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Aslak Hellesøy aslakhellesoy

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aslakhellesoy / edit_request.feature
Created October 5, 2011 17:49 — forked from patrick99e99/edit_request.feature
Refactored from imperative to declarative
Feature: Updating an existing request
In order to change my mind about what I need
I want to be able to edit my Request
Background: Logged in via facebook with one request
Given I am logged in with facebook
And I have a request for "Dragon's Lair Arcade Game" at $2000
Scenario: Logged in users can edit requests
When I change the request to "iPhone6" at $300
aslakhellesoy / github_auto_messager.rb
Created May 20, 2011 10:22 — forked from corroded/github_auto_messager.rb
This is a mechanize github message sender for the authors of all cucumber tmbundle forks
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
#get the tmbundle forkers
base_url = ""
cuke_tmbundle_forkers = JSON.parse(Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(base_url)).body).first[1].map{ |x| x["owner"] }
agent =
Feature: Admin Access
In order to view the admin page
As a user
You must be an admin
Scenario Outline: Redirect to four04 if user is not admin
Given the following user records
| username | password | factory |
Feature: Admin Access
In order to view the admin page
As a user
You must be an admin
Scenario Outline: Redirect to four04 if user is not admin
Given the following user records
| username | password | factory |
Feature: foo
Scenario Outline: Incorrect Search Output
When I do an invalid search of: "<keywords>"
Then an invalid search result page of "<response>" should not be returned!
| keywords | response |
| &^*%$ü%! |'&^*%$%!' could not be interpreted. Please correct the construction and try again. |
ARCHFLAGS='-arch i386 -arch x86_64'
rvm install 1.8.7 --debug --reconfigure -C --enable-shared=yes
tar xzf RubyCocoa-1.0.1.tar.gz && rm RubyCocoa-1.0.1.tar.gz && cd RubyCocoa-1.0.1
ruby install.rb config --build-universal=yes
ruby install.rb setup
sudo ruby install.rb install
Feature: developer creates a skeleton Ruby application
In order to get to the beach more quickly
As a developer
I want to instantly create a basic Ruby application skeleton
Scenario: create a new application
Given there should be a bin/[application_name] file which contains:
~$ ARCHFLAGS='-arch i386 -arch x86_64'
~$ rvm install 1.8.7 --debug --reconfigure -C --enable-shared=yes
~$ wget
~$ tar xzf RubyCocoa-1.0.0.tar.gz && rm RubyCocoa-1.0.0.tar.gz && cd RubyCocoa-1.0.0
~/RubyCocoa-1.0.0$ ruby install.rb config --build-universal=yes
~/RubyCocoa-1.0.0$ ruby install.rb setup
~/RubyCocoa-1.0.0$ sudo ruby install.rb install
=v-gradient(!top_color, !bottom_color, !midpoint_color = false, !midpoint = false)
@if !midpoint_color == false
!midpoint_color = !top_color / 2 + !bottom_color / 2
@if !midpoint == false
!midpoint = 50%
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, center top, center bottom, from(#{!top_color}), color-stop(#{!midpoint}, #{!midpoint_color}), to(#{!bottom_color}))
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #{!top_color}, #{!midpoint_color} #{!midpoint}, #{!bottom_color})