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Last active July 30, 2016 13:19
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Tags Relation

## Get the product tags

Tag relation in product model:


public function tags()
    return $this->morphToMany(Tag::class, 'taggable', 'tag_relation', 'relationid', 'tag_id')
        ->where('relation_type', 'product')
        ->where('gender_type', 2); // bayan 

$product = App\Models\Product::with('tags')->find(1);

Get products by tags

Products relation in tag model:


public function products()
    return $this->morphedByMany(Product::class, 'taggable', 'tag_relation', 'tag_id', 'relationid')
        ->where('relation_type', 'product');

App\Models\Tag::with('products')->where('name', 'kırmızı')->get()

Save into pivot table


$product = App\Models\Product::find(1);
$tag = new App\Models\Tag(['name' => 'Kırmızı']);

$product->tags()->save($tag, ['gender_type' => 1, 'relation_type' => 'product'])
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