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Last active July 27, 2017 20:28
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  • Save ashikahmad/6b3eb300e9e99fa16d66efa891e457e0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Prints all available fonts in console. Try pasting this code in Xcode Playground.
import UIKit
Prints all available fonts in console. Try pasting this code in Xcode Playground
│ All Fonts │
├─┬─⦿ Family with fonts
│ ├───⦿ Font 1
│ └───⦿ Font 2
├───⦿ Family without fonts
└─┬─⦿ Last Family
├───⦿ Font 1
├───⦿ Font 1
└───⦿ Font 1
print("│ All Fonts │")
let familyNames = UIFont.familyNames
let lastIndex = familyNames.count-1
let bullet = "⦿"
for i in 0...lastIndex {
let isLastFamily = (i == lastIndex)
let family = familyNames[i]
let fontNames = UIFont.fontNames(forFamilyName: family)
let br1 = isLastFamily ? "" : ""
let br2 = fontNames.count == 0 ? "" : ""
print(br1+""+br2+""+bullet+" "+family)
if fontNames.count > 0 {
let lastFontIndex = fontNames.count-1
for k in 0...lastFontIndex {
let font = fontNames[k]
let br1 = isLastFamily ? " " : ""
let br2 = (k == lastFontIndex) ? "└─" : "├─"
print(" "+br1+" "+br2+"──"+bullet+" "+font)
if k == lastFontIndex {
print(" "+br1)
} else {
let ch1 = isLastFamily ? " " : ""
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