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Created July 27, 2024 11:12
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  • Save asksven/269c3eeb54f378291be028e1771bbdeb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save asksven/269c3eeb54f378291be028e1771bbdeb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Get editor completions based on the config schema
"$schema" = ''
# Inserts a blank line between shell prompts
add_newline = false
disabled = true
# Replace the '❯' symbol in the prompt with '➜'
[character] # The name of the module we are configuring is 'character'
success_symbol = '[❯](bold green)' # The 'success_symbol' segment is being set to '➜' with the color 'bold green'
# Disable the package module, hiding it from the prompt completely
disabled = true
disabled = false
truncation_length = 3
truncate_to_repo = false
truncation_symbol = '…/'
disabled = true
format = 'via [🐋 $context](blue bold)'
ahead = '⇡${count}'
diverged = '⇕⇡${ahead_count}⇣${behind_count}'
behind = '⇣${count}'
added_style = 'bold blue'
format = '[+$added]($added_style)/[-$deleted]($deleted_style) '
symbol = ""
truncation_length = 8
truncation_symbol = ''
ignore_branches = []
format = '[󱃾\(($cluster)\)](green) '
disabled = false
fish_indicator = '󰈺 '
powershell_indicator = '_'
unknown_indicator = 'mystery shell'
style = 'cyan bold'
disabled = true
style = 'bg:blue'
symbol = '🔴 '
success_symbol = '🟢 '
format = '[\[$symbol$common_meaning$signal_name$maybe_int\]]($style) '
map_symbol = true
disabled = true
min_time = 1000
format = 'underwent [$duration](bold yellow)'
disabled = false
symbol = ""
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