-media will not report the highly respected new national poll that just came out
politico money losing
politico Losers!
politico considered by many in the world of politics to be the dumbest and most slanted of the political sites
glenn-beck mental basketcase
politico some very untalented reporters
john-harwood bombed
super-pacs a total scam on our system and country
hillary-clinton she looked lost
politico If they were legit, they would be doing far better
wall-street-journal loves to write badly about me
debates really dumb but record setting
fortune-magazine few people know that Fortune Magazine is still in business
john-oliver very boring and low rated show
john-kasich wasting time & money
marco-rubio weak on illegal immigration
paul-singer Mr. Amnesty
jeb-bush stupid message
marco-rubio very disloyal to Jeb
marco-rubio lightweight
jeb-bush if Jeb Bush were more competent he could not have lost the skirmish with Marco
united-states Iran ripped us off by making one of the best deals of any kind in history
cnbc crazy
marco-rubio only won the debate in the minds of desperate people
charles-blow dishonest reporting
scott-walker puppet
jeb-bush puppet
scott-walker cratered
jeb-bush cratered
charles-koch looking for a new puppet
marco-rubio cannot be President
nytimes-article such bad reporting
nytimes-article a puff piece
ben-carson Pyramids built for grain storage - don't people get it?
ben-carson many lies by Ben Carson
bill-kristol a sad case
bill-kristol his predictions are always wrong
jonathan-martin not good reporting
jonathan-martin would be nice if @jmartNYT learned how to read the polls before writing his next story
chris-stirewalt one of the dumbest political pundits on television
chris-stirewalt dope
ana-navarro has no talent, no TV persona
marco-rubio a highly overrated politician
marco-rubio couldn't even respond properly to President Obama's State of the Union Speech without pouring sweat & chugging water
marco-rubio a lightweight choker
wall-street-journal so wrong, so often
wall-street-journal dummies
wall-street-journal so totally wrong
karl-rove biased dope
karl-rove moron
wall-street-journal failing
karl-rove dummy
wall-street-journal purposely mischaracterized my statement
karl-rove purposely mischaracterized my statement
karl-rove dopey
tpp-deal terrible
karl-rove total fool
karl-rove an all talk, no action dummy!
karl-rove part of the Republican Establishment problem
ben-carson very weak on illegal immigration
wall-street-journal so dishonest
macys very disloyal to me
carly-fiorina failing campaign
carly-fiorina campaign is dead
shephard-smith so totally biased
shephard-smith should be ashamed of himself
barack-obama he is just so bad!
martin-o-malley failed
martin-o-malley a clown
vanity-fair doing really poorly
vanity-fair has gotten worse and worse
vanity-fair has lost almost all of it's former allure!
graydon-carter a total loser
graydon-carter sloppy
ronda-rousey not a nice person!
john-legere focus on running your company
t-mobile I think the service is terrible!
john-legere try hiring some good managers
karl-rove dope
barack-obama has a horrible attitude
barack-obama Is our president insane?
associated-press they have lost their way and are no longer credible
associated-press reporting is terrible & highly inaccurate
associated-press now irrelevant
ben-carson incapable of understanding foreign policy
george-will wrong almost all of the time
george-will broken down
george-will boring and totally biased
george-will should be thrown off Fox News
george-will broken down political pundit
george-will dopey
george-will BORING
obamacare just the beginning & it's going to get worse
john-kasich failed campaign & debating skills
john-kasich failed image
john-kasich pathetic
john-kasich so irrelevant to the race
john-kasich I will sue him just for fun!
john-kasich he came in dead last
john-kasichs-ad-guy his proposal was a rip off
john-kasich almost last
john-kasich fell right into President Obama's trap on ObamaCare
john-kasich total dud
john-kasich total failure
isis thugs
isis losers
isis low-level degenerates
mary-katharine-ham isn't smart enough to know what's going on at the border
bill-deblasio probably the worst Mayor in the history of #NYC
bill-deblasio inept
hillary-clinton totally incompetent as a manager and leader
hillary-clinton no strength or stamina
bill-deblasio worst mayor in the United States
bobby-jindal spent $1,000 to register in New Hampshire & dropped out the next day. Such a waste!
george-pataki so easy to beat!
lindsey-graham so easy to beat!
john-kasich so easy to beat!
jill-colvin one of the truly bad reporters
jill-colvin stories are fictional garbage
associated-press an organization that has totally lost its way
associated-press Reuters is a far more professional operation
hillary-clinton corruption is what she's best at
hillary-clinton weak
associated-press dishonest reporting
associated-press always looking for a hit to bring them back into relevancy—ain’t working
jeff-horwitz one of the worst reporters in the business
associated-press has one of the worst reporters in the business
jeff-horwitz wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face
macys disloyal
republican-party getting ready to treat me unfairly
john-kasich can't debate
john-kasich dummy
john-kasich one of the worst presidential candidates in history
karl-rove loser
frank-vandersloot Last victim was Mitt Romney - see how that turned out.
karl-rove an establishment dope
karl-rove has made so many mistakes
karl-rove has ZERO credibility
karl-rove just totally bombed
karl-rove a loser
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times should be focused on good reporting and the papers financial survival
the-new-york-times poorly run and managed
the-new-york-times dopes
the-new-york-times made all bad decisions over the last decade
the-new-york-times incompetent
the-new-york-times big help will be needed fast
the-new-york-times SAD!
the-new-york-times should focus on fair and balanced reporting
the-new-york-times boring articles
serge-kovaleski The reporter who pulled-back from his 14 year old never retracted story is having fun. I don't know what he looks like and don't know him!
cnn bad reporters
cnn only says negative
cnn totally one-sided and biased against me that it is becoming boring
cokie-roberts kooky
cokie-roberts even dumber
bill-kristol even dumber
matt-bai dummy
errol-louis doesn't have a clue
cnn When will @CNN get some real political talent
the-media they only want negatives
new-jersey deeply troubled
chris-christie spending all of his time in NH
the-republican-establishment out of self preservation, is concerned w/ my high poll #s
ben-schreckenger major lightweight with no credibility
ben-schreckenger so dishonest
politico 3rd rate $ losing
politico no credibility
cheri-jacobus virtually incompetent
cheri-jacobus failed career
cheri-jacobus incoherent with anger
jennifer-rubin one of the dumber bloggers
jennifer-rubin in love with Marco Rubio?
macys Don't shop there for Christmas!
katy-tur 3rd rate reporter
katy-tur lied
katy-tur dishonest
deb-sopan lied
deb-sopan dishonest
katy-tur incompetent
katy-tur incorrect story
katy-tur should be fired
deb-sopan dishonest reporting
deb-sopan should be fired
katy-tur dishonest reporting
hillary-clinton afraid of Obama & the emails
meet-the-press terrible ratings
chuck-todd still not nice
chuck-todd I saved his job
hillary-clinton won't call out radical Islam
hillary-clinton will be soundly defeated
oval-office-podium looks odd
oval-office-podium not good
bill-deblasio the worst mayor in the United States
bill-deblasio disgrace
washington-post loses a fortune
amazon no profit company
washington-post big tax shelter
amazon if @amazon ever had to pay fair taxes, its stock would crash and it would crumble like a paper bag
amazon @washingtonpost scam is saving it!
john-kasich poor
john-kasich doesn't have what it takes
the-media wants to surrender constitutional rights
the-new-york-times change your false story
the-new-york-times failing
wall-street-journal reported 'Cruz momentum' but nothing about the fact that I easily won!
associated-press FALSE
the-new-york-times failing
maggie-haberman sad
hillary-clinton does not have the STRENGTH or STAMINA to be President
michael-nutter a crude dope!
angela-merkel ruining Germany
michael-nutter doing a terrible job
michael-nutter low life
s-e-cupp hard to watch, zero talent
s-e-cupp one of the dumber pundits on tv
s-e-cupp totally biased loser who doesn't have a clue
s-e-cupp will be gone soon
rick-wilson weak and totally conflicted
rick-wilson dumb as a rock
megyn-kelly really weird, she's being driven crazy
our-visa-system broken, like so much else in our country
united-kingdom trying hard to disguise their massive Muslim problem
karl-rove dummy
karl-rove should get a life
karl-rove establishment flunky
bernard-goldberg not good
bernard-goldberg just doesn't know about winning
morning-joe so off
ted-cruz he will fall like all others
ted-cruz should not make statements behind closed doors to his bosses
morning-joe off the rails
morning-joe waste of time
chuck-todd just hopeless
chuck-todd knows so little about politics
des-moines-register failing
des-moines-register I think something's going on w/them
tom-ridge faulty thought process
tom-ridge a failed 'Bushy' & PA Governor
tom-ridge shouldn't be allowed to do [his] bias commentary
karl-rove shouldn't be allowed to do [his] bias commentary
prince-alwaleed-bin-talal dopey
prince-alwaleed-bin-talal wants to control our U.S. politicians with daddy's money
karl-rove dopey
karl-rove pushing Republicans down the same old path of defeat
karl-rove a loser
karl-roves-book terrible (and boring)
karl-rove no credibility
karl-rove FoxNews should can him
ted-cruz would speak behind my back, get caught, and then deny it
people have got to stop working to be so politically correct
fox-news Why doesn't @FoxNews quote the new Iowa @CNN Poll where I have a 33% to 20% lead over Ted Cruz and all others. Think about it!
major-league-baseball so ridiculous
charles-krauthammer highly overrated
cnn paid a fortune for an Iowa Poll, which shows me in first place over Cruz by 13%, 33% to 20% - then doesn't use it
the-media dishonest
megyn-kelly the most overrated anchor
megyn-kelly very bad at math
megyn-kelly bad!
charles-krauthammer Iraq war monger
karl-rove dummy
george-will deadpan
megyn-kelly highly overrated
fox-news not fair
megyn-kelly dopey
megyn-kelly lies
the-media won't report!
mark-halperin doesn't have a natural instinct for politics
jeb-bush puppet
hillary-clinton weak and ineffective
hillary-clinton no strength, no stamina
glenn-beck irrelevant
jeb-bush embarrassed himself & his family with his incompetent campaign
jeb-bush Dumb as a rock!
the-media always tough when they falsify
melinda-henneberger Don't misrepresent in order to make a point
jeb-bush campaign is a disaster
jeb-bush weak
jeb-bush ineffective
jeb-bush false advertising
hillary-clinton disloyal person
barack-obama spends so much time speaking of the so-called Carbon footprint, and yet he flies all the way to Hawaii on a massive old 747
hillary-clinton lied
hillary-clinton We need a #POTUS with great strength & stamina. Hillary does not have that
jeb-bush terrible on Face the Nation
jeb-bush a basket case
hillary-clinton LIED at the debate last night
hillary-clinton SAD!
jeb-bush a loser
jeb-bush can't win
democrats it's the Democrat's total weakness that is the greatest recruiting tool of ISIS!!!
us-leaders we are being led to slaughter
jeb-bush weak
jeb-bush low energy
jeb-bush campaign is a disaster
jeb-bush phony
s-e-cupp one of the least talented people on television
s-e-cupp boring and biased!
jeb-bush really pathetic
the-media dishonest
the-media dishonest reporters!
the-media able to so incorrectly define a word for the public
the-media sad!
hillary-clinton pathetic
washington-post bad
fox-news treats me so badly
karl-rove so biased
karl-rove still thinks Romney won
karl-rove unfair
hillary-clinton stupidity
jeb-bush poor
jeb-bush he's bottom (and gone), I'm top (by a lot)
jeb-bush ridiculous
jeb-bush SO SAD
rand-paul lowly
amy-chozick third-rate-reporter
maggie-haberman third-rate-reporter
the-new-york-times failing
amy-chozick totally in the Hillary circle of bias
maggie-haberman totally in the Hillary circle of bias
hillary-clinton totally flawed candidate
meet-the-press very dishonest
chuck-todd very dishonest
hallie-jackson bad reporting
jeb-bush failed candidate
veterans-affairs corruption and incompetence
chuck-todd so dishonest in his reporting
chuck-todd no ratings
chuck-todd was going off the air until I came along
united-states we are letting criminals knowingly stay in our country
european-leaders weak leaders
bill-clinton so inappropriate
virginia-republican-party BAD!
virginia-republican-party has lost statewide 7 times in a row
virginia-republican-party suicidal
virginia-republican-party be smart and win for a change
ana-navarro flunkie
s-e-cupp flunkie
ana-navarro [one] of the dumbest people in politics
s-e-cupp [one] of the dumbest people in politics
virginia-republican-party stupid
virginia-republican-party total mess
bernie-sanders wacko
bernie-sanders a disaster
bill-clinton terrible, failed badly
bill-clinton was called a racist
jeb-bush spent $59 million & done
benghazi-hearings a total disaster for Republicans & America
joe-mcquaid dumb
union-leader dying
union-leader very unethical
union-leader dying
union-leader in turmoil
union-leader dying
union-leader will be dead in 2 years
union-leader has been run into the ground
jeb-bush took millions of $'s of hit ads on me
jeb-bush a sad case
jeb-bush a total embarrassment to himself and his family
jeb-bush low-energy 'stiff'
jeb-bush has no chance
hillary-clinton doesn't have the strength or stamina to be president
jeb-bush low-energy individual
bill-clinton hypocrite
other-republican-candidates mere puppets
hillary-clinton lied last week
ruth-marcus terrible today on Face the Nation
ruth-marcus no focus, poor level of concentration
woody-johnson If Woody would’ve been w/me, he would’ve been in the playoffs
union-leader bad management
union-leader begged me for ads
samuel-l-jackson does too many TV commercials – boring
samuel-l-jackson not a fan
germany going through massive attacks to its people by the migrants allowed to enter the country
samuel-l-jackson cheats
samuel-l-jackson Don’t like @SamuelLJackson’s golf swing. Not athletic
union-leader failing
union-leader stupid
union-leader desperate
macys one of the worst-performing stocks
macys very disloyal company
germany a total mess-big crime
jeb-bush campaign is a disaster
jeb-bush weak & ineffective
whoopi-goldberg now in total freefall
whoopi-goldberg terrible
whoopi-goldberg very sad!
joy-behar fired from her last show for lack of ratings
jeb-bush-campaign a total waste of money
union-leader unethical record
union-leader endorsed a candidate who can't win
union-leader has lost all credibility
union-leader circulation dropping to record lows
union-leader they aren't worthy of representing the great people of NH
union-leader kicked out of the ABC news debate like a dog
tavis-smiley hater & racist
union-leader failing
union-leader won't survive
union-leader highly unethical
megyn-kelly so average in every way
major-garrett total agenda
major-garrett bad reporter
major-garrett covers me very inaccurately
stuart-stevens can't get a job!
iran-deal terrible
state-of-the-union really boring, slow, lethargic
state-of-the-union very hard to watch
ted-cruz not nice
state-of-the-union one of the most boring, rambling and non-substantive I have heard in a long time
stuart-stevens failed campaign strategist
stuart-stevens a dumb guy who fails @ virtually everything he touches
united-states we are weak
united-states looks more and more like a paper tiger
jeb-bush chances of winning are zero
jeb-bush did poorly last night in the debate
lindsey-graham embarrassed himself with his failed run for President
lindsey-graham embarrasses himself with endorsement of Bush
glenn-beck very dumb and failing
frank-luntz a total clown
ted-cruz not believable
ted-cruz Goldman Sachs owns him
ted-cruz not much of a reformer
ted-cruz The Ted Cruz wiseguy apology to the people of New York is a disgrace
ted-cruz did not list on his personal disclosure form personally guaranteed loans from banks. They own him!
ted-cruz the ultimate hypocrite
ted-cruz says one thing for money, does another for votes
ted-cruz why did he accept money from people who espouse gay marriage?
ted-cruz hypocrite
ted-cruz When will @TedCruz give all the New York based campaign contributions back to the special interests that control him
ted-cruz greatly dishonest
ted-cruz hypocrite
united-states get tough and smart U.S., or we won't have a country anymore
ted-cruz spending $millions on ads paid for by his N.Y. bosses
ted-cruz falling in the polls
ted-cruz a nervous wreck
frank-bruni dope
karl-rove loser
the-new-york-times allows dishonest writers to totally fabricate stories
the-new-york-times failing
ted-cruz people do not like Ted
glenn-beck wacko
glenn-beck sad
glenn-beck failing, crying, lost soul
cnn so sad
cnn dishonest reporting
jeb-bush sad sack
jeb-bush low energy
jeb-bush he should go home and relax!
alisyn-camerota disaster
new-day treats me very badly
new-day not going to watch anymore
john-sununu dummy
national-review failing
national-review lost it's way
national-review very few people read
national-review dying
national-review failing
jeb-bush low energy guy
jeb-bush at the bottom of the barrel
trump-opposition are totally ineffective & have been for years
national-review dying
national-review losing for years
washington-post tax scam
washington-post inaccurate
washington-post dishonest reporting
brent-bozell begging for money like a dog
glenn-beck irrelevant
ted-cruz puppet!
ted-cruz in bed w/ Wall St.
presidential-candidates phony
presidential-candidates all talk and no action
glenn-beck failing
glenn-beck lost all credibility
glenn-beck crying
glenn-beck dumb as a rock
national-review over
ted-cruz a nervous wreck
ted-cruz not caring for the truth
ted-cruz reckless
ted-cruz dropping like a rock
ted-cruz will do anything to stay at the trough
jeb-bush will do anything to stay at the trough
common-core a disaster
bob-vander-plaats phony
bob-vander-plaats a bad guy!
fox-news pathetic
fox-news without me they'd have no ratings!
politicians all talk, no action
politicians very stupid, highly incompetent people running our country into the ground
megyn-kelly lightweight reporter
megyn-kelly I refuse to call Megyn Kelly a bimbo, because that would not be politically correct
fox-news The statement put out yesterday by @FoxNews was a disgrace to good broadcasting and journalism
fox-news childishly written & taunting PR statement
megyn-kelly lightweight reporter
fox-news-debate The 'debate' tonight will be a total disaster
charles-krauthammer biased
charles-krauthammer a @FoxNews flunky
hillary-clinton such bad judgement
ben-sasse totally ineffective
ben-sasse looks more like a gym rat than a U.S. Senator
ben-sasse how the hell did he ever get elected?
ted-cruz can't even get a Senator like @BenSasse, who is easy, to endorse him
ted-cruz Not one Senator is endorsing Canada Ted!
fox-news the only network that does not even mention my very successful event last night
hillary-clinton a major national security risk
hillary-clinton not presidential material
ted-cruz dishonest
ted-cruz deceptive
bob-vander-plaats a total phony
bob-vander-plaats dishonest guy
bob-vander-plaats asked me for expensive hotel rooms
bob-vander-plaats phony
bob-vander-plaats a total phony and con man
ted-cruz totally unelectable
ted-cruz lying on so many levels
fox-news-debate failed, poorly rated
the-media has not covered my long-shot great finish in Iowa fairly
the-media unfair
voters I don't believe I have been given any credit by the voters for self-funding my campaign
ted-cruz-iowa-speech rambling, overly flamboyant
cheri-jacobus went hostile
cheri-jacobus a real dummy
ted-cruz didn't win Iowa, he illegally stole it
ted-cruz sent out a VOTER VIOLATION certificate to thousands of voters
ted-cruz fraud
ted-cruz told thousands of caucusgoers (voters) that Trump was strongly in favor of ObamaCare and 'choice' - a total lie!
ted-cruz just lied again
bernie-sanders he would be so easy to beat!
ted-cruz should be immediately disqualified in Iowa
cheri-jacobus really dumb
cheri-jacobus Begged my people for a job
cheri-jacobus Major loser, zero credibility!
united-states totally lost control of illegal immigration, even with criminals
jeb-bush total disaster
jeb-bush had to bring in mommy to take a slap at me
super-bowl-50 very boring
jeb-bush zero communication skills
jeb-bush weak candidate
jeb-bush spent a fortune of special interest money on a Super Bowl ad
jeb-bush desperate
jeb-bush A pathetic figure!
jeb-bush Sad!
jeb-bush failed campaign
jeb-bush Not a leader!
jeb-bush has gone nasty with lies
jeb-bush by far the weakest of the lot
mort-zuckerman Dopey
mort-zuckerman has a major inferiority complex
new-york-daily-news Worthless
politico Bad reporting- no money, no cred!
new-york-daily-news worthless
new-york-daily-news bleeding red ink
new-york-daily-news a total loser!
jeb-bush Jeb failed as Jeb
jeb-bush gave up and enlisted Mommy and his brother
jeb-bush Weak
jeb-bush no chance
ted-cruz-campaign the Cruz people are back to doing very sleazy and dishonest 'pushpolls' on me
ted-cruz caught cold in lie
jeb-bush Weak
ted-cruz the worst liar, crazy or very dishonest
ted-cruz lies so much and is so dishonest
new-york-daily-news failing
new-york-daily-news dead
club-for-growth went hostile w/ a series of incorrect & ill-informed ads
jeb-bush lightweight
jeb-bush spending a fortune of special interest against me in SC
jeb-bush desperate and sad
ted-cruz I have standing to sue him for not being a natural born citizen
jeb-bush lightweight
ted-cruz cheater
new-york-daily-news failing
rnc illegally put out a fundraising notice saying Trump wants you to contribute to the RNC
ted-cruz Nasty
ted-cruz LIES!
ted-cruz a cheater!
ted-cruz holds the Bible high and then lies and misrepresents the facts!
jeb-bush How can @JebBush beat Hillary Clinton- if he can't beat anyone else on the #GOPDebate stage with $150M?
glenn-beck endorsement means nothing!
fox-news only puts negative people on
fox-news Biased - a total joke!
ted-cruz complete & total liar
rnc did a terrible job of ticket distrbution
jeb-bush failed campaign
jeb-bush has no clue
jeb-bush hypocrite
jeb-bush Just another clueless politician!
brit-hume know nothing
megyn-kelly Without me her ratings would tank
megyn-kelly Get a life Megyn!
barack-obama perhaps the worst president in U.S. history!
lindsey-graham had zero in his presidential run before dropping out in disgrace
lindsey-graham got zero against me- no cred!
fox-news so biased it is disgusting
lindsey-graham dumb mouthpiece
jeb-bush just got contact lenses and got rid of the glasses. He wants to look cool, but it's far too late
wsj-nbc-poll phony
wsj-nbc-poll phony
wsj-nbc-poll a joke!
ted-cruz a liar!
ted-cruz lying
ted-cruz a true lowlife pol!
marco-rubio very weak on illegal immigration
wall-street-journal failing
wall-street-journal seldom has a paper been so wrong
ted-cruz a world class LIAR
ted-cruz biggest liar in politics!
rnc weak
stuart-stevens very incompetent
stuart-stevens a clown!
brit-hume a dope!
ted-cruz disloyal
ted-cruz does not have the right 'temperment' to be President
ted-cruz lies like a dog-over and over again!
ted-cruz-campaign bad!
karl-rove sick
karl-rove should be fired!
mitt-romney so awkward and goofy
ted-cruz liar
mitt-romney one of the dumbest and worst candidates in the history of Republican politics
mitt-romney failed
ted-cruz a nasty guy
ted-cruz loser
ted-cruz choker
marco-rubio lightweight choker
marco-rubio Lying
marco-rubio looks like a little boy on stage
marco-rubio not presidential material!
marco-rubio Lightweight choker
marco-rubio looks like a little boy on stage
marco-rubio not presidential material
marco-rubio lightweight
marco-rubio once a choker, always a choker!
marco-rubio Mr. Meltdown
marco-rubio he is a choker, and once a choker, always a choker!
marco-rubio Mr. Meltdown
marco-rubio Lightweight
marco-rubio Doesn't even show up for votes!
ted-cruz lying
marco-rubio lightweight
internal-revenue-service I unfairly get audited by the I.R.S. almost every single year.
marco-rubio lightweight
marco-rubio lightweight
marco-rubio not as smart as Cruz, and may be an even bigger liar
marco-rubio lightweight
marco-rubio little
marco-rubio the lightweight from Florida
marco-rubio lightweight Senator
marco-rubio Little
marco-rubio the lightweight no show Senator from Florida
marco-rubio set to be the 'puppet' of the special interest Koch brothers
ted-cruz he has accomplished absolutely nothing
ted-cruz another all talk, no action pol!
mitt-romney didn't show his tax return until SEPTEMBER 21, 2012, and then only after being humiliated by Harry R
mitt-romney bad messenger for estab!
marco-rubio Little
marco-rubio the lightweight no show Senator from Florida, just another Washington politician
marco-rubio Little
marco-rubio poor work ethic!
marco-rubio just another Washington D.C. politician
marco-rubio all talk and no action
marco-rubio gave amnesty to criminal aliens guilty of 'sex offenses.' DISGRACE!
marco-rubio treated America's ICE officers 'like absolute trash' in order to pass Obama's amnesty
marco-rubio Phony
nikki-haley The people of South Carolina are embarrassed by Nikki Haley!
special-interests control our politicians (puppets)
special-interests are spending $25 million on misleading and fraudulent T.V. ads on me
marco-rubio lightweight
marco-rubio Interesting how my numbers have gone so far up since lightweight Marco Rubio has turned nasty. Love it!
mitt-romney Failed Presidential Candidate
mitt-romney desperate move by the man who should have easily beaten Barrack Obama
special-interests Millions of dollars being spent on false TV ads by special interest groups who own Rubio & Cruz
marco-rubio never even shows up to vote
marco-rubio worst record
marco-rubio a joke!
mitt-romney doesn't know how to win
mitt-romney Why did Mitt Romney BEG me for my endorsement four years ago?
marco-rubio Rubio puts out ad that my pilot was a drug dealer- not true, not my pilot!
rand-paul failed presidential candidate
rand-paul made a fool of himself
mitt-romney a disaster candidate who had no guts and choked
mitt-romney a total joke, and everyone knows it!
stuart-stevens failed advisor
fox-news clown announcers
fox-news in the bag!
marco-rubio failed presidential candidate
marco-rubio lightweight
marco-rubio big loser
david-brooks is closing in on being the dumbest of them all
david-brooks doesn’t have a clue
marco-rubio fraud lightweight
meet-the-press did a 1 hour hit job on me today
meet-the-press totally biased and mostly false
meet-the-press Dishonest
lindsey-graham Failed presidential candidate
lindsey-graham should respect me
lindsey-graham nasty!
the-republican-establishment failing
the-republican-establishment could not stop Obama (twice)
marco-rubio dishonest lightweight
marco-rubio he is scamming Florida
the-republican-establishment Dishonest
marco-rubio lightweight
marco-rubio Dishonest
marco-rubio Lightweight
club-for-growth asked me for $1 million. I said no & they went negative. Extortion!
club-for-growth a very dishonest group
club-for-growth They represent conservative values terribly & are bad for America
republican-candidates bought and paid for by special interests!
anti-trump-ads paid for by the politicians bosses
anti-trump-ads a total #Mediafraud
wsj-nbc-poll came out with another one of their phony polls
wsj-nbc-poll totally discredited
club-for-growth Phony
club-for-growth tried to shake me down for one million dollars
club-for-growth They are total losers!
fox-news totally biased and disgusting reporting
mort-zuckerman dopey
politico going out of business
politico Losing too much money. Great news!
john-kasich Absentee Governor
john-kasich good for Mexico!
tpp-deal fraud!
florida-early-voting very dishonest
florida-early-voting dishonest
bernie-sanders is lying when he says his disruptors aren't told to go to my events. Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours!
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times truly one of the worst newspapers
the-new-york-times They knowingly write lies
the-new-york-times never even call to fact check
the-new-york-times Really bad people!
ted-cruz LYIN' TED
marco-rubio worst voting record in the U.S. Senate in many years
marco-rubio will never MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
ted-cruz bought and paid for by lobbyists!
john-kasich bought and paid for by lobbyists!
marco-rubio bought and paid for by lobbyists!
mitt-romney let us all down in the last presidential race
megyn-kelly Can't watch Crazy Megyn anymore
ted-cruz Lyin’
stuart-stevens failed campaign manager of Mitt Romney's historic loss
stuart-stevens Sad!
ted-cruz lyin'
ted-cruz desperate
ted-cruz his lying is getting worse
ted-cruz can't win!
megyn-kelly Crazy
fox-news How many times can the same people ask the same question?
megyn-kelly Crazy
megyn-kelly her bad show is a total hit piece on me
ted-cruz lyin'
ted-cruz a big problem!
wall-street-journal bad at math, nobody cares what they say in their editorials anymore, especially me!
wall-street-journal-editorial-board dummies
megyn-kelly Highly overrated
megyn-kelly crazy
megyn-kelly is always complaining about Trump and yet she devotes her shows to me
ted-cruz Who should star in a reboot of Liar Liar- Hillary Clinton or Ted Cruz? Let me know
hillary-clinton Who should star in a reboot of Liar Liar- Hillary Clinton or Ted Cruz? Let me know
hillary-clinton has been involved in corruption for most of her professional life!
ted-cruz Lyin'
erick-erickson got fired like a dog from RedState
club-for-growth tried to extort $1,000,000 from me
club-for-growth Disgraceful!
club-for-growth trying to extort $1,000,000.00 from me
ted-cruz Mormons don't like LIARS!
mitt-romney Failed presidential candidate
mitt-romney the man who ‘choked’ and let us all down
mitt-romney Failed
mitt-romney a mixed up man who doesn't have a clue. No wonder he lost!
megyn-kelly Never worth watching
megyn-kelly sick
megyn-kelly the most overrated person on tv
david-brooks one of the dumbest of all pundits
david-brooks he has no sense of the real world!
david-brooks a clown
david-brooks dummy!
megyn-kelly crazy
megyn-kelly so average in so many ways!
protesters horrendous
megyn-kelly highly overrated
barack-obama looks and sounds so ridiculous
barack-obama weak
ted-cruz lyin'
hillary-clinton incompetent
ted-cruz just another dishonest politician
jeb-bush low energy
nato obsolete
lindsey-graham ALL TALK AND NO ACTION!
brussels a ‘hell hole’
brussels a mess
the-new-york-times failing
the-view failing so badly that it will soon be taken off thr air
the-view a total disaster
fox-news-polls another phony hit job on me
chuck-todd sleepy eyes
chuck-todd totally biased
ted-cruz weak
ted-cruz losing big
cnn really one-sided and unfair reporting
david-gregory got thrown off of TV by NBC
david-gregory fired like a dog!
david-gregory not nice!
club-for-growth a dumb group!
megyn-kelly BAD
politico in total disarray
politico almost everybody quitting
politico bad, dishonest journlists
ted-cruz attacked New Yorkers and New York values- we don't forget!
hillary-clinton unqualified to be president
the-new-york-times covers me so inaccurately
delegate-system I win a state in votes and then get non-representative delegates because they are offered all sorts of goodies by Cruz campaign. Bad system!
delegate-system totally unfair!
delegate-system The people of Colorado had their vote taken away from them by the phony politicians.
delegate-system great people being disenfranchised by politicians. Repub party is in trouble!
delegate-system The rules DID CHANGE in Colorado shortly after I entered the race in June because the pols and their bosses knew I would win with the voters
delegate-system Don't let the bosses take your vote!
ted-cruz Lyin'
ted-cruz will never be able to beat Hillary
ted-cruz Despite a rigged delegate system, I am hundreds of delegates ahead of him
ted-cruz Lyin'
ted-cruz can't get votes (I am millions ahead of him)
ted-cruz has to get his delegates from the Republican bosses
hillary-clinton Crooked
ted-cruz Lyin'
ted-cruz can't win with the voters so he has to sell himself to the bosses
ted-cruz Hillary would destroy him
john-kasich only looks O.K. in polls against Hillary because nobody views him as a threat and therefore have placed ZERO negative ads against him
ted-cruz Lyin’
ted-cruz hates New York
cnn so negative it is impossible to watch
cnn Terrible panel
cnn angry haters
ted-cruz all he can do is be a spoiler, never a nice thing to do
ted-cruz Drop out LYIN' Ted
john-kasich will drop like a rock in the polls
the-new-york-times a seriously failing paper
the-new-york-times Becoming irrelevant!
ted-cruz Lyin'
ted-cruz mathematically dead and totally desperate
john-kasich mathematically dead and totally desperate
ted-cruz weak
ted-cruz desperate
ted-cruz has to team up with a guy who openly can't stand him
john-kasich Typical politician
john-kasich can't make a deal work
cruz-kasich-pact joke of a deal
cruz-kasich-pact not being honored
cruz-kasich-pact almost dead
cruz-kasich-pact Very dumb!
the-new-york-times bad
the-new-york-times the most inaccurate coverage constantly
the-new-york-times Always trying to belittle
the-new-york-times has lost its way!
ted-cruz Lyin'
ted-cruz can never beat Hilary Clinton
carly-fiorina a running mate who was unable to catch on in her own failed campaign
ted-cruz Lyin', can never beat Hillary Clinton
ted-cruz has NO path to victory
carly-fiorina a V.P. candidate who failed badly
political-ads-in-indiana false and phony
cruz-kasich-pact ridiculous
cruz-kasich-pact dumb
cruz-kasich-pact dead on arrival!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton perhaps the most dishonest person to have ever run for the presidency
hillary-clinton one of the all time great enablers!
delegate-system rigged!
hillary-clinton Crooked
lindsey-graham I ran him out of the race like a little boy
lindsey-graham in the end he had no support
karl-rove a failed Jeb Bushy
karl-rove Never says anything good & never will
karl-rove Shouldn't be on the air!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton said she is used to “dealing with men who get off the reservation.” Actually, she has done poorly with such men!
ted-cruz Lyin'
ted-cruz really went wacko today
ted-cruz Made all sorts of crazy charges
ted-cruz Can't function under pressure
ted-cruz not very presidential
ted-cruz Sad!
ted-cruz Lyin', he should drop out of the race-stop wasting time & money
delegate-system totally rigged
delegate-system the books are cooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton ZERO leadership ability
hillary-clinton bad judgement
hillary-clinton Constantly playing the women's card - it is sad!
joe-scarborough Not much power or insight!
morning-joe rapidly fading
elizabeth-warren goofy
hillary-clinton corrupt
elizabeth-warren goofy
elizabeth-warren a fraud!
elizabeth-warren Goofy
elizabeth-warren Hillary Clinton’s flunky
elizabeth-warren has a career that is totally based on a lie
hillary-clinton Crooked
elizabeth-warren Goofy
elizabeth-warren phony Native American heritage
elizabeth-warren Goofy
elizabeth-warren weak and ineffective
elizabeth-warren Does nothing
elizabeth-warren All talk, no action -- maybe her Native American name?
hillary-clinton Crooked
lindsey-graham failed presidential candidate
lindsey-graham no honor!
jeb-bush failed presidential candidate
jeb-bush no honor!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
republicans selfishly opposed to me!
russell-moore a terrible representative of Evangelicals
russell-moore A nasty guy with no heart!
joe-scarborough has gone really hostile ever since I said I won't do or watch the show anymore
morning-joe They misrepresent my positions!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton pushing the false narrative that I want to raise taxes
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media pushing the false narrative that I want to raise taxes
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton has bad judgment!
bernie-sanders Crazy
hillary-clinton Crooked
bernie-sanders Crazy
hillary-clinton Crooked
elizabeth-warren Goofy
elizabeth-warren one of the least effective Senators in the entire U.S. Senate
elizabeth-warren has done nothing!
elizabeth-warren Goofy
elizabeth-warren didn’t have the guts to run for POTUS
elizabeth-warren phony Native American heritage
elizabeth-warren Goofy
elizabeth-warren didn’t have the guts to run for POTUS
elizabeth-warren phony Native American heritage
elizabeth-warren using the woman’s card
elizabeth-warren Our Native American Senator
elizabeth-warren goofy couldn’t care less about the American worker
elizabeth-warren does nothing to help!
elizabeth-warren lied
elizabeth-warren failed Senator
elizabeth-warren goofy
elizabeth-warren gets nothing done
elizabeth-warren If it were up to goofy Elizabeth Warren, we’d have no jobs in America
elizabeth-warren she doesn’t have a clue
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton can't close the deal on Crazy Bernie
cnn working hard to make me look as bad as possible
cnn Very unprofessional
cnn bad television!
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times wrote yet another hit piece on me
the-new-york-times A joke!
the-new-york-times Everyone is laughing at the @nytimes for the lame hit piece they did on me and women
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times Wow, I have had so many calls from high ranking people laughing at the stupidity of the failing @nytimes piece
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times DISHONEST!
the-media really on a witch-hunt against me
the-media False reporting, and plenty of it
delegate-system rigged
the-new-york-times totally dishonest
the-new-york-times so dishonest
cnn I no longer watch
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times a fraud!
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times totally dishonest
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times false, malicious & libelous
michael-barbaro The writer of the now proven false story
barack-obama the worst president in U.S. history!
barbara-res nasty
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Liar!
anti-trump-ads pathetic
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Can't believe she would misrepresent the facts!
bill-clinton the WORST abuser of woman in U.S. political history
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton can't close the deal with Bernie Sanders
hillary-clinton Crooked
nafta the worst economic deal in U.S. history
hillary-clinton Crooked
delegate-system rigged!
hillary-clinton Crooked
anti-trump-ads a fraud
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton a fraud
cnn Don't watch CNN!
email-investigation rigged
delegate-system rigged
hillary-clinton Crooked
michael-barbaro should resign
michael-barbaro the author of the now discredited @nytimes hit piece on me
paul-begala dopey
paul-begala has knowingly committed fraud
delegate-system the system is rigged
hillary-clinton Crooked
lisa-belkin low-life
the-new-york-times has become a joke!
the-new-york-times a disgusting fraud
hillary-clinton zero imagination and even less stamina
hillary-clinton ISIS, China, Russia and all would love for her to be president
hillary-clinton has no chance!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times will always take a good story about me and make it bad
the-new-york-times Every article is unfair and biased
the-new-york-times Very sad!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton very dishonest
tsa falling apart
hillary-clinton Crooked
cnn so negative, getting even worse
hillary-clinton reckless and dangerous
hillary-clinton Wrong!
hillary-clinton not qualified
hillary-clinton her judgement has been proven to be so bad!
hillary-clinton Would be four more years of stupidity!
bill-kristol dopey
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media disgusting
the-media dishonest
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton suffers from plain old bad judgement!
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media dishonest
the-new-york-times failing
hillary-clinton CROOKED
elizabeth-warren Goofy
elizabeth-warren lowlife!
elizabeth-warren Total hypocrite!
elizabeth-warren All talk, no action!
hillary-clinton Crooked
protesters thugs
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton bad judgement and temperament
protesters thugs
the-new-york-times failing
the-media on a new phony kick about my management style
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times Very dishonest!
the-media biased
the-media phony
bill-kristol an embarrassed loser
bill-kristol dummy
hillary-clinton Crooked
gonzalo-curiel very unfair
gonzalo-curiel Totally biased
gonzalo-curiel totally biased
katie-couric third rate reporter
katie-couric has been largely forgotten
katie-couric should be ashamed of herself
katie-couric fraudulent editing
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media totally biased
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton fraud
hillary-clinton very stupid use of e-mails
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton zero natural talent
hillary-clinton temperament is bad
hillary-clinton decision making ability-zilch!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton BAD judgement!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton has made so many mistakes
gonzalo-curiel very biased
gonzalo-curiel unfair
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Lyin'
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton no longer has credibility
hillary-clinton too much failure in office
hillary-clinton Bad performance
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Reading poorly from the telepromter!
hillary-clinton doesn't even look presidential!
jobs-report Terrible
jobs-report Bombshell!
protesters thugs
mika-brzezinski has gone wild with hate
morning-joe Small audience
morning-joe low ratings!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Not honest!
protesters thugs
protesters thugs
sam-liccardo did a terrible job
protesters thugs
cnn Clinton News Network
cnn getting more and more biased
cnn so biased
cnn Shows are predictable garbage!
cnn one big lie!
the-media one big lie!
hillary-clinton unfit to be president
hillary-clinton bad judgement
hillary-clinton poor leadership skills
hillary-clinton very bad and destructive track record
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton record is so bad, unable to answer tough questions!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton total fraud!
morning-joe Nobody is watching
morning-joe Gone off the deep end
morning-joe bad ratings
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media dishonesty
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton will be a disaster
elizabeth-warren Goofy
elizabeth-warren one of the least productive U.S. Senators
elizabeth-warren has a nasty mouth
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
mitt-romney choked like a dog
barack-obama failed
elizabeth-warren Goofy
elizabeth-warren Very racist!
us-leaders weak
us-leaders ineffective
hillary-clinton Crooked
washington-post dishonest
washington-post phony
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media so totally biased
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-new-york-times So totally dishonest!
the-new-york-times failing
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton totally unfit to be our president
hillary-clinton really bad judgement and a temperament
hillary-clinton failed policies
hillary-clinton bad judgment
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton judgement has killed thousands, unleashed ISIS and wrecked the economy
hillary-clinton defrauded America
hillary-clinton Corrupt
hillary-clinton dangerous
hillary-clinton dishonest
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton will be a disaster for jobs and the economy!
hillary-clinton may be the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency
cnn totally biased
cnn Clinton News Network
cnn losing all credibility
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton would be a disaster
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton All talk, no action!
george-will one of the most overrated political pundits
george-will lost his way long ago
george-will made many bad calls
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton bad judgement
hillary-clinton Disgraceful!
hillary-clinton Crooked
abc-post-poll Very dishonest
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton no sense of markets
hillary-clinton such bad judgement
hillary-clinton Crooked
abc-post-poll disgrace
elizabeth-warren one of the least productive senators
elizabeth-warren goofy
hillary-clinton Crooked
cnn all negative when it comes to me
cnn I don't watch it anymore
hillary-clinton Lying
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Presidency would be catastrophic
hillary-clinton ill-fit
hillary-clinton bad judgment
trade-pacts terrible
hillary-clinton Not capable!
nbc-news very dishonest
hillary-clinton sellng out America
trade-pacts bad
hillary-clinton As Bernie Sanders said, Hillary Clinton has bad judgement. Bill's meeting was probably initiated and demanded by Hillary!
delegate-system totally rigged
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times a total lie
the-new-york-times These people are sick!
bill-clinton What Bill did was stupid!
delegate-system totally rigged!
hillary-clinton Crooked
meet-the-press totally biased against me
chuck-todd totally biased against me
the-system totally rigged & corrupt!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton will NEVER be able to handle the complexities and danger of ISIS
the-media Dishonest
the-media trying their absolute best to depict a star in a tweet as the Star of David rather than a Sheriff's Star, or plain star!
chuck-todd totally one-sided interview
the-system totally rigged and corrupt!
hillary-clinton guilty as hell
politically-correct-fools won't even call it what it is - RADICAL ISLAM!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton A total disgrace!
the-system rigged
the-system Very very unfair!
hillary-clinton As usual, bad judgment.
the-system Rigged
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-system rigged
the-system allowed Crooked Hillary to get away with 'murder'
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton unfit to serve as President
hillary-clinton Her temperament is weak
hillary-clinton BAD JUDGEMENT!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Not fit!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton dishonest
hillary-clinton incompetent
hillary-clinton very bad judgement
the-system rigged
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton lied to the FBI and to the people of our country
hillary-clinton sooooo guilty
chuck-todd Sleepy eyes
chuck-todd a man with so little touch for politics
mark-halperin Sleepy Eyes
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-system rigged
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Lyin' Crooked
cnn softball questions
hillary-clinton lies
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton WEAK leadership
barack-obama WEAK leadership
barack-obama living in a world of the make believe!
the-media so dishonest
the-media If I make a statement, they twist it and turn it to make it sound bad or foolish
the-media They think the public is stupid!
inside-politics one hour of lies
john-king underachieving
cnn few people are watching
cnn dead network!
bernie-sanders has totally sold out
hillary-clinton Crooked
bernie-sanders not true to himself
bernie-sanders selling out!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton not qualified!
hillary-clinton Crooked
bernie-sanders has abandoned his supporters
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
ruth-bader-ginsburg has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me
ruth-bader-ginsburg Her mind is shot
ruth-bader-ginsburg resign!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton not qualified
hillary-clinton Crooked
barack-obama trying to destroy Israel with all his bad moves
hillary-clinton Lyin'
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Having ZERO impact
hillary-clinton Sad!!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton negative ads are not true
hillary-clinton email lies
hillary-clinton fraudulent
ruth-bader-ginsburg an incompetent judge!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton embarrassed herself and the country with her e-mail lies
hillary-clinton a DISASTER on foreign policy
hillary-clinton has made so many mistakes
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton bought and paid for by Wall Street, lobbyists and special interests
hillary-clinton will sell our country down the tubes!
elizabeth-warren Goofy
elizabeth-warren the least productive Senator in the U.S. Senate
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton led Obama into bad decisions!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton look at all of the bad decisions she has made
elizabeth-warren Goofy
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas
hillary-clinton Crooked
elizabeth-warren Goofy
elizabeth-warren a very weak Senator
cnn all negative
cnn Guests are stacked for Crooked Hillary!
cnn I don't watch
hillary-clinton Crooked
cnn the Clinton News Network
cnn people don't like
united-states not looking good
united-states not looking smart
united-states not looking tough!
united-states a divided crime scene
united-states it will only get worse!
barack-obama doesn't have a clue
cnn the worst
cnn dumb, one-sided panels
cnn low ratings
the-media spending more time doing a forensic analysis of Melania's speech than the FBI spent on Hillary's emails
republican-candidates a small group of people who have suffered massive and embarrassing losses
tim-kaine took hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts
tim-kaine owned by the banks
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas
elizabeth-warren wanted V.P. slot so badly but wasn't chosen because she has done nothing in the Senate
hillary-clinton Crooked
delegate-system RIGGED
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton destroyed jobs and manufacturing
hillary-clinton Against steelworkers and miners
tpp-deal Job killer!
hillary-clinton killed jobs!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton BAD JUDGEMENT
bernie-sanders ending really weak
bernie-sanders exhausted
bernie-sanders just can't go on any longer
bernie-sanders SAD!
debbie-wasserman-schultz overrated
bernie-sanders exhausted
bernie-sanders no energy left!
cnn panels are so one sided
cnn Don't watch CNN!
bernie-sanders flamed out
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton not at all loyal
bernie-sanders has lost his energy and his strength
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-system rigged
the-media biased
democrats in a total meltdown
debbie-wasserman-schultz highly neurotic
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
dnc-emails should never have been written
dnc-emails stupid
dnc-emails BAD JUDGEMENT
dnc-emails really dumb
hillary-clinton judgement so bad
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
democratic-national-convention total mess
the-media dishonest
the-media will find a good spinnnn!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
tim-kaine in pocket of Wall Street
hillary-clinton betrayed Bernie voters
bernie-sanders has totally given up on his fight for the people
tim-kaine a joke!
bernie-sanders has done such a complete fold
juan-williams He asked if he could have pictures taken with me. I said fine. He then trashes on air!
cory-booker If Cory Booker is the future of the Democratic Party, they have no future!
cory-booker I know more about Cory than he knows about himself.
delegate-system rigged
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas
hillary-clinton Crooked
bernie-sanders totally sold out
bernie-sanders Waste of time
hillary-clinton Crooked
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas
elizabeth-warren bombed last night!
elizabeth-warren Sad to watch
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton incompetent
hillary-clinton a liar!
bernie-sanders he just wants to shut down and go home to bed!
democrats Crazy!
megyn-kelly You have no idea what my strategy on ISIS is
megyn-kelly get your facts straight
bill-clinton Highly overrated!
the-media phony
democratic-national-convention the Republican Convention was far more interesting (with a much more beautiful set)
bernie-sanders Did Bernie go home and go to sleep?
hillary-clinton Crooked
tpp-deal job killing
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-new-york-times failing
democratic-national-convention has paid ZERO respect to the great police and law enforcement professionals
democratic-national-convention SAD!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton wants to flood our country with Syrian immigrants that we know little or nothing about
joe-biden not very bright
democratic-national-convention Pathetic
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton unfit to lead the country
hillary-clinton owned by Wall Street!
hillary-clinton no one has worse judgement
hillary-clinton corruption and devastation follows her
morning-joe little watched
morning-joe SAD!
cnn SAD!
the-media coverage this morning of the very average Clinton speech and Convention is a joke
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton very average scream!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton very long and very boring speech
john-allen failed badly in his fight against ISIS
john-allen his record = BAD
michael-bloomberg Little
michael-bloomberg never had the guts to run for president
michael-bloomberg his last term as Mayor was a disaster!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media dishonest
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton a lose cannon
hillary-clinton extraordinarily bad judgement & insticts
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton a formula for disaster!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton has very small and unenthusiastic crowds in Pennsylvania
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
politicians dumb
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media dishonest
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times a joke
cnn laughable!
the-media distorted
the-media one-sided
the-media biased
hillary-clinton Crooked
cnn will soon be the least trusted name in news
cnn anchors are completely out of touch with everyday people
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton 100% owned by her donors
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR!
hillary-clinton Crooked
barack-obama perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton incompetent
barack-obama disastrous judgment
hillary-clinton bad judgment
hillary-clinton unfit to serve as President
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Very dangerous!
hillary-clinton Anybody whose mind 'SHORT CIRCUITS' is not fit to be our president! Look up the word 'BRAINWASHED.
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton not fit to be our next president!
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media very dishonest
the-media totally biased
stephanie-rawlings-blake a joke!
the-media totally distort so many things on purpose
the-media Very dishonest!
michael-morell lightweight
michael-morell has made serious bad calls
michael-morell a total Clinton flunky!
washington-insiders have made U.S. a mess!
the-media desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A stance
don-lemon a lightweight
don-lemon dumb as a rock
morning-joe low ratings
morning-joe sad & irrelevant!
cnn low ratings
cnn Totally dishonest
cnn Constant phony reporting
cnn failing
cnn turns everyone off
cnn Ratings challenged
hillary-clinton Crooked
pundits poor, pathetic people
the-media dishonest
obamacare disastrous
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times newspaper of fiction
the-new-york-times Very dishonest!
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times Their reporting is fiction
the-new-york-times failing
the-media disgusting
the-media corrupt
the-media My rallies are not covered properly
the-media never discuss the real message
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton not a talented person or politician
the-media dishonest
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media dishonest
the-media corrupt
obamacare a disaster!
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times gets worse and worse by the day
the-new-york-times a dying newspaper
hillary-clinton Crooked
donny-deutsch a big failure in TV
donny-deutsch Irrelevant!
mika-brzezinski off the wall
mika-brzezinski neurotic
mika-brzezinski not very bright
mika-brzezinski mess!
morning-joe low-rated
morning-joe unwatchable!
mika-brzezinski very insecure
mika-brzezinski clown
joe-scarborough clown
washington-post put together a hit job book on me
washington-post inaccurate stories
washington-post Don't buy, boring!
the-media It is being reported by virtually everyone, and is a fact, that the media pile on against me is the worst in American political history!
hillary-clinton LIE!
barack-obama should have gone to Louisiana days ago, instead of golfing. Too little, too late!
hillary-clinton crooked
hillary-clinton lies
hillary-clinton fear-mongering!
hillary-clinton pandering to the worst instincts in our society
hillary-clinton She should be ashamed of herself!
hillary-clinton using race-baiting
hillary-clinton all talk and NO ACTION!
hillary-clinton using the oldest play in the Dem playbook
hillary-clinton only knows how to make a speech when it is a hit on me
hillary-clinton No policy
hillary-clinton CORRUPTION
the-clintons the real predators
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton will NEVER be able to solve the problems of poverty, education and safety
mika-brzezinski crazy
morning-joe low ratings
hillary-clinton called African-American youth “SUPER PREDATORS”
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton brainpower is highly overrated, decision making is so bad
hillary-clinton has BAD JUDGEMENT
hillary-clinton Crooked
obamacare horrible disaster
hillary-clinton doesn't have the drive or stamina to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
hillary-clinton doesn't have the strength or the stamina to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
mika-brzezinski crazy and very dumb
mika-brzezinski had a mental breakdown while talking about me
joe-scarborough a mess
morning-joe low ratings
cnn so disgusting in their bias
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times has not reported properly
the-new-york-times at the back of the pack
the-new-york-times no longer a credible source
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
jeff-flake weak
jeff-flake a very weak and ineffective Senator
jeff-flake Sad!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Lyin'
barack-obama not a natural deal maker
barack-obama Only makes bad deals!
rodrigo-duterte Terrible!
china Terrible!
the-media never covered Hillary's massive “hacking” or coughing attack
hillary-clinton just gave a disastrous news conference
hillary-clinton totally confused
hillary-clinton Unfit to serve as #POTUS
hillary-clinton very dumb
cnn-trump-documentary a total waste of time
cnn-trump-documentary A joke!
cnn unwatchable
cnn Their news on me is fiction, a disgrace to the broadcasting industry, an arm of the Clinton campaign
jeff-zucker failed @NBC and he is now failing @CNN
bakari-sellers failed @CNN announcer
tony-schwartz Dummy writer
tony-schwartz wanted to do a second book with me for years (I said no)
tony-schwartz a hostile basket case who feels jilted!
tony-schwartz hardly knows me
tony-schwartz Never liked his style
tony-schwartz Irrelevant dope!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton SO INSULTING to my supporters
jeff-flake Really sad
ben-sasse Really sad
lindsey-graham Really sad
mitt-romney Really sad
hillary-clinton said horrible things about my supporters
the-new-york-times seriously failing
the-new-york-times only writes dishonest hits!
colin-powell I was never a fan
colin-powell weak understanding of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq
hillary-clinton Crooked
robert-gates knows nothing about me
robert-gates a total disaster!
cnn-panelists Boring
cnn-panelists mostly losers in life!
cnn just doesn't get it
cnn ratings are so low - and getting worse
cnn Boring anti-Trump panelists, mostly losers in life!
maureen-dowd Wacky
maureen-dowd hardly knows me
maureen-dowd makes up things that I never said
maureen-dowd boring interviews and column
maureen-dowd A neurotic dope!
maureen-dowd Crazy
maureen-dowd wacky
maureen-dowd pretends she knows me well--wrong!
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times has gone nuts
the-new-york-times willing to say anything
the-new-york-times a laughingstock rag!
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times irresponsible intent
the-new-york-times Really disgusting
robert-gates never liked
robert-gates dopey
robert-gates Always speaks badly of his many bosses
hillary-clinton copying my airplane rallies
hillary-clinton puts the plane behind her like I have been doing from the beginning
hillary-clinton taking the day off again, she needs the rest
mark-cuban dopey
the-system rigged
hillary-clinton a typical politician
hillary-clinton all talk, no action
hillary-clinton failed all over the world
hillary-clinton Crooked
cnn little watched
hillary-clinton failing for 30 years
hillary-clinton not getting the job done
the-system rigged
cnn (Clinton News Network)
the-media just made up lies!
alicia-machado my worst Miss U.
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton terrible!
alicia-machado a con
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT!
alicia-machado disgusting (check out sex tape and past)
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media VERY dishonest
usa-today will lose readers!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton nasty to Sanders supporters behind closed doors
hillary-clinton Owned by Wall St and Politicians
debate-microphone really bad
the-media totally one-sided “spin”
debate-microphone very bad
cnn really bad
cnn bad product
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-new-york-times failing
hillary-clinton has only created jobs at the FBI and DOJ!
hillary-clinton Crooked
cnn-panelists a joke
cnn-panelists biased
cnn-panelists very dumb
cnn so negative
the-media want me out of the race so badly
bill-clinton There's never been anyone more abusive to women in politics
hillary-clinton If I win-I am going to instruct my AG to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation
hillary-clinton there's never been anything like your lies
hillary-clinton nothing Hillary has said about her secret server has been true
hillary-clinton Hypocrite!
hillary-clinton Hypocrite
cnn the worst
cnn fortunately they have bad ratings
cnn everyone knows they are biased
cnn Really pathetic
cnn totally dishonest!
paul-ryan very weak
paul-ryan ineffective
paul-ryan disloyal
democrats cheating Bernie out of the nom
hillary-clinton Crooked
republicans Disloyal
republicans come at you from all sides
republicans don't know how to win
john-mccain very foul mouthed
john-mccain begged for my support during his primary (I gave, he won)
hillary-clinton disgraceful behavior
hillary-clinton unfit to run
hillary-clinton Crooked
cnn Fraud
hillary-clinton Fraud
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-system Rigged
the-media dishonest
the-media So dishonest!
hillary-clinton PAY TO PLAY POLITICS
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-new-york-times failing
nytimes-article phony
nytimes-article a TOTAL FABRICATION
obamacare disaster!
womens-assault-allegations 100% fabricated
womens-assault-allegations made-up
womens-assault-allegations pushed strongly by the media and the Clinton Campaign
womens-assault-allegations may poison the minds of the American Voter
2016-election is being rigged
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media pushing false and unsubstantiated charges, and outright lies
2016-election rigged
hillary-clinton should be in jail
womens-assault-allegations Totally made up nonsense to steal the election
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times don't even call us anymore
the-new-york-times just write whatever they want to write, making up sources along the way!
alec-baldwin portrayal stinks
saturday-night-live boring
saturday-night-live unfunny show
the-media rigging election!
womens-assault-allegations made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED
the-media rigging election!
2016-election being rigged by the media, in a coordinated effort with the Clinton campaign
hillary-clinton Crooked
bill-clinton Wild Bill
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton SO CORRUPT!
2016-election absolutely being rigged
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media dishonest
the-media distorted
hillary-clinton Crooked
paul-ryan always fighting the Republican nominee!
hillary-clinton crooked
democrats corrupt political machine
paul-ryan doesn't know how to win
paul-ryan does zilch!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Such a dishonest person
vandals-in-nc Animals
womens-assault-allegations totally phoney
womens-assault-allegations 100% made up
womens-assault-allegations already proven false
republicans So naive!
the-system RIGGED
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media has deceived the public by putting women front and center with made-up stories and lies
the-system Rigged
hillary-clinton Crooked
2016-election media-rigged
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton So CROOKED
hillary-clinton If we let Crooked run the govt, history will remember 2017 as the year America lost its independence
hillary-clinton the most corrupt person to ever run for the presidency of the United States
obamacare a complete disaster
nafta worst deal in US history
hillary-clinton too weak to lead
hillary-clinton no solutions, no ideas, no credibility
hillary-clinton you have failed, failed, and failed
hillary-clinton a foreign policy DISASTER
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton has never created a job in her life
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton a Wall Street PUPPET!
hillary-clinton She'll say anything and change NOTHING!
hillary-clinton loves to lie
clinton-foundation a CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE
donna-brazile Totally dishonest
donna-brazile chokes on the truth
obamacare disastrous
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media refuses to talk about the three new national polls that have me in first place
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
united-states looking so dumb
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton wants to take in as many Syrians as possible
democrats making up phony polls in order to suppress the the Trump
the-media in the tank for Clinton
the-media We are winning and the press is refusing to report it
the-media Don't let them fool you
hillary-clinton Crooked H
obamacare a disaster!
obamacare a disaster - as I've been saying from the beginning
obamacare a disaster
obamacare Rates going through the sky - ready to explode
obamacare I will fix it. Hillary can't!
hillary-clinton Hillary said she was under sniper fire (while surrounded by USSS.) Turned out to be a total lie. She is not fit to lead our country
obamacare a disaster
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton launched her political career by letting terrorists off the hook
obamacare disaster
hillary-clinton We must not let #CrookedHillary take her CRIMINAL SCHEME into the Oval Office
the-media Very dishonest
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
hillary-clinton unfit to be president
hillary-clinton Bad judgement!
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-system RIGGED!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton should not be allowed to run for president
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton a big mistake
the-system Rigged
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Guilty - cannot run
hillary-clinton decades of lies and scandal
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary's corruption is closing in
obamacare a total disaster
barack-obama Why is he campaigning instead of creating jobs & fixing Obamacare? Get back to work
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton unfit to serve
barack-obama If Obama worked as hard on straightening out our country as he has trying to protect and elect Hillary, we would all be much better off!
the-system corrupt
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media Very unfair!
the-new-york-times losing thousands of subscribers because of their very poor and highly inaccurate coverage of the “Trump phenomena”
the-new-york-times BAD coverage of me
the-new-york-times How dishonest are they
the-media typically false
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times so totally wrong on transition
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times upset that they looked like fools in their coverage of me
hamilton-cast very rude
brandon-victor-dixon Very rude and insulting
brandon-victor-dixon Couldn't even memorize lines!
hamilton highly overrated
hamilton-cast should immediately apologize to Mike Pence for their terrible behavior
saturday-night-live a totally one-sided, biased show - nothing funny at all
the-media crooked
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times Not nice
the-new-york-times they continue to cover me inaccurately and with a nasty tone!
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times complaints about them are at a 15 year high
wisconsin-recount scam to fill up their coffers
democrats badly defeated & demoralized
the-media Serious bias - big problem!
cnn still doesn't get it
cnn They will never learn!
jeff-zeleny bad reporter
cnn is so embarrassed by their total (100%) support of Hillary Clinton
cnn they don't know what to do
cnn I thought that @CNN would get better after they failed so badly in their support of Hillary Clinton however, since election, they are worse!
rexnord rather viciously firing all of its 300 workers
alec-baldwin impersonation just can't get any worse
saturday-night-live unwatchable!
saturday-night-live Totally biased
saturday-night-live not funny
saturday-night-live Sad
pa-recount Just a Stein scam to raise money!
new-air-force-one costs are out of control
new-air-force-one Cancel order!
chuck-jones has done a terrible job representing workers
chuck-jones No wonder companies flee country!
united-steelworkers If United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, they would have kept those jobs in Indiana
nbc-nightly-news So biased, inaccurate and bad
nbc-nightly-news Just can't get much worse
f35-program out of control
wisconsin-recount Scam!
vanity-fair really poor numbers
vanity-fair Way down, big trouble, dead!
graydon-carter no talent
graydon-carter will be out!
the-media distorted and inaccurate
bill-clinton 'doesn't know much'
nbc-news Dishonest!
barack-obama he thinks he would have won against me. He should say that but I say NO WAY!
united-nations has such great potential but right now it is just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time
united-nations So sad!
iran-deal horrible
nbc-news they don't have a clue!
cnn they don't have a clue!
obamacare just doesn't work
obamacare lousy
democratic-national-committee so careless
the-media More dishonest than anyone knows
democratic-national-committee why did they not have ‘hacking defense’ like the RNC has
obamacare failed
obamacare disaster
obamacare will fall of its own weight
chuck-schumer clown
obamacare bad
obamacare was a lie from the beginning
the-media dishonest
the-media lies
the-media dishonest
arnold-schwarzenegger got swamped (or destroyed) by comparison
democratic-national-committee Gross negligence
democratic-national-committee poorly defended
democrats the loss by the Dems was so big
the-media Dishonest
the-media Terrible!
the-media Dishonest
the-media fake!
meryl-streep one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood
meryl-streep Hillary flunky who lost big
the-media dishonest
trump-report Very unfair!
trump-opposition crooked
trump-opposition try to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS
trump-opposition A sorry state!
trump-report fake news
trump-report false and fictitious
trump-report illegally circulated
trump-report Made up, phony facts
cnn a total meltdown with their FAKE NEWS
cnn ratings are tanking since election
cnn credibility will soon be gone!
trump-report Totally made up facts by sleazebag political operatives
hillary-clinton no enthusiasm!
obamacare The 'Unaffordable' Care Act
john-lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart
john-lewis All talk, talk, talk - no action or results
john-lewis Sad!
nbc-news bad
saturday-night-live the worst of NBC
saturday-night-live Not funny
saturday-night-live cast is terrible
saturday-night-live always a complete hit job
saturday-night-live Really bad television!
john-brennan Not good!
the-media Very dishonest
cnn Considering it is CNN, can't imagine it will be great!
pollsters did the phony election polls
pollsters were so wrong
pollsters rigged
nbc-news Totally biased
today-show doing so badly compared to its glorious past
today-show Little credibility!
nbc biased
chicago If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible carnage going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!
chelsea-manning Ungrateful TRAITOR
chelsea-manning should never have been released from prison
chelsea-manning Terrible!
nafta a one-sided deal from the beginning
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times wrong about me from the very beginning
the-new-york-times FAKE NEWS!
washington-post so false and angry
the-new-york-times so false and angry
the-new-york-times dwindling subscribers and readers
the-new-york-times got me wrong right from the beginning and still have not changed course, and never will
the-new-york-times DISHONEST
refugee-crisis-in-europe a horrible mess!
lindsey-graham sadly weak on immigration
john-mccain sadly weak on immigration
lindsey-graham always looking to start World War III
john-mccain always looking to start World War III
democrats delaying my cabinet picks for purely political reasons
democrats nothing going but to obstruct
scotus-rally mic did not work
scotus-rally a mess,
chuck-schumer Fake Tears Chuck Schumer
democrats a mess
us-australia-refugee-deal dumb deal!
iran has been formally PUT ON NOTICE
iran Should have been thankful for the terrible deal the U.S. made with them!
the-media lied
iran playing with fire
iran they don't appreciate how kind President Obama was to them. Not me!
arnold-schwarzenegger did a really bad job as Governor of California and even worse on the Apprentice
decision-to-halt-the-ban A terrible decision
decision-to-halt-the-ban ridiculous
the-new-york-times bad and inaccurate coverage of me
the-new-york-times FAKE NEWS
the-new-york-times is still lost!
james-robart so-called judge
james-robart ridiculous
james-robart will be overturned!
james-robart What is our country coming to when a judge can halt a Homeland Security travel ban and anyone, even with bad intentions, can come into U.S.?
james-robart opens up our country to potential terrorists and others that do not have our best interests at heart
james-robart put our country in such peril
james-robart If something happens blame him
james-robart Bad!
pollsters fake news, just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times writes total fiction concerning me
the-new-york-times have gotten it wrong for two years
the-new-york-times making up stories & sources!
the-media FAKE NEWS
the-media lies!
the-haters going crazy
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times was forced to apologize to its subscribers for the poor reporting it did on my election win
the-new-york-times Now they are worse!
nordstrom Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by @Nordstrom
nordstrom Terrible!
decision-to-halt-the-ban horrible
decision-to-halt-the-ban dangerous
decision-to-halt-the-ban wrong
john-mccain He's been losing so long he doesn't know how to win anymore
chris-cuomo FAKE NEWS!
richard-blumenthal never fought in Vietnam when he said for years he had (major lie)
richard-blumenthal misrepresents
decision-to-halt-the-ban disgraceful
the-new-york-times failing, does major FAKE NEWS
us-legal-system broken! , SO DANGEROUS!
mark-cuban not smart enough to run for president!
the-media FAKE NEWS, Very dishonest!
obamacare continues to fail
msnbc unwatchable
cnn unwatchable
the-new-york-times failing
the-media fake news
the-media going crazy with their conspiracy theories and blind hatred
democrats discredited
democrats had to come up with a story as to why they lost the election, and so badly (306), so they made up a story - RUSSIA
intelligence-leakers low-life
the-new-york-times Failing
the-media FAKE NEWS
the-media makes up stories and 'sources,'
the-media fading fast!
cbs the enemy of the American People!
nbc-news FAKE NEWS
nbc-news the enemy of the American People!
cnn the enemy of the American People!
the-new-york-times FAKE NEWS
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times the enemy of the American People!
the-media Fake
the-media FAKE NEWS
the-media the enemy of the American People!
the-media FAKE
the-media Dishonest
the-media fake news
the-media FAKE NEWS
town-hall-meetings so-called angry crowds
town-hall-meetings planned out by liberal activists
town-hall-meetings Sad!
fbi totally unable to stop the national security 'leakers'
chicago totally out of control, Chicago needs help!
cnn has become a joke
cnn Sad!
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times has become a joke
the-new-york-times Sad!
the-media FAKE NEWS
the-media knowingly doesn't tell the truth
the-media A great danger to our country
the-media Sad!
dnc-chairmanship-election totally 'rigged.'
democrats Russia talk is FAKE NEWS put out by the Dems
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times failing reputation
the-media Russia talk is FAKE NEWS put out by the Dems, and played up by the media
chuck-schumer total hypocrite!
illegal-leaks a total 'witch hunt!'
democrats overplaying their hand
democrats They lost the election, and now they have lost their grip on reality
democrats so pathetic
barack-obama Terrible!
barack-obama had my “wires tapped” in Trump Tower just before the victory
barack-obama A NEW LOW!
barack-obama How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process
barack-obama Bad (or sick) guy!
arnold-schwarzenegger isn't voluntarily leaving the Apprentice
arnold-schwarzenegger was fired by his bad (pathetic) ratings, not by me
arnold-schwarzenegger Sad
gitmo-prisoner-release terrible decision!
barack-obama Weak!
obamacare a complete and total disaster
obamacare imploding fast!
the-media FAKE NEWS
barack-obama a disaster!
obamacare imploding
obamacare will only get worse
obamacare imploding
obamacare a disaster
the-media rude
snoop-dogg failing career
david-cay-johnston a reporter, who nobody ever heard of
nbc-news FAKE NEWS!
the-media FAKE NEWS
trump-russia FAKE NEWS
democrats made up and pushed the Russian story as an excuse for running a terrible campaign
democrats Big advantage in Electoral College & lost!
cnn Fake News
cnn their election polls were a WAY OFF disaster
abc-news totally biased
abc-news fake news
abc-news Such dishonesty!
nbc-news totally biased
nbc-news fake news
nbc-news Such dishonesty!
obamacare horrible
obamacare bad healthcare
obamacare will explode
freedom-caucus was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
trump-russia a hoax
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times would do much better if they were honest!
the-media Fake News
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times their coverage was so wrong
the-new-york-times Now worse!
the-media vicious
the-media inaccurate
freedom-caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don't get on the team
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times has disgraced the media world
the-new-york-times Gotten me wrong for two solid years
the-new-york-times Change libel laws?
NA a witch hunt
chuck-todd Sleepy Eyes
trump-russia Fake
trump-russia phony
trump-russia A total scam!
obamacare dead
the-new-york-times failing
the-media Fake News
the-media now pushing the phony Russia story
the-media Fake News
hillary-clinton Did Hillary Clinton ever apologize for receiving the answers to the debate? Just asking!
trump-russia crooked scheme against us
north-korea looking for trouble
jon-ossoff super Liberal
jon-ossoff wants to protect criminals, allow illegal immigration and raise taxes!
obama-administration total failure
the-media BAD!
the-media Fake Media (not Real Media)
the-media has gotten even worse since the election
the-media Every story is badly slanted
jon-ossoff would be a disaster in Congress
jon-ossoff VERY weak on crime and illegal immigration
jon-ossoff bad for jobs
jon-ossoff wants higher taxes
jon-ossoff will raise your taxes
jon-ossoff very bad on crime & 2nd A.
jon-ossoff doesn't even live in the district
obama-administration weak illegal immigration policies
obama-administration allowed bad MS 13 gangs to form
democrats failed in Kansas and are now failing in Georgia
the-media FAKE
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times has been calling me wrong for two years
the-new-york-times just got caught in a big lie
first-100-days ridiculous standard
obamacare in serious trouble
pollsters wrong big on election
the-media FAKE
the-media almost always negative
abc-news fake news
abc-news totally wrong in General E.
nbc-news fake news
nbc-news totally wrong in General E.
obamacare in a death spiral!
the-media fake
ninth-circuit ridiculous rulings
ninth-circuit has a terrible record
ninth-circuit Messy system
democrats trying to bail out insurance companies
obamacare disastrous
democrats want to shut government
democrats jeopardizing the safety of our troops to bail out their donors
democrats want illegals to pour through our borders
obamacare failure
north-korea Bad!
the-media FAKE
the-media refuses to state our long list of achievements
democrats want billions to go to Insurance Companies to bail out donors
obamacare You can't compare anything to ObamaCare because ObamaCare is dead
trump-russia an excuse used by the Democrats as justification for losing the election
obamacare lie
obamacare it is dead
the-media Fake
the-media officially out of control
the-media will do or say anything in order to get attention
obamacare dead!
obamacare on its last legs
obamacare dead!
the-media Fake
the-media did everything in its power to make the Republican Healthcare victory look as bad as possible
the-media Fake
the-media rarely reports Ocare is on its last legs
the-media Fake
the-media FAKE
trump-russia a total hoax
trump-russia taxpayer funded charade
the-media Fake
the-media fake
the-media fake
the-media #FakeNews!
james-comey will be replaced by someone who will do a far better job
james-comey lost the confidence of almost everyone in Washington
chuck-schumer Cryin' Chuck
chuck-schumer so indignant
democrats so sad!
democrats have been complaining for months
democrats PRETEND to be aggrieved
democrats Phony hypocrites!
cnn Fake News
richard-blumenthal a joke
richard-blumenthal devised one of the greatest military frauds in U.S. history
richard-blumenthal cried like a baby and begged for forgiveness
richard-blumenthal should be the one who is investigated for his acts
democrats should be ashamed
james-comey better hope that there are no 'tapes' of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
trump-russia fabricated by Dems as an excuse for losing the election
the-media Fake
obamacare dead
the-media fabricated lies
the-media #FakeNews
the-media fake
the-media fake
the-media #FakeNews
the-media Fake
north-korea has shown great disrespect for their neighbor, China
the-media Fake
the-media works hard at disparaging & demeaning my use of social media because they don't want America to hear the real story!
trump-russia a lame excuse for why the Dems lost the election
the-media Fake
kathy-griffin should be ashamed of herself
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton a terrible candidate
sadiq-khan At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is 'no reason to be alarmed!'
the-courts slow and political!
travel-ban watered down
travel-ban politically correct
travel-ban watered down
sadiq-khan Pathetic
democrats taking forever to approve my people, including Ambassadors
democrats nothing but OBSTRUCTIONISTS!
washington-post Fake News
nbc Fake News
travel-ban politically correct
travel-ban won't help us protect our people!
abc-news Fake News
cbs Fake News
cnn Fake News
the-new-york-times Fake News
the-media FAKE
the-media working so hard trying to get me not to use Social Media
the-media They hate that I can get the honest and unfiltered message out
james-comey so many false statements and lies
james-comey a leaker!
james-comey Very 'cowardly!'
democrats have no message, not on economics, not on taxes, not on jobs, not on failing #Obamacare
obamacare failing
the-media #FakeNews
the-media report the great economic news since Election Day
loretta-lynch made law enforcement decisions for political purposes
loretta-lynch gave Hillary Clinton a free pass and protection
loretta-lynch Totally illegal!
democrats Obstructionist
democrats have no answer
obamacare in a death spiral
the-media has never been so wrong or so dirty
the-media Purposely incorrect stories
the-media phony sources
the-media agenda of hate
the-media Sad!
the-media at an all time high
the-media Where is their apology to me for all of the incorrect stories???
rod-rosenstein very bad and conflicted
investigations-of-trump-presidency the single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history
hillary-clinton Crooked
trump-russia phony
the-media made up a phony collusion with the Russians story
investigations-of-trump-presidency Witch Hunt
trump-russia Sad!
trump-russia phony
trump-russia Witch Hunt
the-media Fake
the-media hates when I use what has turned out to be my very powerful Social Media
investigations-of-trump-presidency distraction
investigations-of-trump-presidency Witch Hunt
jon-ossoff can't even vote in the district he wants to represent
jon-ossoff doesn't live there!
jon-ossoff wants to raise taxes & kill healthcare
democrats want to stop tax cuts, good healthcare and Border Security
democrats Their ObamaCare is dead
obamacare dead
jon-ossoff wants to raise your taxes to the highest level
jon-ossoff weak on crime and security
jon-ossoff doesn't even live in district
democrats want to raise taxes big!
democrats can only obstruct
democrats no ideas
obamacare dead
democrats would do much better as a party if they got together with Republicans
democrats Obstruction
the-media Fake News
mexico just ranked the second deadliest country in the world
investigations-of-trump-presidency a big Dem HOAX!
investigations-of-trump-presidency a big Dem scam
chuck-schumer Cryin' Chuck
obamacare broken
bernie-sanders Crazy
hillary-clinton colluded
hillary-clinton Is she allowed to so collude?
hillary-clinton Crooked
barack-obama NOTHING about Russia
barack-obama colluded or obstructed
barack-obama did NOTHING after being informed in August about Russian meddling
democrats have become nothing but OBSTRUCTIONISTS
democrats have no policies or ideas
democrats All they do is delay and complain
democrats no help
washington-post Fake News
washington-post failing
nbc Fake News
abc-news Fake News
cbs Fake News
cnn phony stories
cnn got caught falsely pushing their phony Russian stories
cnn Ratings way down!
cnn Fake News
the-new-york-times Fake News
the-new-york-times failing
washington-post the guardian of Amazon not paying internet taxes
washington-post FAKE NEWS!
democrats purposely misstated Medicaid
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times writes false story after false story about me
the-new-york-times don't even call to verify the facts of a story
the-new-york-times A Fake News Joke!
the-media Fake News
the-media likes to say that I am not totally engaged in healthcare
the-media Wrong
mika-brzezinski low I.Q.
mika-brzezinski Crazy
mika-brzezinski was bleeding badly from a face-lift
joe-scarborough Psycho Joe
morning-joe poorly rated
morning-joe don't watch anymore
joe-scarborough He called me to stop a National Enquirer article. I said no!
morning-joe low rated
morning-joe FAKE NEWS, Bad show
states-refusing-to-give-voter-panel-info What are they trying to hide?
comcast-executives out of control
nbc-executives out of control
mika-brzezinski dumb as a rock
joe-scarborough Crazy
morning-joe low rated
cnn I am extremely pleased to see that @CNN has finally been exposed as #FakeNews and garbage journalism. It's about time!
cnn #FakeNews, #FraudNewsCNN
the-media FAKE
the-media FRAUDULENT
the-media working hard to convince Republicans and others I should not use social media
the-media #FakeNews
cnn #FraudNewsCNN
cnn #FNN
the-media dishonest
john-podesta Disgraceful!
the-media Fake News
the-media will never cover me accurately but who cares!
the-media Fake News
james-comey leaked CLASSIFIED INFORMATION to the media. That is so illegal!
hillary-clinton gave our country away
the-media Fake News
democrats have only confirmed 48 of 197 Presidential Nominees
democrats They can't win so all they do is slow things down & obstruct!
investigations-of-trump-presidency the greatest Witch Hunt in political history
investigations-of-trump-presidency Sad!
democrats Disgraceful!
the-media when you hear the words “sources say” from the Fake Media, often times those sources are made up and do not exist
obamacare disaster
obamacare DISASTER
abc-post-poll just about the most inaccurate poll around election time!
hillary-clinton can illegally get the questions to the Debate & delete 33,000 emails but my son Don is being scorned by the Fake News Media?
the-media Fake
the-media phony
the-media unnamed sources
the-media highly slanted
the-media fraudulent reporting
the-media #Fake
the-media DISTORTING DEMOCRACY in our country!
democrats totally obstruct
obamacare failing
democrats scream death as OCare dies!
the-media Fake News
the-media sick
the-media Fake News
the-media becoming more and more dishonest
the-media Even a dinner arranged for top 20 leaders in Germany is made to look sinister!
washington-post Amazon Washington Post
washington-post illegal leaks
james-comey illegal leaks
hillary-clinton Crooked
democrats obstructionists
democrats no ideas or votes
democrats only obstruction
obamacare dead
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times sick agenda
the-media Fake News
the-media LEAKS
the-media FAKE NEWS
republicans very sad
republicans carried over the line on my back
republicans do very little to protect their President
washington-post Amazon Washington Post
washington-post every story/opinion, even if should be positive, is bad!
trump-russia phony
trump-russia Witch Hunt
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times every story/opinion, even if should be positive, is bad!
adam-schiff Sleazy
adam-schiff totally biased
adam-schiff spends all of his time on television pushing the Dem loss excuse!
washington-dc Swamp
washington-dc Sewer
washington-dc actually much worse than anyone ever thought
hillary-clinton Crooked
obamacare disastrous
obamacare Nightmare!
the-media Fake News
european-union very protectionist
andrew-mccabe got $700,000 from H for wife!
jeff-sessions VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes
washington-post Amazon Washington Post
washington-post fabricated the facts
washington-post Fake News
washington-post as bad as ratings challenged @CNN
washington-post Lobbyist for Amazon and taxes?
washington-post Fake News
washington-post being used as a lobbyist weapon against Congress to keep Politicians from looking into Amazon no-tax monopoly
trump-russia Witch Hunt
democrats have fooled the people
democrats obstructionists
obamacare torturing the American People
cnn ratings challenged
lisa-murkowski really let the Republicans, and our country, down yesterday
andrew-mccabe a Comey friend
andrew-mccabe got big dollars ($700,000) for his wife's political run from Hillary Clinton
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
the-new-york-times Failing
the-media Fake News
the-media Purposely phony reporting.
filibuster-rule senseless
senate-democrats let the American people down
senate-republicans let the American people down
china they do NOTHING for us with North Korea
china just talk
former-us-presidents foolish
filibuster-rule It is killing the R Party
filibuster-rule allows 8 Dems to control country
filibuster-rule A JOKE!
filibuster-rule very outdated
filibuster-rule killing R's in Senate
senate-republicans They look like fools and are just wasting time
senate-republicans total quitters
investigations-of-trump-presidency Witch Hunt!
obamacare imploding
the-media Fake News!
the-media Fake News
congress can't even give us HCare!
the-media Fake News
washington-post Fake News
nbc Fake News
abc-news Fake News
trump-russia Fake News
cbs Fake News
cnn Fake News
richard-blumenthal a phony Vietnam con artist!
richard-blumenthal Never in U.S.history has anyone lied or defrauded voters like Senator Richard Blumenthal
richard-blumenthal cried like a baby
richard-blumenthal begged for forgiveness like a child
richard-blumenthal I think Senator Blumenthal should take a nice long vacation in Vietnam, where he lied about his service, so he can at least say he was there
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times made every wrong prediction about me including my big election win
the-new-york-times totally inept!
the-new-york-times Fake News
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times big losses
the-new-york-times massive unfunded liability
the-new-york-times non-existent sources
the-media Fake News
the-media refuses to report the success of the first 6 months
the-media phony
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
washington-post AmazonWashingtonPost
the-new-york-times Failing
the-media Fake News Suppression Polls!
mitch-mcconnell couldn't get it done
mitch-mcconnell get back to work
merck-pharma a leader in higher & higher drug prices while at the same time taking jobs out of the U.S.
democrats Obstructionist
the-media Fake News
the-media truly bad people!
manufacturing-ceos For every CEO that drops out of the Manufacturing Council, I have many to take their place, Grandstanders
amazon doing great damage to tax paying retailers
civil-war-memorial-opponents So foolish!
jeff-flake WEAK on borders, crime and a non-factor in Senate
jeff-flake He's toxic!
lindsey-graham Publicity seeking
lindsey-graham falsely stated that I said there is moral equivalency between the KKK, neo-Nazis & white supremacists
lindsey-graham a disgusting lie
lindsey-graham just can't forget his election trouncing
the-media dishonest
the-media Fake News
the-media totally misrepresent what I say about hate, bigotry etc. Shame!
democrats Obstructionist
democrats make Security for our country very difficult
democrats use the courts and associated delay at all times
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media Fake News
the-media worst
the-media dishonest
the-media Fake News reporting
the-media very dishonest, Fake News
jeff-flake Not a fan
jeff-flake weak on crime & border!
senate-republicans they are just wasting time!
the-media a platform to hate groups
the-media turns a blind eye to the gang violence on our streets!
the-media Fake News
james-clapper famously got caught lying to Congress
debt-ceiling-approval a mess!
mitch-mcconnell after hearing Repeal & Replace for 7 years, he failed!
democrats have no one who can change tones!
the-media Fake News
bob-corker Strange
bob-corker constantly asking me whether or not he should run again in '18
the-media Fake News
nafta worst trade deal ever made
north-korea U.S. has been talking to North Korea, and paying them extortion money, for 25 years
the-media false reporting
the-media dying magazines
the-system rigged
north-korea a rogue nation
north-korea a great threat and embarrassment to China
north-korea they only understand one thing
filibuster-rule will never allow the Republicans to pass even great legislation
filibuster-rule a Repub Death Wish!
the-media they know nothing about me & have zero access
the-media #FAKE NEWS!
single-payer-health-plan a curse on the U.S. & its people
hillary-clinton blames everybody (and every thing) but herself for her election loss
hillary-clinton lost the debates and lost her direction!
hillary-clinton in the end, had no game!
espn bad programming
espn People are dumping it in RECORD numbers
filibuster-rule ridiculous
kim-jong-un Rocket Man
rand-paul such a negative force when it comes to fixing healthcare
emmys-2017 bad
emmys-2017 the worst ever
hillary-clinton Crooked
rand-paul will forever (future political campaigns) be known as 'the Republican who saved ObamaCare.'
kim-jong-un obviously a madman
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton a bad candidate!
trump-russia hoax
the-media totally biased
the-media dishonest
the-media Fake News
roger-goodell trying to justify the total disrespect certain players show to our country
iran-deal Not much of an agreement we have!
colin-kaepernick YOU'RE FIRED
colin-kaepernick Find something else to do!
chuck-schumer sold John McCain a bill of goods
john-mccain never had any intention of voting for this Bill
john-mccain Let Arizona down!
john-mccain let his best friend L.G. down!
nfl attendance and ratings are WAY DOWN
nfl Boring games
nfl Bad ratings!
nfl should change policy!
kim-jong-un Little Rocket Man
cnn #FakeNews
cnn Total lie!
nfl Ratings for NFL football are way down except before game starts, when people tune in to see whether or not our country will be disrespected!
nfl The booing at the NFL football game last night, when the entire Dallas team dropped to its knees, was loudest I have ever heard. Great anger
john-mccain My oh my has he changed-complete turn from years of talk!
facebook was always anti-Trump
facebook Collusion?
washington-post anti-Trump
washington-post Collusion?
washington-post Fake News
the-new-york-times anti-Trump
the-new-york-times Collusion?
the-new-york-times Fake News
the-media anti-Trump
the-media Collusion?
the-media Fake News
democrats don't want massive tax cuts - how does that win elections?
puerto-ricans want everything to be done for them
carmen-yulin-cruz Such poor leadership ability
carmen-yulin-cruz Results of recovery efforts will speak much louder than complaints by San Juan Mayor
nbc Fake News
nbc going out of their way to disparage our great First Responders
nbc Not fair
cnn Fake News
cnn going out of their way to disparage our great First Responders
cnn Not fair
the-media Fake News
the-media working overtime in Puerto Rico doing their best to take the spirit away from our soldiers and first R's
the-media Shame!
the-media Fake News
the-media #FakeNews!
the-media Because of #FakeNews my people are not getting the credit they deserve
the-media FAKE NEWS
rex-tillerson wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man
rex-tillerson Save your energy Rex
puerto-ricans politically motivated ingrates
kim-jong-un Little Rocket Man
kim-jong-un Rocket Man
the-media Fake News
nbc-news #FakeNews
nbc-news more dishonest than even CNN
nbc-news a disgrace to good reporting
nbc-news ratings are way down!
nbc-news #FakeNews
nbc-news should issue an apology to AMERICA!
the-media Fake
the-media Fake News
the-media No matter what I do or say, they will not write or speak truth
the-media out of control!
nbc-news Fake News
nbc-news Low news and reporting standards
the-media Fake News Networks
the-media just made up
the-media FAKE!
ralph-northam fighting for the violent MS-13 killer gangs & sanctuary cities
late-night-television-hosts dealing with the Democrats for their very unfunny & repetitive material
late-night-television-hosts always anti-Trump!
nbc-news so knowingly inaccurate with their reporting
obamacare badly broken, big premiums
the-media one-sided coverage
kneeling-nfl-players disrespecting our country
iran-deal horrendous
bob-corker ‘begged’ me to endorse him for re-election
bob-corker I said ‘NO‘ and he dropped out
bob-corker largely responsible for the horrendous Iran Deal!
bob-corker a negative voice
bob-corker in the way of our great agenda
bob-corker Didn't have the guts to run!
bob-corker gave us the Iran Deal, & that's about it
kneeling-nfl-players showed such disrespect for country!
jemele-hill With Jemele Hill at the mike, it is no wonder ESPN ratings have 'tanked,' in fact, tanked so badly it is the talk of the industry!
nfl getting massive tax breaks while at the same time disrespecting our Anthem, Flag and Country
espn it is no wonder ESPN ratings have 'tanked,' in fact, tanked so badly it is the talk of the industry!
bob-corker Liddle' Bob
bob-corker Was made to sound a fool
congress can't get its act together on HealthCare
democrats don't want secure borders,they don't care about safety for U.S.A.
the-new-york-times Failing
nbc-news Fake
nbc-news made up a story
nbc-news Pure fiction, made up to demean
nbc-news NBC = CNN!
nbc-news Fake News
nbc-news at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License?
nbc-news Bad for country!
democrats want MASSIVE tax increases & soft, crime producing borders
the-media Fake News
the-media story is totally made up
the-media dishonest
the-media Fake News
puerto-rico-infrastructure disaster before hurricanes
the-media has become so partisan, distorted and fake
the-media licenses must be challenged and, if appropriate, revoked
the-media going all out in order to demean and denigrate!
the-media Such hatred!
nbc-news dishonest
nbc-news disgusting
nbc-news FakeNews
nbc-news Viewers beware
nbc-news May be worse than even @CNN!
democrats have gone so far LEFT that they are no longer recognizable
democrats fighting so hard for Sanctuary crime
obamacare imploding
obamacare a broken mess
the-media Fake News
obamacare causing such grief and tragedy for so many
the-new-york-times Failing
hillary-clinton Crooked
democrats only want to increase taxes and obstruct
democrats That's all they are good at!
abc-news Fiction writers!
cbs Fiction writers!
nbc-news Fiction writers!
obamacare a 'product' that never had a chance of working
cnn Fiction writers!
the-media Fake News
the-media Fiction writers!
frederica-wilson totally fabricated what I said to the wife of a soldier who died in action (and I have proof)
frederica-wilson Sad!
kneeling-nfl-players Total disrespect for our great country!
nfl Too much talk, not enough action.
james-comey lied and leaked and totally protected Hillary Clinton
hillary-clinton Crooked
democrats will only vote for Tax Increases
the-media Fake
frederica-wilson wacky
frederica-wilson SECRETLY on a very personal call
frederica-wilson gave a total lie
the-media Fake News
the-media going crazy
frederica-wilson Wacky
frederica-wilson killing the Democrat Party!
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
frederica-wilson Wacky
frederica-wilson the gift that keeps on giving for the Republican Party
frederica-wilson a disaster for Dems
frederica-wilson You watch her in action & vote R!
the-media FAKE NEWS
the-media Lost cred
kneeling-nfl-players showing total disrespect to our Flag & Country
kneeling-nfl-players No leadership in NFL!
bob-corker helped President O give us the bad Iran Deal
bob-corker couldn't get elected dog catcher in Tennessee
bob-corker dropped out of the race in Tennesse when I refused to endorse him
bob-corker now is only negative on anything Trump
bob-corker sad
bob-corker lightweight
bob-corker incompetent
bob-corker doesn't have a clue
bob-corker liddle' Bob Corker
bob-corker set the U.S. way back
bob-corker had zero chance of being elected
bob-corker Now act so hurt & wounded!
jeff-flake had zero chance of being elected
jeff-flake Now act so hurt & wounded!
ralph-northam doesn't even show up to meetings/work
ralph-northam will be VERY weak on crime!
tom-steyer Wacky
tom-steyer totally unhinged
tom-steyer has been fighting me and my Make America Great Again agenda from beginning
tom-steyer never wins elections!
michael-moore-show Sloppy
michael-moore-show a TOTAL BOMB
michael-moore-show was forced to close
michael-moore-show Sad!
hillary-clinton played the press for fools on Russia
the-media Fake News
trump-russia phony
trump-russia terrible
trump-russia bad for our country
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia evil politics
hillary-clinton Crooked
alleged-nyc-terrorist very sick
alleged-nyc-terrorist deranged
george-papadopolous low level
george-papadopolous has already proven to be a liar
democrats Crooked
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-individual-mandate very unfair
the-individual-mandate unpopular
bowe-bergdahl-decision a complete and total disgrace
democratic-primaries rigged
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas
democratic-national-committee RIGGED the system to illegally steal the Primary from Bernie Sanders
democratic-national-committee real collusion and dishonesty
alleged-nyc-terrorist Degenerate Animal
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie!
james-comey leadership was a disaster!
hillary-clinton Crooked H
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton paid for and stole the Dem Primary
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton bought the DNC & then stole the Democratic Primary from Crazy Bernie!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
democrats rigged the Primaries!
the-media Fake News
the-media Disgraceful!
arrested-saudis have been ‘milking’ their country for years!
virginia-economy terrible
ralph-northam will allow crime to be rampant in Virginia
ralph-northam weak on crime
ralph-northam weak on our GREAT VETS
ralph-northam Anti-Second Amendment
ralph-northam has been horrible on Virginia economy
past-presidential-administrations incompetence
past-presidential-administrations had no clue
losers-haters always playing politics
losers-haters bad for our country
kim-jong-un I would NEVER call him 'short and fat'
hillary-clinton Crooked
barack-obama had zero chemistry with Putin
the-media Fake News
the-media #FakeNews
the-media They are wrong
ucla-basketball-players Do you think the three UCLA Basketball Players will say thank you President Trump?
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times hates the fact that I have developed a great relationship with World leaders like Xi Jinping
the-new-york-times naive (or dumb)
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times weak and ineffective!
ms-13 vile
al-franken Al Frankenstien
democrats such obstructionists
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton the worst (and biggest) loser of all time
hillary-clinton Hillary, get on with your life and give it another try in three years!
big-game-hunting horror show
levar-ball unaccepting of what I did for his son
levar-ball Very ungrateful!
ucla-basketball-players I should have left them in jail!
jeff-flake Jeff Flake(y)
jeff-flake unelectable
jeff-flake anemic polls
jeff-flake his political career anyway is 'toast'
marshawn-lynch Great disrespect!
marshawn-lynch NFL should suspend him for remainder of season
nfl Attendance and ratings way down
levar-ball just a poor man’s version of Don King, but without the hair
levar-ball Ungrateful fool!
roger-goodell When will the highly paid Commissioner finally get tough and smart?
hillary-clinton Crooked
obamacare OWNED by the Democrats
obamacare a disaster
middle-east-relations the mess that I inherited
middle-east-relations what a mistake, in lives and dollars (6 trillion), to be there in the first place!
nfl hemorrhaging
roger-goodell has lost control of the hemorrhaging league
cnn-international a major source of (Fake) news
cnn-international they represent our Nation to the WORLD very poorly
cnn-international The outside world does not see the truth from them!
cfpb a total disaster
cfpb a complete disaster
the-media Fake News
doug-jones a Schumer/Pelosi puppet
doug-jones WEAK on Crime
doug-jones WEAK on the Border
doug-jones Bad for our Military and our great Vets
doug-jones Bad for our 2nd Amendment
doug-jones would be a disaster!
doug-jones would be BAD!
trump-russia the phony Democrat excuse for losing the election
the-media dishonest
the-media corrupt
the-media distorted in its political coverage of your favorite President (me)
the-media They are all bad
the-media FAKE NEWS
the-media their ratings are terrible, nobody cares!
nancy-pelosi want illegal immigrants flooding into our Country unchecked
nancy-pelosi weak on Crime
nancy-pelosi want to substantially RAISE Taxes
kneeling-nfl-players Weak and out of control!
nfl stadiums that are now having a very hard time filling up
chuck-schumer want illegal immigrants flooding into our Country unchecked
chuck-schumer weak on Crime
chuck-schumer want to substantially RAISE Taxes
andy-lack Check out Andy Lack’s past!
comcast-executives putting out so much Fake News
nbc-executives putting out so much Fake News
joe-scarborough low ratings
hillary-clinton Crooked
nbc-news Fake News practitioners
cnn we should boycott
cnn Fake News
cnn Dealing with them is a total waste of time!
kim-jong-un Little Rocket Man
hillary-clinton Crooked
democrats Obstructionist
democrats If the Dems had won the Presidential Election, the Market would be down 50%
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times the pipe organ for the Democrat Party
the-new-york-times a virtual lobbyist
the-new-york-times wrong so often
the-new-york-times has totally gone against the Social Media Guidelines that they installed
the-new-york-times many of their biased reporters went Rogue!
kate-steinle-verdict disgraceful
democrats so weak on Crime
democrats Obstructionist
the-media FAKE NEWS!
brian-ross horrendously inaccurate and dishonest
brian-ross False and Dishonest reporting
department-of-justice the “Justice” Department
department-of-justice No justice!
kate-steinle-verdict Such a total miscarriage of Justice
the-system Rigged
james-comey lie!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton totally Crooked
fbi Tainted
fbi very dishonest
fbi its reputation is in Tatters
fbi worst in History!
the-media Fake News!
the-media Fake News
doug-jones Pelosi/Schumer Liberal Puppet
trump-russia the greatest Witch Hunt in U.S. political history
doug-jones The Pelosi/Schumer Puppet
doug-jones bad on Crime, Life, Border, Vets, Guns & Military
dave-weigel put out a phony photo
dave-weigel admitted that his picture was a FAKE (fraud?)
dave-weigel FAKE NEWS
dave-weigel should be fired
brian-ross lonely
brian-ross should be immediately fired
doug-jones a Pelosi/Schumer Liberal Democrat
washington-post FAKE NEWS
cnn Fake News
cnn made a vicious and purposeful mistake
cnn gross incompetence
cnn a fraud on the American Public
cnn There are many outlets that are far more trusted
cnn Fake News
cnn Their slogan should be CNN, THE LEAST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS!
the-media Fake News
the-media purposely false and defamatory stories
the-media Fake News Media
the-media They are out of control
the-media correct reporting means nothing to them
the-media Major lies written
the-media a stain on America!
don-lemon I never watch Don Lemon, who I once called the 'dumbest man on television!'
msnbc I seldom, if ever, watch
msnbc Fake News
cnn I seldom, if ever, watch CNN
cnn Fake News
the-new-york-times Another false story
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times Wrong!
the-new-york-times Bad Reporting
kirsten-gillibrand Lightweight
kirsten-gillibrand a total flunky for Chuck Schumer
kirsten-gillibrand someone who would come to my office 'begging' for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them)
kirsten-gillibrand Very disloyal
kirsten-gillibrand USED!
womens-assault-allegations false accusations and fabricated stories
womens-assault-allegations FAKE NEWS!
doug-jones Pro-Abortion
doug-jones weak on Crime, Military and Illegal Immigration
doug-jones Bad for Gun Owners and Veterans
doug-jones against the WALL
doug-jones a Pelosi/Schumer Puppet
hillary-clinton Crooked
trump-russia thousands of hours wasted
trump-russia FAKE NEWS!
the-media Fake News Media
the-media untrue stories
the-media has become a joke!
washington-post FAKE NEWS
the-individual-mandate Terrible
the-media Fake News
the-media working overtime to follow the lead of their friends, the defeated Dems
democrats want a SHUTDOWN for the holidays
the-media Fake News Media
the-media Fake News Hate Shows
the-individual-mandate the most hated part of ObamaCare
democrats only want to raise your taxes!
the-media the Fake Mainstream Media will NEVER talk about our accomplishments in their end of year reviews
james-comey leakin’ James Comey
the-media Fake
the-individual-mandate highly unpopular
the-media The Fake News
the-media refuses to talk about how Big and how Strong our BASE is
the-media They show Fake Polls just like they report Fake News
the-media only negative reporting
the-media Fake News
trump-report pile of garbage
the-individual-mandate very unfair and unpopular
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
anna-wintour begging for forgiveness!
vanity-fair looks like it is on its last legs
china Caught RED HANDED
hillary-clinton Crooked H.
immigration-lottery-system ridiculous
chain-migration horrible
usps losing many billions of dollars a year, while charging Amazon and others so little to deliver their packages
usps making Amazon richer and the Post Office dumber and poorer
usps Should be charging MUCH MORE!
trump-russia hoax!
the-media Fake News
the-media loves to talk about my so-called low approval rating
the-media massive negative Trump coverage
the-media VERY dishonest
the-media unfair
the-media Fake News Media
the-media Phony and non-existent ‘sources’ are being used more often than ever
the-media Many stories & reports a pure fiction!
hillary-clinton Crooked
democrats If the Dems (Crooked Hillary) got elected, your stocks would be down 50%
democrats their policies will totally kill the great wealth created during the months since the Election
the-media very dishonest
the-media Fake News
iran Not good!
united-states has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars in aid over the last 15 years
palestine we pay the Palestinians HUNDRED OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS a year and get no appreciation or respect
pakistan we pay billions of dollars to for nothing
hillary-clinton Crooked
democrats doing nothing for DACA
democrats just interested in politics
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times phony and non-existent ‘sources’
kim-jong-un Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button
the-media DISHONEST
the-media CORRUPT
the-media Dishonesty & Bad Reporting
the-media Fake News
iran corrupt government
iran corrupt and poorly run country
north-korea-experts failed
north-korea-experts Fools
the-system rigged
steve-bannon Sloppy Steve
steve-bannon leaker
steve-bannon Sloppy Steve Bannon
fire-and-fury phony
fire-and-fury Full of lies, misrepresentations and sources that don’t exist
fire-and-fury phony new book
michael-wolff author of phony book
michael-wolff Look at this guy’s past and watch what happens to him
trump-russia a total hoax
trump-russia the only collusion is with Hillary Clinton and the FBI/Russia
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
steve-bannon Sloppy Steve
steve-bannon cried when he got fired
steve-bannon begged for his job
steve-bannon has been dumped like a dog by almost everyone
fire-and-fury really boring
fire-and-fury untruthful
michael-wolff a total loser
michael-wolff made up stories in order to sell this really boring and untruthful book
brian-ross Should have been fired!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton went down in flames
trump-russia a total hoax
democrats screaming mental stability and intelligence
the-media lapdogs
the-media Fake News Mainstream Media
the-media screaming mental stability and intelligence
jake-tapper just got destroyed in his interview with Stephen Miller
jake-tapper Watch the hatred and unfairness of this CNN flunky!
fire-and-fury a Fake Book
michael-wolff a totally discredited author
cnn Fake News CNN
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media corrupt & biased
the-media losers
barack-obama failed policies
democrats did nothing for you but get your vote!
dianne-feinstein Sneaky Dianne Feinstein
dianne-feinstein a disgrace
us-court-system broken and unfair
trump-russia single greatest Witch Hunt in American history
trump-report Disproven and paid for by Democrats
trump-report discredited and phony
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
dianne-feinstein Very disrespectful
obama-administration not a big fan
democrats seem intent on having people and drugs pour into our country
democrats want to stop paying our troops and government workers
fire-and-fury Fake Book
michael-wolff mentally deranged author
michael-wolff knowingly writes false information
democrats all talk and no action
democrats all talk and no action
democrats blowing the one great opportunity they have
the-media So much Fake News is being reported
the-media They don't even try to get it right, or correct it when they are wrong
the-media crazed that WE won the election!
wall-street-journal FAKE NEWS!
democrats they just want to talk and take desperately needed money away from our Military
dick-durbin Senator Dicky Durbin
dick-durbin blew DACA
dick-durbin is hurting our Military
southern-border VERY DANGEROUS
trump-russia Hoax
the-media Fake News
the-media talks about anything negative or that can be turned into the negative
the-media contrived!
us-mexico-trade-surplus ridiculous
nafta a bad joke!
mexico the number one most dangerous country in the world
democrats care very little
the-media FAKE NEWS
the-media very corrupt
the-media dishonest
democrats they want illegal immigration and weak borders
democrats want a Shutdown in order to help diminish the great success of the Tax Cuts
democrats far more concerned with Illegal Immigrants than they are with our great Military
democrats could have easily made a deal but decided to play Shutdown politics instead
democrats holding our Military hostage over their desire to have unchecked illegal immigration
democrats turning down services and security for citizens in favor of services and security for non-citizens
democrats Not good!
democrats shut down our government in the interests of their far left base
democrats powerless!
democrats Obstruction!
jim-acosta Crazy
cnn Fake News CNN
the-media Fake reporting
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck
chuck-schumer humiliating defeat
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck
chuck-schumer took such a beating over the shutdown that he is unable to act on immigration!
democrats do not want to solve DACA, only use it!
democrats They are only interested in Obstruction!
democrats doing nothing about DACA
democrats They Resist, Blame, Complain and Obstruct - and do nothing
fbi have politicized the sacred investigative process
democrats just aren’t calling about DACA
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia an American disgrace!
fbi a tool of anti-Trump political actors
john-brennan one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington
mark-warner one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington
uk-health-system going broke and not working
james-clapper one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington
adam-schiff Little
adam-schiff desperate to run for higher office
adam-schiff one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington
adam-schiff leaves closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information
adam-schiff Must be stopped!
james-comey one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington
democrats want to greatly raise taxes for really bad and non-personal medical care
democrats seem not to care about DACA
the-media untruthful
chain-migration outdated
chain-migration hurt our economic and national security
democrats they aren’t serious about DACA
democrats they just want open borders
trump-report fraudulent
hillary-clinton Crooked
washington-dc SWAMP!
democrats they decided not to do anything about DACA
democrats They only want to use it as a campaign issue
the-media Fake News Media
the-media approval ratings are correctly at their lowest levels in history!
democrats they don't want to solve the DACA problem
democrats they just talk!
the-media Fake News Media
the-media Fake News Media
adam-schiff Liddle Adam Schiff
adam-schiff the leakin' monster of no control
hillary-clinton Crooked H
hillary-clinton Crooked
trump-russia hoax
fbi missed all of the many signals sent out by the Florida school shooter
fbi spending too much time trying to prove Russian collusion with the Trump campaign
fbi Get back to the basics
cnn Fake News
cnn big ratings loser
60-minutes questions were biased and slanted, the facts incorrect
oprah-winfrey very insecure
oprah-winfrey Hope Oprah runs so she can be exposed and defeated just like all of the others!
barack-obama why didn't he do something about Russian meddling?
washington-post Fake News Washington Post
democrats they want to raise you taxes, substantially
democrats they want to do nothing on DACA
democrats Don't let the Dems take elections away from you so that they can raise taxes & waste money!
the-media Total Fake News!
cnn Bad ratings
cnn got scammed when they covered the anti-Trump Russia rally wall-to-wall
cnn They probably knew it was Fake News but, because it was a rally against me, they pushed it hard anyway
cnn really dishonest newscasters
el-salvador just takes our money
ms-13 killers
democrats have totally forgotten about DACA
msnbc Bad ratings
msnbc got scammed when they covered the anti-Trump Russia rally wall-to-wall
msnbc They probably knew it was Fake News but, because it was a rally against me, they pushed it hard anyway
msnbc really dishonest newscasters
democrats-nunes-memo a total political and legal BUST
democrats-nunes-memo Just confirms all of the terrible things that were done
democrats-nunes-memo SO ILLEGAL!
trump-russia WITCH HUNT!
ms-13 thugs
trade-pacts unfair
trade-pacts bad
alec-baldwin dying mediocre career
alec-baldwin terrible impersonation of me on SNL
alec-baldwin Alec, it was agony for those who were forced to watch
the-media being mocked all over the world
the-media They've gone CRAZY!
the-oscars Lowest rated Oscars in HISTORY
the-oscars we don't have Stars anymore
democrats Total inaction on DACA
democrats Where are you?
european-union treat the U.S. very badly on trade
european-union complaining
european-union horrific barriers & tariffs on U.S. products going in
maggie-haberman a Hillary flunky
maggie-haberman knows nothing about me and is not given access
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times purposely wrote a false story
the-media Fake News Media
the-media they are lying
the-media Turn off the show - FAKE NEWS!
state-department tremendous leaking, lying and corruption at the highest levels
department-of-justice tremendous leaking, lying and corruption at the highest levels
andrew-mccabe Andrew McCabe FIRED, a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI
andrew-mccabe He knew all about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the FBI!
james-comey Sanctimonious
james-comey made McCabe look like a choirboy
hillary-clinton Crooked H
fbi tremendous leaking, lying and corruption at the highest levels
the-media Fake News
the-media beside themselves that McCabe was caught, called out and fired
mccabe-memos Can we call them Fake Memos?
trump-report a Fake Dossier
andrew-mccabe I don't believe he made memos except to help his own agenda
james-comey Wow, watch Comey lie under oath
james-comey He lied as shown clearly on @foxandfriends
james-comey lying James Comey
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia WITCH HUNT!
trump-russia A total WITCH HUNT with massive conflicts of interest!
the-media Fake News Media
the-media crazed
the-media They are wrong!
joe-biden Crazy Joe
joe-biden trying to act like a tough guy
joe-biden Actually, he is weak, both mentally and physically
joe-biden He doesn’t know me, but he would go down fast and hard, crying all the way
joe-biden Don’t threaten people Joe!
democrats refused to take care of DACA
democrats Would have been so easy, but they just didn't care
the-media So much Fake News
the-media Never been more voluminous or more inaccurate
amazon use our Postal System as their Delivery Boy
washington-dc spent trillions building up foreign countries while allowing OUR OWN infrastructure to fall into a state of total disrepair
washington-post the Fake Washington Post
washington-post used as a ‘lobbyist’
the-new-york-times Failing N.Y. Times
catch-and-release ridiculous
catch-and-release liberal
mexico doing very little, if not NOTHING, at stopping people from flowing into Mexico through their Southern Border
mexico They must stop the big drug and people flows, or I will stop their cash cow, NAFTA
united-states has no effective border laws
usps money losing
department-of-justice slow walking, or even not giving, the unredacted documents requested by Congress
department-of-justice An embarrassment to our country!
amazon Only fools, or worse, are saying that our money losing Post Office makes money with Amazon
amazon not a level playing field!
fbi slow walking, or even not giving, the unredacted documents requested by Congress
fbi An embarrassment to our country!
democrats weak
democrats DACA is dead because the Democrats didn’t care
democrats Democrats want No Borders, hence drugs and crime!
msnbc Fake
msnbc a total joke
cnn Sinclair is far superior to CNN
the-media Fake News
the-media among the most dishonest groups of people I have ever dealt with
jeff-zucker Little Jeff Zuker
jeff-zucker job is in jeopardy
jeff-zucker not having much fun lately
us-immigration-policies an Obama joke
us-immigration-policies WEAK
usps Delivery Boy
usps leaders don’t have a clue (or do they?)!
amazon costing the United States Post Office massive amounts of money
abc-news Fake News
abc-news knowingly have a sick and biased AGENDA, ‘Fakers’
abc-news worried about the competition and quality of Sinclair Broadcast
abc-news have done so much dishonest reporting that they should only be allowed to get awards for fiction!
barack-obama Cheatin’ Obama
cbs Fake News
cbs knowingly have a sick and biased AGENDA, ‘Fakers’
cbs worried about the competition and quality of Sinclair Broadcast
cbs have done so much dishonest reporting that they should only be allowed to get awards for fiction!
nbc-news Fake News
nbc-news knowingly have a sick and biased AGENDA, ‘Fakers’
nbc-news worried about the competition and quality of Sinclair Broadcast
nbc-news have done so much dishonest reporting that they should only be allowed to get awards for fiction!
democrats Democrats allow open borders, drugs and crime!
democrats obstruction and delay
democrats Disgraceful!
cnn Fake News
cnn knowingly have a sick and biased AGENDA, ‘Fakers’
cnn worried about the competition and quality of Sinclair Broadcast
cnn have done so much dishonest reporting that they should only be allowed to get awards for fiction!
cnn you can’t get a job at ratings challenged @CNN unless you state that you are totally anti-Trump
cnn get back to honest reporting!
us-trade-representatives foolish, or incompetent, people
us-immigration-policies very weak
democrats they want people to pour into our country unchecked
washington-post Fake News
washington-post Amazon’s ‘chief lobbyist’
washington-post phony headlines
washington-post bad reporting!
world-trade-organization unfair to U.S.
the-media Fake News
the-media dishonest and corrupt!
department-of-justice BAD!
department-of-justice What does the Department of Justice and FBI have to hide? Stalling
department-of-justice Not looking good!
fbi What does the Department of Justice and FBI have to hide? Stalling
fbi Not looking good!
democrats a disaster
chemical-attack-syria mindless
chemical-attack-syria atrocity
chemical-attack-syria Another humanitarian disaster for no reason whatsoever
chemical-attack-syria SICK!
russia responsible for backing Animal Assad
vladimir-putin responsible for backing Animal Assad
bashar-al-assad Animal
bashar-al-assad Animal
fbi-investigation-of-hillary a rigged investigation
washington-post far more fiction than fact
washington-post Story after story is made up garbage - more like a poorly written novel than good reporting
washington-post Always quoting sources (not names), many of which don’t exist
washington-post Story on John Kelly isn’t true, just another hit job!
iran responsible for backing Animal Assad
trade-pacts STUPID
trump-russia A TOTAL WITCH HUNT!!!
robert-mueller most conflicted of all
chemical-attack-syria vicious
bashar-al-assad a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!
trump-russia Fake
trump-russia never ending and corrupt
trump-russia BAD!
trump-russia Fake & Corrupt
democrats No Collusion, so they go crazy!
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times wrote another phony story
the-media Fake News
the-new-york-times the Failing New York Times
the-new-york-times Fake News
the-new-york-times a biased newspaper!
andrew-mccabe a total disaster
andrew-mccabe He LIED! LIED! LIED!
andrew-mccabe was totally controlled by Comey
andrew-mccabe McCabe is Comey!!
james-comey a proven LEAKER & LIAR
james-comey Virtually everyone in Washington thought he should be fired for the terrible job he did
james-comey leaked CLASSIFIED information, for which he should be prosecuted
james-comey lied to Congress under OATH
james-comey weak
james-comey untruthful slime ball
james-comey a terrible Director of the FBI
james-comey His handling of the Crooked Hillary Clinton case, and the events surrounding it, will go down as one of the worst “botch jobs” of history
james-comey It was my great honor to fire James Comey!
hillary-clinton Crooked
comey-memos phony memos
comey-memos self serving and FAKE!
truth-lies-leadership badly reviewed book
james-comey stupid
james-comey Slimeball!
james-comey how come he gave up Classified Information (jail), why did he lie to Congress (jail)
james-comey I hardly even knew this guy
james-comey many lies
james-comey Slippery
james-comey a man who always ends up badly and out of whack
james-comey he is not smart!
james-comey will go down as the WORST FBI Director in history, by far!
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media Fake News Media
the-media phony stories
the-media Fake News
russia playing the Currency Devaluation game
russia Not acceptable!
china playing the Currency Devaluation game
china Not acceptable!
andrew-mccabe committed many crimes!
james-comey lied in Congress to Senator G
james-comey Disgruntled
james-comey committed many crimes!
jerry-brown not looking for safety and security
amazon States and Cities throughout our Country are being cheated and treated so badly by online retailers
amazon Very unfair to traditional tax paying stores!
abc-post-poll Just about the most inaccurate
abc-post-poll they haven’t changed (get new pollsters)
cnn Just about the most inaccurate
cnn they haven’t changed (get new pollsters)
the-media Fake News Media
the-media Much of the media is a Scam!
stormy-daniels-alleged-assailant A total con job
sanctuary-cities ridiculous, crime infested & breeding concept
james-comey Slippery
james-comey the worst FBI Director in history
trump-russia phony
trump-russia was NO COLLUSION (except by the Dems)!
the-media Fake News
the-media Fools
james-comey just threw Andrew McCabe ‘under the bus’
democrats obstructing good (hopefully great) people wanting
democrats They are “slow walking” all of my nominations
democrats Obstructing the process
opec Oil prices are artificially Very High!
opec No good and will not be accepted!
truth-lies-leadership a third rate book (that should never have been written)
nancy-pelosi going absolutely crazy
james-comey he leaked classified information
james-comey Shadey
james-comey can Leak and Lie and make lots of money from a third rate book
democrats Obstructionist
the-media 93% bad stories
the-media Fake News Media
the-media phony an dishonest press
sam-nunberg a drunk/drugged up loser
maggie-haberman a third rate reporter
maggie-haberman a Crooked H flunkie who I don’t speak to and have nothing to do with
james-comey illegally leaked classified documents
james-comey he broke the law!
james-comey totally made up many of the things he said I said
james-comey a proven liar and leaker
hillary-clinton Crooked H
trump-russia horrible Witch Hunt
trump-russia dishonest
the-new-york-times non-existent ‘sources’
the-media Fake & Disgusting News to create ill will!
comey-memos dumb
chuck-todd Sleepy Eyes
caravans a disgrace
laws-about-sanctuary-cities so bad and one sided
democrats Obstructionists
the-media so silent
james-comey illegally leaked CLASSIFIED INFORMATION but doesn’t understand what he did or how serious it is
james-comey lied all over the place
james-comey either very sick or very dumb
trump-russia A total Witch Hunt!
jon-tester Allegations made by Senator Jon Tester against Admiral/Doctor Ron Jackson are proving false
jon-tester Tester should resign
jon-tester Not fair
jon-tester Tester should lose race in Montana
jon-tester Very dishonest and sick!
james-clapper lied about (fraudulent) Dossier leaks
james-clapper a lying machine
trump-russia all a big Hoax by the Democrats based on payments and lies
trump-russia phony
cnn Fake News
michelle-wolf so-called comedian
michelle-wolf really bombed
whca-dinner a very big, boring bust
seth-meyers weak performance
michelle-wolf filthy ‘comedian’
michelle-wolf totally bombed
michelle-wolf couldn’t even deliver her lines-much like the Seth Meyers weak performance
whca-dinner a failure
whca-dinner an embarrassment to everyone associated with it
whca-dinner Put Dinner to rest, or start over!
whca-dinner DEAD as we know it
whca-dinner a total disaster
whca-dinner an embarrassment
us-immigration-policies weak & ineffective
trump-russia phony
trump-russia Witch Hunt
the-media FAKE NEWS
the-media Fake News
the-media going crazy making up false stories and using only unnamed sources (who don't exist)
the-media totally unhinged
the-media the great success of this Administration is making them do and say things that even they can't believe they are saying
the-media Truly bad people!
the-media Fake News
the-media going ‘bonkers!’
trump-russia So disgraceful
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia a made up, phony crime, Collusion, that never existed
trump-russia an investigation begun with illegally leaked classified information
trump-russia a crime that never happened!
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
the-system rigged
the-system Rigged
trump-russia a Hoax
trump-russia a setup & trap
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
mexico has a massive crime problem
mexico is doing little to help!
nbc-news is wrong again!
nbc-news They cite “sources” which are constantly wrong. Problem is, like so many others, the sources probably don’t exist, they are fabricated, fiction!, is now as bad as Fake News CNN
nbc-news Sad!
democrats want to disarm law-abiding Americans at the same time they are releasing dangerous criminal aliens and savage gang members onto our streets
cnn Fake News
john-kerry The United States does not need John Kerry’s possibly illegal Shadow Diplomacy
john-kerry created this MESS in the first place!
john-kerry very badly negotiated
john-kerry MESS
lisa-page may hold the record for the most Emails in the shortest period of time
mueller-team 13 Angry Democrats
mueller-team just wait ’till the Courts get to see your unrevealed Conflicts of Interest!
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia is rapidly losing credibility
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia Phony Witch Hunt
iran-deal defective at its core
iran the world’s leading state sponsor of terror
richard-cordray Socialist
richard-cordray a big failure in last job!
nancy-pelosi wanting to end the big Tax Cuts and Raise Taxes
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times Fake News, so bad!
the-media The Fake News is working overtime
the-media Fake
the-media Why do we work so hard in working with the media when it is corrupt? Take away credentials?
iran-deal Bad
james-comey Thought he was terrible until I fired him!
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck Schumer
the-media Fake News
the-media a disgrace!
iran-deal it was all a big lie
democrats doing everything possible to obstruct, all they know how to do
leakers traitors and cowards
leakers we will find out who they are!
the-media Fake News
trump-russia $10,000,000 Russian Witch Hunt
the-media made up, unsourced stories
the-media Fake News
the-media Much of the Media may be corrupt
bob-casey a do-nothing Senator who only shows up at election time
bob-casey loves sanctuary cities, bad and expensive healthcare
bob-casey weak on borders and crime
bob-casey our great Military and Vets mean nothing to Bobby Jr.
washington-post have typically written false stories
cnn have typically written false stories
trump-russia the greatest Witch Hunt in American History
trump-russia disgusting, illegal and unwarranted Witch Hunt
democrats The only Collusion was that done by Democrats
the-media Fake News
ms-13 Animals
andrew-mccabe disgrace
trump-russia phony Russia Hoax
the-media Fake News
the-media got it purposely wrong, as usual!
the-media Fake News
the-media got it purposely wrong, as usual!
tony-podesta a VERY well connected Democrat working in the Swamp of Washington, D.C.
mueller-team 13 Angry and Heavily Conflicted Democrats
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton corrupt
trump-russia the World’s most expensive Witch Hunt
trump-russia $20,000,000 Witch Hunt
trump-russia Scam
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia Fraudulent
trump-russia Witch Hunt
fbi hard charging (except in the case of Democrats)
the-new-york-times Failing and Crooked (but not as Crooked as Hillary Clinton)
the-new-york-times long & boring story
catch-and-release disgraceful practice
bernie-sanders got duped!
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia Criminal Deep State
trump-russia Phony
trump-russia a made up Scam
trump-russia WITCH HUNT!
spygate a terrible thing!
andrew-mccabe poor leadership
james-comey poor leadership
james-comey a terrible and corrupt leader who inflicted great pain on the FBI!
ms-13 thugs
obama-administration did NOTHING on trade except let other countries rip off the United States
trump-russia the Russian Hoax
democrats so obviously rooting against us in our negotiations with North Korea
democrats coming to the defense of MS 13 thugs
democrats have lost touch!
democrats criticize Trade Deals being negotiated by me when they don’t even know what the deals are
the-media corrupt
mueller-team 13 Angry Democrats
mueller-team 13 Angry Democrats
mueller-team disqualifying Conflicts of Interest
department-of-justice crooked
ms-13 THUGS
hillary-clinton Crooked
trump-russia phony
trump-russia Rigged
trump-russia an excuse as to why the Dems and Crooked Hillary lost the Election
fbi crooked
the-new-york-times Failing and Corrupt
the-new-york-times has called me wrong right from the beginning!
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist
the-new-york-times WRONG AGAIN!
the-new-york-times phony sources
mueller-team Rigged Investigation!
mueller-team 13 Angry Democrats
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
barack-obama He was in charge, not me, and did nothing
democrats weak on Crime, the Border and want to be gentle and kind to MS-13 gang members
democrats not good!
mueller-team The 13 Angry Democrats
mueller-team will be MEDDLING with the mid-term elections
mueller-team 13 Angry and heavily conflicted Democrats
hillary-clinton totally Crooked Campaign
hillary-clinton totally Crooked
trump-russia rigged
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia a Rigged Witch Hunt
trump-russia Rigged Russia Witch Hunt
the-media Fake
the-media run the most highly sophisticated & dishonest Disinformation Campaign in the history of politics
the-media No matter how well WE do, they find fault
bob-iger never called President Donald J. Trump to apologize for the HORRIBLE statements made and said about me on ABC
the-new-york-times Failing and Corrupt
the-new-york-times they demean and disparage
the-new-york-times very dishonest people who don’t “get” me, and never did!
trump-russia Phony Witch Hunt
the-media corrupt
the-media working overtime not to mention the infiltration of people, Spies (Informants), into my campaign!
the-media Corrupt
full-frontal low ratings show
samantha-bee no talent
trump-russia Hoax Investigation
trade-pacts Stupid Trade!
wall-street-journal never mentions the unfairness of the Tariffs routinely charged against the U.S.
department-of-justice Is the Special Counsel/Justice Department leaking my lawyers letters
trump-russia very expensive Witch Hunt Hoax
trump-russia So bad for our Country
cnn Fake News CNN is dead!
the-media Fake News
mueller-team 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others)
mueller-team The appointment of the Special Counsel is totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
trump-russia phony Russian Witch Hunt
the-media Fake News
the-media desperate to distract from the economy and record setting economic numbers
nfl no escaping to Locker Rooms!
jeff-sessions didn’t tell me he was going to recuse himself...I would have quickly picked someone else
james-comey Slippery James Comey
hillary-clinton Crooked
trump-russia Witch Hunt Hoax
democrats can’t get their act together!
democrats have depleted our military and busted our budgets on needless spending
pundits Fake News
pundits refuse to report the facts!
pundits just don’t get what is going on out there
peter-strzok incompetent & corrupt
trump-russia The greatest Witch Hunt in political history!
democrats High Tax, High Crime, easy to beat!
cnn Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media so unfair, and vicious
the-media Fake
the-media Fake News is really bad!
justin-trudeau so indignant
mueller-team 13 Angry Democrats
mueller-team 13 Angry Democrats (plus)
mueller-team 13 Angry Democrats
trade-pacts the worst trade deals ever made
jeff-flake setting record low polling numbers
jeff-flake humiliatingly forced out of his own Senate seat without even a fight
jeff-flake doesn’t have a clue
jeff-flake he’s a Flake!
james-comey When will people start saying, “thank you, Mr. President, for firing James Comey?”
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
trump-russia Witch Hunt Hoax
democrats Really bad!
trade-pacts Totally unfair to our farmers, workers & companies
trade-pacts unfair
nancy-pelosi did NOTHING about North Korea
barack-obama did NOTHING about North Korea
chuck-schumer did NOTHING about North Korea
chuck-schumer weak on Crime
chuck-schumer High Tax Schumer
chuck-schumer failed with North Korea and Iran
chuck-schumer we don't need his advice!
justin-trudeau false statements at his news conference
justin-trudeau acted so meek and mild
justin-trudeau Very dishonest & weak
nato countries that rip us off
justin-trudeau acts hurt when called out!
trade-pacts Fool Trade
mark-sanford has been very unhelpful to me in my campaign to MAGA
mark-sanford He is MIA and nothing but trouble
mark-sanford He is better off in Argentina
claire-mccaskill flew around in a luxurious private jet during her RV tour of the state
claire-mccaskill so phony!
tim-kaine a total stiff
tim-kaine weak on crime and borders
tim-kaine wants to raise your taxes through the roof
robert-deniro a very Low IQ individual
robert-deniro has received too many shots to the head by real boxers in movies
robert-deniro I watched him last night and truly believe he may be ‘punch-drunk’
robert-deniro Wake up Punchy!
mark-sanford so bad
opec Not good!
the-media Fake News
the-media Our Country’s biggest enemy
the-media easily promulgated by fools!
eric-schneiderman sleazy
eric-schneiderman never had the guts to bring this ridiculous case
eric-schneiderman resigned his office in disgrace
new-york-democrats sleazy
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia fabricated
trump-russia pile of garbage
democrats make up a phony crime
democrats pay a fortune to make the crime sound real
democrats illegally leak (Comey) classified information
the-media Fake News!
manafort-sentence Very unfair!
james-comey the worst leader, by far, in the history of the FBI
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia phony Witch Hunt
democrats forcing the breakup of families at the Border with their horrible and cruel legislative agenda
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media only shows the bad photos
the-media Fake News
the-media once again, WRONG!
trump-russia disgraceful Witch Hunt
democrats Democrats are good at only three things, High Taxes, High Crime and Obstruction
democrats Sad!
washington-post I think a really long strike would be a great idea. Employees would get more money and we would get rid of Fake News for an extended period of time!
washington-post a registered lobbyist?
trump-russia WITCH HUNT!
trump-russia phony
trump-russia Double Standard!
trump-russia Crooked Hillary
the-media Fake News
undocumented-immigrants some of the worst criminals on earth
refugees-in-germany millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!
peter-strzok the FBI’s sick loser
mueller-team 13 Angry & Conflicted Democrats
robert-mueller Comey’s best friend
us-immigration-policies world’s worst immigration laws
james-comey Slippery
james-comey best friends with Robert Mueller
hillary-clinton Crooked
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
trump-russia A really sick deal
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
barack-obama got nowhere with North Korea
democrats weak and ineffective
the-media Fake News
the-media the enemy of the people
the-media they put their own spin on it - truth doesn’t matter to them!
the-media Fake News
undocumented-immigrants pour into and infest our Country
us-immigration-policies ridiculous and obsolete laws
trump-russia A Rigged Witch Hunt!
democrats terrible policies
democrats Democrats are the problem
mark-sanford I have never been a fan of his!
mueller-team 13 Angry Democrats
abc-news Fake ABC News
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia a scam!
trump-russia Witch Hunt
democrats They want open borders
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media Total corruption
nancy-pelosi weak on Crime and Border security
chuck-schumer weak on Crime and Border security
chuck-schumer used to want Border security - now he’ll take Crime!
democrats want open Borders, where anyone can come into our Country, and stay. This is Nancy Pelosi’s dream
democrats they don’t care about security
democrats They won’t vote for anything!
us-immigration-policies the dumbest and the worst
us-immigration-policies pathetically weak and ineffective
democrats Obstructionists
democrats don’t care about Crime coming from Border!
democrats doing nothing but Obstructing
democrats just playing games
democrats have no intention of doing anything
conor-lamb #LambTheSham
conor-lamb will only vote with Nancy Pelosi
nancy-pelosi want to protect illegal immigrants far more than the citizens of our country
trump-russia Democrat inspired and paid for Russian Witch Hunt
trump-russia A total scam and excuse for the Dems losing the Election!
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia Rigged!
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck
chuck-schumer want to protect illegal immigrants far more than the citizens of our country
the-media Fake Media
us-immigration-policies a mockery to good immigration policy
us-immigration-policies laughed at all over the world
us-immigration-policies very unfair
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia disgrace
trump-russia a total sham!
harley-davidson first to wave the White Flag
maxine-waters an extraordinarily low IQ person
the-red-hen should focus more on cleaning its filthy canopies, doors and windows
the-red-hen badly needs a paint job
the-red-hen if a restaurant is dirty on the outside, it is dirty on the inside!
jimmy-fallon whimpering to all
jimmy-fallon Be a man Jimmy!
peter-strzok hating fraud
mueller-team 13 Angry Democrats
us-immigration-policies will always be disfunctional
mark-warner in a near drunken state
trump-russia totally discredited and very expensive Witch Hunt
trump-russia Witch Hunt
democrats all they do is RESIST
democrats They want Open Borders and don’t care about Crime!
the-media Fake News is working overtime!
harley-davidson should never be built in another country-never!
harley-davidson they surrendered, they quit!
harley-davidson they will be taxed like never before!
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
democrats want Open Borders and Unlimited Crime
joe-crowley Big Trump Hater Congressman
joe-crowley he should have been nicer, and more respectful, to his President!
maxine-waters crazy rants
maxine-waters unhinged
maxine-waters will Make America Weak Again!
nancy-pelosi will Make America Weak Again!
peter-strzok the leader of the Rigged Witch Hunt
mueller-team 13 Angry Democrats and others who are totally conflicted
mueller-team 13 Angry Democrats
hillary-clinton Crooked H
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia Rigged!
trump-russia Rigged Witch Hunt
trump-russia A disgraceful situation!
filibuster-rule ridiculous
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck
democrats want Open Borders
nsa Such a disgrace
maxine-waters Crazy
maxine-waters ranting and raving
washington-post constantly quoting “anonymous sources” that do not exist
washington-post Rarely do they use the name of anyone because there is no one to give them the kind of negative quote that they are looking for
washington-post a discgrace to journalism
trump-russia Witch Hunt
democrats declaring war on Law & Order
the-media Fake News
the-media constantly likes to pore over my tweets looking for a mistake
us-immigration-policies insane
us-immigration-policies INSANE
democrats crazies
peter-strzok FBI lover
peter-strzok FBI lover boy
lisa-page FBI lover
mueller-team 13 Angry Democrats
washington-post propaganda machine for Amazon
washington-post constantly quote anonymous sources that, in my opinion, don’t exist
washington-post out of business in 7 years!
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia Rigged Witch Hunt
trump-russia Rigged Witch Hunt, a Democrat Con Job!
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times constantly quote anonymous sources that, in my opinion, don’t exist
the-new-york-times out of business in 7 years!
pfizer should be ashamed that they have raised drug prices for no reason
pfizer taking advantage of the poor & others unable to defend themselves, while at the same time giving bargain basement prices to other countries in Europe & elsewhere
the-new-york-times failing
nato must pay MORE
nato Very Unfair!
peter-strzok FBI lover
peter-strzok Total disgrace!
lisa-page FBI lover
lisa-page Total disgrace!
mueller-team 13 Angry Democrats
european-union makes it impossible for our farmers and workers and companies to do business
european-union Just doesn't work!
trump-russia Rigged Witch Hunt
nato Europe’s borders are BAD!
peter-strzok Read his hate filled and totally biased Emails
trump-russia Rigged Witch Hunt
trump-russia perhaps the most tainted and corrupt case EVER!
trump-russia Rigged Witch Hunt
lisa-page FBI Lover/Agent
lisa-page dodging a Subpoena
lisa-page lies
lisa-page So much corruption
jeff-zucker Little Jeff Z
trade-pacts some of the worst trade deals and conditions ever seen by any government
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
fbi Where is the DNC Server, and why didn’t the FBI take possession of it? Deep State?
cnn Fake News
cnn they are dying in the ratings
cnn sooooo wrong in their election coverage
the-media Fake News
the-media doesn’t want to report the truth
democrats all the Dems know how to do is resist and obstruct
the-media Fake News
the-media it is FAKE NEWS!
the-media the enemy of the people
trade-pacts foolishness and stupidity
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia Rigged Witch Hunt
trump-russia Rigged Witch Hunt!
nato weak
the-media Fake News
the-media going Crazy!
the-media Fake News
turkey A total disgrace
european-union They truly have taken advantage of the U.S.
the-media Fake News
the-media going Crazy!, They make up stories without any backup, sources or proof
the-media total fiction
the-media Fake News
the-media wants so badly to see a major confrontation with Russia
the-media the real enemy of the people
the-media Fake News
trade-pacts bad (terrible)
roger-goodell The $40,000,000 Commissioner
the-media Fake News, Hypocrites!
danny-o-connor a Nancy Pelosi Liberal
danny-o-connor WEAK on Crime & Borders
michael-cohen inconceivable that a lawyer would tape a client - totally unheard of & perhaps illegal
mueller-team 13 Angry Democrats
mueller-team seems intent on damaging the Republican Party
mueller-team 13 Angry Democrats
mueller-team are only after Republicans and totally protecting Democrats
trump-russia Rigged Witch Hunt
trump-russia Democrat excuse for losing the ’16 Election
trump-russia Witch Hunt
carter-page-fisa scam
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia An illegal Scam!
trump-russia rigged Mueller Witch Hunt!
trump-russia a big hoax
carter-page-fisa a fraud and a hoax
trump-report unverified and Fake Dirty Dossier
trump-report a Clinton Campaign document
trump-report a fraud and a hoax
washington-post The Amazon Washington Post
washington-post has gone crazy against me
washington-post nothing more than an expensive (the paper loses a fortune) lobbyist for Amazon
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia totally conflicted and discredited Mueller Witch Hunt!
trump-russia discredited Mueller Witch Hunt
the-media Fake News
the-media Corrupt
the-media Fake News
the-media always anonymous sources
the-media Wrong
bob-casey WEAK on Crime, ICE and Borders
stacey-abrams crime loving
stacey-abrams weak on Vets, the Military and the 2nd Amendment
comcast Liberal Fake News
fcc So sad and unfair, Disgraceful!
michael-cohen What kind of a lawyer would tape a client?
michael-cohen So sad!
china targeting our farmers
china vicious
trump-russia Rigged Witch Hunt
nbc-news Liberal Fake News
twitter Not good
twitter discriminatory
trump-russia Witch Hunt
michael-cohen trying to make up stories in order to get himself out of an unrelated jam (Taxi cabs maybe?)
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia rigged Witch Hunt
democrats want Open Borders and care little about Crime
democrats incompetent
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
judge-appointments-delay-tactics A total disgrace
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck
democrats Obstruct
mueller-team Angry Democrats
mueller-team Angry Dems
robert-mueller only appointing Angry Dems
us-immigration-policies the DUMBEST & WORST immigration laws anywhere in the world!
trump-report fraudulent
washington-post Amazon Washington Post
washington-post do nothing but write bad stories even on very positive achievements
washington-post they will never change!
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia The Robert Mueller Rigged Witch Hunt
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia an illegal Scam!
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times do nothing but write bad stories even on very positive achievements
the-new-york-times they will never change!
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media Enemy of the People
the-media driven insane by their Trump Derangement Syndrome
the-media Very unpatriotic!
the-media anti-Trump haters
the-media dying
the-media they try to distract and cover it up
koch-brothers globalist
koch-brothers have become a total joke
koch-brothers are against Strong Borders and Powerful Trade
koch-brothers I don’t need their money or bad ideas
koch-brothers Their network is highly overrated
koch-brothers I have beaten them at every turn
koch-brothers Two nice guys with bad ideas
us-immigration-policies a complete and total disaster
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media Fake News Media
the-media going CRAZY!
the-media totally unhinged
the-media In 7 years, when I am no longer in office, their ratings will dry up and they will be gone!
mueller-team 17 Angry Democrats
mueller-team a disgrace to USA!
robert-mueller totally conflicted
trump-report phony and discredited
trump-russia Rigged Witch Hunt
trump-russia a Hoax!
trump-russia a TOTAL HOAX
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia Disgraceful!
charles-koch claims to be giving away millions of dollars to politicians even though I know very few who have seen this
charles-koch ridiculous statement
morning-joe a dead show with very few people watching
cnn Fake News CNN
cnn doing poorly
cnn Too much hate and inaccurately reported stories - too predictable!
the-media FAKE NEWS
the-media the enemy of the people!
lebron-james Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do. I like Mike!
danny-o-connor weak on Crime, Borders & your 2nd Amendment
danny-o-connor wants to raise your Taxes (by a lot)
don-lemon the dumbest man on television
danny-o-connor a total puppet for Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters
danny-o-connor wants to raise your taxes, open your borders, and take away your 2nd Amendment
mueller-team 17 Angry Democrats
trump-russia the most one sided Witch Hunt in the history of our country
trump-russia Rigged Witch Hunt
the-media Fake News
the-media hates me saying that they are the Enemy of the People only because they know it’s TRUE
the-media purposely cause great division & distrust
the-media very dangerous & sick!
the-media Fake News
the-media refuses to report the lies and corruption having to do with the Rigged Witch Hunt
the-media FAKE NEWS!
california-environmental-laws bad, aren’t allowing massive amounts of readily available water to be properly utilized
california-water-use foolishly being diverted into the Pacific Ocean
danny-o-connor controlled by Nancy Pelosi
danny-o-connor weak on Crime, the Border, Military, Vets, your 2nd Amendment - and will end your Tax Cuts
nancy-pelosi a wonderful person whose ideas & policies may be bad, but who should definitely be given a 4th chance
nancy-pelosi trying very hard & has every right to take down the Democrat Party
christopher-steele lowlife
peter-strzok clown
peter-strzok loser
lisa-page clown
lisa-page loser
trump-report phony & discredited Dossier
andrew-mccabe clown
andrew-mccabe loser
james-comey clown
james-comey loser
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia I have never seen anything so Rigged in my life.
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
fbi What are they hiding?
the-media Fake News
fbi-investigation-of-hillarys-emails a total fraud on the American public
john-kasich very unpopular
john-kasich failed presidential candidate
omarosa-manigault Wacky Omarosa
omarosa-manigault got fired 3 times on the Apprentice, now got fired for the last time
omarosa-manigault She never made it, never will
omarosa-manigault begged me for a job, tears in her eyes
omarosa-manigault People in the White House hated her
omarosa-manigault vicious, but not smart
omarosa-manigault heard really bad things
omarosa-manigault Nasty to people & would constantly miss meetings & work
omarosa-manigault a loser
omarosa-manigault nothing but problems
omarosa-manigault a lowlife
omarosa-manigault Wacky
omarosa-manigault Wacky Omarosa
omarosa-manigault got fired 3 times on the Apprentice, now got fired for the last time
omarosa-manigault She never made it, never will
omarosa-manigault begged me for a job, tears in her eyes
omarosa-manigault People in the White House hated her, vicious, but not smart
peter-strzok bad player
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia a total Hoax
the-media Fake News
terrorists animals
omarosa-manigault Wacky
omarosa-manigault Deranged
omarosa-manigault a crazed, crying lowlife
omarosa-manigault that dog!
christopher-steele disgraced
peter-strzok a fraud
peter-strzok started the illegal Rigged Witch Hunt
mueller-team angry and conflicted Democrats
trump-report Fake Dossier
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia rigged investigation
trump-russia illegal Rigged Witch Hunt
the-media Fake News!
tammy-baldwin someone who has done very little
trade-pacts horrible
trade-pacts unfair
trump-russia Rigged Russian Witch Hunt
trump-russia terrible Hoax
bruce-ohr A creep thinking he would get caught in a dishonest act
boston-globe in COLLUSION with other papers on free press
turkey has taken advantage of the United States for many years
peter-strzok Disgraced
trump-report phony & discredited
trump-russia Rigged Witch Hunt
trump-russia has zero credibility
trump-russia Rigged Witch Hunt!
the-new-york-times Failing
the-media very bad for our Great Country
the-media much of what it says is FAKE NEWS, pushing a political agenda or just plain trying to hurt people
cynthia-nixon a Super Liberal Actress
dc-leaders? run Washington, D.C. (poorly)
andrew-cuomo known for pushing people and businesses out of his state
andrew-cuomo really dumb statement
andrew-cuomo really dumb statement
andrew-cuomo “choked” badly
andrew-cuomo mistake!
andrew-cuomo there doesn't seem to be much reason to ever vote for him
andrew-cuomo incompetent
andrew-cuomo his political career is over!
mueller-team They have blinders on
trump-russia RIGGED!
richard-blumenthal a total Fake!
richard-blumenthal Loser!
social-media totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices
john-brennan will go down as easily the WORST in history
john-brennan since getting out, he has become nothing less than a loudmouth, partisan, political hack who cannot be trusted with the secrets to our country!
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
msnbc Fake
cnn there is nothing so Fake as CNN
the-media Fake News
the-media don't watch at all
sarah-jeong disgusting
peter-strzok lies to Congress
mueller-team gang of Dems
mueller-team refuse to look at the real crimes
mueller-team make Joseph McCarthy look like a baby!
robert-mueller heavily conflicted
john-brennan lies to Congress
andrew-mccabe lies to Congress
james-comey lies to Congress
hillary-clinton Crooked
trump-russia Rigged and Disgusting Witch Hunt
trump-russia McCarthyism at its WORST!
trump-russia Rigged Witch Hunt!
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times wrote a Fake piece today
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times Fake reporters
the-new-york-times Fake Story
the-new-york-times From the day I announced, the Times has been Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media the Enemy of the People
the-media So bad for America!
bruce-ohr A total joke!
mueller-team Angry Democrat Thugs
mueller-team They are enjoying ruining people’s lives
mueller-team REFUSE to look at the real corruption
mueller-team Angry Dems
mueller-team a National Disgrace!
mueller-team They made up a phony crime
robert-mueller Disgraced and discredited
robert-mueller just someone looking for trouble
john-brennan the worst CIA Director in our country’s history
john-brennan a political hack
department-of-justice the Jeff Sessions “Justice” Department
trump-russia Rigged Witch Hunt
trump-russia Mueller Rigged Witch Hunt
bill-deblasio high taxing
bill-deblasio just stole my campaign slogan
bill-deblasio not at all nice
bill-deblasio No imagination!
the-new-yorker falsely reported that I was going to take the extraordinary step of denying Intelligence Briefings to President Obama
philip-mudd totally unglued and weird
philip-mudd is in no mental condition to have such a Clearance. Should be REVOKED?
john-brennan gone totally off the rails
james-clapper Maybe Clapper is being nice to me so he doesn’t lose his Security Clearance for lying to Congress!
the-media Fake News, of which there is soooo much
michael-cohen If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
barack-obama had a big campaign finance violation
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
hillary-clinton forgot to campaign in numerous states!
social-media silencing millions of people
jeff-sessions so look into all of the corruption on the “other side”
jeff-sessions Come on Jeff
jeff-sessions So unfair Jeff, Double Standard
cnn Fake News
cnn ratings have suffered gravely
mueller-team gang of 17 Angry Dems
mueller-team having a field day as real corruption goes untouched
robert-mueller Highly conflicted
jeff-sessions doesn’t understand what is happening underneath his command position
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
fbi only looked at 3000 of 675,000 Crooked Hillary Clinton Emails
fbi purposely didn’t look at the disasters
fbi looked at less than 1% of Crooked’s Emails!
the-media phony story
the-media Fake News Media!
the-media made up stories
the-media Fake News
the-media trying endlessly to make me look as bad and evil as possible
the-media Fake News
the-media worked hard to get Tiger Woods to say something that he didn’t want to say
google search results for “Trump News” shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake New Media
google they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD
google very dangerous
google suppressing voices of Conservatives and hiding information and news that is good
google controlling what we can & cannot see
trade-pacts really dumb
cnn Fake
the-media Fake
carl-bernstein Sloppy
carl-bernstein a man who lives in the past and thinks like a degenerate fool
carl-bernstein making up story after story
carl-bernstein being laughed at all over the country!
andrew-gillum a failed Socialist Mayor, allowed crime & many other problems to flourish in his city
bruce-ohr How the hell is Bruce Ohr still employed at the Justice Department?
department-of-justice their credibility will be forever gone!
trump-russia Disgraceful!
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
fbi their credibility will be forever gone!
cnn caught in a major lie
cnn Fake News
the-media fiction!
nellie-ohr She worked for Fusion GPS where she was paid a lot. Collusion!
lester-holt got caught fudging my tape on Russia
jeff-zucker Little Jeff Z
jeff-zucker has done a terrible job
jeff-zucker his ratings suck
jeff-zucker AT&T should fire him to save credibility!
andy-lack Andy Lack(y)
andy-lack about to be fired(?) for incompetence, and much worse
james-comey The only thing James Comey ever got right was when he said that President Trump was not under investigation!
trump-russia Rigged Russia Witch Hunt
nbc-news the worst
cnn hatred and extreme bias of me
cnn working frantically to find their “source.” Look hard because it doesn’t exist
cnn Whatever was left of CNN’s credibility is now gone!
the-media totally dishonest
the-media Truth doesn’t matter to them
the-media they only have their hatred & agenda
the-media This includes fake books, which come out about me all the time, always anonymous sources, and are pure fiction
the-media Enemy of the People!
the-media Fake News
the-media They love to portray chaos in the White House when they know that chaos doesn’t exist
the-media Fake Reporting
the-media Fake News!
beto-orourke a disaster for Texas
beto-orourke weak on Second Amendment, Crime, Borders, Military, and Vets!
canada they’ve taken advantage of our Country for many years!
nafta one of the WORST Trade Deals ever made
nafta should never have been signed
abc-post-poll by far the least accurate one
abc-post-poll I call it a suppression poll
abc-post-poll They will never learn!
the-media constant and intense Fake News
democrats all talk and no action
richard-trumka represented his union poorly on television this weekend
richard-trumka so against the working men and women of our country
richard-trumka it is easy to see why unions are doing so poorly
john-kerry thinking of running for President. I should only be so lucky
trade-pacts some of the worst Trade Deals ever made by any country in the world
jeff-sessions Good job Jeff......
james-comey Lyin’ James Comey
james-comey Really sick!
trump-russia Rigged Witch Hunt!
the-new-york-times the Failing New York Times
bob-woodward a Dem operative?
woodward-book has already been refuted and discredited
woodward-book quotes were made up frauds
woodward-book a con on the public
nbc-news NBC FAKE NEWS
nbc-news fumbling around making excuses for their probably highly unethical conduct
nbc-news worse than even CNN
nbc-news Look at their license?
democrats mean, angry, and despicable
democrats looking to inflict pain and embarrassment
democrats So sad
woodward-book already discredited
woodward-book so many lies and phony sources
woodward-book made this up to divide!
woodward-book a shame
woodward-book a picture of a person that is literally the exact opposite of the fact
woodward-book libel
nfl ratings have gone WAY DOWN
nfl I just find it hard to watch, and always will, until they stand for the FLAG!
chuck-todd Sleepy Eyes
nbc-news Fake NBC News
the-new-york-times Failing
the-media going CRAZY!
the-new-york-times Are the investigative “journalists” of the New York Times going to investigate themselves
the-media Fake News
the-media going Crazy - & they don’t know what to do
bob-woodward uses every trick in the book to demean and belittle
woodward-book a scam
woodward-book I don’t talk the way I am quoted, quotes were made up
jon-tester has let the people of Montana down
jon-tester does not deserve another six years
us-immigration-policies horrible
democrats Crazy
collin-peterson Pelosi Liberal Puppet
nfl ratings are way down
nfl If the players stood proudly for our Flag and Anthem, and it is all shown on broadcast, maybe ratings could come back?
china If China sells a car into the U.S., there is a tax of 2%. Does anybody think that is FAIR?
bob-woodward a liar
bob-woodward a Dem operative
bob-woodward caught cold
woodward-book a Joke
woodward-book just another assault against me
woodward-book using now disproven unnamed and anonymous sources
woodward-book fiction
democrats flailing & lying like CRAZY!
democrats Very dishonest people!
department-of-justice NOTHING is being done
fbi NOTHING is being done
maxine-waters Crazy
james-comey leaked information and laundered it through a professor at Columbia Law School
james-comey shame on Comey
strzok-page-texts a disaster and embarrassment to the FBI & DOJ
jamie-dimon doesn’t have the aptitude or “smarts”
jamie-dimon a poor public speaker & nervous mess
wall-street-journal has it wrong
john-kerry had illegal meetings with the very hostile Iranian Regime
mueller-team 17 Angry Democrats
mueller-team using this Phony issue to hurt us in the Midterms
robert-mueller Highly conflicted
trump-russia Rigged Russian Witch Hunt
mueller-team 17 Angry Democrats
trump-russia illegal Mueller Witch Hunt
trump-russia Very unfair
trump-russia BAD for the country
trump-russia Hoax
democrats If the Democrats take control, kiss your newfound wealth goodbye!
the-media Fake News
the-media hates to discuss the real facts!
democrats obstructing Law Enforcement and Border Security
democrats radical left wing politicians who don’t want to know the answers
democrats just want to destroy and delay
democrats working hard to destroy a wonderful man
michael-avenatti a third rate lawyer who is good at making false accusations
michael-avenatti just looking for attention
michael-avenatti a total low-life!
china placing propaganda ads in the Des Moines Register
democrats playing a high level CON GAME
democrats vicious
richard-blumenthal fraudulent service in Vietnam
richard-blumenthal Total Phony!
saturday-night-live I don’t watch Saturday Night Live (even though I past hosted it)
saturday-night-live no longer funny
saturday-night-live no talent or charm
saturday-night-live just a political ad for the Dems
nbc-news incorrectly reported (as usual)
nbc-news Please correct your reporting!
democrats have done NOTHING for African-Americans but TALK
democrats only thinking Obstruct and Delay
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times used the concept of “time value of money” in doing a very old, boring and often told hit piece on me
the-new-york-times 97% of their stories on me are bad
the-new-york-times Never recovered from bad election call!
democrats mean & despicable
supreme-court-protestors very rude
supreme-court-protestors paid professionals only looking to make Senators look bad
supreme-court-protestors professionally made identical signs
the-media Fake News
democrats too EXTREME and TOO DANGEROUS to govern
bill-nelson has been no help!
supreme-court-protestors paid D.C. protesters
supreme-court-protestors ready to REALLY protest because they haven’t gotten their checks
supreme-court-protestors Screamers
supreme-court-protestors far too obvious
supreme-court-protestors less professional than anticipated by those paying (or not paying) the bills!
the-new-york-times FAKE NEWS!
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times didn’t even put the Brett Kavanaugh victory on the Front Page yesterday-A17!
amy-mcgrath will NEVER vote for us, only for Pelosi
conor-lamb a Pelosi puppet
conor-lamb weak on crime
nbc-news totally and purposely changed the point and meaning of my story
nbc-news As usual, dishonest reporting
nbc-news Even mainstream media embarrassed!
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
bernie-sanders Disaster!
debbie-stabenow has been no help
debbie-stabenow if anything, a major hindrance
trump-report Fake Dossier
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas (the bad version) , DNA test is useless
elizabeth-warren Phony!
elizabeth-warren a scam and a lie
elizabeth-warren fraud
elizabeth-warren amazing con
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas
elizabeth-warren a complete and total Fraud!
trump-russia SCAM
trump-russia WITCH HUNT
the-media FAKE NEWS (of which there is plenty)!
beto-orourke wants higher taxes and far more regulations
beto-orourke is not in the same league with Ted Cruz
beto-orourke a Flake!
beto-orourke would blow it all!
us-immigration-policies horrendous, weak and outdated
elizabeth-warren Her false claim of Indian heritage is only selling to VERY LOW I.Q. individuals!
honduras leaders are doing little
guatemala leaders are doing little
jon-tester vicious and totally false statements
jon-tester looks to be in big trouble in the Great State of Montana!
jon-tester behaved worse than the Democrat Mob did with Justice K!
el-salvador leaders are doing little
democrats they want Open Borders and existing weak laws
beto-orourke a total lightweight
jon-tester will vote with Cryin’ Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi - never with us!
jon-tester The only thing keeping Tester alive is he has millions and millions of dollars from outside liberals and leftists
jon-tester says one thing to voters and does the EXACT OPPOSITE in Washington
jon-tester takes his orders form Pelosi & Schumer
jon-tester wants to raise your taxes, take away your 2A, open your borders, and deliver MOB RULE
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck
the-media FAKE NEWS!
kyrsten-sinema a Nancy Pelosi puppet
kyrsten-sinema really bad
bill-nelson will destroy Florida
andrew-gillum runs one of the worst & most corrupt cities in USA!
stacey-abrams totally unqualified
stacey-abrams Would destroy a great state!
democrats obstructionists
andrew-gillum presides over one of the worst run, and most corrupt, cities in Florida
andrew-gillum will make Florida the next Venezuela!
the-media Fake News
mikie-sherrill a person who is looking to raise Taxes substantially
refugee-crisis-in-europe A total mess!
stacey-abrams will destroy the State
the-new-york-times so-called experts on Trump
the-new-york-times wrote a long and boring article
the-new-york-times so incorrect I do not have time here to correct it
the-new-york-times soooo wrong!
the-new-york-times Fake Story
the-new-york-times more made up Fake News!
the-media purposely false and inaccurate reporting
the-media Fake News
the-media so bad and hateful that it is beyond description
twitter have stifled growth to a point where it is obvious to all
twitter Total Bias
cnn lowly rated
cnn go wild and scream
la-dodgers-relievers nervous reliever(s) who get shellacked
dave-roberts takes out a pitcher who is loose & dominating through almost 7 innings, Rich Hill of Dodgers, and brings in nervous reliever(s) who get shellacked
dave-roberts big mistake!
tom-steyer Wacky
tom-steyer comes off as a crazed & stumbling lunatic
tom-steyer should be running out of money pretty soon
tallahassee poorly run
tallahassee one of the most corrupt cities in the Country!
andrew-gillum a thief
the-media Fake News, Fake & Dishonest reporting
the-media inaccurate, and even fraudulent, reporting of the news
the-media Fake News Media
the-media the true Enemy of the People
the-media Fake News, Fake & Dishonest reporting
richard-cordray will let you down
richard-cordray destroyed the government agency that he ran
richard-cordray Clone of Pocahontas
richard-cordray not for Ohio
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas
cnn Fake News
cnn keep purposely and inaccurately reporting that I said the “Media is the Enemy of the People.”
cnn Enemy of the People
cnn false information not good!
the-media Fake News
the-media keep purposely and inaccurately reporting that I said the “Media is the Enemy of the People.”
the-media Enemy of the People
the-media false information not good!
the-media Fake News
the-media Enemy of the People
the-media dishonest reporters
paul-ryan should be focusing on holding the Majority rather than giving his opinions on Birthright Citizenship, something he knows nothing about!
harry-reid went insane
harry-reid when he was sane, agreed with us
democrats went insane
the-media Fake News
the-media Disgraceful!
jared-polis weak on crime and weak on borders
jared-polis could never do the job
joe-donnely trying to steal the election?
kyrsten-sinema doesn’t even think
kyrsten-sinema If it were up to Sinema - drugs, crime and illegal traffic will be flowing into Arizona at an ever increasing pace
maxine-waters the most Corrupt Member of Congress!
democrats they will try to raise your taxes, restore job-killing regulations, shut down your coal mines and timber mills, take away your healthcare, impose socialism, and ERASE your borders
anthony-brindisi a disaster
harley-rouda a super liberal
harley-rouda weak on Crime and bad for our Military & Vets!
debbie-stabenow Schumer Puppet
debbie-stabenow who does nothing for Michigan!
debbie-stabenow an automatic far left vote
debbie-stabenow controlled by her bosses
bill-nelson didn’t call me once. Rick Scott called constantly
andrew-gillum If @AndrewGillum did the same job with Florida that he has done in Tallahassee as Mayor, the State will be a crime ridden, overtaxed mess
claire-mccaskill will always vote against us
cnn Fake Suppression Polls
cnn false rhetoric
cnn ratings are so low
claire-mccaskill A vote for Claire McCaskill is a vote for Schumer, Pelosi, Waters, and their socialist agenda
claire-mccaskill would rather protect criminal aliens than American citizens
claire-mccaskill she needs to be voted out of office
the-media Fake News
mueller-team 17 Angry Democrats
trump-russia a disgusting Witch Hunt
democrats waste Taxpayer Money
the-media Nasty
the-media Hostile
the-media FAKE NEWS!
recounts-in-florida FRAUD!
recounts-in-florida an embarrassment to our Country and to Democracy!
marc-elias Election stealing lawyer
jeff-flake Jeff Flake(y)
jeff-flake unelectable in Arizona
jeff-flake doing a terrible job!
jeff-flake A weak and ineffective guy!
california-environmental-laws forest management is so poor
california-environmental-laws gross mismanagement
democrats Trying to STEAL two big elections in Florida!
the-new-york-times inaccurate
the-new-york-times Fake News
the-media Fake News!
google biased
google in favor of the Democrats
twitter biased
twitter in favor of the Democrats
mueller-team have gone absolutely nuts
mueller-team They are screaming and shouting at people, horribly threatening them to come up with the answers they want
mueller-team a disgrace to our Nation
mueller-team Angry People, They won’t even look at all of the bad acts and crimes on the other side
mueller-team gang of Democrat thugs
robert-mueller highly conflicted
robert-mueller highly conflicted (and NOT Senate approved)
robert-mueller Why is he protecting Crooked Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Lisa Page & her lover, Peter S, and all of his friends on the other side?
facebook biased
facebook in favor of the Democrats
trump-russia a total mess
the-media FAKE NEWS MEDIA, crazy
the-media always seeking to make us look as bad as possible
the-media Very dishonest!
the-media Fake News
the-new-york-times did a phony story, as usual
the-media FAKE NEWS
the-media the Enemy of the People!
robert-mueller highly conflicted
adam-schiff little Adam Schitt
bill-clinton famously missed his shot
pakistan take our money and do nothing for us
the-media Fake News
john-roberts but you do indeed have “Obama judges”
john-roberts Please study the numbers
michelle-wolf So-called comedian
michelle-wolf bombed so badly last year
whca-dinner a dying evening and tradition!
ninth-circuit It would be great if the 9th Circuit was indeed an “independent judiciary”
ninth-circuit making our country unsafe!
ninth-circuit Very dangerous and unwise!
ninth-circuit people who know nothing about security and the safety of our citizens
ninth-circuit Not good!
ninth-circuit a complete & total disaster
ninth-circuit out of control
ninth-circuit has a horrible reputation
ninth-circuit is used to get an almost guaranteed result
ninth-circuit They know nothing
ninth-circuit making our Country unsafe
the-media Fake News Media
the-media FAKE NEWS
the-media They never like to ask me for a quote b/c it would kill their story
european-union has taken advantage of us on Trade
caravans stone cold criminals
robert-mueller will he be covering all of his conflicts of interest in a preamble
60-minutes did a phony story about child separation
60-minutes Fake 60 Minutes!
cnn doesn’t do great in the United States based on ratings
cnn a powerful voice portraying the United States in an unfair and false way
the-media Fake Media
mueller-team gang of Angry Dems
mueller-team only looking at one side, not the other, Wait until it comes out how horribly & viciously they are treating people, ruining lives for them refusing to lie
mueller-team terrible Gang of Angry Democrats
mueller-team they’ve got nothing but ruined lives
mueller-team terrible people
robert-mueller a conflicted prosecutor gone rogue
robert-mueller only looking at one side, not the other
robert-mueller The Fake News Media builds Bob Mueller up as a Saint, when in actuality he is the exact opposite
robert-mueller doing TREMENDOUS damage to our Criminal Justice System
robert-mueller he is only looking at one side and not the other
department-of-justice Let these terrible people go back to the Clinton Foundation and “Justice” Department!
trump-russia Phony Witch Hunt
trump-russia $30,000,000 Witch Hunt
the-media Fake News
brenda-snipes was just spotted wearing a beautiful dress with 300 I VOTED signs on it
mueller-team Angry Mueller Gang of Dems
mueller-team viciously telling witnesses to lie about facts
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia The Mueller Witch Hunt
trump-russia a total disgrace
the-media disgusting Fake News
mueller-team Angry Democrats, aren’t even looking at the atrocious, and perhaps subversive, crimes that were committed by Crooked Hillary Clinton and the Democrats
hillary-clinton Crooked
trump-russia discredited Witch Hunt
trump-russia This total Hoax will be studied for years!
trump-russia Did you ever see an investigation more in search of a crime?
trump-russia A total disgrace!
trump-russia illegal Joseph McCarthy style Witch Hunt
trump-russia has shattered so many innocent lives
trump-russia wasting more than $40,000,000 (is that possible?)
trump-russia So Ridiculous!
robert-mueller refuses to look at the real crimes on the other side
united-states going in the wrong direction (to put it mildly)
nafta terrible
trump-russia A total Witch Hunt!
trump-russia an illegal Hoax
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
michael-cohen TERRIBLE
michael-cohen makes up stories to get a GREAT & ALREADY reduced deal for himself
michael-cohen lied
mueller-team out of control band of Angry Democrats, don’t want the truth, they only want lies
mueller-team The truth is very bad for their mission!
robert-mueller a rogue and out of control prosecutor
robert-mueller a much different man than people think
paris-agreement fatally flawed
paris-agreement whitewashing some of the worst polluters
trump-russia phony Russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia Presidential Harassment!
andrew-weissmann horrible and vicious prosecutorial past
andrew-weissmann wrongly destroyed people’s lives
andrew-weissmann took down great companies
clinton-foundation corrupt
mueller-team 17 Angry Dems
mueller-team People forced to lie
mueller-team 17 Angry Democrats
mueller-team lying
mueller-team leaking
robert-mueller big time conflicts of interest
rex-tillerson didn’t have the mental capacity needed
rex-tillerson dumb as a rock
rex-tillerson I couldn’t get rid of him fast enough
rex-tillerson lazy as hell
rod-rosenstein totally conflicted
james-comey Leakin’ Lyin’ James Comey
james-comey Lyin’ James Comey
james-comey Leakin' James Comey
james-comey Total bias and corruption
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
hillary-clinton corrupt
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
trump-russia total Witch Hunt
trump-russia Witch Hunt
democrats corrupt
the-media Fake News Media
the-media FAKE NEWS
the-media Fake News
paris-agreement People do not want to pay large sums of money, much to third world countries (that are questionably run), in order to maybe protect the environment
paris-agreement ridiculous and extremely expensive
trump-russia Witch Hunt
richard-blumenthal Da Nang Dick
richard-blumenthal HE LIED
richard-blumenthal Next time I go to Vietnam I will ask “the Dick” to travel with me!
james-comey lies!
james-comey Leakin’ James Comey
james-comey must have set a record for who lied the most to Congress in one day
james-comey so untruthful!
trump-russia a Rigged Fraud headed up by dishonest people who would do anything so that I could not become President
the-media Fake News Media
the-media totally out of its mind
the-media truly the Enemy of the People!
michael-cohen trying to get his sentence reduced
trump-russia WITCH HUNT!
the-media Fake News
james-comey totally exposed his partisan stance
james-comey had no right heading the FBI at any time
james-comey his mind exploded!
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia illegal and should never have been started!
democrats want Open Borders for anyone to come in
the-media Fake News
the-media has it purposely wrong
the-media Please report news correctly
barack-obama gave Iran 150 Billion Dollars and got nothing
michael-cohen he is supposed to know the law
michael-cohen guilty on many charges unrelated to me
mueller-team They want to scare everybody into making up stories that are not true by catching them in the smallest of misstatements. Sad!
nafta old, very costly & anti-USA
morning-joe terrible ratings
trump-russia WITCH HUNT!
bill-kristol failed prognosticator
bill-kristol never had a clue
weekly-standard pathetic and dishonest
weekly-standard flat broke and out of business
weekly-standard rest in peace!
strzok-page-texts Such a big story that will never be covered by the Fake News
trump-russia Hoax
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
obamacare an UNCONSTITUTIONAL disaster!
the-media Never in the history of our Country has the “press” been more dishonest than it is today
the-media Stories that should be good, are bad
the-media Stories that should be bad, are horrible
the-media bad!
the-media Fake News
saturday-night-live Democrat spin machine
saturday-night-live It is all nothing less than unfair news coverage and Dem commercials
strzok-page-texts an outrage
michael-cohen a “Rat”
mueller-team Entrapping people for misstatements, lies or unrelated things that took place many years ago
jeff-sessions should be ashamed of himself
hillary-clinton Crooked
trump-russia totally compromised and conflicted, Witch Hunt
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia total HOAX
trump-russia The Russian Witch Hunt Hoax
trump-russia started as the “insurance policy” long before I even got elected
trump-russia very bad for our Country
trump-russia A Democrat Scam!
fbi They BROKE INTO AN ATTORNEY’S OFFICE! Why didn’t they break into the DNC to get the Server, or Crooked’s office?
nbc-news one sided coverage
nbc-news Only defame & belittle!
obamacare The DEDUCTIBLE which comes with ObamaCare is so high that it is practically not even useable!
obamacare Hurts families badly
google so biased toward the Dems it is ridiculous!
christopher-steele dopey
twitter so biased toward the Dems it is ridiculous!
facebook so biased toward the Dems it is ridiculous!
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia long, winding and highly conflicted Mueller Witch Hunt
trump-russia Russian Witch Hunt
trump-russia a Fraud and a Hoax
trump-russia a HOAX
barbara-underwood does little else but rant, rave & politic against me
clinton-foundation corrupt
eric-schneiderman sleazebag
eric-schneiderman Shady Eric
lindsey-graham So hard to believe that Lindsey Graham would be against saving soldier lives & billions of $$$
democrats putting politics over Country
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media tries so hard to paint the opposite picture
the-media FAKE
brett-mcgurk Grandstander
iran-deal horrible
bob-corker poll numbers TANKED when I wouldn’t endorse him
bob-corker responsible for giving us the horrible Iran Nuclear Deal
bob-corker Bob wanted to run and asked for my endorsement. I said NO and the game was over
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News Media
the-media Fake News
the-fed They don’t have a feel for the Market, they don’t understand necessary Trade Wars or Strong Dollars or even Democrat Shutdowns over Borders
the-fed The Fed is like a powerful golfer who can’t score because he has no touch - he can’t putt!
brett-mcgurk the Obama appointee who was responsible for loading up airplanes with 1.8 Billion Dollars in CASH & sending it to Iran
iran-deal horrific
bob-corker Little Bob Corker
the-media Fake News Media!
the-media Fake News Media
ninth-circuit ridiculous
democrats They don’t have much to campaign on, do they?
democrats such stupidity!
cnn going wild
cnn Fake News
honduras doing nothing for the United States but taking our money
guatemala doing nothing for the United States but taking our money
el-salvador doing nothing for the United States but taking our money
democrats Obstructionist
mueller-team Angry Democrats
trump-russia Witch Hunt Hoax
democrats they are spending so much time on Presidential Harassment that they have little time left for things like stopping crime and our military!
democrats pathetic immigration policies
trump-russia fabrication
trump-russia the greatest Hoax in the history of American politics
democrats left town and are not concerned about the safety and security of Americans!
stanley-mcchrystal failed
stanley-mcchrystal unable to do the job before I arrived
stanley-mcchrystal complain about me & my tactics
chuck-schumer Very Unfair!
the-media Fake News
nafta horrendous
nafta has so badly hurt our Country
the-media FAKE NEWS
mitt-romney is he a Flake?
mitt-romney I won big, and he didn’t
democrats Obstructing
democrats Bad!
democrats Presidential Harassment
democrats They only want to impeach me because they know they can’t win in 2020
democrats Colluded
the-new-york-times FAKE NEWS
southern-border very dangerous
washington-post Fake sources
washington-post very inaccurate (to put it mildly)!
nbc Fake sources
nbc very inaccurate (to put it mildly)!
cnn #FakeNews
cnn a proud member of the Opposition Party
the-new-york-times Horrible and totally dishonest reporting on almost everything they write
the-new-york-times Fake News
the-new-york-times Enemy of the People
the-new-york-times Opposition Party!
the-media Fake News
the-media Enemy of the People
the-media Opposition Party!
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times has knowingly written a very inaccurate story
the-media Fake News
the-media totally dishonest
the-media crazed lunatics who have given up on the TRUTH!
the-media Fake News
the-media will knowingly lie and demean in order make the tremendous success of the Trump Administration, and me, look as bad as possible
the-media They use non-existent sources & write stories that are total fiction
the-media Fake News
the-media the real Opposition Party
the-media truly the Enemy of the People
nbc going Crazy
nbc report stories, purposely, the exact opposite of the facts
nbc truly the Opposition Party working with the Dems
nbc May even be worse than Fake News CNN, if that is possible!
chuck-schumer Cryin Chuck
chuck-schumer told his favorite lie
chuck-schumer had a temper tantrum
cnn Fake News CNN
the-media has NEVER been more dishonest than it is now
the-media has gone totally bonkers!
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck
cnn #FakeNews
the-media Fake News
philip-rucker a Fake reporter
peter-strzok disgraced
peter-strzok loser
lisa-page disgraced
lisa-page loser
mueller-team 13 Angry Democrats
mueller-team leaking machines who have NO interest in going after the Real Collusion
fbi-investigation-of-hillary rigged & botched
fbi-investigation-of-hillary mess
andrew-mccabe corrupt
andrew-mccabe disgraced
andrew-mccabe loser
washington-post Amazon Washington Post
washington-post Fakes
washington-post always like talking Chaos
james-comey corrupt, a total sleaze!
james-comey poor leadership
james-comey My firing of James Comey was a great day for America
james-comey a Crooked Cop
james-comey Lyin James Comey
james-comey disgraced
james-comey loser
hillary-clinton Crooked
trump-russia Witch Hunt
the-new-york-times Failing
chuck-schumer Cryin Chuck
politicians do NOTHING (or worse)
jeff-bezos Jeff Bozo
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas
washington-post lobbyist newspaper
washington-post the Amazon Washington Post
chuck-schumer Cryin Chuck
the-media Fake News
the-media gets crazier and more dishonest every single day
the-media have truly gone MAD!
the-media Fake reporting
the-media Take two weeks off and come back rested. Chill!
andrew-mccabe Bad!, so-called ‘leader’
james-comey Lyin’ James
james-comey Bad!, so-called ‘leader’
democrats the Party of Crime
democrats a Party of open borders and crime
james-comey bad cop
chuck-schumer So funny to watch Schumer groveling
democrats has become totally unhinged
nancy-pelosi could somebody please explain to Nancy & her “big donors” in wine country that people working on farms (grapes) will have easy access in!
buzzfeed disgraceful
buzzfeed disgraceful coverage!
trump-report totally discredited
mexico doing NOTHING to stop the Caravan
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary Clinton
the-media Fake News is truly the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!
the-media phony story
nancy-pelosi behaved so irrationally
nancy-pelosi has gone so far to the left that she has now officially become a Radical Democrat
nancy-pelosi so petrified of the ‘lefties’ in her party that she has lost control
nancy-pelosi by the way, clean up the streets in San Francisco, they are disgusting!
democrats They don’t see crime & drugs, they only see 2020
the-media is not giving us credit for the tremendous progress we have made with North Korea
democrats kidding themselves
fusion-gps big Crooked Hillary law firm
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia An Unconstitutional Hoax
the-media Fake News
the-media evil
the-media Fake News
the-media people understand the media better than the media understands them!
the-media rude
the-media inaccurate
the-media Fake News!
msnbc Trump Haters
michael-cohen bad lawyer
hillary-clinton Crooked
the-media Fake News
the-media loves saying ‘so little happened at my first summit with Kim Jong Un.’
michael-deantonio A third rate conman
michael-deantonio has been playing his biggest con of all
michael-deantonio a broken down hack who knows nothing about me
michael-deantonio goes on night after night telling made up Trump stories
michael-deantonio Disgraceful!
trump-russia Greatest Witch Hunt in the History of our Country!
the-media Fake News
trump-report Fake and Unverified
trump-report a total phony conjob
hillary-clinton Crooked
trump-russia WITCH HUNT!
the-media one sided Fake Media coverage
the-media Crooked H
the-media Fake News
the-media the Enemy of the People!
howard-schultz doesn’t have the ’guts’ to run for President!
howard-schultz I agree with him that he is not the ’smartest person’
gillian-turner even less understanding of the Wall negotiations than the folks at FAKE NEWS CNN & NBC!
john-roberts-fox even less understanding of the Wall negotiations than the folks at FAKE NEWS CNN & NBC!
team-of-vipers A low level staffer that I hardly knew
team-of-vipers pretended to be an insider when in fact he was nothing more than a gofer
team-of-vipers He is a mess!
cliff-sims A low level staffer that I hardly knew
cliff-sims pretended to be an insider when in fact he was nothing more than a gofer
cliff-sims He is a mess!
richard-blumenthal Da Nang Dick
richard-blumenthal An embarrassment to our Country!
chuck-schumer big fans of being weak and passive with Iran
chuck-schumer no clue
democrats the Party of late term abortion
democrats big fans of being weak and passive with Iran
democrats no clue
the-media distorted press
the-media false narrative
christopher-steele ousted & discredited
trump-russia WITCH HUNT
trump-russia Witch Hunt
the-media Really sad!
chuck-schumer He’s just upset that he didn’t win the Senate, after spending a fortune
mark-herring killing the Great State of Virginia
mark-herring failing pol
justin-fairfax killing the Great State of Virginia
justin-fairfax failing pol
ralph-northam killing the Great State of Virginia
ralph-northam failing pol
trump-russia Unlimited Presidential Harassment....
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
democrats going ‘nuts.’
trump-report fake and discredited
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
the-media Fake News
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas
elizabeth-warren See you on the campaign TRAIL, Liz!
democrats vicious
democrats such hatred and scorn!
amy-klobuchar Bad timing, she looked like a Snowman(woman)!
democrats so self righteous and ANGRY!
california spent and wasted many billions of dollars
california-train-project a ‘green’ disaster!
andrew-mccabe Disgraced
andrew-mccabe pretends to be a ‘poor little Angel’ when in fact he was a big part of the Crooked Hillary Scandal
andrew-mccabe a puppet
andrew-mccabe a disgrace to the FBI and a disgrace to our Country
james-comey Leakin’ James Comey
saturday-night-live Nothing funny
saturday-night-live tired
saturday-night-live total Republican hit job
trump-russia totally conflicted, illegal and rigged!
trump-russia Should never have been allowed to begin
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
nbc-news Fake News
nbc-news Very unfair
andrew-mccabe so many lies
andrew-mccabe disgraced
andrew-mccabe lying
andrew-mccabe now his story gets even more deranged
california-train-project out of control
california-train-project no hope of completion
california-train-project cost overruns are becoming world record setting
andrew-mccabe didn't go to the bathroom without the approval of Leakin' James Comey!
andrew-mccabe I never called his wife a loser to him (another McCabe made up lie)!
washington-post a Fact Checker only for the Democrats
washington-post a Fake Fact Checker!
james-comey Leakin' James Comey!
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia the greatest scandal in American political history
democrats Had the opposition party (no, not the Media) won the election, the Stock Market would be down at least 10,000 points by now
california-train-project failed
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
washington-post Fake News!
the-new-york-times reporting is false
the-new-york-times a true ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!
the-media has never been more dishonest than it is today
the-media Stories are written that have absolutely no basis in fact, The writers don’t even call asking for verification
the-media totally out of control
jussie-smollet racist and dangerous comments
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia so bad for our Country
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media just doesn’t want to report the facts
north-korea-experts people who have failed for years
north-korea-experts they got NOTHING
north-korea-experts thanks anyway!
hillary-clinton Crooked
spike-lee Be nice if Spike Lee could read his notes
spike-lee racist hit
harry-reid he got thrown out
harry-reid working hard to put a good spin on his failed career
harry-reid led through lies and deception
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck
democrats The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth
michael-cohen represented me (unfortunately)
michael-cohen He did bad things unrelated to Trump
michael-cohen lying in order to reduce his prison time
hillary-clinton Crooked
richard-blumenthal Da Nang Dick
richard-blumenthal third rate Senator
richard-blumenthal war stories of his heroism in Vietnam were a total fraud
the-media false reporting (guessing)
michael-cohen phony reasons for going rogue
michael-cohen fake testimony, which now is a lie!
michael-cohen lies, misrepresentations and contradictions
michael-cohen totally discredited!
michael-cohen discredited
michael-cohen fraudulent and dishonest statements
michael-cohen committed perjury on a scale not seen before
michael-cohen He must have forgotten about his book when he testified
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia corrupt and illegally brought Witch Hunt
michael-cohen failed lawyer
michael-cohen totally contradicted
michael-cohen lies for sentence reduction!
michael-cohen failed lawyer
michael-cohen his testimony was a total lie!
michael-cohen hostile
michael-cohen a liar
mueller-team some very bad, conflicted & corrupt people
trump-russia a Witch Hunt that is illegal & should never have been allowed to start
trump-russia Presidential Harassment
the-media Fake Media
michael-cohen a convicted liar & fraudster
democrats hurting our Country
cnn Fake News
jerry-nadler gone stone cold CRAZY
adam-schiff gone stone cold CRAZY
hillary-clinton have gone stone cold CRAZY
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked
trump-russia A big, fat, fishing expedition desperately in search of a crime
democrats obstructing justice and will not get anything done
democrats the real crime is what the Dems are doing, and have done!
the-media The Fake News Media is the true Enemy of the People!
house-democrats shameful
tom-steyer Weirdo
tom-steyer doesn’t have the ”guts” or money to run for President
tom-steyer He’s all talk!
trump-russia Presidential Harassment!
democrats They are desperately trying to find anything they can, even a punctuation mistake in a document!
us-immigration-policies Broken System
democrats Radical Left
the-media Fake News Networks
the-media Fake News!
michael-cohen Bad lawyer and fraudster
michael-cohen His lawyers totally contradicted him
michael-cohen He lied!
michael-cohen He lied again!
michael-cohen badly wanted to work at the White House
jeff-sessions didn't have a clue!
trump-russia Witch Hunt Hoax
trump-russia So bad for our Country!
democrats Obstruction
the-media Fake News!
ann-coulter Wacky Nut Job
gavin-newsom grandstanding
california-train-project so-called Fast Train
california-train-project in total disarray
trump-russia Witch Hunt
democrats Far Left Radicals
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia a total Witch Hunt
new-york people are fleeing the State in record numbers
obama-justice-department a broken and corrupt machine
late-night-television the one-sided hatred
late-night-television unwatchable
eric-schneiderman little Eric Schneiderman
james-comey he LIED
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
trump-russia Witch Hunt Hoax
trump-russia there was (and is) no crime. Bad!
trump-russia a total disgrace
trump-russia should NEVER happen to another President!
the-media Fake News
the-media They are only getting more deranged with time!
jimmy-kimmel very weak and untalented
jimmy-kimmel fighting over table scraps
jimmy-kimmel Will be wacky in the unemployment line
stephen-colbert very weak and untalented
stephen-colbert fighting over table scraps
stephen-colbert Will be wacky in the unemployment line
seth-meyers very weak and untalented
seth-meyers fighting over table scraps
seth-meyers Will be wacky in the unemployment line
trump-report Fake Dossier
andrew-mccabe now disgraced
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
democrats Total disrespect!
google helping China and their military, but not the U.S.. Terrible!
trump-report fake and totally discredited
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
john-mccain He had far worse ‘stains’ than this
general-motors let our Country down
david-green ought to get his act together and produce
david-green Stop complaining and get the job done!
late-night-television not funny/no talent
late-night-television spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & over, without so much of a mention of “the other side”
late-night-television an advertisement without consequences
saturday-night-live not funny/no talent
saturday-night-live spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & over, without so much of a mention of “the other side”
saturday-night-live an advertisement without consequences
trump-report Fake & Unverified
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
trump-russia the “Insurance Policy”, the biggest Scandal in the history of our Country!
democrats Fake News Media
democrats using every trick in the book to SILENCE a majority of our Country
democrats Radical Left
democrats trying to steal a Presidential Election
cnn low ratings
john-mccain last in his class
john-mccain sent the Fake Dossier to the FBI and Media hoping to have it printed BEFORE the Election
john-mccain failed (as usual)
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News Media
the-media using every trick in the book to SILENCE a majority of our Country
joe-biden got tongue tied over the weekend
joe-biden unable to properly deliver a very simple line
joe-biden another low I.Q. individual!
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia Very few think it is legit
the-media Fake News
the-media working overtime to blame me for the horrible attack in New Zealand
the-media So Ridiculous!
the-media FAKE NEWS MEDIA!
george-conway A total loser!
google sooo on the side of the Radical Left Democrats
twitter sooo on the side of the Radical Left Democrats
facebook sooo on the side of the Radical Left Democrats
the-media Fake News Media
the-media has NEVER been more Dishonest or Corrupt than it is right now
the-media very sad!
the-media Fake News
the-media the absolute Enemy of the People and our Country itself!
the-media Corrupt
the-media sooo on the side of the Radical Left Democrats
the-media #StopTheBias
george-conway often referred to as Mr. Kellyanne Conway
george-conway is VERY jealous of his wife’s success & angry that I, with her help, didn’t give him the job he so desperately wanted
george-conway I barely know him
george-conway just take a look, a stone cold LOSER & husband from hell!
democrats getting very “strange”
james-comey a dirty cop
isis they are losers and barely breathing
trump-russia Russian Collusion Delusion
trump-russia a disgrace!
the-media corrupt and FAKE
the-media They truly are the Enemy of the People
the-media the Real Opposition Party!
trump-russia illegal Democrat Witch Hunt
msnbc T.V. ratings of CNN & MSNBC tanked last night
cnn T.V. ratings of CNN & MSNBC tanked last night
the-media The Fake News Media
the-media has lost tremendous credibility
the-media corrupt coverage
jussie-smollet outrageous
jussie-smollet an embarrassment to our Nation!
honduras all talk and no action
honduras have taken our money for years, and do Nothing
guatemala all talk and no action
guatemala have taken our money for years, and do Nothing
el-salvador all talk and no action
el-salvador have taken our money for years, and do Nothing
adam-schiff spent two years knowingly and unlawfully lying and leaking
adam-schiff should be forced to resign from Congress!
morning-joe ratings for “Morning Joe” which were really bad in the first place, just “tanked” with the release of the Mueller Report
mexico doing NOTHING to help stop the flow of illegal immigrants to our Country
mexico all talk and no action
mexico have taken our money for years, and do Nothing
mexico refuses to help with illegal immigration & drugs!
the-media Fake News Media
the-media going Crazy!
the-media suffering a major “breakdown”, ZERO credibility or respect
the-media Fake News
the-media has never been more corrupt than it is right now
the-media Fake News never wins!
the-fed mistakenly raised interest rates
the-fed ridiculously timed quantitative tightening
mexico they just take our money and “talk“
mexico we lose so much money with them
washington-post 100% NEGATIVE and FAKE!
washington-post either duped or corrupt
washington-post their prizes should be taken away by the Committee!
james-comey a dirty cop
democrats have given us the weakest immigration laws anywhere in the World
the-new-york-times 100% NEGATIVE and FAKE!
the-new-york-times either duped or corrupt
the-new-york-times their prizes should be taken away by the Committee!
us-immigration-policies weak and very stupid
us-immigration-policies ridiculous asylum system
us-immigration-policies major loopholes
mexico doing NOTHING
trump-russia phony and fraudulent investigation
trump-russia Hoax
us-census would be meaningless and a waste
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia Collusion Delusion
democrats Radical Left Democrats
democrats crazed
obamacare The cost of ObamaCare is far too high for our great citizens
obamacare almost worthless or unusable
puerto-rico politicians are incompetent or corrupt
puerto-rico got far more money than Texas & Florida combined, yet their government can’t do anything right
puerto-rico the place is a mess - nothing works
puerto-rico all their local politicians do is complain & ask for more money
puerto-rico pols are grossly incompetent, spend the money foolishly or corruptly, & only take from USA
puerto-rico such bad Island leadership
puerto-rico so much money wasted
puerto-rico massive payments, and so little appreciation!
house-democrats taking U.S. money for years, and doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for us
honduras taking U.S. money for years, and doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for us
guatemala taking U.S. money for years, and doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for us
el-salvador taking U.S. money for years, and doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for us
carmen-yulin-cruz crazed and incompetent
carmen-yulin-cruz such a poor job of bringing the Island back to health
carmen-yulin-cruz Disgraceful!
mexico taking U.S. money for years, and doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for us
democrats have become totally unhinged
obamacare doesn’t work
obamacare deductibles are far too high
obamacare Really bad HealthCare!
the-new-york-times incorrectly reported (as usual)
the-fed unnecessary and destructive actions
trump-russia Russian Collusion Hoax
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia ridiculous Collusion Delusion
trump-russia so illegal!
democrats There is nothing we can ever give to the Democrats that will make them happy
democrats Presidential Harassment
the-new-york-times no legitimate sources
the-new-york-times they probably had no sources at all!
the-new-york-times a Fake News paper
the-new-york-times incorrect and very bad reporting on me!
washington-post Crazed and Dishonest
washington-post purposely got it wrong
democrats always fighting to stop you!
the-media doing everything within their power to fight the magnificence of the phrase, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
the-media truly the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!
mueller-team 13 Angry Trump hating Dems
mueller-team 13 Angry Democrats
mueller-team investigating an event that never happened
us-immigration-policies horrible, costly and foolish loopholes
trump-report Phony Dossier
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia Russia Hoax
trump-russia fraudulent Russian Witch Hunt
trump-russia fraud on me and the American People
mueller-team 13 Trump Haters & Angry Democrats
mueller-team illegally leaking information to the press
the-media Fake News Media
the-media make up their own stories with or without sources
the-media sources no longer matter to our corrupt & dishonest Mainstream Media
the-media they are a Joke!
trump-russia Russian Hoax
trump-russia a fraud on the American people!
the-media has never been more inaccurate or corrupt than it is today
the-media It only seems to get worse
the-media So much Fake News!
mueller-team 18 people that truly hate President Trump
trump-russia an illegal investigation that should never have been allowed to start
trump-russia Phony & Treasonous Hoax!
democrats TREASONOUS
democrats putting our Country at risk
washington-post Corrupt News!
democrats Radical Left
democrats They should stop wasting time and money and get back to real legislating
democrats Radical Left
democrats always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy
the-new-york-times Fake News New York Times
the-new-york-times Corrupt News!
james-comey Dirty Cop
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
nbc-news Fake Story
democrats Radical Left
the-new-york-times knowingly wrong on almost every fact
the-new-york-times They never call to check for truth
the-new-york-times Their sources often don’t even exist, a fraud
the-new-york-times They will lie & cheat anyway possible to make me look bad
the-new-york-times In 6 years they will be gone
the-new-york-times had to beg their fleeing subscribers for forgiveness
the-new-york-times they covered the Election (and me) so badly
the-new-york-times They didn’t have a clue, it was pathetic
the-new-york-times really corrupt reporting!
the-media corrupt and getting worse, if that is possible, every day!
the-media Fake & Corrupt News!
california well known or its poor management & high taxes!
the-fed If the Fed had done its job properly, which it has not, the Stock Market would have been up 5000 to 10,000 additional points
the-fed Quantitative tightening was a killer
ilhan-omar anti-Semitic, anti-Israel and ungrateful U.S. HATE statements
ilhan-omar out of control, except for her control of Nancy!
mueller-team 18 Angry Democrats who also happen to be Trump Haters (and Clinton Supporters)
60-minutes Such a “puff piece” on Nancy Pelosi by @60minutes,
nancy-pelosi her leadership has passed no meaningful Legislation
nancy-pelosi has lost all control of Congress
nancy-pelosi getting nothing done
james-comey Dirty Cop
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary!
trump-russia Hoax
democrats All they do is Investigate, as it turns out, crimes that they instigated & committed
democrats Radical Left
democrats will never be satisfied with anything we give them
democrats always Resist and Obstruct!
trump-russia The greatest Scam in political history
christopher-steele Trump hater
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
trump-report Witch Hunt
trump-report a total fraud
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
james-comey Dirty Cop
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia a total fraud on your President and the American people!
don-mcgahn Watch out for people that take so-called “notes”
mueller-report Crazy
mueller-report a big, fat, waste of time, energy and money
mueller-team 18 Angry Democrat Trump Haters
washington-post dishonest media outlet
washington-post Truly, the Enemy of the People!
trump-russia an Illegally Started Hoax that never should have happened
the-new-york-times dishonest media outlet
the-new-york-times Truly, the Enemy of the People!
mueller-report should not have been authorized in the first place
mitt-romney If @MittRomney spent the same energy fighting Barack Obama as he does fighting Donald Trump, he could have won the race (maybe)!
mueller-team written as nastily as possible by 13 (18) Angry Democrats
mueller-team true Trump Haters
robert-mueller highly conflicted
trump-russia Hoax
trump-russia the greatest Witch Hunt in U.S. political history
the-media Fake News Media
the-media doing everything possible to stir up and anger the pols
mueller-report a total ”hit job”
mueller-report should never have been allowed to start in the first place!
mueller-team Trump Haters and Angry Democrats
mueller-team were devastated by the No Collusion finding!
trump-russia the worst and most corrupt political Witch Hunt in the history of the United States
trump-russia Disgraceful!
democrats The Radical Left
democrats do not want to go on to Legislate for the good of the people, but only to Investigate and waste time
mueller-team 18 Angry Democrats
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
paul-krugman has lost all credibility
paul-krugman false and highly inaccurate writings
paul-krugman obsessed with hatred, just as others are obsessed with how stupid he is
paul-krugman He said Market would crash, Only Record Highs!
twitter playing their political games
joe-scarborough Morning Psycho
joe-scarborough has nosedived
joe-scarborough Angry, Dumb and Sick
morning-joe A really bad show with low ratings - and will only get worse
democrats The Radical Left
democrats have gone totally insane!
democrats Radical Liberal Dems
cnn a proven and long term ratings and beyond disaster
cnn it rewarded Chris Cuomo with a now unsuccessful prime time slot
chris-cuomo unsuccessful prime time slot
chris-cuomo massive failure in the morning
the-new-york-times Fake News
the-new-york-times has lost all credibility
the-new-york-times they are truly the Enemy of the People!
the-media Fake News Media
the-media have gone totally insane!
the-media Today I have, as President, perhaps the greatest economy in history...and to the Mainstream Media, it means NOTHING
the-media Fake News Media
mueller-team Angry Democrats and Trump Haters
mueller-team Mueller Angry Dems
the-system Rigged
mexico doing very little for us
trump-russia Witch Hunt
the-media Fake News
2020-dem-candidates people who truly have some very sick & demented ideas
mueller-team 18 VERY ANGRY Democrats
mueller-team Trump Haters and Angry Democrats
robert-mueller a Trump hater who was highly conflicted
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign
trump-russia an illegal investigation
the-media Fake News Media
tom-steyer Weirdo
tom-steyer still trying to remain relevant by putting himself on ads begging for impeachment
dnc again working its magic in its quest to destroy Crazy Bernie Sanders
shephard-smith low ratings
andrew-napolitano very dumb legal argument
andrew-napolitano very hostile!
andrew-napolitano asked for pardon for his friend
joe-biden not very bright
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie Sanders
bernie-sanders please show a little more anger and indignation when you get screwed!
firefighters-union Dues Sucking
firefighters-union will always support Democrats
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Fake News
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
democrats Radical Left Democrats
the-new-york-times Fake and Corrupt news they print on a daily basis
the-new-york-times They have reached the lowest level of “journalism”
us-immigration-policies weak, ineffective and dangerous
firefighters-union dues sucking union
trump-russia The greatest con-job in the history of American Politics!
barack-obama He did NOTHING
trump-russia Collusion Delusion
spygate bigger than WATERGATE, but the reverse!
trump-russia Russian Hoax
trump-russia Witch Hunt
twitter have no idea the problems they are causing for themselves
twitter VERY UNFAIR!
democrats have no idea the problems they are causing for themselves
democrats VERY UNFAIR!
the-media Radical Left Wing
the-media knowingly getting the Russia Collusion Delusion story so wrong
the-media Much of what they do is FAKE NEWS!
decision-to-disqualify-horse not a good one
decision-to-disqualify-horse Only in these days of political correctness could such an overturn occur
mueller-team 18 Trump Hating Angry Democrats
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia Collusion Delusion
democrats They play very dirty
us-immigration-policies terrible loopholes
2020-dem-candidates very weak
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas
the-media highly inaccurate Fake News hit job!
democratic-disaster-bill BAD DEMOCRAT Disaster Supplemental Bill
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden let China get away with “murder!”
joe-biden SleepyCreepy Joe
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
james-comey a disgrace to the FBI
james-comey will go down as the worst Director in its long and once proud history
james-comey He brought the FBI down
don-mcgahn Never a big fan!
china rip-off the USA for $500 Billion a year
democrats the Radical Left
democrats the Radical Left
democrats they only want to talk about Obstruction
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
china They LOVE ripping off America!
trump-russia a total scam
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia a sick & unlawful investigation
trump-russia a giant SCAM
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia a Treasonous Hoax
trump-russia a big Hoax, the biggest in American history!
democrats pathetic
democrats They are a sad JOKE!
democrats acting like crazed lunatics
democrats have gone “nuts”
the-media Fake News
rashida-tlaib obviously has tremendous hatred of Israel and the Jewish people
hillary-clinton Crooked
washington-post Fake News
the-new-york-times Fake News
bill-deblasio another beauty
bill-deblasio the worst mayor in the U.S.
bill-deblasio a JOKE
bill-deblasio if you like high taxes & crime, he’s your man
bill-deblasio NYC HATES HIM!
bill-deblasio the worst Mayor in the history of New York City
bill-deblasio he won’t last long!
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
spygate A really bad situation
spygate TREASON
spygate TREASON!
the-media Fake News
the-media fraudulent and highly inaccurate coverage of Iran
the-media scattershot, poorly sourced (made up), and DANGEROUS
the-media Fake and Made Up
fox-news wasting airtime on Mayor Pete
fox-news moving more and more to the losing (wrong) side
mayor-pete Alfred E. Newman will never be President!
mayor-pete Hard to believe that @FoxNews is wasting airtime on Mayor Pete
chris-wallace I like Mike Wallace better
justin-amash a loser who sadly plays right into our opponents hands!
justin-amash Never a fan
justin-amash a total lightweight
justin-amash opposes me and some of our great Republican ideas and policies just for the sake of getting his name out there
2020-dem-candidates boring debates
mueller-team 18 Angry Dems who hated Trump
the-media whose bias & dishonesty is greater than ever
the-media Fake News
the-media every question is asked in the most negative way
the-media should be ashamed
the-media the USA is wise to your game of dishonesty and deception!
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia Hoax
trump-russia phony
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times it will pass away when I leave office in 6 years
the-new-york-times keep writing phony stories
the-new-york-times Fake News!
the-media has never been as corrupt and deranged as it is today
the-media FAKE NEWS
the-media the true ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!
the-media they refuse to cover the REAL Russia Hoax
the-media Fake Media
the-media always uses unnamed sources (because their sources don’t even exist)
the-media Fake News
mueller-team 18 Angry Trump-Hating Democrats
mexico doing virtually nothing to stop illegal immigrants from coming to our Southern Border
mexico Mexico’s attitude is that people from other countries, including Mexico, should have the right to flow into the U.S. & that U.S. taxpayers should be responsible for the tremendous costs
existing-border-wall in bad condition
existing-border-wall ineffective
existing-border-wall old and worthless barriers
mueller-team 18 Angry Dems
nancy-pelosi will never be able to see or understand the great promise of our Country
nancy-pelosi tearing the United States apart
trump-russia an illegally started investigation that failed
trump-russia an expensive and comprehensive Witch Hunt
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
trump-russia ILLEGAL Witch Hunt
trump-russia The greatest Hoax in American History
trump-russia a Witch Hunt
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia a tremendous waste of time and energy
chuck-schumer will never be able to see or understand the great promise of our Country
democrats on a fishing expedition
democrats getting ZERO work done in Congress
rex-tillerson a man who is “dumb as a rock”
rex-tillerson totally ill prepared and ill equipped to be Secretary of State
rex-tillerson made up a story (he got fired)
democrats Fake work on their very disappointing Mueller Report finding
the-media Fake News Media
the-media Fake & Corrupt Press!
don-lemon the dumbest man on television
democrats the Do Nothing Party!
democrats they should go back to work
democrats the Radical Left
cnn Ratings are WAY DOWN
cnn so many Fake Stories and Anti-Trump lies
chris-cuomo was rewarded for lowest morning ratings with a prime time spot
chris-cuomo failing badly
democrats must get back to work
democrats So bad for our Country!
joe-biden Swampman
chicago great incompetence and corruption
haywood-s-gilliam Another activist Obama appointed judge
mark-warner acting and talking like he is in total control of the Senate Intelligence Committee
mark-warner Their is nothing bipartisan about him
joe-biden Swampman
joe-biden a low IQ individual
democrats would rather see the United States fail than see me or the Republican Party succeed
the-media Fake News
the-media People think they can say anything and get away with it
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden will not have a chance of being elected
democrats Obstructionists
democrats are getting NOTHING done in Congress
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden low IQ idiot
joe-biden low IQ individual
trump-russia Witch Hunt Hoax
trump-russia a crime that didn’t exist
trump-russia phony crime that didn’t exist
trump-russia Presidential Harassment!
robert-mueller highly conflicted
robert-mueller total Conflict of Interest
impeachment-inquiry WITCH-HUNT!
impeachment-inquiry The Greatest Presidential Harassment in history
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News Media
the-media Fake News,
us-immigration-policies BAD
mexico has taken advantage of the United States for decades
democrats want Open Borders which equals crime!
washington-post got it wrong as usual
china They took many of our companies & jobs
mexico allowing millions of people to easily meander through their country and INVADE the U.S.
house-democrats go back to work
peggy-noonan simplistic writer
peggy-noonan has no idea what is happening
mexico abuser
mexico they’ve been “talking” for 25 years
trump-russia Witch Hunt
robert-mueller had to correct his ridiculous statement
impeachment-inquiry Greatest Witch Hunt in American History
the-media Fake News
democrats doing nothing
democrats Radical Liberal
democrats getting nothing done
democrats frozen stiff
democrats Radical Left, vicious and desperate
cnn Fake News
cnn dying in the ratings
cnn Fake News
sadiq-khan has done a terrible job. foolishly 'nasty'
sadiq-khan stone cold loser
bill-deblasio very dumb and incompetent
bill-deblasio has also done a terrible job
the-media Fake News
bette-midler Washed up pyscho
bette-midler a sick scammer
chuck-schumer Cryin'
chuck-schumer would rather have our country fail
chuck-schumer gave Mexico bad advice
trump-russia Witch Hunt
the-media Fake News
the-media Corrupt
the-media Corrupt
the-media Corrupt
the-media Fake News
the-media Corrupt
the-media Fake News
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
joe-biden is drawing flies not people to his rallies
rachel-maddow dying in the ratings
cnn dying in the ratings
nasa For all of the money we are spending NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon - We did that 50 years ago. They should be focused on the much bigger things we are doing including Mars (of which the Moon is a part) Defense and Science!
nancy-pelosi Nervous Nancy
nancy-pelosi a disgrace to herself and her family
nancy-pelosi Nervous Nancy , getting Zero work done in Congress
nancy-pelosi such a disgusting statement
nancy-pelosi getting Zero work done in Congress
nancy-pelosi Nervous Nancy
nancy-pelosi a disgrace to herself and her family
nancy-pelosi Nervous Nancy , getting Zero work done in Congress
democrats have no intention of doing anything other going on a fishing expedition to see if they can find anything on me
democrats getting Zero work done in Congress
democrats incapable of doing a good and solid Immigration Bill!
comcast The hatred Comcast has is amazing!
msnbc the opposition
msnbc Such lies almost everything they were saying was the opposite of the truth
msnbc Fake News! No wonder their ratings along with CNN are WAY DOWN
nancy-pelosi Nervous Nancy Pelosi
nancy-pelosi getting nothing done
cnn the opposition
cnn Such lies
cnn almost everything they were saying was the opposite of the truth
cnn Fake News!
cnn ratings along with CNN are WAY DOWN
cnn The hatred Comcast has is amazing!
the-media false reporting
the-media Fake and Corrupt News MediaThese “Fakers” are Bad News!
democrats getting nothing done
john-dean sleazebag attorney
mueller-team loaded up with 13 Angry Democrat Trump Haters later increased to 18
twitter making a Giant Mistake!
the-new-york-times Failing @nytimes
the-new-york-times The Failing @nytimes
the-new-york-times will do anything possible to see our Country fail ,The Enemy of the People!
the-new-york-times Failing @nytimes ,shockingly false and untrue bad reporting,they knew it was Fake News
the-new-york-times Corrupt Media!
erin-burnett used to BEG me to be on episodes of the Apprentice
donny-deutsch Little @DonnyDeutsch
donny-deutsch show like his previous shoebiz tries is a disaster used to BEG me to be on episodes of the Apprentice
donny-deutsch Hardly knew him.
donny-deutsch was and is a total Loser
donny-deutsch he knows nothing!
cnn ratings challenged
cnn will do anything possible to see our Country fail
cnn The Enemy of the People!
the-media Corrupt Media
the-media Fake News
the-media Corrupt Media
the-media Corrupt Media!
john-dean disgraced Nixon White House Counsel
the-new-york-times Failing New York Times
the-new-york-times a FRAUD and nothing more than a badly reported 'hit job' on me
the-new-york-times Sick Journalism
trump-russia Phony Witch Hunt
democrats are doing NOTHING they want Open Borderswhich means Illigal Immigration Drugs and Crime.
democrats just want a do-over which they’ll never get!
united-states the big “piggy bank” that other countries have been ripping off for years
united-states We stupidly lost 30% of our auto business to Mexico
the-fed ridiculous quantitative tightening
the-fed They don’t have a clue!
the-fed Interest rate way too high
the-fed ridiculous quantitative tightening!
the-fed They don’t have a clue!
impeachment-inquiry The Greatest Witch Hunt of all time
impeachment-inquiry All crimes were by the other side
democrats trying to destroy the Trump Presidency
pollsters Fake Polling
pollsters sometimes referred to as Suppression Polls
pollsters Fake Polling
impeachment-inquiry Presidential Harassment
impeachment-inquiry phony and never ending Witch Hunt
the-media The Fake (Corrupt) News Media
the-media Fake News
the-media has never been more dishonest than it is today
the-media Fake News has never been more dishonest than it is today
the-media Fake (Corrupt) News Media
the-media They reported Fake numbers that they made up & don’t even exist
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary Clinton
trump-russia the biggest & worst political scandal in the history of the United States of America
trump-russia the phony Witch Hunt is a giant scam
the-media my full answer is rarely played by the Fake News Media. They purposely leave out the part that matters
democrats getting NO work done on Drug Pricing Infrastructure & many other things
democrats Radical Left
democrats fight us at every turn
democrats accomplishing nothing for the people
democrats absolutely ‘Loco’ or Unhinged
democrats wrong all along
chuck-schumer Cryin' Chuck Schumer
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck will never stop
trump-russia the ridiculous Witch Hunt Hoax
the-media dishonest
democrats Radical Left
sadiq-khan a disaster - will only get worse
sadiq-khan a national disgrace who is destroying the City of London
trump-russia the Greatest Presidential Harassment of all time by people that are very dishonest and want to destroy our Country
the-media Corrupt News Media is totally out of control , ZERO CREDIBILITY - TOTAL LOSERS
trump-report phony Dossier
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times a virtual act of Treason by a once great paper
the-new-york-times dishonest and deceitful, Failing, a disgrace to our Country the Enemy of the People
the-new-york-times horrible
the-new-york-times will quickly go out of business
washington-post dishonest and deceitful
washington-post a disgrace to our Country the Enemy of the People
washington-post horrible, will quickly go out of business
the-media So funny to watch the Fake News Media try to dissect & distort every word in as negative a way as possible
the-media Corrupt
the-media They will do or say whatever it takes with not even the slightest thought of consequence!
the-media true cowards and without doubt THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!
the-media Fake News
democrats Radical Left
democrats They can’t win the election fairly!
fox-news-polls are always bad for me , Something weird going on at Fox
democratic-candidates the Motley Crew
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
pollsters Fake Polls
draghi-stimulus-remarks Very unfair to the United States!
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
the-new-york-times Fake News and the Failing New York Times knows it
the-media Fake News
democrats The only ones who won’t do anything
democratic-house-committee Rigged House Committee
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia Phony Witch Hunt
the-media Fake News Media
democrats extreme
democrats depraved, Agenda of open borders is morally reprehensible
democrats great betrayal of the American Middle Class and our Country as a whole!
democrats moral cowardice
democrats Obstruction
democrats their hearings are RIGGED and a disgrace to our Country!
democrats extreme Presidential Harassment
iran-deal desperate and terrible
the-new-york-times Failing and Desperate
the-new-york-times was feeding false stories about me
the-new-york-times unprecedented hatred
the-new-york-times Crooked newspaper
the-new-york-times Is what they have done legal?
the-fed that doesn’t know what it is doing
the-fed Think of what it could have been if the Fed had gotten it right
the-fed they stick like a stubborn child
the-fed Blew it!
the-fed doesn’t know what it is doing
the-fed like a stubborn child
iran very ignorant and insulting statement
iran they do not understand reality
iran doesn’t understand the words 'nice' or 'compassion' they never have
iran leadership spends all of its money on Terror and little on anything else
megan-rapinoe should WIN first before she TALKS
nba now refuses to call owners owners
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary Clinton
msnbc dying fast
cnn dead as a door nail(no credibility)
cnn Fake News (and low ratings)
trump-russia Rigged Democrat Con Game
impeachment-inquiry Presidential Harassment!
the-media Fake and Corrupt Media
democrats won’t do anything at all about Border Security
democrats lost the impeachment debate
nbc-news should be ashamed of themselves for having such a horrible technical breakdown
nbc-news Truly unprofessional
nbc-news FAKE NEWS
msnbc should be ashamed of themselves for having such a horrible technical breakdown
msnbc Truly unprofessional
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
bernie-sanders nuts
trump-russia Phony Witch Hunt
the-media Fake News Media
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden exhausted
the-media Fake & Corrupt News
letitia-james Attorney General as a bludgeoning tool
trumps-taxes ridiculously high
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia Witch Hunt
new-york taxes you too high then they sue you just to complete the job
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary Clinton
hillary-clinton Crooked
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia No Collusion No Obstruction
trump-russia The Great Hoax
the-media fake news and all
the-media Fake News
european-union playing big currency manipulation game
iran Be careful with the threats Iran
china playing big currency manipulation game
the-media FAKE!
democrats bad Immigration Laws which could be easily fixed
democrats Just Pols
justin-amash one of the dumbest & most disloyal men in Congress
justin-amash A total loser!
the-fed Our most difficult problem
the-fed doesn’t have a clue
joe-biden Joe Biden is a reclamation project. Some things are just not salvageable
joe-biden He deserted our military our law enforcement and our healthcare
joe-biden Added more debt than all other Presidents combined. Won’t win!
democrats They want Open Borders which means massive crime and drugs!
brian-williams Lyin’ Brian Williams
brian-williams totally fabricated a War Story
brian-williams A very dishonest journalist!
fox-news failed
fox-news forgot the people who got them there
fox-news Watching @FoxNews weekend anchors is worse than watching low ratings Fake News @CNN
nbc Trump haters
the-new-york-times Failing @nytimes is writing phony and exaggerated accounts
the-new-york-times Fake unsourced
comcast Trump haters
msnbc Trump haters
cnn way down in the ratings
us-immigration-policies Big Media Con Job!
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News Media
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
joe-biden admitted he worked with segregationists
democrats totally unwilling to give Wall votes to us want Open Borders!
uk-ambassador he is not liked
uk-ambassador We will no longer deal with him.
theresa-may What a mess she and her representatives have created.
shephard-smith ....their lowest rated show. Watch the @FoxNews weekend daytime anchors who are terrible go after her big time. That’s what they want - but it sure is not what the audience wants!
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary Clinton
cnn they tried to hide the bad facts & failed
trump-russia fundamentally illegal
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia A TOTAL SCAM!
the-media Fake News
obamacare world’s most expensive &pathetic
uk-ambassador wacky
uk-ambassador not someone we are thrilled with a very stupid guy
uk-ambassador have been told he is a pompous fool
amy-mcgrath little power
iran has long been secretly 'enriching' in total violation of the terrible 150 Billion Dollar deal made by John Kerry and the Obama Administration
trump-russia Dems Witch Hunt
trump-russia Deep State and Democrat induced Witch Hunt
trump-russia ridiculous Emoluments Case
democrats Radical Left Democrats
democrats vicious and totally crazed
elizabeth-warren a very nervous and skinny version of Pocahontas (1/1024th)
mayor-pete Alfred E. Newman
pledge-of-allegiance-decision-slp stupidity and disloyalty
china letting us down
robert-mueller conflicted and compromised
the-media Fake News
the-media not as important or as powerful as Social Media
the-media They have lost tremendous credibility
the-media Fake News Media
the-media Fake News Media
the-media Fake News Media
the-media tremendous dishonesty bias discrimination and suppression practiced by certain companies
the-media Fake News Media
the-media Fake News
the-media not as important or as powerful as Social Media
the-media have lost tremendous credibility
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
paul-ryan had the Majority& blew it away with his poor leadership and bad timing
paul-ryan record of achievement was atrocious
paul-ryan a long running lame duck failure
paul-ryan leaving his Party in the lurch
paul-ryan quit Congress because he didn’t know how to Win
bitcoin I am not a fan
bitcoin based on thin air
united-states stupidly lost 30% of our auto business to Mexico
united-states the big “piggy bank” that other countries have been ripping off for years
andrew-mccabe a major sleazebag, took massive amounts of money from Crooked Hillary reps
paul-ryan Lame Duck Speaker
paul-ryan almost killed the Republican Party
paul-ryan Weak ineffective & stupid
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
mueller-team horrible abuses
mueller-team Illegal deletion
the-squad originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe the worst most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world
the-squad Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came
the-new-york-times Failing @nytimes story was FAKE!
trump-russia 3 year Witch Hunt
the-media Fake News Media
the-squad disgraceful behavior
the-squad speak so badly of our Country
the-squad hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion
the-squad disgusting language
the-squad Radical Left Congresswomen
the-squad foul language, terrible things they have said, horrible & disgusting actions!
the-squad foul language & racist hatred spewed from the mouths and actions of these very unpopular & unrepresentative Congresswomen
the-squad HATE our Country
pollsters Fake Polls
pollsters They will never learn!
the-fed antiquated policy on rates and tightening
us-immigration-policies BAD
democrats they are endorsing Socialism hate of Israel and the USA!
the-squad have been spewing some of the most vile hateful and disgusting things ever said by a politician in the House or Senate
the-squad Horrible anti-Israel anti-USA pro-terrorist
the-squad Why isn’t the House voting to rebuke the filthy and hate laced things they have said?
the-squad Radical Left
the-squad hate our Country
the-squad Get a list of the HORRIBLE things they have said
democrats con game
democrats filthy language statements and lies
the-squad bitterness and hate
the-squad look at the horrible things they said about our Country Israel and much more
trump-russia never ending Witch Hunt
impeachment-inquiry ridiculous and time consuming
democrats getting nothing done
ms-13 thugs
puerto-rico-aid-relief squandered away or wasted never to be seen again
ricardo-rossello under siege
carmen-yulin-cruz a despicable and incompetent person who I wouldn’t trust under any circumstance
puerto-rico A lot of bad things are happening
democrats Radical Left
tom-friedman Phony!
tom-friedman Really Nasty to me
tom-friedman average I.Q.
tom-friedman Thomas “the Chin” Friedman
tom-friedman weak and pathetic
tom-friedman writes columns for The New York Times in between rounds of his favorite game golf
ilhan-omar Foul Mouthed Omar
ilhan-omar they can’t stand her and her hatred of our Country
ilhan-omar Foul Mouthed Omar
ilhan-omar they can’t stand her and her hatred of our Country
the-squad vile and disgusting statements
the-squad Radical Left Congresswomen
the-fed faulty thought process
the-fed must stop with the crazy quantitative tightening
the-fed Had they not acted so fast and “so much” we would be doing even better than we are doing right now
the-media has lost all credibility
the-media become a part of the Radical Left Democrat Party
the-media sick partnership so pathetic to watch
the-media Fake News Media
democrats Radical Left
sadiq-khan incompetent you will never have safe streets!
the-squad They should apologize to America (and Israel) for the horrible (hateful) things they have said
the-squad destroying the Democrat Party
the-squad weak & insecure people
washington-post phony sources
washington-post Fake News
existing-border-wall badly broken and dilapidated
existing-border-wall something which cannot do the job
the-squad 4 Radical Left Congresswomen who have said very bad things about Israel & our Country!
the-squad very Racist group of troublemakers
the-squad young inexperienced and not very smart
the-squad So bad for our Country!
iran Badly Failing and has no idea what to do
iran Economy is dead and will get much worse
iran a total mess!
the-fed very misguided
the-fed they missed it (Big!)
washington-post total Fake News
washington-post made up story meant to demean & belittle
trump-russia ridiculous Witch Hunt
robert-mueller Highly conflicted
the-media Fake News Media
the-media Fake News Media
the-media out of control
the-media constantly lie and cheat
the-media have gone bonkers & no longer care what is right or wrong
the-media large scale false reporting
the-media Fake News Equals the Enemy of the People!
the-media Fake News Media
democrats Radical Left
democrats phony
democrats have done nothing but waste time on this ridiculous Witch Hunt
existing-border-wall When an old Wall at the Southern Border that is crumbling and falling over built in an important section to keep out problems is replaced with a brand new 30 foot high steel and concrete Wall the Media says no new Wall has been built. Fake News! Building lots of Wall!
ilhan-omar America hating anti-Semite Rep. Omar
ilhan-omar a Nightmare for America!
the-squad (AOC Plus 3) and other Dems suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome
fox-news ain’t what it used to be
trump-russia Just watched Rep. Eric Swalwell be asked endless softball questions by @marthamaccallum on @FoxNews about the phony Witch Hunt. He was just forced out of the Democrat Presidential Primary because he polled at ZERO. Fox sure ain’t what it used to be. Too bad!
impeachment-inquiry ridiculous
impeachment-inquiry A rigged Witch Hunt!
mueller-hearings The hearings were a disaster for Robert Mueller
adam-schiff #ShiftySchiff - an Embarrassment to our Country!
aaron-zebley long time Never Trumper lawyer
aaron-zebley Democrat Never Trumper lawyer
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary Clinton
mueller-team band of 18 Angry Democrats
trump-russia The Greatest Witch Hunt in U.S. history by far!
robert-mueller highly conflicted
robert-mueller wrongfully appointed Special Counsel
impeachment-inquiry illegal and treasonous attack on our Country
the-media Fake News Media
democrats Party is in shambles right now
sweden We do so much for Sweden but it doesn’t seem to work the other way around
sweden should focus on its real crime problem!
stefan-lofven Very disappointed in Prime Minister Stefan Löfven
trump-russia WITCH HUNT
world-trade-organization BROKEN
french-wine American wine is better
emmanuel-macron foolishness
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
trump-russia a three year vicious Witch Hunt
the-media Lamestream Media
joe-biden the Sleepy One
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
antifa gutless Radical Left Wack Jobs
md-7 a disgusting rat and rodent infested mess
md-7 very dangerous & filthy place.
md-7 considered the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States
md-7 no human being would want to live there
elijah-cummings a brutal bully
elijah-cummings spends all of his time trying to hurt innocent people
elijah-cummings does NOTHING for his very poor very dangerous and very badly run district!
trump-russia badly & irrevocably tarnished Witch Hunt Hoax
trump-russia Witch Hunt!
robert-mueller put on the greatest display of ineptitude & incompetence that the Halls of Congress have ever seen
robert-mueller terrible Mueller performance
robert-mueller a total BUST
democrats sick & disgusting and bad for our Country
democrats What they are doing is so wrong but they do it anyway
democrats have become the do nothing Party!
democrats don’t care about Border Security
democrats They want Open Borders which means CRIMECRIMECRIME!
democrats Trump hating
democrats Nothing will ever be good enough for them.
calif-12 failing badly
calif-12 not even recognizeable lately
baltimore ranks last in almost every major category
elijah-cummings why don’t you focus on your district!?
elijah-cummings has been able to do so little for the people of Baltimore
elijah-cummings has done nothing but milk Baltimore dry
elijah-cummings bad job
elijah-cummings has done a very poor job for his district and the City of Baltimore
elijah-cummings has failed badly!
elijah-cummings just wants to use his Oversight Committee to hurt innocent people and divide our Country!
elijah-cummings has done a terrible job for the people of his district and of Baltimore itself
elijah-cummings incompetent leadership
elijah-cummings His radical “oversight” is a joke!
trump-russia illegal Democrat inspired Witch Hunt
trump-russia fake crime
trump-russia Hoax
trump-russia Witch Hunt Hoax
the-media credibility is now shot
democrats they are totally lost they are Clowns!
democrats still doing the Russians dirty work
democrats credibility is shot
democrats always play the Race Card when in fact they have done so little for our Nation’s great African American people
al-sharpton a con man a troublemaker always looking for a score, Hates Whites & Cops
al-sharpton Just a conman at work
baltimore has the worst Crime Statistics in the Nation
md-7 King Elijah’s Baltimore Fail
elijah-cummings all talk no action
elijah-cummings King Elijah
the-squad Radical Left
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie Sanders
the-fed does nothing
the-fed Their quantitative tightening was another big mistake
the-fed has made all of the wrong moves
morning-joe ratings have really crashed
morning-joe Lost all of its juice
mika-brzezinski Psycho
mika-brzezinski Psycho
baltimore numbers are the worst in the United States on Crime and the Economy
elijah-cummings never even went to the Southern Border and then he screams at the very good people who despite Congresses failure to fix the Loopholes and Asylum make it work
elijah-cummings The money was stolen or wasted. Ask Elijah Cummings where it went. He should investigate himself with his Oversight Committee!
elijah-cummings Elijah King of Baltimore
china is doing very badly
china they just don’t come through
china ripoff the USA
trump-russia HOAX
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
democrats wanting very unsafe Open Borders
democrats today is not about them
democratic-debate-july-30 Very low ratings
jerome-powell As usual Powell let us down
seal-prosecutors ridiculously given a Navy Achievement Medal
seal-prosecutors totally incompetent
seal-prosecutors totally incompetent
seal-prosecutors ridiculously given a Navy Achievement Medal
don-lemon dumb (stupid}
don-lemon the dumbest man on television
baltimore ‘drug-infested‘
democratic-candidates Harris & the rest will lead us into an economic sinkhole the likes of which we have never seen before
trump-russia Russian Hoax the greatest political scam in the history of our Country
trump-russia TREASON
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden will lead us into an economic sinkhole the likes of which we have never seen before
democrats Radical Left Dems
democratic-candidates not those that will either Make America Great Again or Keep America Great
the-media LameStream Media
trade-pacts one sided horror show deals made by past administrations
the-fed No help from Fed
china have been taking from the U.S. with unfair trade practices and currency manipulation
the-media Fake News has contributed greatly to the anger and rage that has built up over many years
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
sherrod-brown failed Presidential Candidate
beto-orourke phony name to indicate Hispanic heritage
fox-news Fake News CNN is better
the-fed ridiculous quantitative tightening
the-new-york-times Failing New York Times
the-new-york-times Fake News
cnn Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media LameStream Media
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
joe-biden Sooo Boring
joe-biden our Country will do poorly with him
tim-o-brien world class loser
tim-o-brien knows NOTHING about me
tim-o-brien Fired like a dog from other jobs?
julian-castro failed presidential candidate (1%) who makes a fool of himself every time he opens his mouth
julian-castro according to most is not much
juaquin-castro lesser brother of a failed presidential candidate
juaquin-castro is not the man that his brother is
iran is in serious financial trouble
the-fed have called it wrong at every step of the way
msnbc keep putting on over and over again people that have no idea what I am all about and yet they speak as experts
cnn keep putting on over and over again people that have no idea what I am all about and yet they speak as experts
the-media Fake News worked overtime trying to disparage me
democrats truly disgusting!
hollywood Racist at the highest level and with great Anger and Hate
hollywood like to call themselves ‘Elite’ but they are not Elite
hollywood create their own violence and then try to blame others
hollywood true Racists
hollywood very bad for our Country
bill-maher wacko comedian
bill-maher So many lies
us-korea-military-exercises ridiculous and expensive
maggie-haberman Fake reporting!
the-new-york-times Failing @nytimes
the-media Never has the press been more inaccurate unfair or corrupt!
the-media seriously dishonest and unhinged Lamestream Media
the-media have gone totally CRAZY
the-media totally dishonest
the-media Fake News Media the most corrupt and disgusting business (almost) there is!
joe-biden Does anybody really believe he is mentally fit to be president?
joe-biden Joe doesn’t have a clue!
anthony-scaramucci quickly terminated (11 days) from a position that he was totally incapable of handling
anthony-scaramucci seems to do nothing but television
anthony-scaramucci he knows very little about me
anthony-scaramucci would do anything to come back
anthony-scaramucci should remember the only reason he is on TV and it’s not for being the Mooch!
mika-brzezinski very angry Psycho
donny-deutsch Little Donny
donny-deutsch on TV with his own failing show
donny-deutsch wanted to stay on TV even on a very low rated show all in the name of ambition!
anthony-scaramucci had nothing to do with my Election victory
anthony-scaramucci is only upset that I didn’t want him back in the Administration (where he desperately wanted to be)
anthony-scaramucci I seldom had time to return his many calls to me
anthony-scaramucci He just wanted to be on TV!
chris-cuomo I thought Chris was Fredo
chris-cuomo Totally lost it!
chris-cuomo Low ratings
chris-cuomo Filthy language and a total loss of control
chris-cuomo He’s nuts!
chris-cuomo lunatic ranting, raving, & cursing
the-new-york-times ALL THE NEWS THAT’S NOT FIT TO PRINT!
cnn they’ve got nothing going
cnn BAD for America
the-media Fake News
the-media Rigged & Fake Media!
the-media Fake News
jerome-powell clueless Jay Powell
the-fed is holding us back
rashida-tlaib a disgrace
ilhan-omar a disgrace
the-new-york-times Failing New York Times ,Totally biased and inaccurate reporting
the-new-york-times Fraud, Zero Credibility
the-new-york-times Fake News
the-media Fake News Media
the-media doing everything they can to crash the economy because they think that will be bad for me and my re-election
the-media Fake News
joe-biden doesn’t have a clue!
rashida-tlaib obnoxious
the-new-york-times a disgrace
the-media LameStream Media
the-media Fake News
the-media The Enemy of the People!
democrats Radical Left Dems
juan-williams so pathetic
juan-williams always nasty and wrong!
the-new-york-times Failing New York Times,Phony Russian Collusion Narrative Racism Witch Hunt
the-new-york-times will be out of business soon after I leave office
the-new-york-times have Zero credibility and are losing a fortune
the-media nothing more than an evil propaganda machine for the Democrat Party
the-media so false, biased and evil that it has now become a very sick joke
democrats such disdain for Israel!
anthony-scaramucci a highly unstable “nut job” 11 days of gross incompetence-made a fool of himself, bad on TV.
anthony-scaramucci a mental wreck
jerome-powell horrendous lack of vision
the-fed horrendous lack of vision
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake and Corrupt News
democrats want Open Borders and Crime!
democrats trying to “will” the Economy to be bad for purposes of the 2020 Election
democrats Very Selfish!
rashida-tlaib I have watched her violence, craziness and, most importantly, WORDS, for far too long
rashida-tlaib hates Israel and all Jewish people
rashida-tlaib an anti-Semite
the-media Fake and Corrupt Media
the-media sooo bad for our Country, The Enemy of the People!
the-media LameStream Media
the-media far beyond Fake News, they are treading in very dangerous territory!
nato very unfair to the United States!
auto-executives Foolish
jerome-powell He’s like a golfer who can’t putt
jerome-powell has no touch
jerome-powell don’t count on him!
jerome-powell has called it wrong, and only let us down
the-media Fake News LameStream Media
the-media doing everything possible the “create” a U.S. recession
the-media willing to hurt many people, but that doesn’t matter to them
the-fed does not allow us to do what we must do
the-fed put us at a disadvantage against our competition
the-fed They move like quicksand
john-hickenlooper badly damaged
john-hickenlooper horrible run for President
jerome-powell who is our bigger enemy, Jay Powell or Chairman Xi?
the-fed did NOTHING
the-fed very weak
china They have stolen our Intellectual Property at a rate of Hundreds of Billions of Dollars a year
china taking advantage of the United States on Trade, Intellectual Property Theft, and much more
the-media Fake News
the-media working overtime to convince people that we are in, or will soon be going into, a Recession
the-media Fake News
democrats working overtime to convince people that we are in, or will soon be going into, a Recession
cooper-governor terrible decision
cooper-governor get back to the basics of fighting crime!
jeff-zucker sad and pathetic fall
cnn sad and pathetic fall
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media don’t have a clue
the-media Fake News
democrats only want to raise your taxes
the-media the Fake and Disgusting News
the-media they are trying to force a Recession
the-media False and Inaccurate reporting
the-media Fake News
the-media knowingly inaccurate
the-media Fake News at it’s finest
the-media FAKE NEWS
william-weld a man who couldn’t stand up straight while receiving an award
joe-walsh one-time BAD Congressman from Illinois
joe-walsh lost in his second term by a landslide, then failed in radio
mark-sanford “Mr. Appalachian Trail”
mark-sanford was actually in Argentina for bad reasons
repub-presidential-primary-challengers-2020 Three Stooges
elizabeth-warren “Pocahontas”
the-fed loves watching our manufacturers struggle
the-fed has been calling it wrong for too long
the-media Fake News
the-media Corrupt and Fake News
the-media Fake & Corrupt News
the-media Fake News
the-media totally out of control
bret-stephens Been calling me wrong for years
bret-stephens Loser
bret-stephens lightweight journalist
carmen-yulin-cruz incompetent
puerto-rico one of the most corrupt places on earth
puerto-rico Their political system is broken
puerto-rico their politicians are either Incompetent or Corrupt
puerto-rico Crooked Pols
puerto-rico No good!
shephard-smith low ratings Shep Smith
fox-news heavily promoting the Democrats
fox-news letting millions of GREAT people down
fox-news Fox isn’t working for us anymore
the-fed cannot “mentally” keep up with the competition
the-fed No Clue Fed
washington-post Another totally Fake story in the Amazon Washington Post (lobbyist)
washington-post FAKE NEWS
democrats total Obstruction
james-comey thoroughly disgraced and excoriated
james-comey should be ashamed of himself
lawrence-o-donnell Crazy Lawrence O’Donnell
lawrence-o-donnell totally inaccurate reporting
cnn did a Fake Interview
cnn So bad!
washington-post did a Fake Interview
washington-post WRONG
washington-post So bad!
the-media There has never been a time in the history of our Country that the Media was so Fraudulent, Fake, or Corrupt! I only hope that a big part of my legacy will be the exposing of massive dishonesty in the Fake News!
james-comey dishonest fool
james-comey absolutely horrible
the-fed the Fed does NOTHING!
the-fed we have a Fed problem
the-fed They don’t have a clue!
john-brennan even dumber
omarosa-manigault Disgusting and foul mouthed Omarosa
omarosa-manigault she was despised by everyone
james-comey CROOKED COP!
jonathan-karl phony hurricane report
jonathan-karl lightweight reporter
jonathan-karl lightweight reporter
afl-cio exorbitant $Dues, not worth it!
nafta the worst Trade Deal ever made
richard-trumka Likes what we are doing until the cameras go on
paul-krugman Failing New York Times columnist
paul-krugman He never got it!
james-comey dwindling group of friends
the-new-york-times Failing New York Times
washington-post Amazon Washington Post
the-media LameStream Media has gone totally CRAZY! now beyond Fake, they are Corrupt
the-media our primary opponent is the Fake News Media
the-media In the history of our Country, they have never been so bad!
the-media Fake News
the-media only interested in demeaning and belittling
the-media Bad people!
the-media Fake News is only interested in demeaning and belittling
the-media Bad people!
london People are afraid to even walk the streets
the-fed fails to act
sadiq-khan incompetent
sadiq-khan a terrible mayor who should stay out of our business!
sadiq-khan incompetent
sadiq-khan a terrible mayor
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia a giant and illegal SCAM
paris-agreement badly flawed
cnn #FakeNewsCNN
the-media Fake News
debra-messing Bad “actress” Debra The Mess Messing
debra-messing a McCarthy style Racist
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
spygate SpyGate
jerome-powell Where did I find this guy Jerome?
china having worst year in decades
trump-russia Witch Hunt
the-media Fake News Media
the-media They went Crazy, hoping against hope that I made a mistake (which I didn’t).
the-media Four days of corrupt reporting, still without an apology
the-media Fake News Media
the-media LameStream Media
the-media Fake News
peter-baker Obama flunky
ashley-parker nasty lightweight reporter
ashley-parker shouldn’t even be allowed on the grounds of the White House because their reporting is so DISGUSTING & FAKE
philip-rucker (Mr. Off the Record)
philip-rucker nasty lightweight reporter
philip-rucker shouldn’t even be allowed on the grounds of the White House because their reporting is so DISGUSTING & FAKE
the-fed sits back and does NOTHING
the-new-york-times Failing New York Times
the-media FAKE NEWS
the-media LameStream Media
the-media always have to have the last word
the-media defrauding & deceiving the public
the-media corrupt!
dan-mccready WEAK on Crime, Borders, and against your 2nd A.
james-comey Leakin’ Lyin’ James Comey
lester-holt “Anchor”
lester-holt doesn’t even bring up the subject of President Trump
chrissy-teigen filthy mouthed
repub-presidential-primary-challengers-2020 badly failed candidates
msnbc As bad as @CNN is, Comcast MSNBC is worse
msnbc have lost all credibility
msnbc incapable of saying anything positive
cnn Fake News
cnn bad ratings
cnn losing a fortune
cnn bad for the USA spews bad information & Fake News all over the globe
cnn fraudulent shame
the-media Fake News
the-media Dishonest Media
the-media simply an arm of the Democrat Party
the-media corrupt
the-media extremely upset at how well our Country is doing under MY Leadership
the-media LameStream Media
the-media working overtime to help the Democrats win in 2020
abc-post-poll the worst and most inaccurate poll of any taken prior to the 2016 Election
abc-post-poll Fake Poll
abc-post-poll Sad!
the-media Fake and Corrupt News Media
the-media phony Polling Information
abc-post-poll one of the worst pollsters of them all
abc-post-poll a phony suppression poll, meant to build up their Democrat partners
jerome-powell the naïveté
jerome-powell doesn’t allow us to do what other countries are already doing
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
the-fed the naïveté
the-fed doesn’t allow us to do what other countries are already doing, “Boneheads”
the-media Fake News
the-media never ending Fake News about me
the-media LameStream Media
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
john-bolton He was holding me back!
democrats total Obstruction
trade-deals VERY stupidly negotiated
trump-russia phony & fraudulent Witch Hunt
joy-ann-reid knows ZERO about me, has NO talent, and truly doesn’t have the “it” factor needed for success in showbiz
joy-ann-reid bad reputation
the-media LameStream Media
the-media Fake and Corrupt News is working overtime
the-media Fake (Corrupt) News
the-media Fake News
democrats Radical Left Democrats
jerome-powell don’t have a clue
the-fed don’t have a clue
the-new-york-times The New York Times should close its doors and throw away the keys
the-new-york-times They’ve taken the Old Grey Lady and broken her down, destroyed her virtue and ruined her reputation
the-new-york-times will never return to Greatness, under current Management
the-new-york-times The Times is DEAD, long live The New York Times
trump-russia Witch Hunt
the-media Fake News
the-media LameStream Media
democrats they failed on everything
democrats These Radical Left Democrats are CRAZY
the-new-york-times at its lowest point in its long and storied history
the-new-york-times losing a lot of money
the-new-york-times a journalistic disaster, being laughed at
the-new-york-times a very sad joke
the-new-york-times sick and desperate, losing in so many ways
beto-orourke Dummy Beto
jerome-powell No “guts,” no sense, no vision! A terrible communicator!
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia the greatest political scam in U.S. history
democrats hurting our Country, and getting nothing done
pollsters Such a waste of time
the-media Fake News
adam-schiff Little Adam Schiff
bill-deblasio Part time Mayor
bill-deblasio polling at a solid ZERO
the-media Fake News Media
democrats Radical Left Democrats
democrats at it again
impeachment-inquiry Ukraine Witch Hunt
the-media Fake News Media
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News Media
the-media will fail again
the-media probably illegal Democrat/Fake News Media Partnership the likes of which the world has never seen
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden being protected by the Media
the-new-york-times The Failing New York Times
the-new-york-times has lost more money over the last 10 years than any paper in history,
the-new-york-times The Enemy of the People
the-new-york-times Failing
washington-post The Amazon Washington Post
washington-post The Enemy of the People
the-media LameStream Media
the-media pushed numerous phony stories and got caught
the-media Fake News Media not only doesn’t check for the accuracy of the facts, they knowingly make up the facts
the-media even make up sources
the-media so wrong
the-media don’t even care anymore
the-media have gone totally CRAZY
the-media Fake News Media
the-media Fake News
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
trump-russia the Greatest and most Destructive Witch Hunt of all time
trump-russia Witch Hunt garbage
impeachment-inquiry A total Witch Hunt
impeachment-inquiry A total Witch Hunt Scam by the Democrats
democrats so focused on hurting the Republican Party and the President that they are unable to get anything done
democrats frozen with hatred and fear
democrats get nothing done
hunter-biden looted millions from China. Bad!
adam-schiff has zero credibility
adam-schiff Liddle’ Adam Schiff
adam-schiff has worked unsuccessfully for 3 years to hurt the Republican Party and President
impeachment-inquiry Another Fake News Story
impeachment-inquiry Another Witch Hunt
peter-baker should not even be allowed to write about me
peter-baker every story is a made up disaster
adam-schiff Corrupt Congressman Liddle’ Adam Schiff
adam-schiff fraudulently read to Congress
adam-schiff HE WAS DESPERATE
adam-schiff lied to Congress
adam-schiff fraud!
adam-schiff lied to Congress and attempted to defraud the American Public
adam-schiff totally made up my conversation with Ukraine President
adam-schiff a sick man
the-new-york-times Failing New York Times
cnn Low ratings @CNN
impeachment-inquiry A continuing Witch Hunt
the-media LameStream Media
the-media Fake News Media
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
adam-schiff Liddle’ Adam Schiff
adam-schiff fraudulently and illegally inserted his made up & twisted words into my call with the Ukrainian President
adam-schiff He must resign
impeachment-inquiry new and most recent Witch Hunt
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt
democrats Do Nothing Democrat Savages
adam-schiff read a made up and totally fraudulent statement
adam-schiff Sick!
adam-schiff made up what I actually said by lying to Congress
adam-schiff His lies were made in perhaps the most blatant and sinister manner ever seen in the great Chamber
the-fed cannot ”mentally“ keep up with the competition
the-fed No Clue Fed!
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Scam
the-media Fake News Media
the-media Dangerous & Bad
democrats disgraceful what the Do Nothing Democrats are doing
democrats also disgraceful what they are NOT doing
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats doing great harm to our Country
democrats lying & cheating like never before in our Country’s history Dangerous & Bad
adam-schiff illegally made up a FAKE & terrible statement Arrest for Treason?
impeachment-inquiry Fake Whistleblower complaint is not holding up
impeachment-inquiry 2ND HAND description of the call is a fraud
impeachment-inquiry #FakeWhistleblower
the-media Fake News Media
the-media A Corrupt Media is so bad for our Country
the-media may be even more Corrupt than the Bidens, which is hard to do
joe-biden By the way, the Bidens were corrupt
john-bel-edwards a Nancy Pelosi/Chuck Schumer Democrat
john-bel-edwards does nothing but stymie all of the things we are doing to Make America Great Again
john-bel-edwards will NEVER be for us
adam-schiff Liddle’ Adam Schiff
adam-schiff very dishonest and bad
the-fed their own worst enemies
the-fed don’t have a clue
impeachment-inquiry just another Fake News Media, together with their partner, the Democrat Party, HOAX
impeachment-inquiry just another Democrat Hoax
impeachment-inquiry what is taking place is not an impeachment, it is a COUP
the-media Corrupt
the-media Fake News Media
adam-schiff should resign
adam-schiff He is sick
adam-schiff a lowlife
adam-schiff completely fabricated my words and read them to Congress as though they were said by me
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
the-media The press has gone Crazy
the-media Fake News!
the-media has gone Crazy Fake News
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats willing to hurt the Country, with only the 2020 Election in mind
democrats Do Nothing Democrats are stuck in mud
democrats trying to undo the Election regardless of FACTS
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats wasting everyone’s time and energy on BULLSHIT
adam-schiff a lying disaster for our Country
adam-schiff should resign
adam-schiff a lowlife who should resign (at least!)
european-union has for many years treated the USA very badly on Trade
impeachment-inquiry a Democrat Scam
the-media Fake News is deranged, they have lost their minds
aoc a Wack Job
adam-schiff Adam Schiffty Schiff
adam-schiff has also committed a crime, perhaps treason
adam-schiff a sick puppy
the-media Fake News totally CORRUPT
democrats Do Nothing Dems
mitt-romney Somebody please wake up Mitt Romney
mitt-romney he choked!
mitt-romney never knew how to win
mitt-romney a pompous “ass” who has been fighting me from the beginning so bad for R’s
mitt-romney Pompous
mitt-romney a fool who is playing right into the hands of the Do Nothing Democrats
adam-schiff SHIFTY SCHIFF
adam-schiff lost all credibility
hillary-clinton Crooked
impeachment-inquiry a fraud against the American people
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt
the-media LameStream Media
the-media Corrupt
the-media bears no relationship to the truth
the-media Totally dishonest reporting!
the-media corrupt
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats interfering in the 2020 Election
democrats must be stopped
democrats Do Nothing Dems have lost all credibility
mitt-romney The Democrats are lucky that they don’t have any Mitt Romney types
peter-baker totally biased, boring and wrong (as usual)
adam-schiff Shifty
the-new-york-times Failing
the-media Fake News
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
democrats lousy politicians
democrats really bad policies
adam-schiff Shifty Adam Schiff
adam-schiff Liddle’ Adam Schiff
nancy-pelosi Nervous Nancy
democrats Radical Left Democrats have failed on all fronts
jacob-frey lightweight mayor
jacob-frey Dump Frey
jacob-frey Radical Left Mayor
jacob-frey Radical Left Mayor
jacob-frey Radical Left Dem Mayor
jacob-frey doing everything possible to stifle Free Speech
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
hillary-clinton The Crooked one
impeachment-inquiry a totally compromised kangaroo court
endless-wars stupid
california The State doesn’t get it!
california-cars very expensive and unsafe
adam-schiff a disgrace to our Country
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
the-fed don’t have a clue
trump-russia The Greatest Witch Hunt in the history of the USA!
impeachment-inquiry A Witch Hunt Scam
impeachment-inquiry A total Scam by the Do Nothing Democrats Wirch Hunt
impeachment-inquiry ridiculous
impeachment-inquiry Scam, a Dem Hoax
impeachment-inquiry all just a continuation of the greatest Scam and Witch Hunt in the history of our Country
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Con Artists, only looking to hurt the Republican Party and President
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats
fox-news-polls Whoever their Pollster is, they suck
impeachment-inquiry Democrat Scam
joe-biden Crooked daddy
legal-system disgraceful
john-bel-edwards has the worst jobs record in the United States
steve-kerr looks weak and pathetic
adam-schiff Impeach Schiff for FRAUD
trump-russia a one sided Witch Hunt
trump-russia Shameful!
impeachment-inquiry Democrat Con Job
supporters-of-middle-east-wars haven’t got a clue
supporters-of-middle-east-wars inept!
supporters-of-middle-east-wars They have no idea what a bad decision they have made
john-bel-edwards has done a poor job
hunter-biden looks like he has raided and scammed even more countries
hunter-biden Crooked Bidens
adam-schiff fabricated phone call, a crime
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt
impeachment-inquiry Democrat’s Impeachment Scam
joe-biden Crooked Bidens
brian-kilmeade got it all wrong
chris-wallace will never be his father
adam-schiff fraud
the-new-york-times Corrupt
trump-russia Scam!
the-media Fake News
abc-news A real disgrace
hunter-biden was really bad on @GMA
adam-schiff Shifty Schiff
adam-schiff Shifty Schiff
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary and her 33,000 deleted Emails, not recoverable
cnn a virtual fraud
impeachment-inquiry Scam
impeachment-inquiry no transparency at the Witch Hunt hearings
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
adam-schiff Shifty Adam Schiff
adam-schiff Shifty
adam-schiff should be impeached for fraud
nancy-pelosi should be impeached for fraud
nancy-pelosi Nervous Nancy
nancy-pelosi Do Nothing Democrat
chuck-schumer Do Nothing Democrat
impeachment-inquiry totally illegal & absurd
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt
impeachment-inquiry no transparency
impeachment-inquiry Fraud and Fabrication
impeachment-inquiry fraudulent Witch Hunt
democrats Radical Left Dems
adam-schiff totally phony
nancy-pelosi needs help fast
nancy-pelosi either something wrong with her “upstairs,” or she just plain doesn’t like our great Country
nancy-pelosi had a total meltdown in the White House
nancy-pelosi very sad
nancy-pelosi she is a very sick person
trump-russia Phony Witch Hunt
impeachment-inquiry The Greatest Witch Hunt in American History
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt
the-media Fake News
adam-schiff Corrupt Adam Schiff
the-media Fake News
democrats blatant corruption
democrats the party of high taxes, high crime, open borders, late-term abortion, socialism, and blatant corruption
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
susan-rice a disaster to President Obama as National Security Advisor, No thanks Susan, you were a disaster
adam-schiff Corrupt Congressman Adam Schiff, A very dishonest sleazebag
adam-schiff Shifty Schiff is Corrupt
impeachment-inquiry fraudulent Witch Hunt
democrats Do Nothing Democrats are doing just as their name suggests, Doing Nothing
adam-schiff Corrupt Adam Schiff
adam-schiff Corrupt Adam Schiff
adam-schiff Shifty Schiff
adam-schiff He is a fraud
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
hillary-clinton at it again
impeachment-inquiry This Scam going on right now by the Democrats against the Republican Party, and me
the-media Hostile
the-media went CRAZY!
adam-schiff a Corrupt Politician
adam-schiff Corrupt Adam Schiff
impeachment-inquiry A Great Democrat Scam
impeachment-inquiry crooked points
impeachment-inquiry the greatest Witch Hunt in political history
impeachment-inquiry Scam
nancy-pelosi Nervous Nancy Pelosi
impeachment-inquiry without due process or fairness or any legal rights
impeachment-inquiry a lynching
never-trumpers in certain ways worse and more dangerous for our Country than the Do Nothing Democrats
never-trumpers they are human scum!
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt
impeachment-inquiry Democrats Scam
the-media Fake News!
democrats Do Nothing Dems
democrats Do Nothing Dems
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Do Nothing Democrats. Nothing good will ever come from them
the-fed is derelict in its duties if it doesn’t lower the Rate and even, ideally, stimulate
impeachment-inquiry the Witch Hunt
impeachment-inquiry the greatest Witch Hunt in American History
impeachment-inquiry A total Scam
democrats Do Nothing Dems
eric-swalwell 0% @RepSwalwell
eric-swalwell stood for nothing
eric-swalwell Obnoxious and greedy
tim-ryan 0% Tim Ryan
tim-ryan stood for nothing
tim-ryan Obnoxious and greedy
tim-ryan registering ZERO in the polls
tim-ryan Tim, it’s not so easy out there if you don’t know what you’re doing
tim-ryan He wasn’t effective
tim-ryan just talk!
adam-schiff Shifty Adam Schiff
impeachment-inquiry A giant Scam
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt Impeachment inquiry
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Scam
impeachment-inquiry Scam
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
kamala-harris Badly failing presidential candidate
san-francisco in violation of many sanitary & environmental orders
calif-12 in such horrible shape
calif-12 Very bad and dangerous conditions
calif-12 mess
adam-schiff Shifty Schiff
washington-post Fake Washington Post keeps doing phony stories, with zero sources
impeachment-inquiry just as Corrupt and Fake as all of the other garbage that went on before it
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt continues
adam-schiff Shifty Adam Schiff, the biggest leaker in D.C., and a corrupt politician
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
whistleblower-complaint made up garbage
adam-schiff Shifty Adam Schiff
adam-schiff Shifty
adam-schiff should be Impeached, and worse
adam-schiff Shifty Schiff
adam-schiff a corrupt politician
adam-schiff a corrupt politician
the-fed The Fed doesn’t have a clue!
the-fed We have unlimited potential, only held back by the Federal Reserve
nancy-pelosi Nervous Nancy
nancy-pelosi Nervous Nancy Pelosi
nancy-pelosi doing everything possible to destroy the Republican Party
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry THE IMPEACHMENT HOAX
impeachment-inquiry a total scam!
impeachment-inquiry The Impeachment Hoax is a disgrace
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt!
the-media Corrupt
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats working hard to make everyone forget the Best Economy Ever
democrats Do Nothing Dems
democrats They have a Death Wish
democrats Do Nothing Dems
democrats They have a Death Wish
john-bel-edwards has done a poor job with economic development
john-bel-edwards wants to raise your taxes BIG
nancy-pelosi disgraceful
washington-post thoroughly disgusting
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment nonsense is just a continuation of the Witch Hunt Hoax
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
the-fed has called it wrong from the beginning
the-fed puts us at a competitive disadvantage
impeachment-inquiry farce
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry The Greatest Witch Hunt In American History!
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Scam
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats have gone Crazy
democrats Very bad for USA!
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Do Nothing Democrats FAIL the American People
new-york-city dirty & unsafe
andrew-cuomo Cuomo has weaponized the prosecutors to do his dirty work (and to keep him out of jams)
eddie-johnson Chicago will never stop its crime wave with the current Superintendent of Police
john-bel-edwards crushing Louisiana’s economy
chris-cuomo Fredo
adam-schiff Corrupt politician
adam-schiff corrupt
adam-schiff Shifty Adam Schiff
adam-schiff corrupt politician Shifty Adam Schiff
nancy-pelosi can’t believe her voters can be happy
nancy-pelosi Corrupt politician
nancy-pelosi corrupt Nervous Nancy Pelosi
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Crooked Democrats
democrats a mess
john-bel-edwards has done a really poor job!
adam-schiff a corrupt politician
impeachment-inquiry A giant Scam
water-lanes ridiculously closed
gavin-newsom has done a terrible job of forest management
gavin-newsom Get your act together Governor
adam-schiff Corrupt Adam
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News Media
adam-schiff Shifty Adam Schiff
adam-schiff a corrupt politician
adam-schiff Shifty
adam-schiff a proven liar, leaker & freak who is really the one who should be impeached
adam-schiff corrupt politician Schiff
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt
impeachment-inquiry just another Democrat Hoax that I have had to live with from the day I got elected (and before!)
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
the-media False stories
the-media Fake News
drug-cartels vicious
drug-cartels monsters
new-york-city rapidly declining
andrew-cuomo killing our cities
democrats Radical Left Dems are killing our cities
impeachment-inquiry a phony scam
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt
cnn Fake News CNN
washington-post Amazon Washington Post
washington-post FAKE NEWS
washington-post Fake Washington Post
washington-post degenerate
washington-post Amazon Washington Post
washington-post A garbage newspaper
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry no case, except against the other side
impeachment-inquiry a Pelosi, Schiff, Scam against the Republican Party and me
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
the-media they just write whatever they want
the-media LameStream Media
the-media The Enemy of the People
the-media working overtime with made up stories in order to drive dissension and distrust
the-media LameStream Media
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
democrats Radical Left Dems
adam-schiff Shifty Adam Schiff
nancy-pelosi Nervous Nancy Pelosi
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt!
the-media Fake News
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
democrats Do Nothing Dems are losers for America
adam-schiff Corrupt politician Adam Schiff
impeachment-inquiry disgraceful Witch Hunt
the-media Fake News
the-media The press is so dishonest that we no longer have Freedom of the Press
democrats Do Nothing Dems have gone crazy
adam-schiff Corrupt politician Schiff should be investigared for fraud
adam-schiff Shifty Adam Schiff
adam-schiff fabricated my phone call
impeachment-inquiry this big Impeachment Scam!
impeachment-inquiry a totally one sided Witch Hunt
impeachment-inquiry Such a farce
the-media Fake News blames me for a bad night
daca-kids far from “angels”
daca-kids Some are very tough, hardened criminals
impeachment-inquiry No Due Process Scam
impeachment-inquiry A total Impeachment Scam
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
adam-schiff corrupt
democrats stacked the deck against President Trump
adam-schiff Shifty!
impeachment-inquiry Hoax
marie-yovanovitch Everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad
john-bel-edwards Radical Liberal
adam-schiff Shifty Schiff
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
nancy-pelosi Nervous Nancy Pelosi should be home cleaning up the dangerous & disgusting Slum she is making of her District in San Francisco
nancy-pelosi is getting NOTHING DONE
nancy-pelosi a Do Nothing Democrat as Speaker, and will hopefully not be in that position very long
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Witch Hunt
impeachment-inquiry totally unfounded Witch Hunt
democrats would love to see a nice, big, juicy recession
democrats Do Nothing Dems
john-bel-edwards Radical Liberal Democrat
fox-news-sunday Chris’s lowest rated (unless I’m on) morning show
matthew-dowd Dowd never understood the pulse of the Republican Party, present or past
matthew-dowd a 3rd rate hit job for Fake News @ABC!
abc-news Fake News
chris-wallace nasty & obnoxious
chris-wallace will never be his father
chris-wallace dumb and unfair interview
chris-wallace nasty & obnoxious will never be his father, Mike
paul-krugman has been wrong about me from the very beginning
adam-schiff a Corrupt Politician
the-new-york-times Failing New York Times
impeachment-inquiry Fake Impeachment
joe-biden Sleepy and Very Slow
democrats Do Nothing Dems are now doing even less
democrats Crazed, Do Nothing Democrats
nancy-pelosi Crazy, Do Nothing Nervous Nancy Pelosi
nancy-pelosi petrified by her Radical Left knowing she will soon be gone
impeachment-inquiry a great fraud being played out against the American people
impeachment-inquiry The rules are rigged by Pelosi & Schiff
impeachment-inquiry phony Impeachment Witch Hunt
impeachment-inquiry No Due Process Hoax
the-media Fake News Media
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
nancy-pelosi Wow, she’s CRAZY
democrats Do Nothing Democrats have disgraced our great Country
nancy-pelosi will go down as the least productive Speaker of the House in history ,dominated by AOC Plus 3 and the Radical Left
nancy-pelosi doesn’t care about American Workers
impeachment-inquiry three year Hoax
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Witch Hunt is now OVER
impeachment-inquiry This Witch Hunt must end NOW. So bad for our Country!
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
eric-swalwell recently left the Presidential Primaries having attained a grand number of ZERO in the polls. I don’t even know how that is possible
adam-schiff Great corruption & dishonesty by Schiff
adam-schiff Corrupt politician ,lies are growing by the day
adam-schiff the most dishonest man in politics
trump-russia the Witch Hunt continues
impeachment-inquiry phony Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry the most unfair hearings in American History
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats playing partisan politics with YOUR drug prices
obama-administration spied on my campaign!
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
ruth-marcus-book badly written & reseached disaster
ruth-marcus-book So many incorrect facts
ruth-marcus-book Fake News
adam-schiff Shifty
washington-post Fake News
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt!
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Scam
impeachment-inquiry phony Impeachment Scam
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats hurting our Country, and they don’t care
impeachment-inquiry phony Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry a Democrat Scam that is going nowhere
the-media Fake News
impeachment-inquiry a Democrat Hoax
impeachment-inquiry the most ridiculous Impeachment hearings in history
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg
chuck-todd Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd
the-fed ridiculous policies
the-new-york-times Failing their hatred & bias is so great they can’t even see straight
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment hoax
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry illegitimate Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Scam
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
democrats If the Radical Left Democrats were sane, which they are not
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Do Nothing Democrats should finally go back to work
democrats Radical Left
the-media Fake News Media
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats demeaning our Country
democrats they have gone crazy
democrats Do Nothing, Radical Left Democrats
the-media Fake News
the-media makes up many “sources say” stories
democrats horror show
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats
cnn Fake News
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt
Fake News
david-cicilline loser
david-cicilline Radical Left Hater
pramila-jayapal loser
pramila-jayapal Radical Left Hater
eric-swalwell loser
eric-swalwell Radical Left Hater
adam-schiff a corrupt politician and a criminal
cnn a ratings disaster
cnn Lost all credibility
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hearing Hoax
democrats No Due Process, Do Nothing Democrats
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats a disgrace
nafta our Country’s worst Trade Deal
adam-schiff Shifty Schiff
adam-schiff a totally corrupt politician, made up a horrible and fraudulent statement
establishment depravity, dishonesty and sickness
establishment corrupt
obama-administration They spied on my campaign!
nato Their countries are delinquent
the-media FAKE and in many cases, totally CORRUPT
jackson-lee purposely misquoted my call
jackson-lee decided to LIE in order to make a fraudulent point!
jackson-lee Very sad
veronica-escobar purposely misquoted my call
veronica-escobar decided to LIE in order to make a fraudulent point!
veronica-escobar Very sad
greta-thunberg must work on her Anger Management problem
msnbc Fake News
msnbc dying
msnbc Have Zero credibility
cnn Fake News
cnn dying
cnn Have Zero credibility
impeachment-inquiry Crazy!
impeachment-inquiry phony hearing
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats
wall-street-journal Fake News
wall-street-journal should find a better leaker
msnbc have totally tanked
msnbc ratings are terrible
msnbc zero credibility
cnn have totally tanked
cnn ratings are terrible
cnn zero credibility
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry total Hoax
impeachment-inquiry this scam
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats the Party of lies and deception
debbie-dingell Really pathetic!
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry Hoax
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats
democrats the Party of Hate
democrats so bad for our Country
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Dems
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
fbi tremendous bias and guilt
schiff-memo A very big lie
james-comey sleazebag & totally discredited
james-comey got caught red handed
james-comey unlawful conduct
adam-schiff corrupt politician Adam “Shifty” Schiff
adam-schiff Shifty Schiff
fox-news trying sooo hard to be politically correct
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
hillary-clinton a total train wreck
msnbc Commiecast MSNBC
msnbc watching their Ratings TANK
nancy-pelosi Nancy’s teeth were falling out of her mouth
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
cnn Fake News CNN
cnn watching their Ratings TANK
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry never ending, 24 hour a day, phony Witch Hunt
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News!
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats being absolutely decimated in their districts
commission-on-presidential-debates so-called Commission
commission-on-presidential-debates stacked with Trump Haters & Never Trumpers
commission-on-presidential-debates they were forced to publicly apologize for modulating my microphone in the first debate
commission-on-presidential-debates nasty politics
commission-on-presidential-debates very biased
commission-on-presidential-debates NOT authorized to speak for me
hillary-clinton Crooked
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry the greatest con job in the history of American politics
the-media Fake News Media, working overtime to make life for the United Republican Party, and all it stands for, as difficult as possible
trump-russia 3 year Scams and Witch Hunts
trump-russia phony
impeachment-inquiry Democrat Scam
impeachment-inquiry this ridiculous Impeachment
the-media Fake News
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
nancy-pelosi She is the worst
nancy-pelosi Will go down in history as worst Speaker
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck Schumer
democrats they were all breaking the law in so many ways
democrats These people are Crazy
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats
impeachment-inquiry continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt in American history
impeachment-inquiry continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt in American history
impeachment-inquiry phony impeachment HOAX ,so pathetic
impeachment-inquiry SCAM
democrats Do Nothing Dems
democrats Do Nothing Party
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats The Do Nothings are so bad for our Country
christianity-today A far left magazine
christianity-today has been doing poorly
christianity-today knows nothing about reading a perfect transcript
adam-schiff corrupt politician Adam Shifty Schiff
nancy-pelosi Why aren’t we Impeaching her?
impeachment-inquiry Hoax
joe-biden a Radical Left nonbeliever, who wants to take your religion & your guns
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
democrats gave me no Due Process
democrats they have zero proof of anything, they will never even show up
democrats CRAZY EXTREME policies are chasing common sense people out of the Dem Party
impeachment-inquiry A total Witch Hunt!
impeachment-inquiry A Democrat Hoax
impeachment-inquiry The great Democrat disgrace
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
nancy-pelosi gives us the most unfair trial in the history of the U.S. Congress
nancy-pelosi crying for fairness
nancy-pelosi trying to take over the Senate
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck
impeachment-inquiry Scam!
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Scam
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry partisan scam
democrats Radical Left Democrats
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats have gone CRAZY
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
gavin-newsom has done a really bad job on taking care of the homeless population in California
gavin-newsom incompetent
nancy-pelosi Why should Crazy Nancy Pelosi, just because she has a slight majority in the House, be allowed to Impeach the President of the United States? Got ZERO Republican votes, there was no crime, the call with Ukraine was perfect, with “no pressure.” She said it must be “bipartisan...
nancy-pelosi District in California has rapidly become one of the worst anywhere
nancy-pelosi she has lost total control
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy should clean up her filthy dirty District
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
impeachment-inquiry Scam Impeachment
impeachment-inquiry very unfair
impeachment-inquiry bogus Impeachment Scam
democrats Hypocrites
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats vicious, will say anything,Liars
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
new-york-city falling apart
andrew-cuomo has lost control, and lost his mind
san-francisco decaying city
new-york falling apart
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
nancy-pelosi should spend more time in her her decaying city and less time on the Impeachment Hoax!
the-media Fake News
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy Pelosi
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
chris-cuomo Fake News
chris-cuomo will always be Fredo to us
nancy-pelosi She’s all lies. Most overrated person I know
impeachment-inquiry greatest Witch Hunt in American history!
the-media Fake News
the-media Corrupt Lamestream Media
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
impeachment-inquiry The greatest Witch Hunt in U.S. history
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt is sputtering badly, but still going on (Ukraine Hoax!)
impeachment-inquiry this ridiculous Impeachment Lite Hoax
los-angeles poorly run
impeachment-inquiry The great Scam continues
impeachment-inquiry this political Hoax
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax, just a continuation of the Witch Hunt
impeachment-inquiry a con game by the Dems
impeachment-inquiry totally partisan Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry not what the Founders had in mind
chicago poorly run
adam-schiff corrupt politician
adam-schiff Shifty Schiff
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy Pelosi
impeachment-inquiry fraudulently produced
impeachment-inquiry a joke and a scam
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry Just another Democrat fraud
impeachment-inquiry Presidential Harassment
nancy-pelosi will go down as perhaps the least successful Speaker in U.S. History
democrats the party of high taxes, high crime, open borders, late-term abortion, socialism, and blatant corruption
nancy-pelosi will go down as the absolute worst Speaker of the House in U.S. history
impeachment-inquiry totally partisan Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry most unfair & biased hearings in the history of Congress
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats
democrats unhinged”
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats
david-kris Zero credibility
adam-schiff Adam “Shifty” Schiff
adam-schiff corrupt politician Shifty Schiff
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie Sanders
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
nancy-pelosi Nervous Nancy
impeachment-inquiry most unfair & biased in history
impeachment-inquiry phony Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry totally partisan Hoax, never happened before
impeachment-inquiry no evidence, no crime, read the transcripts, “no pressure” Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry partisan Democrat Witch Hunt
democrats Do Nothing
democrats run by the Radical Left
democrats the Do Nothing Party
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg
michael-bloomberg spending a lot of money on False Advertising
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike B
michael-bloomberg getting tiny crowds which are all leaving fast
elizabeth-warren “Pocahontus”, her campaign is dead
impeachment-inquiry the most unfair witch-hunt in the history of Congress
the-media Fake News Media
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News Media
democrats Rafical Left, Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
adam-schiff Corrupt politician Adam “Shifty” Schiff
nancy-pelosi Nervous Nancy
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck Schumer
impeachment-inquiry This Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry an outrage
impeachment-inquiry the most lopsided & unfair basement hearing in the history of Congress
tom-steyer running low on cash
tom-steyer Nobody knows him
democrats the party of high taxes, high crime, open borders, late-term abortion, socialism, and blatant corruption
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck Schumer
ali-khamenei has not been so Supreme lately
ali-khamenei He should be very careful with his words!
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg
michael-bloomberg a terrible debater and speaker
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg
michael-bloomberg ads are purposely wrong
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax Trial
joe-biden Sleepy
new-york-sea-wall a costly, foolish & environmentally unfriendly idea
new-york-sea-wall probably won’t work anyway
new-york-sea-wall It will also look terrible
new-york-sea-wall get your mops & buckets ready!
carl-d-leonnig third rate Washington post reporter
very-stable-genius Fake Book
very-stable-genius has already proven to be inaccurately reported
philip-rucker third rate Washington post reporter
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg His ads are Fake, just like him!
paul-krugman flawed advice
the-new-york-times a newspaper that was going broke until I came along
adam-schiff corrupt pol Shifty Schiff
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck Schumer
democrats working hard to take away your 2nd Amendment rights
democrats Do Nothing Dems
democrats have done great harm to our Country
the-media Fake News Media
tom-steyer a major loser
tom-steyer Just doesn’t get it
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg
michael-bloomberg Mini
michael-bloomberg the biggest clown of them all
michael-bloomberg hopeless ‘presidential’ campaign
adam-schiff Shifty Schiff
adam-schiff presentation to the Senate was loaded with lies
adam-schiff Shifty Schiff
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
impeachment-inquiry Most unfair & corrupt hearing in Congressional history!
impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt!
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
democrats No matter what you give to the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats, it will never be enough!
democrats Are going to destroy your Social Security
adam-schiff Shifty Schiff
adam-schiff Shifty Schiff
nancy-pelosi Nervous Nancy
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck Schumer
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck never had what it takes, and never will
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck
impeachment-inquiry treated unbelievably unfairly in the House
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry Radical Left, Do Nothing Dems Scam attack
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats
democrats angry & deranged”
democrats Do Nothing Democrats,ought to go back to work for our great American people
aoc dumb as a rock AOC
adam-schiff lyin’, cheatin’, liddle’ Adam “Shifty” Schif
nancy-pelosi Nervous Nancy Pelosi
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck Schumer
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry totally partisan Impeachment Hoax
democrats Do Nothing
democrats They know it’s a con
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrat Party
meet-the-press Meet the Corrupt Press
meet-the-press FAKE NEWS
chuck-todd Sleepyeyes Chuck Todd
chuck-todd Sleepyeyes Chuck Todd
paul-krugman a lightweight thinker who doesn’t have a clue
paul-krugman should be fired by @nytimes
adam-schiff Shifty
adam-schiff Shifty Adam Schiff
adam-schiff a CORRUPT POLITICIAN, and probably a very sick man
adam-schiff conman , Shifty
nbc-news Fake @NBCNews
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry massive election interference the likes of which has never been seen before
impeachment-inquiry phony case
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
don-lemon the dumbest man on television (with terrible ratings!)
fox-news what the hell has happened to @FoxNews
msnbc MSDNC
msnbc dying in the ratings
cnn Fake News CNN
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
the-room-where-it-happened nasty & untrue book
washington-dc Swamp
john-bolton was very publicly terminated
john-bolton He said, not that it matters, NOTHING!
john-bolton couldn’t get approved for the Ambassador to the U.N. years ago, couldn’t get approved for anything since
john-bolton “begged” me for a non Senate approved job
john-bolton many more mistakes of judgement, gets fired because frankly, if I listened to him, we would be in World War Six by now
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck
impeachment-inquiry 'Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry just another political CON JOB
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry Hoax
democrats now the party of high taxes, high crime, open borders, late-term abortion, socialism, and blatant corruption
democrats want to make it harder for Presidents to defend America
ca-28 in terrible shape
adam-schiff a corrupt pol
adam-schiff he is mentally deranged!
impeachment-inquiry Hoax
the-media Fake News Media
the-media zero credibility'
impeachment-inquiry the most unfair Witch Hunt in the history of the U.S. Congress
democrats Partisan Hoaxes, Witch Hunts, & Con Jobs
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats
democrats are scamming America
the-media Fake News
democrats No matter what you give to the Democrats, in the end, they will NEVER be satisfied
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg boring
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg
michael-bloomberg going nowhere
michael-bloomberg getting the DNC to rig the election against Crazy Bernie
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News Media
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats
adam-schiff Corrupt politician Schif
impeachment-inquiry totally partisan Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry a Hoax
democrats Nothing will ever satisfy the Do Nothing, Radical Left Dems
iowa-democratic-party really messed up
iowa-caucus-2020 an unmitigated disaster
iowa-caucus-2020 Nothing works
iowa-caucus-2020 voting disaster
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats incompetence
iowa-caucus-2020 is a complete disaster
michael-bloomberg a complete disaster
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
mitt-romney failed presidential candidate
mitt-romney sanctimonious
impeachment-inquiry Hoax
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats corrupt practices!
nancy-pelosi Nervous Nancy Pelosi
impeachment-inquiry totally partisan Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
alexander-vindman very insubordinate
alexander-vindman was given a horrendous report by his superior
andrew-cuomo Very hard to work with
andrew-cuomo So stupid
andrew-cuomo All they do is sue me all the time!
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy Pelosi
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
nancy-pelosi the most overrated person in politics
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry Hoax
impeachment-inquiry phony &corrupt Impeachment Hoax
the-media Fake News
democrats crazed
democrats Do Nothing Democrats,
democrats can’t do anything right
doug-jones lightweight Senator
doug-jones A Do Nothing Stiff
larry-sabato got it all wrong last time, never came close to understanding the Trump Voter
larry-sabato doesn’t have a clue
joe-manchin puppet Democrat Senator
joe-manchin All he had to do is read the Transcripts, sadly, which he wouldn’t understand anyway
joe-manchin weak & pathetic
joe-manchin Senator Joe Munchkin
joe-manchin couldn’t understand the Transcripts
mitt-romney grandstander”
mitt-romney No clue
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck
trump-russia the biggest political crime in American History, by far
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry Hoax
impeachment-inquiry IMPEACHMENT HOAX
democrats crazed
democrats honesty & truth don’t matter to them
democrats badly wounded
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck Schumer
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
the-media Fake News
democrats they have a really boring deal going on
democrats Corrupt Democrat politicians
roger-stone-sentence horrible and very unfair
roger-stone-sentence miscarriage of justice!
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
tom-steyer Impeachment King
tom-steyer something is just plain missing
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas
elizabeth-warren having a really bad night
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary Clinton
msnbc Fake News
msnbc poorly rated Fake News
cnn Fake News
cnn poorly rated Fake News
trump-russia an investigation that was illegal
trump-russia the Mueller Scam
trump-russia a case that was totally out of control and perhaps should not have even been brought
trump-russia Mueller Scam
trump-russia improperly brought & tainted
robert-mueller lied to Congress
the-media Fake News Media
john-kelly was way over his head
john-kelly came in with a bang, went out with a whimper
john-kelly just can’t keep his mouth shut
jeb-bush Jeb “Low Energy” Bush
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg
michael-bloomberg a LOSER who has money but can’t debate and has zero presence
michael-bloomberg a tiny version of Jeb “Low Energy” Bush
michael-bloomberg Mini
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg a 5’4” mass of dead energy
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
joe-manchin just a puppet for Schumer & Pelosi
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
impeachment-inquiry totally partisan Impeachment Hoax
impeachment-inquiry The Greatest Witch Hunt In American History!
the-media Fake News
mueller-report Scam
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg Mini
michael-bloomberg illegally buying the Democrat Nomination
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike. No, I would rather run against you!
trump-report fake and totally discredited
trump-russia the whole Mueller investigation was illegally set up based on a phony and now fully discredited Fake Dossier, lying and forging documents to the FISA Court, and many other things
trump-russia badly tainted and, in my opinion, should be thrown out
trump-russia a total SCAM
trump-russia WITCH HUNT!
trump-russia Fake Witch Hunts
trump-russia the Mueller Scam
trump-russia Fake Witch Hunt
trump-russia Hoax
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
democrats Crooked DNC
democrats working overtime to take the Democrat Nomination away from Bernie, AGAIN
bloomberg-news corrupt
michael-bloomberg a pathetic debater
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg has violated campaign finance laws at the highest and most sinister level
the-media Fake News
the-media corrupt
a-b-stoddard zero talent
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg
michael-bloomberg debate performance tonight was perhaps the worst in the history of debates
michael-bloomberg stumbling, bumbling and grossly incompetent
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg Worst debate performance in history
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg
michael-bloomberg Mini
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary Clinton
democrats the party of high taxes, high crime, open borders, late-term abortion, socialism, blatant corruption, and the total destruction of your Second Amendment
democrats Do Nothing
democrats Radical Socialist Democrats
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
adam-schiff Corrupt politician Adam “Shifty” Schiff
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie Sanders
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie Sanders
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
msnbc MSDNC (Comcast Slime) , Fake Media
cnn Fake Media
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
adam-schiff Shifty Schiff
adam-schiff incompetent & corrupt
adam-schiff Adam “Shifty” Schiff
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary Clinton
the-media Fake News Media
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
trump-russia Mueller Witch Hunt
stone-judge totally biased
stone-juror so tainted
stone-juror totally biased
stone-juror Miscarriage of justice
adam-schiff should not have access to Intelligence, he is a corrupt pol
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck Schumer
chuck-schumer incompetent
trump-russia has been a scam right from the beginning
tom-steyer a disaster
tom-steyer setting records in $’s per vote
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg weak and unsteady
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg Mini
michael-bloomberg setting records in $’s per vote
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas
elizabeth-warren mean, & undisciplined, a “chocker”
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
msnbc Low Ratings Fake News MSDNC
msnbc doing everything possible to make the Caronavirus look as bad as possible
nancy-pelosi has allowed her District to go down more than any other in the USA
cnn Low Ratings Fake News
cnn doing everything possible to make the Caronavirus look as bad as possible
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
democrats If the virus disappeared tomorrow, they would say we did a really poor, and even incompetent, job
democrats incompetent Do Nothing Democrat comrades are all talk, no action
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg debates were, perhaps, the worst in presidential debating history
michael-bloomberg total phony
michael-bloomberg A total phony
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
the-media refuses to discuss the great job our professionals are doing!
the-media Fake News!
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats busy wasting their time on the Impeachment Hoax & anything they could do to make the Republican Party look bad
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats wasting time on the Immigration Hoax & anything else they could do to make the Republican Party look bad
democrats working hard to take the prized nomination away from Bernie
john-harwood so-called reporter
john-harwood bombed so badly in the 2016 Presidential Debates that I thought he was going to be immediately fired, total loser
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
cnn Fake News
tom-steyer spent more dollars for NOTHING than any candidate in history
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg
michael-bloomberg worst debate performance in the history of presidential debates
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg
michael-bloomberg Mini
michael-bloomberg never had what it takes
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie Sanders
the-media Fake News Media
the-media Fake News
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
democrats working hard to destroy the name and reputation of Crazy Bernie Sanders
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg
michael-bloomberg didn’t bring NYC back, as he said in his fake ad
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg a boring mayor who the people couldn’t stand
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg a pandering phony
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg bad debate performances
michael-bloomberg Only his highly paid consultants, who are laughing all the way to the bank, still support him
michael-bloomberg he did not poll well as mayor in handling crisis!
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
chuck-todd Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd
chuck-todd not at the top of his game
jerome-powell slow to act
jerome-powell Other Central Banks are much more aggressive
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
democrats didn’t have a clue
democrats fear mongering
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Radical Left
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg can never recover from his incompetent debate performances. Also, as mayor he was very bad under pressure - a chocker!
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg
michael-bloomberg can never recover from his incompetent debate performances
michael-bloomberg very bad under pressure - a choker
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden doesn’t know where he is, or what he’s doing
joe-biden I don’t think he even knows what office he's running for
jeff-sessions doesn’t have the wisdom or courage to stare down & end the phony Russia Witch Hunt
tom-steyer wacky
los-angeles a mess
michael-bloomberg biggest loser tonight
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg
michael-bloomberg I could have told him long ago that he didn’t have what it takes
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike Bloomberg
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg Pandering Mini Mike Bloomberg
elizabeth-warren “Pocahontas”, loser
elizabeth-warren selfish
elizabeth-warren modern day Pocahontas
elizabeth-warren won’t go down in history as a winner, but she may very well go down as the all time great SPOILER!
trump-russia Scam
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe’
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
ronald-klain lightweight Washington failure
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
elizabeth-warren Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren,going nowhere
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
comcast covers the CoronaVirus situation horribly, only looking to do harm to the incredible & successful effort being made
msnbc MSDNC
msnbc MSDNC
chuck-schumer has brought great danger to the steps of the United States Supreme Court
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News Media
the-media Fake News
the-media FAKE NEWS
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
the-new-york-times an embarrassment to journalism
the-new-york-times a dead paper before I went into politics, and they will be a dead paper after I leave
the-new-york-times Fake News is the Enemy of the people
the-media Fake News Media
the-media doing everything possible to make us look bad
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
obama-administration the most corrupt Administration in the history of our Country
chris-cuomo Fredo
elizabeth-warren Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren
elizabeth-warren singlehandedly destroyed the Bernie Sanders campaign
msnbc MSDNC
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck Schumer
the-media Fake News Media
the-media doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation
the-media FAKE NEWS
the-media Fake News
democrats Democrat Party
democrats doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation
morning-joe Morning Joke
morning-joe Another Comcast sleaze production
adam-schiff corrupt politician Adam “Shifty” Schiff
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
the-fed pathetic, slow moving
msnbc MSDNC
the-media Fake News
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
vanity-fair will soon be out of business
vanity-fair third rate Fake reporters
vanity-fair sources which don’t exist
vanity-fair phony and boring
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
the-fed putting us at a decided economic & physiological disadvantage
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake and Corrupt News
the-media Even in times such as these, they are not truthful
gretchen-whitmer Failing
gretchen-whitmer must work harder and be much more proactive
the-new-york-times a disgrace to journalism
impeachment-inquiry Ukraine Scam, Impeachment Hoax”
the-media Fake News
the-media new narrative is disgraceful & false
the-media Fake & Corrupt News
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
jb-pritzger shouldn’t be blaming the Federal Government for their own shortcomings
comcast Concast
msnbc MSDNC
cnn Fake News
the-new-york-times changed headlines 3 times in order to satisfy the Radical Left
the-new-york-times very unfair
the-new-york-times Fake & Corrupt News
the-new-york-times very dangerous for our Country!
the-media all I see is hatred of me at any cost they are destroying themselves
green-new-deal ridiculous
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
mitt-romney a terrible presidential candidate and an even worse U.S. Senator
cnn Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media LameStream Media
the-media the dominant force in trying to get me to keep our Country closed as long as possible in the hope that it will be detrimental to my election success
gm-plant-ohio stupidly abandoned
general-motors As usual with “this” General Motors, things just never seem to work out
general-motors Always a mess
thomas-massie third rate Grandstander
thomas-massie throw Massie out of Republican Party!
thomas-massie a disaster for America, and for the Great State of Kentucky
abc-post-poll Many polls are much better
abc-post-poll If it is the Fake News @washingtonpost, add 10 points!
the-new-york-times Fake News
democrats It is “HELL” dealing with the Dems
gretchen-whitmer Gretchen “Half” Whitmer
gretchen-whitmer way in over her head
gretchen-whitmer doesn’t have a clue
gretchen-whitmer blaming everyone for her own ineptitude
maggie-haberman a third rate reporter who has nothing going
maggie-haberman A Fake News “journalist”
the-media Such Fake reporting
the-media corrupt and disgusting
the-media Fake News
the-media Lamestream Media very dangerous & corrupt people, who will do anything to win
the-media Fake News
the-media corrupt “journalists”
the-media FAKE NEWS
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media Lamestream Media wants us to fail
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media Fake News
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media is going CRAZY
auto-executives Foolish executives!
morning-joe low rated (very) Morning Psycho (Joe)
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck Schumer
chuck-schumer should have pushed harder
chuck-schumer Stop complaining
cnn Fake News
cnn a JOKE
the-new-york-times Failing , Fake News
the-new-york-times Fake News
the-media corrupt & dishonest
the-media Lamestream Media ,Fake News
the-media Fake News
ig-report Another Fake Dossier!
h1n1-response failed
h1n1-response debacle
who really blew it
who such a faulty recommendation
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
the-new-york-times Failing
the-media Fake News Media
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
democrats Radical Left Democrats
democrats have gone absolutely crazy
wall-street-journal always “forgets” to mention that the ratings for the White House Press Briefings are “through the roof”
wall-street-journal Fake News!
the-media Fake News
abc-news Fake News
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie Sanders
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media Fake News Establishment
the-media FAKE NEWS
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrat
wall-street-journal-editorial-board doesn’t have a clue
the-new-york-times Failing @nytimes
the-new-york-times Fake News @nytimes
the-new-york-times Failing, recently thrown out of China like dogs
the-new-york-times Fake News @nytimes
the-new-york-times Failing ,recently thrown out of China like dogs
msnbc MSDNC
washington-post Amazon @washingtonpost
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media FAKE NEWS
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
face-the-nation Deface the Nation
chuck-todd Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd
chris-wallace Mike Wallace wannabe
chris-wallace even worse than Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd
chuck-schumer Cryin’Chuck
chuck-schumer doesn’t have a clue
the-media Fake News Opposition Party
the-media Corrupt Media
the-media The Opposition Party (Lamestream Media)
the-media Fake News
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats
the-new-york-times story is a Fake, just like the “paper” itself
the-new-york-times Fake News!
the-new-york-times a Fake
the-new-york-times Fake News
the-media corruption and dishonesty in the Lamestream Media
the-media Fake News Media
the-media Fake News Media
andrew-cuomo begging for everything
nancy-pelosi Crazy
nancy-pelosi totally incompetent & controlled by the Radical Left, a weak and pathetic puppet
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy Pelosi
nancy-pelosi an incompetent, third-rate politician
barack-obama a disaster in handling the H1N1 Swine Flu
barack-obama disastrous approval numbers
barack-obama 5 Billion Dollar Obamacare website that should have cost close to nothing!
andrew-cuomo should spend more time “doing” and less time “complaining”.
andrew-cuomo Get out there and get the job done
andrew-cuomo Stop talking!
andrew-cuomo Your numbers are not good
andrew-cuomo Less talk and more action!
andrew-cuomo ridiculously wanted “40 thousand Ventilators”
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy Pelosi
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck Schumer
joe-biden a disaster in handling the H1N1 Swine Flu
joe-biden disastrous approval numbers
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats
matt-drudge I gave up on Drudge
matt-drudge People are dropping off like flies!
nancy-pelosi incompetent political hack
cnn Fake News Losers!
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media Fake News
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden an easy mark
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats RUDE and NASTY.
nancy-pelosi Nervous Nancy an inherently “dumb” person
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing
morning-joe poorly rated Morning Psycho
msnbc MSDNC
cnn Fake News!
the-media totally corrupt and dishonest Lamestream Media
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
cnn Fake News @CNN
the-media Fake News
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
democrats Do Nothing
cnn Fake News @CNN
cnn a garbage “network”
the-media Fake and totally corrupt News
the-media FAKE NEWS!
wsj-editorial-board got it wrong as you often do!
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media corrupt & sick!
the-media Lamestream Media ,refuses to report the truth or facts accurately
the-media Fake News
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
donna-brazile fraud
katie-rogers a third rate reporter who knows nothing about me
anne-karni a third rate reporter who knows nothing about me
face-the-nation Deface the Nation
chuck-todd Sleepy Eyes
fox-news just doesn’t get what’s happening
the-new-york-times phony story
the-new-york-times failing
the-new-york-times failing @nytimes
the-media Fake News
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media Lamestream Media desperate to create the perception of chaos & havoc
democrats Radical Left Do Nothing Democrats
illinois poorly run state
washington-post one of the worst
washington-post Total slime balls
the-media Fake News Report
the-media There has never been, in the history of our Country, a more vicious or hostile Lamestream Media than there is right now
adam-schiff Shifty
adam-schiff a crooked politician
the-media does nothing but complain
the-new-york-times Failing
democrats Do Nothing Dems
polling-establishment FAKE POLLING
joe-scarborough Psycho Joe “What Ever Happened To Your Girlfriend?” Scarborough
james-comey DIRTY COP
don-lemon the “dumbest man on television”
brian-williams Lyin’ Brian Williams
brian-williams wouldn’t know the truth if it was nailed to his wooden forehead
brian-williams a true dummy who was thrown off Network News like a dog
brian-williams Lyin’ Brian Williams dumber than hell
brian-williams Lyin’ Brian Williams
msnbc MSDNC
msnbc Concast Scam Company
msnbc MSDNC
cnn got the story so wrong
cnn should pay a big price
cnn Fake News
cnn Fake News @CNN
the-media Fake News
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats
james-comey Dirty Cop
nbc-news Concast
nbc-news The Enemy of the People
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck Schumer
chuck-schumer Cryin Chuck Schumer
chuck-schumer totally overrated loser
cnn Fake News @CNN
cnn The Enemy of the People
nicole-wallace thrown off The View like a dog
nicole-wallace Zero T.V. Personas
nicole-wallace 3rd rate lapdog for Fake News MSDNC (Concast)
nicole-wallace Doesn’t have what it takes
msnbc Fake News MSDNC (Concast)
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy P.
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
trump-russia Russia Hoax
trump-russia the biggest political scandal in American history
trump-russia Treason
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Hoax
the-media Fake News
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden.”
democrats just, as always, looking for trouble
democrats do nothing constructive, even in times of crisis
george-w-bush nowhere to be found in speaking up against the greatest Hoax in American history!
trump-russia the greatest Hoax in American history!
the-media Fake News
the-media Lamestream Media is totally CORRUPT, the Enemy of the People
the-media Fake News
the-media got it wrong again, as always
joe-scarborough Psycho Joe Scarborough
joe-scarborough will state on the record that he is “nuts”, #OPENJOECOLDCASE
mika-brzezinski Crazy Mika
ilhan-omar a disaster
comcast “Concast”
jimmy-kimmel wacko 'last placer'
stephen-colbert no talent
evan-mcmullin “McMuffin”
george-conway deranged loser
george-conway Moonface
rick-wilson crazed
lincoln-project A group of RINO Republicans
lincoln-project failed badly
lincoln-project no imagination
lincoln-project doing everything possible to get even for all of their many failures
lincoln-project loser types
lincoln-project a disgrace to Honest Abe
lincoln-project RINO losers
the-media Fake News
the-media LameStream Media
the-media Fake News Lamestream Media
the-media doing everything possible to hurt and disparage our Country
the-media The Enemy of the People
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats doing everything possible to hurt and disparage our Country
democrats The Enemy of the People
the-media Fake News
pundits have become so totally “unhinged”
pundits These people are stone cold crazy!
ca-25-election Rigged Election
ca-25-election Rigged Election!
ca-25-election Rigged Election!
democrats trying to steal another election
60-minutes doing everything within their power, which is far less today than it was in the past, to defend China
brian-stelter just a poor man’s lapdog
jimmy-kimmel Fake News
jimmy-kimmel last place show
impeachment-inquiry Impeachment Scam
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
chuck-todd Sleepy Eyes
obama-administration The most corrupt administration in U.S. history
comcast “Concast”
comcast Concast
the-media Public Airwaves = Fake News
the-media Rigged Media,corrupt
the-media Fake News
the-media a disgrace to America
the-media Lamestream Media
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
democrats trying to steal the Mike Garcia Congressional Race in California
joe-scarborough ColdCaseJoe
joe-scarborough Psycho Joe Scarborough
joe-scarborough Did he get away with murder?
joe-scarborough A total nut job
chuck-todd Sleepy Eyes
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
nancy-pelosi a total disaster
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media truly out of control
the-media the Enemy of the People
the-media Fake Journalists
joe-biden a tired, exhausted man
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
barack-obama was always wrong
adam-schiff Shifty Schiff
rick-bright a disgruntled employee, not liked or respected by people
rick-bright should no longer be working for our government
the-new-york-times a disgrace to journalism
the-new-york-times Fake News
comcast Concast
msnbc MSDNC
cnn Fake News
washington-post a disgrace to journalism
washington-post Fake News
trump-russia the greatest political scandal in the history of the United States
rick-bright Another Fake Whistleblower
rick-bright terrible
joe-scarborough Psycho Cold Case Joe Scarborough
lawrence-o-donnell flunky
the-media “FAKE NEWS”
the-media Fake News
the-media bad, made up numbers
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media unhinged and CORRUPT!
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media the real opposition party
the-media Lamestream Fake News Media
the-media vicious & crazy
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
joe-biden not even a factor
democrats Do Nothing Dems
democrats Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats
democrats vicious
democrats MUST pay a big price for what they have done to our Country
jake-tapper spent 3 1/2 years illegally smearing me
obama-administration one of the most corrupt and incompetent in U.S. history
obama-administration most incompetent and corrupt administration in U.S. history
ilhan-omar a corrupt disaster
the-new-york-times Fake Journalism
the-media Lamestream Media is totally corrupt
the-media Lamestream
the-media have spent 3 1/2 years illegally smearing me
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
norah-o-donnell third place anchor
norah-o-donnell doing everything in their power to demean our Country
60-minutes doing everything in their power to demean our Country
60-minutes Fake News
60-minutes dumb
whistleblower-complaint racket
whistleblower-complaint causing great injustice & harm
trump-russia Russia Hoax
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
democrats Radical Left Democrats
fox-news .@FoxNews is no longer the same
fox-news more anti-Trump people, by far, than ever before
nevada State of Nevada “thinks” that they can send out illegal vote by mail ballots
joe-scarborough Low Ratings Psycho
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas
mayor-pete Alfred E. Newman
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
bernie-sanders not a fighter
bernie-sanders gives up too easy!
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
china it was the ‘incompetence of China’, and nothing else, that did this mass Worldwide killing!
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden has given you nothing, and never will
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
juan-williams Dummy
fox-news doing nothing to help Republicans, and me, get re-elected
china Its disinformation and propaganda attack on the United States and Europe is a disgrace
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
dean-baquet has long been considered one of the dumbest men in the world of journalism
dean-baquet has given up on ‘figuring Trump out’
dean-baquet Called it all wrong from the beginning
dean-baquet now willing to write anything, even if not truthful
dana-nessel Wacky Do Nothing Attorney General
dana-nessel Do nothing A.G.
dana-nessel should not be taking her anger and stupidity out on Ford Motor
jeff-sessions let our Country down
mueller-report the Fraudulent Mueller Scam
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times a total mess
jeff-sessions had no courage & ruined many lives
doug-jones a weak & pathetic puppet for Crazy Nancy Pelosi & Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, disgraced Alabama badly
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy Pelosi
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck Schumer
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden cannot bring us to greatness
2020-election the greatest Rigged Election in history
mail-in-voting Scam!
joe-scarborough a Nut Job (with bad ratings)
joe-scarborough Psycho Joe Scarborough
trump-russia the greatest Criminal Hoax in American History!
conor-lamb an American fraud, a puppet for Crazy Nancy Pelosi
barack-obama was always playing golf
the-new-york-times Fake News
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy Pelosi
the-media Fake &Totally Corrupt News
the-media sick with hatred and dishonesty
the-media truly deranged!
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe’s poor work ethic
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
joe-biden Nobody in 50 years has been WEAKER on China
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Biden
joe-biden was asleep at the wheel
conor-lamb an American fraud, a puppet for Crazy Nancy Pelosi
2020-election a Rigged Election
mail-in-voting interfering in the 2020 Presidential Election
joe-scarborough Psycho Joe Scarborough
joe-scarborough Psycho Joe Scarborough
joe-scarborough a total Nut Job, and I knew him well, far better than most
barack-obama Administration has now been caught cold illegally spying on the Trump campaign
mika-brzezinski wacky
twitter completely stifling FREE SPEECH
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy Pelosi
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
cnn Fake News
washington-post Amazon Washington Post
trump-russia the greatest political, criminal, and subversive scandal in USA history
the-media Fake Lamestream News
the-media ....Fake News Lamestream Media
joe-biden handling of the H1N1 Swine Flu was a complete and total disaster
the-atlantic boring but very nasty
the-atlantic rapidly failing, going down the tubes
the-atlantic Fake News
joe-scarborough Psycho Joe Scarborough
obama-administration SPIED, in an unprecedented manner, on the Trump Campaign and beyond
the-new-york-times Failing
the-new-york-times totally flawed coverage of the illegal Russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia illegal Russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia the greatest political crime in its history
the-media Radical Left Lamestream Media
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
yoel-roth hater
coronavirus All over the World the CoronaVirus, a very bad “gift” from China, marches on. Not good!
big-tech doing everything in their very considerable power to CENSOR
big-tech going absolutely CRAZY
2020-election badly tainted & a laughingstock
twitter So ridiculous
twitter stupid
trump-russia the Greatest Political Crime In the History of the U.S.
trump-russia Witch-Hunt
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
minneapolis-looters THUGS
jacob-frey very weak Radical Left Mayor
twitter doing nothing about all of the lies & propaganda
trump-russia Russian Witch Hunt
muriel-bowser is always looking for money & help
jacob-frey will never be mistaken for the late, great General Douglas McArthur
cnn Fake News
cnn sick losers with VERY bad ratings!
cnn Can’t blame China because they need the cash?
the-media “disinformation”, Fake News
the-media the Enemy of the People!
the-media Lamestream
the-media doing everything within their power to foment hatred and anarchy
the-media FAKE NEWS
the-media truly bad people with a sick agenda
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleep Joe
joe-biden Joe doesn’t know anything
joe-biden he is clueless
new-york-city lost to the looters, thugs, Radical Left, and all others forms of Lowlife & Scum
new-york-city ripped to pieces
chris-cuomo Fredo’s ratings are down 50%!
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden has been in politics for 40 years, and did nothing
joe-biden he pretends to have the answers. He doesn’t even know the questions
joe-biden has been politically weak all of his life
john-huber did absolutely NOTHING
john-huber a garbage disposal unit for important documents
looters despicable
jeff-sessions was played like a drum!
new-york-city totally out of control
chris-cuomo Fredo’s ratings are down
chris-cuomo People are tired of his act
the-new-york-times merely offshoots of the DNC
msnbc Slanted
msnbc MSDNC
msnbc bears NO relationship to the Truth or Facts
msnbc merely offshoots of the DNC
msnbc MSDNC
cnn Slanted
cnn bears NO relationship to the Truth or Facts
cnn merely offshoots of the DNC
cnn Fake News
washington-post merely offshoots of the DNC
the-media Fake News
the-media hurting our Country so badly
the-media So pathetic
the-media Fake News
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media Fake
the-media Lamestream Media is CORRUPT!
the-media Fake News Media, doing everything they can to crash the economy because they think that will be bad for me and my re-election
lisa-murkowski Few people know where they’ll be in two years from now, but I do, in the Great State of Alaska (which I love) campaigning against Senator Lisa Murkowski
jim-mattis the world’s most overrated General
jim-mattis I asked for his letter of resignation, & felt great about it
jim-mattis nickname was “Chaos”, which I didn’t like
jim-mattis His primary strength was not military, but rather personal public relations
jim-mattis he seldom ‘brought home the bacon’
jim-mattis I didn’t like his ‘leadership’ style or much else about him
jim-mattis Glad he is gone!
jim-mattis no good for me!
john-kelly not in my inner-circle
john-kelly totally exhausted by the job
john-kelly in the end just slinked away into obscurity
the-new-york-times Fake Newspaper!
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia should never have begun!
trump-russia corrupt and illegal Witch Hunt
trump-russia will go down as the greatest political crime in history
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
muriel-bowser incompetent Mayor, budget is totally out of control
muriel-bowser constantly coming back to us for “handouts”
muriel-bowser grossly incompetent, in no way qualified to be running an important city like Washington, D.C.
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden can never escape his Crime Bill!
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
john-hickenlooper Got caught big time with his hand in the cookie jar
antifa Wacko group
twitter fighting hard for the Radical Left Democrats, Illegal
the-media Lamestream Media, out of control
the-media It would be impossible to fully explain how dishonest they are!
colin-powell a real stiff
colin-powell highly overrated
conor-lamb a Crazy Nancy Pelosi Puppet
conor-lamb has done nothing
conor-lamb a weak puppet of crazy Nancy Pelosi!
the-new-york-times Fake News!!!
msnbc doing everything possible to “inflame” the crowd
msnbc they have a very small audience!
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
cnn doing everything possible to “inflame” the crowd
cnn they have a very small audience!
trump-russia fake and illegal investigation
trump-russia Hoax
impeachment-inquiry Scam
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
polls FAKE
polls SUPPRESSION POLLS, put out to dampen enthusiasm
cnn-polls CNN Polls are as Fake as their Reporting
colin-powell a pathetic interview today
colin-powell In his time, he was weak & gave away everything to everybody
colin-powell so bad for the USA
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
cnn Fake News
impeachment-inquiry phony Witch Hunt
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media refuses to talk about our Country’s record setting Jobs Numbers
democrats The Radical Left Democrats have gone Crazy!
jim-mattis our Country’s most overrated General
jim-mattis talked a lot, but never ‘brought home the bacon’, He was terrible!
jim-mattis Someday I will tell the real story on him
ilhan-omar Enough with Omar, you’ll have nothing left!
minneapolis Crazy!
fox-news Fox is lost!!!
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
theresa-greenfield Radical Liberal
theresa-greenfield failed record
jon-ossoff Radical Liberal
jon-ossoff a puppet of Schumer and Pelosi
jenny-durkan being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before
jay-inslee looking ‘the fool’
jay-inslee Radical Left Governor
jay-inslee being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before
elizabeth-warren Seriously failed presidential candidate
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas
the-fed wrong so often
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden refuses to leave his basement ‘sanctuary’
the-media People have no idea how Fake the Lamestream Media is!
democrats don’t have a clue
chris-cuomo Fredo
chris-cuomo ratings are really bad
chris-cuomo A loser!!!
comcast terrible service
comcast Drop them and go to a good provider!
msnbc MSDNC
jenny-durkan should be ashamed
jay-inslee should be ashamed
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
democrats soft
democrats Do Nothing
the-media Far Left Fake News Media
the-media trying to Covid Shame us
joe-biden has been a part of every failed decision for decades
joe-biden complete lack of leadership
joe-biden He’s weak & shot!!!
supreme-court horrible & politically charged decisions
supreme-court we need NEW JUSTICES
kim-jong-un went ‘ballistic’, just like his missiles
face-the-nation Deface the Nation
h1n1-response a total disaster
h1n1-response they had no idea what they were doing
h1n1-response Among the worst ever!
the-room-where-it-happened getting terrible reviews
the-room-where-it-happened a compilation of lies and made up stories, all intended to make me look bad
the-room-where-it-happened ridiculous statements he attributes to me were never made
the-room-where-it-happened pure fiction
john-bolton Wacko
john-bolton A disgruntled boring fool who only wanted to go to war
john-bolton Never had a clue
john-bolton was ostracized & happily dumped
john-bolton What a dope!
john-bolton incompetent!
john-bolton Just trying to get even for firing him like the sick puppy he is!
john-bolton Wacko
john-bolton stupid
john-bolton dumb
john-bolton set us back very badly with North Korea
joe-biden a TOTAL FAILURE
joe-biden He ‘bungled’ everything that he touched!
joe-biden failing grades and polls
joe-biden clueless handling of the Swine Flu
fox-polls phony polls
fox-polls the same group of haters that got it even more wrong in 2016
fox-polls Fox is terrible!
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
democrats They have abandoned DACA
democrats doing totally false advertising
democrats have done NOTHING for years
democrats they now have a Fake ad that my China Deal is losing us jobs
democrats fake and fraudulent ads
democrats They did nothing when they had the chance
steve-schmidt failed political consultant
dc-police not doing their job
john-bolton Wacko
john-bolton was all washed up until I brought him back and gave him a chance
john-bolton He likes dropping bombs on people, and killing them. Now he will have bombs dropped on him!
joe-biden 4 decades of betrayal, calamity and failure
joe-biden he NEVER did ANYTHING!
2020-election the most RIGGED Election in our nations history
mail-in-voting stupid
john-bolton was incapable of being Senate confirmed because he was considered a wacko
john-bolton was not liked
john-bolton turned out to be grossly incompetent
john-bolton a liar
the-media Lamestream Media
john-bolton really dumb
john-bolton Washed up Creepster
john-bolton a lowlife who should be in jail
john-bolton Crooked Hillary
the-media Fake News
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media Fake News!
flag-burners lowlifes
james-comey Dirty Cop
mueller-team Angry Democrat Cronies
joe-biden failed with China
blm Treason, Sedition, Insurrection!
carly-fiorina Failed presidential candidate
carly-fiorina She lost so badly to me
polls Fake Suppression Polls
coronavirus ChinaVirus
barack-obama destroyed the lobster and fishing industry in Maine
obama-administration the most CORRUPT in HISTORY!
the-media Fake News
the-media Lamestream Media has gone CRAZY!
the-media Fake News
joe-biden Corrupt
the-media Fake News
joe-biden so mortifyingly stupid
joe-biden He has no idea
the-individual-mandate expensive, unpopular and unfair
green-new-deal ridiculous
obamacare a joke!
obamacare overall cost is ridiculous
obamacare still no good
msnbc MSDNC
the-media Fake News
joe-biden Corrupt
joe-biden Corrupt
obama-administration was weak on everything
the-new-york-times Fake News
trump-russia failed Russia Hoax
trump-russia phony
trump-russia hit job
the-media Fake News
joe-biden Corrupt
joe-biden Corrupt
joe-biden Corrupt
joe-biden a Low IQ
joe-biden Sleepy Joe is definitely a Low IQ person!
nonsupporting-republicans RINOS’ and stupid people
polls Fake!
polls a JOKE!
2020-election the most corrupt Election is USA history
trump-russia Hoax
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
joe-biden Corrupt
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats Incredible stupidity!
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
russia-bounty-story just another made up by Fake News tale
russia-bounty-story Just another HOAX!
russia-bounty-story a made up Fake News Media Hoax
joe-scarborough Psycho
chris-cuomo Fredo should be given a big pay cut!
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
the-new-york-times discredited
comcast a disaster
comcast Concast
msnbc MSDNC
msnbc did poorly
msnbc MSDNC
msnbc did poorly
cnn Can’t believe how badly @CNN has done
cnn They are so far below @FoxNews
cnn Fake News does not pay!!!
cnn barely registering
cnn mess!
bill-deblasio a mayor who hates & disrespect
the-media Lamestream Media being laughed at all over the world!
joe-biden Corrupt
joe-biden He knew the questions and still couldn’t answer them
joe-biden Corrupt
2020-election rigged
chris-cuomo CNN should move Fredo back to the morning slot
chris-cuomo He was rewarded for bad ratings with a much better time slot - and again got really bad ratings
chris-cuomo Getting totally
morning-joe poorly rated show!
tim-ryan an absolute failure
tim-ryan talks big for the worker, but never delivers
tim-ryan a failed Presidential candidate and he keeps failing Ohio
impeachment-inquiry Scam
the-new-york-times They are Fake News!
the-media a very corrupt and dishonest media outlet
the-media suffers TDS at a level rarely seen
the-media Fake Evening News
the-media Fake News
the-media The Fake News Media is being laughed at all over the world!
joe-biden He has no clue
fox-polls phony suppression polls
fox-news weekend afternoons is the worst!
fox-news Getting into @CNN and MSDNC territory
fox-news Watch @OANN & @newsmax instead
msnbc MSDNC
cnn brazen, desperate
democrats CRAZY!
nascar lowest ratings EVER!
china has caused great damage
the-media Fake News
the-media Lamestream Fake News
the-media They just can’t stand that we are doing so well
joe-biden Corrupt
joe-biden will make you very poor, FAST!
joe-biden Corrupt
joe-biden Corrupt
democrats Radical Left Do Nothing Democrats
the-media Fake News
cdc very tough & expensive guidelines for opening schools
cdc they are asking schools to do very impractical things
obama-administration totally corrupt
obama-administration spied on my campaign
new-york politically corrupt
trump-russia a political prosecution
trump-russia Witch Hunt
trump-russia the biggest political crime and scandal in U.S. history
trump-russia A 3 year, $45,000,000 Mueller HOAX
virtual-learning has proven to be TERRIBLE
2020-election Rigged Election!!!
mail-in-voting bad, dishonest and slow
mail-in-voting Just a formula for RIGGING an Election
pulitzer-prizes have become a JOKE!
christopher-steele A sick lier
barack-obama spied on my campaign
barack-obama criminal
jeff-sessions a disaster who has let us all down
jeff-sessions We don’t want him back in Washington!
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
the-new-york-times phony hit job
the-new-york-times They had no source, they made it up
the-new-york-times FAKE NEWS!
trump-russia Fake News
trump-russia illegal Witch Hunt that never should have taken place
joe-biden Corrupt Joe
joe-biden spied on my campaign
joe-biden criminal
small-wall-section was only done to make me look bad
small-wall-section doesn’t even work
small-wall-section Should have been built like rest of Wall
pat-toomey RINO
polls Fake Suppression Polls
mitt-romney RINO
mueller-team ran rampant, wild &; unchecked - lying & leaking all the way
cnn Fake News
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
democrats want Open Borders for anyone, including many criminals
democrat-run-cities a mess
fox-news So hard to watch @FoxNews anymore
fox-news They are working so hard against the people (viewers) that got them there
fox-news contributors are a disaster
the-media no ratings
the-media Lamestream Media
democrats Radical Left Do Nothing Democrat
doug-jones a terrible Senator
doug-jones a Super Liberal puppet for Schumer & Pelosi
doug-jones Represents Alabama poorly
the-new-york-times it has become Fake News
the-new-york-times They never covered me correctly - they blew it
the-new-york-times a total mess!
the-media Radical Left smear machine
joe-biden You & your children won’t be SAFE in Biden’s America
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden No one will be SAFE in Joe Biden’s America!
mary-trump a seldom seen niece who knows little about me
mary-trump says untruthful things about my wonderful parents (who couldn’t stand her!)
mary-trump She’s a mess!
political-ads Fake
political-ads Strange
john-bolton lowlife dummy
john-bolton a war mongering fool
joe-biden Corrupt
democrats totally control Biden
democrats will destroy our Country as we know it
2020-election RIGGED
mail-in-voting will lead to the most CORRUPT ELECTION in our Nation’s History!
the-media Fake News
tom-ridge failed RINO
tom-ridge pathetic
obama-administration They did a terrible job!
john-bolton with the exception of Hillary, by far the worst offender of them all!
obama-administration team of lowlifes
trump-russia The political Crime of the Century!
epi-pens incredibly high, jacked up prices
democrats have gone Stone Cold Left - Venezuela on steroids!
wall-of-moms anarchists
wall-of-moms hate our Country
wall-of-moms a scam that Lamestream refuses to acknowledge
fox-polls phony
fox-polls suppression polls
fox-polls have been seriously wrong for 5 years
polls Fake Suppression Polls
2020-election will be totally rigged
mail-in-voting The 2020 Election will be totally rigged if Mail-In Voting is allowed to take place
paul-ryan RINO
fox-news has been terrible
fox-news has really checked out
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
cnn Fake News
cnn They are totally discredited
the-media the Opposition Party
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media Fake News
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media Lamestream
joe-biden Nothing matters with him
joe-biden corrupt
joe-biden puppet
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
twitter So disgusting
twitter sooo many trends are about me, and never a good one
twitter They look for anything they can find, make it as bad as possible
twitter Really ridiculous
twitter illegal
twitter very unfair!
washington-post a political front for Amazon
pharma-ad a lie!
pharma-ad nasty
seattle-portland-protesters sick and deranged
the-media Fake News
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden the puppet of the Left
germany very delinquent
politicians ALL TALK and NO ACTION
2020-election Rigged
mail-in-voting disastrous
mail-in-voting a total mess
fox-news how different they are from four years ago
fox-news Not even watchable
fox-news They totally forgot who got them where they are!
fox-news reported incorrectly
fox-news bad reporting by Fox (possibly on purpose!)
the-media Fake News
joe-biden a Trojan Horse for the Radical Left Agenda
democrats They are CRAZY!
kate-brown isn’t doing her job
pharma-ad Fake Ad
2020-election most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history
mail-in-voting a catastrophic disaster
mail-in-voting a great embarrassment to the USA
mail-in-voting dangerous
the-media Fake News
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media very dishonest
the-media LameStream Media
states-with-dem-governors doing very badly
states-with-dem-governors many years of bad Dem Mgmt!
james-clyburn doesn’t have a clue
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media Fake News
the-media Sad!
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
democrats Do Nothing Democrats
democrats are more interested in playing politics than in helping our deserving people
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
comcast Concast
msnbc MSDNC
peggy-noonan puppet
peggy-noonan doesn’t have a clue, and hasn’t for many years
peggy-noonan Never got the ‘Trump thing’
peggy-noonan plays right into the hands of the stupid people!
the-media Lamestream Media
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
pharma-ad forget what they say (which is false)
the-media FAKE NEWS!
pete-ricketts illegal late night coup
pete-ricketts clubhouse Governor
pete-ricketts Using Covid to steal the state
morning-joe Really bad TV Ratings
nancy-pelosi said horrible things about Dr. Deborah Birx
nancy-pelosi Pathetic!
nancy-pelosi Crazy
cnn not a factor!!!
the-media Fake News
the-media working overtime to make the USA (& me) look as bad as possible!
the-media FAKE NEWS
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
pharma-ad false ads
sally-yates has zero credibility
sally-yates leaked the General Flynn conversation?
jim-acosta a Fake reporter!
democrat-run-cities TREMENDOUS Lawlessness
democrat-run-cities indoctrinated with a philosophy which will never work
mail-in-voting a corrupt disaster
nasa was Closed & Dead until I got it going again
cnn has no sources
cnn Their ‘sources’ are made up, pure fiction!
the-media Fake News
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
department-of-justice Department of ‘Justice’
sally-yates either lying or grossly incompetent
james-comey Dirty Cop
impeachment-inquiry the biggest political crime and scandal in American history
the-media Fake and very Corrupt
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
portland out of control
ben-sasse RINO
ben-sasse foolish
democrat-run-cities failing badly
anthony-scaramucci just made a fool of himself
anthony-scaramucci fool
anthony-scaramucci a loser who begged to come back
the-new-york-times Fake News
the-new-york-times failing
cnn bad ratings
us-intelligence-agencies I respected, and even trusted, Vladimir Putin of Russia more than those in our Intelligence Agencies
james-clapper Dirty Cop
james-clapper proven liar
books-critical-of-president-trump Fake Books
books-critical-of-president-trump garbage
john-bolton one of the dumbest people I’ve met in government and sadly, I’ve met plenty
john-brennan Dirty Cop
john-brennan the lowest of them all
john-brennan Wacko
james-comey Dirty Cop
james-comey sleazebag
the-media Fake News
kamala-harris started strong in the Democrat Primaries, and finished weak
kamala-harris almost zero support
kamala-harris the kind of opponent everyone dreams of!
bill-maher totally SHOT
bill-maher looks terrible, exhausted, gaunt, and weak
bill-maher check out this jerk
bill-maher never had much going for him
bill-maher whatever he did have is missing in action!
pharma-ad False advertising!
joe-scarborough a complete Psycho
kamala-harris failure
kamala-harris very poor run in the Democrat Primary
kamala-harris There was nobody meaner or more condescending
kamala-harris quickly evaporated down to almost zero in the polls
kamala-harris Bad!
kamala-harris Slow Joe
morning-joe Very poor morning TV ratings
mika-brzezinski ditzy airhead
msnbc MSDNC
cnn headed by complete unknowns
the-media Fake News
steve-bullock totally against your Second Amendment
rage-book a FAKE
books-critical-of-president-trump phony books
fox-news has become politically correct
fox-news no longer the big deal
trump-report Fake Dossier
hillary-clinton Crooked
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
the-media Fake News
joe-biden Slow Joe
2020-election a fraudulent mess
mail-in-voting Scam
mail-in-voting Voter Scam!
the-media Fake News!
the-media More Fake News!
joe-biden Very strange
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
fox-news not watchable during weekend afternoons
fox-news It is worse than Fake News @CNN
fox-news I strongly suggest turning your dial to @OANN
cnn Fake News @CNN
whoopi-goldberg boring
whoopi-goldberg never had what it took
2020-election Rigged Election
mail-in-voting So bad for our Country
debbie-dingell phony Congresswoman
debbie-dingell A total waste of airtime!
democrats Dems don’t have a clue!
john-kasich did a bad job in Ohio
john-kasich was easy to beat
john-kasich yet another loser!
miles-taylor DISGRUNTLED
miles-taylor never heard of him
miles-taylor a real ‘stiff’
democrat-run-cities a total DISASTER!
h1n1-response weak and pathetic
h1n1-response Check out the polling, it’s really bad
h1n1-response Corrupt Fake News
green-new-deal would take California’s failed policies to every American!
obama-administration the most corrupt in history
andrew-cuomo has not got a very good memory!
andrew-cuomo A horrible Governor
andrew-cuomo Crooked & Incompetent!
california failed policies
chris-cuomo Fredo
chris-cuomo has not got a very good memory!
new-york Crime is taking over
new-york everyone is leaving
the-media Fake News
joe-biden merely an afterthought
goodyear-tires Don’t buy GOODYEAR TIRES
goodyear-tires Get better tires for far less!
lois-frankel a Pelosi puppet!
sally-yates a terrible A.G.
hillary-clinton Crooked
john-mccain a lousy candidate with lots of bad policy
twitter Only negative on Republican voices, especially mine!
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Joe allows CRIME!
joe-biden Slow Joe
michael-bloomberg the worst debate performance in the history of politics
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg begging the Democrats for relevance
joe-biden He will never change, just words!
democrat-run-cities rampant with crime
mail-in-voting Disaster in the wings!
mail-in-voting money wasting HOAX
joe-biden He has no clue!
chris-coons a very weak and pathetic Schumer puppet
2020-election The greatest Election Fraud in our history
2020-election a BIG MESS!
cnn Ridiculous!
the-media Ridiculous!
the-media MSDNC
joe-biden crazy!
joe-biden Ridiculous!
seattle-portland-protesters anarchists and agitators
mail-in-voting is very unfair
mail-in-voting a roadmap to disaster
mail-in-voting a catastrophic disaster
mail-in-voting Fraudulent & missing Ballots
mail-in-voting STOP!
mail-in-voting scam!
democrat-run-cities Dangerous
democrats LIE
bob-woodward social pretender
bob-woodward never has anything good to say
ted-wheeler incompetent
ted-wheeler a very ungifted mayor
books-critical-of-president-trump About the only way a person is able to write a book on me is if they agree that it will contain as much bad “stuff” as possible
books-critical-of-president-trump lies
seattle-portland-protesters Anarchists, Agitators, Rioters and Looters
mary-trump unstable
mary-trump rightfully shunned, scorned and mocked
mary-trump never even liked by her own very kind & caring grandfather!
democrat-run-cities a real mess!
john-bolton dumb warmonger
msnbc msdnc
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News, Fake Books, and pathetic reporting
the-media Fake News
the-media Too bad we don’t have honest reporting when it comes to ‘Trump’
the-media Phony sources
the-media FAKE NEWS!
joe-biden Polls are dropping fast
joe-biden very slow reaction time
democrats Con!
democrats lies on Russia, Football (PLAY!) and everything else!
democrats Crooked
ted-wheeler incompetent
ted-wheeler puppet!
ted-wheeler wacky
ted-wheeler Radical Left Do Nothing Democrat Mayor
ted-wheeler a fool
ted-wheeler Radical Left Democrat Mayor
ted-wheeler the dummy running Portland
ted-wheeler weak and pathetic
seattle-portland-protesters Disgraceful Anarchists
democrat-run-cities high crime
adam-schiff Shifty Schiff
adam-schiff LEAK information to the Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media deranged lowlifes
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden the guy right now in his basement unwilling to lead or even speak out against crime
joe-biden he’ll go back to basement soon!
democrats stupid
ted-wheeler joke of a mayor
portland a mess, and it has been for many years
democrat-run-cities Crime Infested
abc-post-poll Fake Poll
abc-post-poll gives NO INFORMATION about the sample
abc-post-poll disgusting Fake News!
antifa Anarchists, Thugs & Agitators
bernie-sanders Crazy Bernie
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
joe-biden his poll numbers are PLUNGING!
joe-biden MUST always be weak on crime!
joe-biden Slow Joe
matt-drudge doing poorly
matt-drudge His Fake News report on Mini-Strokes is incorrect
nba People are tired of watching the highly political @NBA
nba ratings are WAY down, and they won’t be coming back
joe-biden will also raise your taxes like never before
joe-biden Sad!
2020-election the most corrupt election in history, by far!
mail-in-voting Unsolicited Ballots Scam
joy-ann-reid very untalented
joy-ann-reid should be fired
joy-ann-reid Such xenophobia and racism
chris-cuomo Fredo
chris-cuomo speaks with great disrespect about women
chris-cuomo Fredo’s Ratings are bad
chris-cuomo sleazebag
chris-cuomo Fredo must go!
chris-cuomo Fredo
msnbc MSDNC
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
nancy-pelosi constantly lecturing everyone
nancy-pelosi send Nancy packing!
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
cnn Fake News
cnn a phony story
cnn Fake News
cnn Fake News
joe-biden has completely lost control
joe-biden bad record!
joe-biden a Low Energy Candidate the likes of which we have never seen before
joe-biden a Low Energy Individual
joe-biden He’s back in his basement now
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Lies
joe-biden Joe Hiden’
joe-biden Joe Hiden’
joe-biden Joe Hiden’
democrats very sick
ny-prosecutors puppet
ny-prosecutors have been illegally after me and my family for years
democrat-run-cities weak mayors
democrat-run-cities lawless cities
democrat-run-cities they let anarchists harm people, burn buildings, and ruin lives
fox-polls Fake News
fox-polls way off
fox-polls Get a new pollster
fox-polls Fake News Suppression Polls
h1n1-response terrible job
andrew-cuomo the worst record
andrew-cuomo incompetence!
andrew-cuomo incompetent handling of the China Virus
andrew-cuomo incompetence
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
nancy-pelosi Maybe the Beauty Parlor owner should be running the House of Representatives instead of Crazy Nancy
joe-biden Sleepy Joe Hiden’
joe-biden sits back in his basement and criticizes every move we make
joe-biden Joe Hiden’
john-mccain I was never a big fan
portland going to hell!
the-atlantic dying
the-atlantic they make up a fake story in order to gain some relevance
trump-report Fake Dossier
trump-report a total fraud!
the-media Fake News
jeffrey-goldberg a slimeball reporter
jeffrey-goldberg working with disgruntled people
jennifer-griffin should be fired
fox-news @FoxNews is gone!
trump-report the Dirty Dossier
trump-report a total fraud
trump-report scam
joe-biden Joe Hiden’
democrats VICIOUS
laurene-powell-jobs wasting money
kweisi-mfume has no chance
kweisi-mfume won’t even try
kweisi-mfume is last in everything
jeffrey-goldberg a con man
the-atlantic failing Radical Left Magazine
the-atlantic run by a con man
the-atlantic spews FAKE NEWS & HATE
the-media corrupt Fake News
the-media They will say anything
the-media lies
democrats have had 100 years and they gave you nothing but heartache
democrats They will say anything
democrats lies
democrats Sick!
democrat-run-cities weakly run
john-bolton Wacko
john-bolton such a jerk!
the-media Fake News
the-media They create false stories and then push them
the-media corrupt Fake News
the-media Fake News
joe-biden a very Sleepy person
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden doesn’t have a clue
joe-biden so bad for the USA!
lovely-warren no idea what to do
lovely-warren a mess
lovely-warren No Money, High Taxes & Crime
lovely-warren Everyone Fleeing
blm-protesters Anarchists
blm-protesters Disgraceful
blm-protesters Thugs!
blm-protesters thuggery
blm-protesters THUGS
democrat-run-cities weak and pathetic
big-tech biased
2020-election Rigged Election!
andrew-cuomo no idea what to do
chris-cuomo Fredo’s
chris-cuomo Fredo
chris-cuomo media scum reporter
chris-cuomo deranged & sick
nba bad ratings
twitter Why does Twitter leave phony pictures like this up, but take down Republican/Conservative pictures and statements that are true
the-media CORRUPT
the-media Fake News!
the-media deranged & sick
the-media Fake News
joe-biden (FAKE) candidate
joe-biden Sad!
joe-biden Basement Biden
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe’s
biden-staff low-life Biden handlers
rick-snyder failed
rick-snyder RINO
rick-snyder responsible for the Flint Water Disaster (and I let him know it!)
jeffrey-goldberg low-life
jeffrey-goldberg known for disinformation
jeffrey-goldberg false words
jeffrey-goldberg story is a BIG LIE
the-media FAKE story
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden doesn’t have a clue!
democrats horrendous people
richard-goodstein failed for many years
richard-goodstein Bad!
chris-hahn failed for many years
chris-hahn Schumer puppet
chris-hahn Bad!
jamie-weinstein yet another loser
jamie-weinstein Trump hater
mail-in-voting unfair
mail-in-voting a total fraud in the making
donna-brazile failed for many years
donna-brazile cheater
donna-brazile Bad!
andrew-cuomo has completely lost control
andrew-cuomo Sad!
andrew-cuomo One of the WORST governors in the USA
andrew-cuomo bad moves and incompetence
whistleblower-complaint A big scam!
mitt-romney a man with very little talent or political skill
adam-schiff Shifty
fox-news Fake News
china rampant theft of Michigan jobs
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden will raise your taxes and DESTROY our Country!
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Agenda is Made in China
mail-in-voting Ballot Scam
mail-in-voting a major threat to our Democracy
mail-in-voting a disaster
mail-in-voting Fraud!
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
mueller-team ‘hit squad’
mueller-team illegally wiped their phones clean
mueller-team really dumb
trump-russia Mueller Scam
trump-russia an illegitimate Witch Hunt
trump-russia fraud on America
trump-russia a total SCAM!
the-media Fake News!
biden-ad vicious
biden-ad a MADE UP LIE
biden-ad A TOTAL CON JOB!
matt-drudge down 40% plus since he became Fake News
matt-drudge he’s bleeding profusely, and is no longer ‘hot’
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg worst and most inept Debate Performance in the history of Presidential Politics
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg very average
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas
bernie-sanders Castro lover
the-media Fake News
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Joe sleeps in his basement
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Pathetic Joe
joe-biden does not BELIEVE in our Country
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden spent 47 years in politics being terrible to Hispanics
kneeling-nfl-players tell them to ‘protest’ some other time!
atlantic-article-about-cemetery-comments A made up HOAX
laurene-powell-jobs should be ashamed of herself!
mail-in-voting Fake Ballot Rigging Scam!
mail-in-voting Rigged Ballot Scam
mail-in-voting so bad for our Country!
mail-in-voting Ballot Hoax!
mail-in-voting phony Ballot voting Hoax!
matt-drudge a confused MESS
matt-drudge has no clue what happened
fbi Pathetic!
obama-administration a Minnesota disaster!
kamala-harris a super liberal wack job that NOBODY wanted!
abc-post-poll Not Likely Voters
abc-post-poll Total Fake Poll
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
comcast Concast!
the-media Fake News
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
stephen-sisolak worked very hard to cancel all of our venues
stephen-sisolak failed
stephen-sisolak Can you imagine this man is in charge of the Ballots in Nevada!?, Not fair
stephen-sisolak will use every trick in the book to cheat with Ballots
2020-election Rigged Election!
the-media Fake News
joe-biden Weak, Tired, and Sleepy
nfl ‘Cratered’
nfl I thought the NFL learned their lesson two years ago
nfl hard to watch!
democrats ‘heartless’
democrats don’t want to give STIMULUS PAYMENTS to people who desperately need the money
dem-convention-2020 failed
jocelyn-benson Democrat Trump Hater
jocelyn-benson purposely misprinted Ballots for the Military
bob-woodward Just another tired, washed up Trump Hater
bob-woodward can’t stand that I have done so much, so quickly!
rage-book badly written book
rage-book very boring & totally ‘obsolete’
pharma-ad Fake Ads
2020-election result may NEVER BE ACCURATELY DETERMINED
mail-in-voting election disaster
mail-in-voting Madness!
mail-in-voting MAYHEM!!!
mail-in-voting CRAZY
mail-in-voting a GIFT to foreign interference
twitter makes sure that Trending on Twitter is anything bad
the-media Fake News
the-media fawning over Sleepy Joe
the-media Pathetic!
joe-biden sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
democrats want ELECTION MAYHEM
democrats only want BAILOUT MONEY for Blue States that are doing badly
democrats They don’t care about the people, never did!
ralph-northam a crazy Governor
mail-in-voting Counterfeit
mail-in-voting Ballot Scam
h1n1-response FAILED BADLY
h1n1-response the Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight
h1n1-response didn’t have a clue
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg making a total fool of himself
michael-bloomberg tried to buy an Election and went away with a major case of Depression
elizabeth-warren Pocahontas
joe-biden If Biden Wins, the mob WINS
joe-biden If Biden Wins, the rioters, anarchists, arsonists, and flag-burners WIN
joe-biden No one has been more wrong, more often
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden betrayed Scranton, and America
joe-biden a corrupt globalist sellout who never missed a chance to stab American workers in the back
mail-in-voting A giant SCAM
the-media Fake News!
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden wants to quadruple your taxes
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
democrat-run-states badly managed, high crime
joe-scarborough FAKE two year narrative
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
john-mccain So many BAD decisions
john-mccain Never a fan
the-media Lamestream Media
joe-biden John McCain’s lapdog
joe-biden Sleepy Joe!
hunter-biden Crooked as can be
the-media Fake
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden a very LOW ENERGY INDIVIDUAL
michael-flynn-case A great Scam
charlie-baker RINO Governor
fox-polls One of the worst polls
fox-polls so ridiculously wrong
fox-polls They totally over sample Democrats to a point that a child could see what is going on
mail-in-voting fraud
andrew-cuomo wants to put New York at the END of the Vaccine List
impeachment-inquiry A three year HOAX
impeachment-inquiry A failed COUP!
democrats Rigging our 2020 Election!
richard-blumenthal Hanoi Dick
richard-blumenthal should not be entitled to a vote on anything of importance!
richard-blumenthal a Senatorial JOKE!
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg a total fool
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
the-media Fake News
the-media illegally obtained information & only bad intent
the-media Fake News
2020-election Corrupt
cnn Fake News
cnn Wrong and totally ridiculous
cnn These people are sick!
the-media Lamestream Media!
mail-in-voting a total MESS
mail-in-voting Big Fraud, Unfixable!
andrew-cuomo no idea what to do
tim-ryan failed Dem
tim-ryan got zero percent in his recent presidential run
tim-ryan following Sleepy Joe’s train to wherever
chris-wallace Try getting a new Anchor
james-comey Should be arrested on the spot!
bill-deblasio no idea what to do
the-media Fake
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden WEAK Leadership!
joe-biden Nobody wants Sleepy Joe as a leader
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
democrats CRAZY!
mail-in-voting SCAM
james-comey either very dumb, or one of the worst liars in political history
james-comey a disaster who cheated and lied
james-comey How do you write books when you can’t remember anything?
james-comey Should be tried for treason
james-comey ridiculous!
the-media corrupt
joe-biden 47 years of lies, 47 years of betrayals, and 47 years of failure
joe-biden too weak to lead this Country!
ralph-northam wants to obliterate your Second Amendment
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg made a fool of himself on the Dems debate stage
michael-bloomberg going ‘crazy’ trying to buy his way back into the Liberal Democrat’s hearts
michael-bloomberg Florida ads are lies
michael-bloomberg Sleepy!
lester-holt absolute ‘Joke’ of a Town Hall interview
lester-holt All SOFTBALLS
lester-holt What a disgrace to our Country that FREE public airwaves can be used that way
msnbc Concast
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
the-media Fake News
steve-schmidt I’ve beaten him and his very few remaining clients so much, and so badly
steve-schmidt he has become a blathering idiot
steve-schmidt He failed with John McCain and will fail again with all others
steve-schmidt a total loser
coronavirus Chinese Plague
2020-election the most corrupt Election in American History!
mail-in-voting CORRUPT!
mail-in-voting Fake, Missing and Fraudulent
fbi Scum
fbi created crimes against me
chris-wallace a total JOKE
chris-wallace Protected Joe all night long
chris-wallace He’s no Mike!!!
hillary-clinton CROOKED HILLARY
mueller-team 18 Angry Democrats
mueller-team illegally in on the SCAM?
mueller-team losers
trump-russia Hoax Scandal
trump-russia the biggest political crime in the history of our Country
the-media Fake News
the-media trying hard to push a man that should NEVER be president
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media CORRUPT
the-media FAKE NEWS
joe-biden a man that should NEVER be president
joe-biden Sleepy Joe!
joe-biden He’s been a wacko for years
joe-biden very low IQ
democrats WENT FOR A COUP
h1n1-response a disaster
kamala-harris a gaffe machine
kamala-harris LIED
kamala-harris Lied Repeatedly
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
nancy-pelosi Crazy
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media Fake News is working overtime!
joe-biden LIED
joe-biden ALL TALK!
joe-biden a disaster
joe-biden didn’t have a clue
steve-scully he’s lost all credibility!
2020-election A Rigged Election!!!
gretchen-whitmer has done a terrible job
gretchen-whitmer She locked down her state for everyone, except her husband’s boating activities
nancy-pelosi Crazy Nancy
joe-biden Sleepy Joe is out of it!!!
karen-bass Castro-lover
gustavo-petro a major LOSER
joe-biden weak on socialism
associated-press Fake News!
nate-silver got it so wrong
abc-post-poll such a complete disaster
the-new-york-times working overtime spewing every lie in the book to make sure they can demean and disparage
the-new-york-times failing
msnbc working overtime spewing every lie in the book to make sure they can demean and disparage
the-media working overtime spewing every lie in the book to make sure they can demean and disparage
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden a man who is totally unqualified to be your President
maxine-waters the most corrupt person in Congress
maxine-waters long time CROOK
richard-blumenthal So Crazy
richard-blumenthal lied & cheated
polls a Media Con Job
polls Fake News
polls Fake Polls
coronavirus China Plague
2020-election A Rigged Election!
2020-election Rigged!
illinois Illinois has no place to go
obama-administration TERRIBLE!!!
water-lanes stupidly routed
andrew-cuomo really blew it
andrew-cuomo Didn’t have a clue!!!
california California is going to hell
antifa Biden fools
fox-news allows more negative ads on me than practically all of the other networks combined
new-york New York has gone to hell
nba Maybe they were watching in China, but I doubt it
nba Zero interest!
chuck-schumer Pathetic!
the-media Fake News
the-media FAKE NEWS!
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media has gone absolutely insane
the-media write or show one false story after another
the-media truly sick people
the-media Fake News
the-media ‘Journalism’ has reached the all time low in history
the-media Lamestream
joe-biden very dumb
joe-biden fool
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden He has Zero to say!!!
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden A complete and total disaster
joe-biden let the Unions down
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe!
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
cory-booker failed Presidential Candidate (1% and falling!)
cory-booker a total loser!
anthony-fauci Tony’s pitching arm is far more accurate than his prognostications
drudge-report gone the way of the @NBA, ratings down 70%
drudge-report sold out, suffered a massive ‘nervous breakdown’
2020-election Rigged Election
california in big trouble
fox-news very bad (and sick!) people!
joe-biden has never been a nice or kind guy
joe-biden obvious & rapidly getting worse ‘dementia’
joe-biden unacceptable for USA!
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden corrupt
2020-pres-debate?? Rigged!
steve-scully Rigged Steve Scully
nbc-news Fake
nancy-pelosi couldn’t care less about the American People
the-media Fake & Fraudulent stories every night, for years!!!
the-media Fake & Fraudulent stories every night, for years!!!
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden He’s always been a corrupt politician
joe-biden Disgraceful!
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
steve-scully had a very bad week
steve-scully Sad!
anthony-scaramucci lowlife loser
twitter Fake Trending Section!
the-media Lamestream Media
joe-biden really bad interview
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden very bad showing last night
kristen-welker always been terrible & unfair
jeff-flake Jeff ‘the Flake‘ Flake
jeff-flake totally unelectable
bob-corker Liddle’ Bob
bob-corker totally unelectable
ben-sasse rather stupid and obnoxious
ben-sasse Little Ben
ben-sasse a liability to the Republican Party
ben-sasse an embarrassment to the Great State of Nebraska
ben-sasse The least effective of our 53 Republican Senators
ben-sasse a person who truly doesn’t have what it takes to be great
ben-sasse Little Ben
ben-sasse a RINO
ben-sasse Little Ben
conor-lamb a Pelosi puppet
the-media Fake News reporters
joe-biden SLEEPY JOE
hunter-bidens-laptop a disaster for the entire Biden family
biden-family a criminal enterprise
michael-bloomberg Mini Mike
michael-bloomberg humiliating 2 Billion Dollar Presidential run
tim-o-brien hopping
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
hillary-clinton Crooked Hillary
the-media Lamestream Fake News
joe-biden the living embodiment of the corrupt political class that enriched itself while draining the economic life and soul from our Country
joe-biden a corrupt politician
joe-biden a corrupt politician
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Corrupt
joe-biden makes Crooked Hillary look like an amateur!
hunter-bidens-laptop devastating!
anthony-fauci seems to get more airtime than anybody since the late, great, Bob Hope
anthony-fauci Bad arm!
anthony-fauci threw out perhaps the worst first pitch in the history of Baseball!
new-york-city has become a ghost town
andrew-cuomo Washington wants nothing to do with him
andrew-cuomo spends too much time listening to his brother
andrew-cuomo tremendously poor leadership
andrew-cuomo such a poor job with Covid and Crime
chris-cuomo Fredo
lesley-stahl FAKE and BIASED interview
states-with-dem-governors way too highly taxed, big crime, people fleeing
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
chuck-schumer Cryin’ Chuck
joe-biden totally corrupt
lesley-stahl constant interruptions & anger
fox-polls totally FAKE
60-minutes bias, hatred and rudeness
washington-dc Swamp
obama-administration FAILED
the-media Corrupt
the-media Lamestream Media
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
h1n1-response one of the weakest and worst in the history of fighting epidemics and pandemics
h1n1-response pathetic
obama-administration failed immigration policies
joe-biden didn’t have a clue!
barack-obama hate laced speeches
barack-obama No energy
the-media Fake News
the-media doing everything possible to create fear
the-media Sleepy Joe
joe-biden a corrupt politician
joe-biden he’s COMPROMISED
joe-biden corruption
philadelphia out of control
pennsylvania Corrupt politics
conor-lamb a weak and ineffective puppet
2020-election Rigged Election
mail-in-voting Big problems
the-media Fake News Cartel
the-media Fake News
the-media dishonesty
the-media Sleepy Joe
the-media Fake News
the-media Corrupt Media conspiracy at all time high
the-media Fake News
the-media Losers!
max-rose a disaster
max-rose Not listened to, or respected
max-rose A puppet for Pelosi!
drudge-report went Liberal and/or Crazy
drudge-report Heading to oblivion!
democrat-run-cities badly run
barack-obama drawing VERY small (tiny) numbers of people
fox-news The biggest difference between now and 2016 is @FoxNews. They are a whole different deal
msnbc MSDNC
nancy-pelosi only looking to Bail Out badly run Democrat Cities
nancy-pelosi has little interest in helping out the ‘people’
the-media FAKE NEWS
the-media Fake News
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden got lost in a ‘mental fog’
joe-biden A disaster
joe-biden FAILED BADLY
joe-biden He knows nothing
joe-biden All talk and no action!
joe-biden a corrupt politician
joe-biden If Biden wins, China will OWN the USA
miles-taylor Just another @nytimes SCAM
washington-dc Corrupt
washington-dc Swamp
washington-dc Swamp
twitter refuses to allow the any mention of the Biden corruption story
twitter Fake Trending!!!
twitter Why isn’t Biden corruption trending number one on Twitter? Biggest world story, and nowhere to be found. There is no ‘trend’, only negative stories that Twitter wants to put up
twitter Disgraceful!
the-new-york-times SCAM
cnn Fake News
the-media Fake News Lamestream Media
the-media Lamestream Media
the-media just plain Fake News
the-media corrupt
joe-biden Corruption!
joe-biden If you vote for Biden, your kids will not be in school, there will be no graduations, no weddings, no Thanksgiving, no Christmas, and no Fourth of July!
chicago politicians ran Chicago into the ground
donna-shalala a political hack
donna-shalala a puppet of Nancy Pelosi
donna-shalala does nothing for Florida
rick-snyder Failed RINO
rick-snyder a disaster
rick-snyder a very bad Governor overall
rick-snyder hurt so many people with his gross incompetence
rick-snyder He reminds me of Sleepy Joe!
miles-taylor wise guy
miles-taylor only a little known ‘staffer’
miles-taylor scammed @CNN
miles-taylor lied
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden a corrupt politician
joe-biden If Biden Wins, China Wins
joe-biden Sleepy Joe!
democrats trying to steal this Election
elites corrupt political class
nc-ballot-extension CRAZY
nc-ballot-extension so bad for our Country
biden-family looking more & more like a crime family
rick-snyder gross incompetence
rick-snyder poisoned the people of Flint
rick-snyder RINO Governor
rick-snyder should be ashamed of himself
washington-dc Swamp
the-media Fake News
joe-biden will destroy the United States Supreme Court
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden would lock us down forever
joe-biden a diehard globalist who cares nothing for working people
joe-biden At every turn, Biden twisted his knife into the back of Michigan workers
joe-biden speech is 90% made up stories and lies
joe-biden a corrupt politician
joe-biden Biden will make you a prisoner in your own home
joe-biden Joe is lost!
joe-cunningham a puppet for Nancy Pelosi and the Radical Left!
rick-snyder disastrous
the-new-york-times Failing
joe-biden a corrupt politician
joe-biden has done nothing but betray you for 47 long years
joe-biden He will stab you in the back
joe-biden only cares about political power
joe-biden profited from the misery he unleashed
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden He has NO clue!!
elites got rich bleeding America Dry
fox-news-sunday a total ‘hit job’ on your favorite President, me!
chris-wallace can’t get over his poor debate performance, probably even worse than Sleepy Joe’s
joe-biden a disaster
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden did a very POOR job of handling H1N1 Swine Flu, yet all he talks about is Covid, Covid, Covid, like he would actually know what he is doing
joe-biden The only people who’ve benefited from his policies are himself & his family
joe-biden shows up every 4 years, and then goes back to D.C. and caters to his special interests
joe-biden the candidate of rioters, looters, arsonists, gun-grabbers, flag-burners, Marxists, lobbyists, and special interests
washington-dc Depraved Swamp
washington-dc Swamp
joe-biden a corrupt politician
joe-biden bought and paid for by China!
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden betrayed Hispanic-Americans
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden a pathetic laughing stock
joe-biden didn’t know what he was doing!
joe-biden bought and paid for
joe-biden a corrupt politician who SOLD OUT Pennsylvania
joe-biden promising to delay the vaccine and turn America into a prison state
joe-biden A vote for Biden is a vote for Lockdowns, Layoffs and Misery
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden a corrupt politician who SOLD OUT Michigan to CHINA
joe-biden the living embodiment of the decrepit and depraved political class
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
joe-biden Sleepy Joe
2020-election STOP THE FRAUD!
twitter out of control
mail-in-voting Ballot Hoax!
the-media Lamestream Media
nevada a cesspool of Fake Votes
fda didn’t want to have me get a Vaccine WIN
pfizer didn’t have the courage
nbc-polls so inaccurate
nbc-polls they should be called out for Election Interference
quinnipaic-polls so inaccurate
quinnipaic-polls they should be called out for Election Interference
fox-polls so inaccurate
fox-polls they should be called out for Election Interference
polls worst polling ever
polls wrong on everything
abc-post-poll so inaccurate
abc-post-poll they should be called out for Election Interference
andrew-mccabe totally criminal activity
democrats didn’t want to have me get a Vaccine WIN
al-schmidt RINO
al-schmidt refuses to look at a mountain of corruption & dishonesty
polls so inaccurate
polls FAKE
2020-election Rigged Election!
abc-post-poll Fake Pollsters
abc-post-poll produced a possibly illegal suppression Poll
abc-post-poll deplorable
andrew-mccabe an ignorant fool
the-media Lamestream
2020-election Rigged Election!
fox-news daytime ratings have completely collapsed
fox-news Weekend daytime even WORSE
fox-news they forgot what made them successful
mueller-team gang of treasonous thugs
dominion-voting horrible, inaccurate and anything but secure
dominion-voting horrendous
2020-election Rigged Election!
2020-election Rigged
ga-2020-recount a waste of time
brad-raffensperger RINO
dominion-voting a privately owned Radical Left company
2020-election RIGGED ELECTION
fox-news Fake News Network
the-media Fake News Network
brian-kemp stupidly signed & unconstitutional consent decree
south-bend Indiana’s most unsuccessful city, by far!
ga-2020-recount a scam, means nothing
dominion-voting a Radical Left privately owned company
dominion-voting bad reputation & bum equipment
muriel-bowser not doing her job!
2020-election Rigged
2020-election a RIGGED ELECTION!
2020-election RIGGED ELECTION
mail-in-voting a sick joke!
john-bolton one of the dumbest people in government
john-bolton A sullen, dull and quiet guy
john-bolton added nothing to National Security except, ‘Gee, let’s go to war’
john-bolton illegally released much Classified Information
john-bolton A real dope!
antifa SCUM
antifa SCUM
fox-news lost their ratings
fox-news They are abysmal
the-media the Enemy of the People!!!
the-media They only write about what they want to write about
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake
the-media FAKE NEWS
ga-2020-recount Fake recount
ga-2020-recount MEANINGLESS
dominion-voting not good or secure
dominion-voting Rigged!
coronavirus China Plague
2020-election Fake results
2020-election Most fraudulent Election in history!
washington-post Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media trying to STEAL this Election
the-media Fake News
democrats trying to STEAL this Election
wreath-cancellation-policy ridiculous decision
vote-count-michigan Nothing can be done to cure that giant scam. I win Michigan!
detroit has tremendous problems!
ga-2020-recount a joke
ga-2020-recount is being done UNDER PROTEST
2020-election a rigged election
detroit Voter Fraud in Detroit is rampant
2020-election A Rigged Election!
ga-2020-vote a meaningless tally
2020-election Rigged Election!
2020-election a HOAX
2020-election Hoax!
mitt-romney RINO
fox-news daytime ratings CRASH will only get worse!
2020-election massive and unprecedented fraud!
2020-election corrupt
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media corrupt
joe-biden a total disaster in handling the H1N1 Swine Flu
joe-biden would do a terrible job of Vaccine delivery
larry-hogan RINO
larry-hogan will never make the grade
larry-hogan just as bad as the flawed tests he paid big money for!
2020-election hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes
2020-election a fraudulent mess
2020-election Fake ballots
2020-election fraudulent votes
2020-election Fraudulent Votes!
2020-election fraudulent ballots
trump-russia never ending Witch Hunt
the-media Fake News
2020-election fake ballots
jim-mattis I should have fired him sooner
jim-mattis Did best work after he was gone
jim-mattis World’s most overrated general!
2020-election fake ballots
2020-election 2020 Election Hoax!
brad-raffensperger a so-called Republican
miles-taylor a major sleaze
2020-election RIGGED
2020-election Corrupt
2020-election RIGGED
2020-election 100% RIGGED
2020-election A total FRAUD
2020-election travesty
fox-news dead
fox-news They still don’t get it
milwaukee long known for being politically corrupt!
atlanta long known for being politically corrupt!
detroit long known for being politically corrupt!
detroit more votes than people!
philadelphia long known for being politically corrupt!
2020-election RIGGED
2020-election a total scam
2020-election massive voter fraud
twitter totally false ‘Trends’ that have absolutely nothing to do with what is really trending in the world
twitter They make it up
twitter big Conservative discrimination!
the-media Fake News
the-media Fake News
the-media want to SILENCE THE TRUTH
the-media Fake News
the-media they refuse to report the real facts and figures
2020-election votes were created out of thin air
2020-election Pennsylvania votes were RIGGED
2020-election Fraud and illegality
fox-news daytime is virtually unwatchable, especially during the weekends
doug-ducey rushing to put a Democrat in office
brian-kemp hapless Governor
brad-raffensperger obstinate
dominion-voting poorly rated
2020-election Election Hoax
2020-election Rigged
2020-election probably our least secure EVER!
2020-election a massive fraud, a RIGGED ELECTION!
2020-election total election corruption
2020-election Rigged Election!
60-minutes ridiculous, one sided story
60-minutes Fake News
brian-kemp You allowed your state to be scammed
2020-election Rigged Election!
2020-election Disgraceful!
2020-election Fake election results
2020-election Impossible result!
section-230 a liability shielding gift from the U.S. to ‘Big Tech’
section-230 Our Country can never be safe & secure if we allow it to stand
section-230 very dangerous & unfair
2020-election Rigged Election
2020-election massive voter fraud
2020-election FRAUD!
the-media Fake News!
the-media Fake News
usps responsible for tampering with hundreds of thousands of ballots
2020-election RIGGED
the-media No matter how big or important the story, if it is even slightly positive for ‘us’, or negative for ‘them’, it will not be reported!
rinos-tk RINOS
doug-ducey fight harder against us than do the Radical Left Dems
brian-kemp fight harder against us than do the Radical Left Dems
washington-post I read the Fake News Washington Post as little as possible!
2020-election Democrat voter fraud
2020-election Fraudulent result!
2020-election the most corrupt election (by far!) in the history of the USA
fox-news daytime is not watchable
fox-news Even a boring football game, kneeling and all, is better!
the-media Fake News!
geoff-duncan puppet
brian-kemp so-called (says he has no power to do anything!) Governor
brian-kemp What’s wrong with this guy?
geoff-duncan RINO
geoff-duncan solely responsible for the potential loss of our two GREAT Senators from Georgia
geoff-duncan a RINO Never Trumper
geoff-duncan got himself elected as LG by falsely claiming to be ‘pro-Trump’
geoff-duncan Too dumb or corrupt to recognize massive evidence of fraud in GA
geoff-duncan should be replaced!
geoff-duncan puppet
geoff-duncan poll numbers are tanking like seldom seen before
brian-kemp RINO
brian-kemp solely responsible for the potential loss of our two GREAT Senators from Georgia
brian-kemp poll numbers are tanking like seldom seen before
brad-raffensperger RINO
brad-raffensperger solely responsible for the potential loss of our two GREAT Senators from Georgia
jeff-flake poll numbers were so low that he would have come out dead last in the Republican Primary
jeff-flake zero chance of winning the general election
2020-election total corruption!
2020-election crazy!
trump-critics obnoxious
2020-election RIGGED?
2020-election fraud
2020-election RIGGED ELECTION!
2020-election it was impossible for me to lose, unless FIXED!
2020-election the greatest Election Fraud in the history of the United States
the-media Fake News (as usual!)
democrats cheated in the Election
brian-kemp poll numbers have dropped like a rock
brian-kemp He is finished as governor!
2020-election RIGGED
2020-election Bad!
2020-election Voter Fraud!
2020-election Most corrupt Election in history, by far
biden-administration a scandal plagued mess
stephen-hahn Stop playing games and start saving lives!!!
fda money drenched but heavily bureaucratic
fda a big, old, slow turtle
h1n1-response a complete and total disaster
impeachment-inquiry hoax
the-media Fake News
doug-ducey RINO Republican
doug-ducey fought against me and the Republican Party harder than any Democrat
brian-kemp You can’t rely on @BrianKempGA
brian-kemp he lost total control
brian-kemp RINO Republican
brian-kemp fought against me and the Republican Party harder than any Democrat
brian-kemp failing
supreme-court really let us down
supreme-court No Wisdom, No Courage!
supreme-court had ZERO interest in the merits of the greatest voter fraud ever perpetrated on the United States of America
2020-election A Rigged Election
2020-election fake voters and fraud
2020-election a disgrace!
joe-biden lying
brian-kemp RINO
brian-kemp allowing the Democrats to so blatantly cheat in their attempt to steal the election
pharma-ad nasty ads
supreme-court They just ‘chickened out’
supreme-court So bad for our Country!
supreme-court absurd
2020-election ridiculous
2020-election FRAUD
2020-election massive VOTER FRAUD
brian-kemp fool
brian-kemp fool
2020-election Rigged Election
2020-election massive fraud
dominion-voting a disaster all over the Country
dominion-voting Tremendous problems
dominion-voting so far off it is ridiculous
dominion-voting Able to take a landslide victory and reduce it to a tight loss
2020-election Fake Election
2020-election fraud
2020-election There has never been anything like this in our Country!
chris-krebs totally excoriated and proven wrong
2020-election Rigged Election!!!
2020-election Fraudulent
2020-election Massive FRAUD
fox-news Can’t believe how badly @FoxNews is doing in the ratings
fox-news They played right into the hands of the Radical Left Democrats
fox-news now are floating in limboland
fox-news @FoxNews is dead
fox-news Really Sad!
fox-news the biggest difference between 2016 and 2020 is @FoxNews
2020-election stolen
the-media Fake News
supreme-court I am very disappointed in the United States Supreme Court
trump-russia Russia Hoax
2020-election The lie of the year is that Joe Biden won!
the-media Fake News
the-media Lamestream
the-media Fake News Lamestream Media
john-bolton one of the dumbest people in Washington
john-bolton so stupid
the-media Fake News
the-media knowingly bad reporting!
geoff-duncan puppet
geoff-duncan very slow on Signature Verification
geoff-duncan RINO
brian-kemp very slow on Signature Verification
brian-kemp RINO
brad-raffensperger very slow on Signature Verification
brad-raffensperger RINO
2020-election Rigged Election!
2020-election ridiculous
2020-election fraud
2020-election RIGGED ELECTION!!!
john-thune RINO, ‘Mitch’s boy’
john-thune weakness
john-thune He will be primaried in 2022, political career over!!!
brian-kemp slow walking the signature verification in Georgia
brian-kemp Terrible
2020-election Fraud
2020-election the most corrupt election in the history of our Country
2020-election rigged
2020-election Rigged Election!
2020-election Rigged
twitter going wild with their flags
twitter trying hard to suppress even the truth
twitter purposely stifling free speech
twitter this is how Communism starts
twitter Cancel Culture at its worst
democrats a crooked and vicious foe
the-media Fake News!
republicans do NOTHING
republicans NO FIGHT!
department-of-justice should be ashamed
department-of-justice didn't do their job
supreme-court totally incompetent and weak
2020-election Rigged & Stolen
2020-election Fraud
2020-election the biggest SCAM in our nation’s history
2020-election Fraud
2020-election Massive late night mail-in ballot drops in swing states, stuffing the ballot boxes (on video), double voters, dead voters
2020-election fake signatures, illegal immigrant voters, banned Republican vote watchers, MORE VOTES THAN ACTUAL VOTERS
2020-election United States Election System looks like that of a third world country
fbi didn't do their job
the-new-york-times Fake News
the-media Fake News
joe-biden Fake President!
dana-nessel should be sanctioned
china Remember, it was China’s fault!
republicans Weak and tired Republican 'leadership' will allow the bad Defense Bill to pass
us-leaders weak and ineffective , either afraid or stupid, nobody really knows!
geoff-duncan disaster for Georgia , virtually controlled by @staceyabrams & the Democrats , Fool!
brian-kemp complete disaster
brian-kemp Nobody can be this stupid
brian-kemp should resign from office
brian-kemp an obstructionist
brian-kemp disaster
brian-kemp virtually controlled by @staceyabrams & the Democrats
brian-kemp Fool
brad-raffensperger the 'Secretary' , brother works for China , So disgusting!
brad-raffensperger complete disaster, Nobody can be this stupid
brad-raffensperger disaster for Georgia , virtually controlled by @staceyabrams & the Democrats , Fool!
2020-election Rigged with hundreds of thousands of ballots mysteriously flowing into Swing States very late at night as everyone thought the election was easily won by me
2020-election more votes than it had people voting, by a lot , travesty , a Rigged Election, one not even fit for third world countries!
2020-election Massive VOTER FRAUD took place
wall-street-journal very boring & incoherent Editorial
fox-news almost as bad as watching Fake News @CNN
cnn Fake News
john-thune RINO
2020-election fraudulent
2020-election massive corruption
2020-election millions of fraudulent votes
2020-election not legal or Constitutional
fox-news @FoxNews Weekend Daytime is not watchable
2020-election An attempt to steal a landslide win
geoff-duncan done less than nothing , a disgrace to the great people of Georgia!
brian-kemp done less than nothing
brian-kemp a disgrace to the great people of Georgia!
brad-raffensperger has no clue!
cdc ridiculous
2020-election ' election laws' were made up by local judges & politicians , before even getting to irregularities & fraud, UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
the-media LameStream Media , more Fake News
republicans 'Surrender Caucus'
republicans weak and ineffective , willing to accept the certification of fraudulent presidential numbers!
2020-election How can you certify an election when the numbers being certified are verifiably WRONG
republicans the weak and ineffective RINO section
2020-election ridiculous Electoral College Certification of Biden, numbers that have now proven to be wrong and, in many cases, fraudulent!
antifa a Terrorist Organization
democrats emboldened Radical Left Democrats
mike-pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution
2020-election Many States want to decertify the mistake they made in certifying incorrect & even fraudulent numbers in a process NOT approved by their State Legislatures
2020-election based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval
2020-election Our Election Process is worse than that of third world countries!
2020-election a FRAUD
chuck-todd Sleepy Eyes, Sad to watch!
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