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Created September 6, 2023 10:17
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This kind of works for calling api. not fully tested.
#include "Ui.h"
#include "Common.h"
#include "Communication.h"
#include "jsmn.h"
#include "LibApi.h"
#include "Print.h"
#include "MessageBox.h"
#include "net_if.h"
// for print
#define FONT16 16
#define FONT24 24
#define PRINT_REVERSE 0x10
#define TYERR_TPH_NO_PAPER (-10)
int PrintDemoReceipt(void)
int iRc = 0;
unsigned char aucPrintBuf[PRINT_ONELINE_BUF_LEN + 1] = {0};
const char *dashes = "--------------------------------------------------"; // 50 dashes
// unsigned short usLen = 0;
// add a function to print a logo here, if you have any logo to print
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT24, 2, 2);
// show Merchant Business Name
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M | PRINT_REVERSE, (unsigned char *)"MURABELLA", strlen("MURABELLA"));
if (TY_OK != iRc)
return iRc;
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, (unsigned char *)" ", 1);
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT24, 1, 1);
memset(aucPrintBuf, 0, sizeof(aucPrintBuf));
sprintf((char *)aucPrintBuf, "%s", "INWARD TRANSFER");
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, aucPrintBuf, strlen((char *)aucPrintBuf));
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, (unsigned char *)" ", 1);
memset(aucPrintBuf, 0, sizeof(aucPrintBuf));
sprintf((char *)aucPrintBuf, "%s", "Customer\'s Copy");
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, aucPrintBuf, strlen((char *)aucPrintBuf));
// add some date & time here
// content start
// amount
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT24, 1, 1);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, (unsigned char *)" ", 1);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_L, (unsigned char *)"Amount:", strlen("Amount:"));
memset(aucPrintBuf, 0, sizeof(aucPrintBuf));
sprintf((char *)aucPrintBuf, "%s", "₦30,000");
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT16, 2, 2);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_L, aucPrintBuf, strlen((char *)aucPrintBuf));
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT24, 1, 1);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, (unsigned char *)dashes, strlen(dashes));
// account name
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT24, 1, 1);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, (unsigned char *)" ", 1);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_L, (unsigned char *)"Account Name:", strlen("Account Name:"));
memset(aucPrintBuf, 0, sizeof(aucPrintBuf));
sprintf((char *)aucPrintBuf, "%s", "Ashraf Otagun");
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT16, 2, 2);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_L, aucPrintBuf, strlen((char *)aucPrintBuf));
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT24, 1, 1);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, (unsigned char *)dashes, strlen(dashes));
// account number
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT24, 1, 1);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, (unsigned char *)" ", 1);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_L, (unsigned char *)"Account Number:", strlen("Account Number:"));
memset(aucPrintBuf, 0, sizeof(aucPrintBuf));
sprintf((char *)aucPrintBuf, "%s", "8892100011");
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT16, 2, 2);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_L, aucPrintBuf, strlen((char *)aucPrintBuf));
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT24, 1, 1);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, (unsigned char *)dashes, strlen(dashes));
// date
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT24, 1, 1);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, (unsigned char *)" ", 1);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_L, (unsigned char *)"Date:", strlen("Date:"));
memset(aucPrintBuf, 0, sizeof(aucPrintBuf));
sprintf((char *)aucPrintBuf, "%s", "05 - 09 - 2023");
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT16, 2, 2);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_L, aucPrintBuf, strlen((char *)aucPrintBuf));
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT24, 1, 1);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, (unsigned char *)dashes, strlen(dashes));
// narration
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT24, 1, 1);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, (unsigned char *)" ", 1);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_L, (unsigned char *)"Narration:", strlen("Narration:"));
memset(aucPrintBuf, 0, sizeof(aucPrintBuf));
sprintf((char *)aucPrintBuf, "%s", "NULL");
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT16, 2, 2);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_L, aucPrintBuf, strlen((char *)aucPrintBuf));
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT24, 1, 1);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, (unsigned char *)dashes, strlen(dashes));
// transaction ref
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT24, 1, 1);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, (unsigned char *)" ", 1);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_L, (unsigned char *)"Transaction Ref:", strlen("Transaction Ref:"));
memset(aucPrintBuf, 0, sizeof(aucPrintBuf));
sprintf((char *)aucPrintBuf, "%s", "ghfjsjshsgdgsjj64784737dsacs6546dc");
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_L, aucPrintBuf, strlen((char *)aucPrintBuf));
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, (unsigned char *)dashes, strlen(dashes));
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, (unsigned char *)" ", 1);
// content end
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT24, 2, 2);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, (unsigned char *)" ", 1);
// add transaction status
memset(aucPrintBuf, 0, sizeof(aucPrintBuf));
sprintf((char *)aucPrintBuf, "%s", "**SUCCESSFUL**"); // triple asterisks would overflow
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, aucPrintBuf, strlen((char *)aucPrintBuf));
// empty line
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, (unsigned char *)" ", 1);
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT24, 1, 1);
// add software version
memset(aucPrintBuf, 0, sizeof(aucPrintBuf));
sprintf((char *)aucPrintBuf, "%s", "UCARD");
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, aucPrintBuf, strlen((char *)aucPrintBuf));
Lib_PrnSetFont(FONT16, 1, 1);
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, (unsigned char *)" ", 1);
memset(aucPrintBuf, 0, sizeof(aucPrintBuf));
sprintf((char *)aucPrintBuf, "%s %s", "VERSION:", "v 1.5");
iRc = Lib_PrintStr(ALIGN_M, aucPrintBuf, strlen((char *)aucPrintBuf));
if (TY_OK != iRc)
return iRc;
iRc = Lib_PrnClose();
char aucDispBuffer[128] = {0};
memset(aucDispBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(aucDispBuffer));
sprintf((char *)aucDispBuffer, "%s\n %s", "Out of paper!", "Add paper[Enter]");
iRc = MessageBox(aucDispBuffer, MB_COLOR_YELLOW | MB_CENTER | MB_ICONQUESTION, 60000);
if (iRc == UI_INPUT_ENTER)
UIClearRect(0, 1, LCD_MAX_SEG, MAX_COM_LINES - 1);
UITextAlign(ALIGN_M, LCD_OP_Y_S, DISP_MODE_NORMAL, "Printing...");
goto Again;
return TY_OK;
// static int jsoneq(const char *json, jsmntok_t *tok, const char *s)
// {
// if (tok->type == JSMN_STRING && (int)strlen(s) == tok->end - tok->start &&
// strncmp(json + tok->start, s, tok->end - tok->start) == 0)
// {
// return 0;
// }
// return -1;
// }
// char *GetTitle()
// {
// // start
// // char url[] = "";
// char url[] = "";
// unsigned char responseBuffer[4096]; // Adjust buffer size as needed
// unsigned short responseLength = sizeof(responseBuffer);
// // Send the GET request
// if (UIWireHttpSnd(url, NULL, 0, NULL) < 0)
// {
// // printf("Failed to send GET request\n");
// // return -1;
// TRACE("Ayo: send failed!");
// return "call failed";
// }
// else
// {
// TRACE("Ayo: send successful");
// // Receive the response
// if (UIWireHttpRecev(responseBuffer, &responseLength) < 0)
// {
// // printf("Failed to receive HTTP response\n");
// // return -1;
// TRACE("Ayo: recv failed!");
// return "recv failed";
// }
// }
// TRACE("Ayo: recv successful");
// // end
// jsmn_parser parser;
// jsmntok_t tokens[100]; // Adjust this based on the expected number of tokens in your response
// jsmn_init(&parser);
// int tokenCount = jsmn_parse(&parser, (char *)responseBuffer, responseLength, tokens, sizeof(tokens) / sizeof(tokens[0]));
// if (tokenCount < 0)
// {
// // printf("JSON parsing error: %d\n", tokenCount);
// return NULL;
// }
// char *myTitle = NULL;
// for (int i = 1; i < tokenCount; i++)
// {
// if (jsoneq((char *)responseBuffer, &tokens[i], "title") == 0)
// {
// int titleLength = tokens[i + 1].end - tokens[i + 1].start;
// myTitle = (char *)malloc(titleLength + 1);
// strncpy(myTitle, (char *)responseBuffer + tokens[i + 1].start, titleLength);
// myTitle[titleLength] = '\0';
// break;
// }
// }
// return myTitle;
// }
// short TestScreen(int iTimeout)
// {
// short sRC;
// Lib_LcdDrowArea(DEFAULT_FORG_COLOR, 0, 30, 320, 210);
// // char *myTitle = GetTitle();
// sRC = HttpsGetTest(500);
// while (1)
// {
// // DRAW_TITLE("Test API");
// // if (myReqHash == NULL)
// // {
// // DRAW_TITLE("No Response!");
// // }
// // else
// // {
// // DRAW_TITLE(myReqHash);
// // }
// DRAW_TITLE("Test API");
// DRAW_TEXT(" Enter digit sent to your Mobile number", 90 + 10);
// DRAW_TEXT("Press 1 to continue, 0 to cancel", 170 + 10);
// // if (myTitle)
// // {
// // // DRAW_TITLE(myTitle);
// // DRAW_TITLE("call successful");
// // // DRAW_TEXT(" Enter digit sent to your Mobile number");
// // DRAW_TEXT(" Enter digit sent to your Mobile number", 90 + 10);
// // DRAW_TEXT("Press 1 to continue, 0 to cancel", 170 + 10);
// // // free(myTitle);
// // }
// // else
// // {
// // DRAW_TITLE("Title not found");
// // }
// sRC = UIWaitKey(iTimeout, 1);
// {
// return sRC;
// }
// else
// {
// continue;
// }
// }
// }
short ApiMustWork(int iTimeout)
int sRC = -1;
unsigned char ucRecvBuff[3500] = {0};
unsigned short usRecvBUffLen = sizeof(ucRecvBuff);
char *myTitle = NULL;
// Set the network connection mode to SSL mode
// Set the server as:
if (sRC != TY_OK)
TRACE("sRC = %d", sRC);
return TY_ERR;
// https GET test
sRC = UIWireHttpSend("", NULL, 0, NULL);
if (sRC != TY_OK)
TRACE("sRC = %d", sRC);
return TY_ERR;
// Get Response
sRC = UIWireHttpRecv(ucRecvBuff, &usRecvBUffLen);
if (sRC != TY_OK)
TRACE("sRC = %d", sRC);
return TY_ERR;
// Output response data
TRACE("usRecvBUffLen = %d", usRecvBUffLen);
TRACEBUF(ucRecvBuff, usRecvBUffLen);
// Close the network connection
myTitle = "Fine fine fine...";
Lib_LcdDrowArea(DEFAULT_FORG_COLOR, 0, 30, 320, 210);
while (1)
if (myTitle == NULL)
DRAW_TITLE("GET Api call");
sRC = UIWaitKey(iTimeout, 1);
return sRC;
return TY_OK;
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