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Created November 23, 2020 17:20
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/// @group fonts
/* Font family variations
************************* */
$font-family-swiss: Swiss-721;
$font-swiss: $font-family-swiss;
$font-swiss-condensed: SwissCondensed;
$font-marriotticons: MarriottIcons;
$font-brandLogoIcons: BrandLogoIcons;
/*Brand icons with "by Marriott". These brand Icons are used in uni nav brand portfolio card, search results, brand filters,favs page*/
$font-portfolioLogoIcons: PortfolioLogoIcons;
/*These font icons are ONLY used in the brand ribbon.*/
$font-family-videoicons: VideoIcons;
/* Font size variations
*********************** */
$font-xs: 12px;
$font-s: 14px;
$font-m: 16px;
$font-l: 18px;
$font-xl: 20px;
$font-xxl: 22px;
$font-xxxl: 24px;
$font-1x: 34px;
$font-2x: 36px;
$font-3x: 60px;
$font-4x: 90px;
/* Line Height palette
**************** */
$line-height-xs: 16px;
$line-height-s: 18px;
$line-height-m: 20px;
$line-height-l: 22px;
$line-height-xl: 24px;
$line-height-xxl: 26px;
$line-height-xxxl: 38px;
$line-height-1x: 44px;
$line-height-2x: 64px;
/* Font weight variations
************************* */
$font-weight-regular: 500;
$font-weight-medium: 700;
$font-weight-bold: 900;
@function str-replace($string, $search, $replace: "") {
$index: str-index($string, $search);
@if $index {
@return str-slice($string, 1, $index - 1)+$replace+str-replace(str-slice($string, $index + str-length($search)), $search, $replace);
@return $string;
@mixin font-face($name, $path, $weight: null, $style: null, $exts: eot woff2 woff ttf svg) {
$src: null;
$extmods: (eot: "?",
svg: "#"+ str-replace($name, " ", "_"));
$formats: (otf: "opentype",
ttf: "truetype"
@each $ext in $exts {
$extmod: if(map-has-key($extmods, $ext), $ext + map-get($extmods, $ext), $ext);
$format: if(map-has-key($formats, $ext), map-get($formats, $ext), $ext);
$src: append($src, url(quote($path + "." + $extmod)) format(quote($format)), comma);
@font-face {
font-family: quote($name);
font-style: $style;
font-weight: $weight;
src: $src;
$html-font-size: 16px;
@function stripUnit($value) {
@return $value / ($value * 0+1);
@function toRem($pxValue) {
@return #{stripUnit($pxValue) / stripUnit($html-font-size)}rem;
@mixin screen($size, $type: max, $pixels: $breakpoint-small) {
@if $size=='small' {
@media screen and ($type+-width: $breakpoint-small) {
@else if $size=='med-small' {
@media screen and ($type+-width: $breakpoint-med-small) {
@else if $size=='med' {
@media screen and ($type+-width: $breakpoint-med) {
@else if $size=='large' {
@media screen and ($type+-width: $breakpoint-med) {
@else if $size=='custom' {
@media screen and ($type+-width: $pixels + px) {
@else {
@mixin font-attributes($style,
$family) {
font: $style $variant $weight #{$size}/#{$line-height} $family;
/// @group Colors
/// Standard Palette
/// Base
$base-10: #1c1c1c;
$base-20: #ffffff;
/// Accent
$accent-10: #ff9662;
$accent-20: #b84c16;
/// Neutral
$neutral-10: #f8f8f8;
$neutral-20: #eeeeee;
$neutral-30: #c4c4c4;
$neutral-40: #707070;
$neutral-50: #303030;
$neutral-00: #000000;
/// Alerts
$alert-10: #d0021b;
$alert-20: #ffffff;
$alert-30: #d0021b;
$alert-40: #b94600;
$alert-50: #477d00;
$alert-60: #0565ae;
/// Merchandise
$merch-10: #ff9662;
$merch-20: #477d00;
$merch-30: #1c1c1c;
$merch-40: #fbc02d;
$merch-50: #ffffff;
$merch-60: #ffb995;
/// Loyalty Palette solid
$member-solid: #ff9662;
$member-solidAlt: #f8f8f8;
$silver-solid: #707488;
$gold-solid: #8c6f49;
$platinum-solid: #5e5f61;
$titanium-solid: #554749;
$ambassador-solid: #231c19;
" font-weight":$font-weight-medium,
// map-fetch($map, $keys)
// An easy way to fetch a deep value in a multi-level map. Works much like
// map-get() except that you pass multiple keys as the second parameter to
// go down multiple levels in the nested map.
@function map-fetch($map, $keys) {
@each $key in $keys {
$map: map-get($map, $key);
@return $map;
@each $type,
$sizes in $typography {
.t-#{$type} {
font-size: toRem(map-fetch($typography, "title" "s" "font-size"));
// font-size: map-get(map-get(map-get($typography, "title"), "s"), "font-size");
@each $size,
$attrList in $sizes {
&-#{$size} {
@include font-attributes(normal,
map-fetch($attrList, "font-weight"),
toRem(map-fetch($attrList, "font-size")),
toRem(map-fetch($attrList, "line-height")),
map-fetch($attrList, "font-family"));
@each $size,
$attrList in $sizes {
&-inverse-#{$size} {
color: map-fetch($attrList, "inverse-color");
/* Font family variations
************************* */
/*Brand icons with "by Marriott". These brand Icons are used in uni nav brand portfolio card, search results, brand filters,favs page*/
/*These font icons are ONLY used in the brand ribbon.*/
/* Font size variations
*********************** */
/* Line Height palette
**************** */
/* Font weight variations
************************* */
.t-title {
font-size: 2.125rem;
.t-title-s {
font: normal normal 700 2.125rem/2.375rem Swiss-721;
.t-title-m {
font: normal normal 700 2.25rem/2.75rem Swiss-721;
.t-title-l {
font: normal normal 3.75rem/4rem Swiss-721;
.t-title-inverse-s {
color: #ffffff;
.t-title-inverse-m {
color: #ffffff;
.t-title-inverse-l {
color: #ffffff;
"sass": {
"compiler": "dart-sass/1.26.11",
"extensions": {},
"syntax": "SCSS",
"outputStyle": "expanded"
"autoprefixer": false
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