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Working from home

Ata Gülalan atagulalan

Working from home
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Ustice / Boolean Algebra for Programmers in a
Last active January 9, 2024 20:16
Boolean Algebra in a nutshell for JS/TS programmers

Boolean Algebra in a nutshell for JS/TS programmers

There are a lot of strategies that you will hear about in the Javascript community for keeping your conditionals from becoming a tangled mess. This isn't like them. This is someting different. MATH! Boolean Algebra to be exact. I use it all the time to simplify complex conditionals. There are two things that you need to know: de Morgan's Theorem, and Karnaugh (pronounced CAR-no) Maps. (Don't worry, there is no test)

de Morgan's Theorem

De Morgan's Theorem is great distributing nots (!), and for when you want to convert an && to an ||, or back. This is it:

 !(A && B) = !A || !B

Notes on Modern UI Development


It has been some time now since I started any UI focused project from scratch. Being interested in type training, I noticed that these training apps have become more modern, with clean UIs providing a really good user experience. Had the idea for some time now, to see how we could make type training more code focused, for example being able to load a specific programming language and practicing with that language.

After having a couple days of focus time and some ideas, it was a good opportunity to try and build a prototype. Obviously I needed to do some research to find out what the newest framework, build tools and libraries, that people were recommending for building a web project in 2022, were.

After following some interesting topics on Twitter and reading some blogposts, I decided to take a more basic approach and use a mixture of tried and tested libraries like Preact combined with [TypeScript](https://www.typescrip

gullyn / flappy.html
Last active May 4, 2024 15:35
Flappy bird in 205 bytes (improved!)
<body onload=z=c.getContext`2d`,setInterval(`c.width=W=150,Y<W&&P<Y&Y<P+E|9<p?z.fillText(S++${Y=`,9,9|z.fillRect(p`}*0,Y-=--M${Y+Y},P+E,9,W),P))):p=M=Y=S=6,p=p-6||(P=S%E,W)`,E=49) onclick=M=9><canvas id=c>
magician11 / registerForPushNotificationsAsync.js
Last active November 23, 2020 23:50
Register a device for push notifications using expo-notifications and returning the Expo Push Token. Then send a push notification using the Expo Push Token.
import Constants from 'expo-constants';
import * as Notifications from 'expo-notifications';
import * as Permissions from 'expo-permissions';
const registerForPushNotificationsAsync = async () => {
let token;
if (Constants.isDevice) {
const { status: existingStatus } = await Permissions.getAsync(
nullstalgia /
Created May 22, 2020 03:34
USBaspLoader and QMK on ATmega328P
git_current_branch () {
local ref
ref=$(command git symbolic-ref --quiet HEAD 2> /dev/null)
local ret=$?
if [[ $ret != 0 ]]
[[ $ret == 128 ]] && return
ref=$(command git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null) || return
echo ${ref#refs/heads/}
jimmywarting /
Last active September 19, 2024 08:23
Cors proxies
Exposed headers
Service SSL status Response Type Allowed methods Allowed headers
matijagrcic / Batch-convert-webp-to-png.txt
Created November 18, 2016 18:28
Batch convert webp to png
#Download dwebp (WebP decoder tool)
for %f in (*.webp) do dwebp.exe "%f" -o "%~nf.png"
antonlvovych / readme
Last active February 28, 2024 02:21
NVM on fish shell using bass
# Install NVM manually (
# Install bass (
# Add code below to your
function nvm
bass source ~/.nvm/ --no-use ';' nvm $argv
nvm use default --silent
noelboss /
Last active September 4, 2024 16:25
Simple automated GIT Deployment using Hooks

Simple automated GIT Deployment using GIT Hooks

Here are the simple steps needed to create a deployment from your local GIT repository to a server based on this in-depth tutorial.

How it works

You are developing in a working-copy on your local machine, lets say on the master branch. Most of the time, people would push code to a remote server like or and pull or export it to a production server. Or you use a service like to act upon a Web-Hook that's triggered that service.