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fragments of scrolls surround me

Aron Gabor ashnur

fragments of scrolls surround me
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frankiesardo / core.cljs
Created February 7, 2020 15:17
(ns stop-worry.core
(:require ["react" :as react :rename {createElement $}]
["react-dom" :as dom]
[goog.object :as obj]
[cljs.core.async :as async]))
(extend-type object
([o k] (obj/get o (name k)))
bvaughn /
Last active December 29, 2021 02:12
`useSubscription` and `useMutableSource` tearing and deopt behavior.

useSubscription and useMutableSource1 tearing and deopt behavior.

Mounting a new tree

The tree below represents a React application mounting. During mount, two components read from an external, mutable source. The first one (List) reads version 1 of that data and the second one (Item) reads version 2.


useSubscription (legacy mode)


carlolars /
Last active August 13, 2024 16:56
HOWTO: Use WSL and its Git in a mixed development environment

How to setup a development environment where Git from WSL integrates with native Windows applications, using the Windows home folder as the WSL home and using Git from WSL for all tools.

Note if using Git for Windows, or any tool on the Windows side that does not use Git from WSL then there will likely be problems with file permissions if using those files from inside WSL.


These are the tools I use:

  • git (wsl) - Command line git from within WSL.
  • Fork (windows) - Git GUI (must be used with wslgit)
  • wslgit - Makes git from WSL available for Windows applications. Important! Follow the installation instructions and do (at least) the first optional step and then the Usage in Fork instructions.
Jessidhia /
Last active June 11, 2024 10:48
Implementation notes on react's scheduling model as of (shortly before) 16.8.0

Implementation notes on react's scheduling model as of (shortly before) 16.8.0

While the public API intended for users to use is the scheduler package, the reconciler currently does not use scheduler's priority classes internally.

ReactFiberScheduler has its own internal "mini-scheduler" that uses the scheduler package indirectly for its deadline-capable scheduleCallback.

This is kind of a documentation of implementation details that I suppose will be gone by the end of the year, but what can you do.

fasiha /
Last active August 7, 2023 11:47
A prospective employer invited me to do a HackerRank test. Here's my proposed alternative.

Well, that was unexpected. In the following, I’m trying to follow Jon Evans’ advice from “The Terrible Technical Interview”.

From: Ahmed Fasih
Subject: Re: Programming Test Invitation

Hi there! Thanks for offering to let me take a HackerRank test for ABC, I appreciate the vote of confidence.

bvaughn / eager-prefetching-async-data-example.js
Last active June 16, 2024 21:56
Advanced example for eagerly prefetching async data in a React component.
// This is an advanced example! It is not intended for use in application code.
// Libraries like Relay may make use of this technique to save some time on low-end mobile devices.
// Most components should just initiate async requests in componentDidMount.
class ExampleComponent extends React.Component {
_hasUnmounted = false;
state = {
externalData: null,
timvisee /
Last active September 18, 2024 18:48
Falsehoods programmers believe about time, in a single list

Falsehoods programmers believe about time

This is a compiled list of falsehoods programmers tend to believe about working with time.

Don't re-invent a date time library yourself. If you think you understand everything about time, you're probably doing it wrong.


  • There are always 24 hours in a day.
  • February is always 28 days long.
  • Any 24-hour period will always begin and end in the same day (or week, or month).
joepie91 /
Last active June 25, 2023 08:46
The One Secret Trick To Becoming A Genius Programmer

The One Secret Trick To Becoming A Genius Programmer

Okay, the title of this post is a bit of a lie. There's no one secret trick to becoming a genius programmer - there are two, and they're more habits than tricks. Nevertheless, these kind of 'secret tricks' seem to resonate with people, so I went for this title anyway.

Every once in a while, a somewhat strange thing happens to me. I'll be helping somebody out on IRC - usually a beginner - answering a number of their questions in rapid succession, about a variety of topics. Then after a while, they call me a "genius" for being able to answer everything they're asking; either directly, or while talking about me to somebody else.

Now, I don't really agree with this "genius" characterization, and it can make me feel a bit awkward, but it shows that a lot of developers have a somewhat idealistic and nebulous notion of the "genius programmer" - the programmer that knows everything, who can do everything, who's never stumped by a problem, and of which ther

avescodes / sexp-cheat-sheet
Created September 13, 2017 19:21 — forked from dylanmcdiarmid/sexp-cheat-sheet
vim sexp mappings for normal people cheat sheet
" Map leader to comma
let maplocalleader=","
" Toggle this for vim-sexp to not go into insert mode after wrapping something
let g:sexp_insert_after_wrap = 0
" Toggle this to disable automatically creating closing brackets and quotes
let g:sexp_enable_insert_mode_mappings = 1
brizandrew /
Created July 28, 2017 22:07
How to use node.js build routines and npm packages in Django.

Using Node.js With Django

When writing django apps it's easy to ignore the organization of your front end code. Often, these backend coders will just write a static js and css file, stick it in the static directory, and call it a day.

You can also build them as two completely independent parts. With a complex gulp build routine independent of the django app. But if you don't know gulp, node, or those kinds of systems it can be a daunting process to get started with.

Enter django-compressor-toolkit (the name doesn't quite roll off the tongue).

Setting Up Django-Compressor-Toolkit

Using django-compressor and django-compressor-toolkit you can write Javascript ES6 code with all its fancy import/export logic or style your pages with sass instead of css, and leave your deploy routine largely untouched.