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arv25 / index.js
Created September 8, 2020 14:38
Lambda calling lambda with trace id
// Lambda 1 - arv-foo
// Synchronous fn that will back API Gateway endpoint.
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const lambda = new AWS.Lambda();
const getRandomInt = (max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(max));
exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
console.log("event:", event)
arv25 /
Created March 30, 2018 18:22 github proof of identity

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am arv25 on github.
  • I am massdefect ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAU3O61jlgOO05eYCR1cuY04LHnj-Y91ZaglNnkdWT6Kgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

arv25 / events.js
Last active March 9, 2018 00:35
Events with Redux Spike
// Events with Redux Spike
// ES6
//event name helpers
var eventNameCounter = 0;
const nextEventName = () => {
eventNameCounter = eventNameCounter + 1;
return "foo-".concat(eventNameCounter).concat(" ");
arv25 / homeboy.rb
Created August 12, 2014 03:27
auto define methods on class from hash
class Homeboy
def initialize( params={} ) do |kv|
self.instance_variable_set("@#{kv[0]}", kv[1])
self.class.send(:define_method, "#{kv[0]}") { kv[1] }
def to_s { |sym| "#{sym.to_s[1..-1]},#{self.send(sym.to_s[1..-1])}" }
arv25 / shared_ex_example
Created August 11, 2014 22:04
Misc_drawer_access shared example
shared_examples_for 'a value limited numeric column' do |columns|
columns.each do |col|
it 'has numeric columns with max value limits' do
expect(, amount: 100_000)).to be_invalid
arv25 / handler_eg.rb
Created August 7, 2014 15:37
Error handling for auth service
module Platform::Errors::Handler
def self.included(base)
base.rescue_from Exception do |error|
handle(self, error)