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Created May 3, 2019 21:42
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BASH script for a 2 week rotation of MySQL backups with a standardized name - run as cronjob every 2 or 4 hours.
#Copyright (c) 2019 Alamance-Burlington Schools, MIT License
cd "$HOME/backups"
week="$( date +%-V )"
day="$( date +%u )"
hour="$( date +%-H )"
#Use modulo 2 to flatten rotating week numbers
(( week = 2 - ( week % 2 ) ))
#Use integer division to floor to the even hour
(( hour = hour / 2 * 2 ))
mysqldump --quick --single-transaction -u"$usernm" -p"$passwd" "$table" | gzip > "$table.$week-$day-$hour.sql.gz"
#End of File
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