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Created May 18, 2024 08:28
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A CSC450 ass to build a program (in any lang) that recognizes var declaration in java
void main() {
// call func
// print(javaVarDecParser(
// accSpec: 'public',
// datatype: 'String',
// varName: 'uname',
// assOp: '=',
// val: 'ash267',
// sc: ';'));
accSpec: 'public', datatype: 'Money', varName: '76tree', sc: '+'));
enum ValidDatatypes { String, char, int, float, boolean }
enum AcceptedAccSpec { private, public, protected }
// var dec format
// [access specifier] datatype var_name = value;
// OR
// [access specifier] datatype var_name;
// e.g public int age = 6;
// 3 kinds access specifiers; public, private, and protected
bool javaVarDecParser(
{String accSpec = "",
required String datatype,
required String varName,
String assOp = "",
String val = "",
required String sc}) {
int testPassed = 0;
print('testPassed: $testPassed');
if (!accSpec.isEmpty) {
// contains a str; not empty
if (accSpec.contains( ||
accSpec.contains( ||
accSpec.contains( {
// accepted access specifier found
// record!
testPassed = testPassed + 1;
print('check1, testPassed: $testPassed');
if (!assOp.isEmpty) {
// contains a str
if (assOp.contains('=')) {
// ass op found!
// record!
testPassed = testPassed + 1;
print('check2, testPassed: $testPassed');
if (!val.isEmpty) {
// record!
testPassed = testPassed + 1;
print('check3, testPassed: $testPassed');
if (datatype.contains( ||
datatype.contains( ||
datatype.contains( ||
datatype.contains( ||
datatype.contains( {
// valid datatype found
// record!
testPassed = testPassed + 1;
print('check4, testPassed: $testPassed');
if (!varName.contains(RegExp(r'[0-9]'), 0)) {
// var name doesn't start with a non-letter
// record!
testPassed = testPassed + 1;
print('check5, testPassed: $testPassed');
if (sc.contains(';')) {
// semicolon found
// record!
testPassed = testPassed + 1;
print('check6, testPassed: $testPassed');
// check test passed
if (testPassed < 3) {
print('failed! testPassed: $testPassed');
return false;
} else {
print('success! testPassed: $testPassed');
return true;
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