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Last active December 16, 2015 18:21
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  • Save ashaegupta/5477392 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Class Outline

  • Review tags (hr, h1, img, a, b), nesting,
  • Style is an 'attribute' of a tag, just like href or src.
  • Style syntax is nitpicky -- Spot the Error exercise.
  • Lab time: background; color; font-size; font-style; text-align;
  • Multiple style attributes
  • Image styles width, float

Review exercise

  • Students get a handout with a designed web page (using tags they learned so far); Students have to write the code for the page as an exercise
  • Review the answers on the board
  • Review img tag; Review a tags;
  • Ask students to identify children and parent tags

Style is an 'attribute'

What was unique about img and a tags?

They have 'stuff' in the tag. Not just <a>, it's <a href="…"> What was the stuff for the img tag?

This 'stuff' is called an attribute.

Style is just another attribute you can add to a tag.

We can add a style attribute, just like we did href or src.

For example:

# For a link we did this:
<a href="">Schmoogle</a>

# For style we can do this:
<p style="background:blue">Hi there!</p>

What do you think this style attribute does?

Style attributes (just like all html) are nitpicky.

Has to exactly the right syntax or it won't work.

Exercise: Spot the error:

Write each of the following code blocks on the board and the rules as we uncover them.

<p style=background:blue>Hi there!</p>

Can someone come and fix it.

Rule 1: Everything after the style tag should be in quotes.

<p style:"background=blue">Hi there!</p>

Can someone fix this?

Rule 2: Syntax is style=":" First =, then :

<p> style="background:blue" Hi there!</p>

Can someone fix this?

Rule 3: The style has to go within the opening tag.

Lab time

There are tons of style attributes, let's start with these 5.

Use the p tag like we did above and play with each of these style attributes on your site:


Multiple style attributes

What happens if you want to have more than one style for a tag, e.g., background:blue && color:white?

<p style="background:blue;color:white">Hi there!</p>

Separate mulitple styles with a semi-colon.

Image styles: float and width

Two handy styles for images:

Try this out on one of your images, what happens?

<img style="float:right" src="…">

Try this out on one of your images, what happens?

<img style="width:50%" src="…">

Site workshop time

Open time to work on your sites, ask us questions.

Post class

For those teachers that can stick around after class, let's save their sites to the server.

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