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Last active May 2, 2018 16:14
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- ofBuffer(const string &text) from ofBuffer
- void setReadOnly(bool readable=true) from ofFile
- void setReadOnly(bool readable=true) from ofDirectory
- ~ofThread() from ofThread
- Poco::Thread * getCurrentPocoThread() from ofThread
- Poco::Thread & getPocoThread() from ofThread
- const Poco::Thread & getPocoThread() from ofThread
- bool isMainThread() from ofThread
- ostream & operator<<(size_t n) from ofColor_
- istream & operator>>(size_t n) from ofColor_
- vector<shared_ptr< ofAbstractParameter> >::iterator begin() from ofParameterGroup
- vector<shared_ptr< ofAbstractParameter> >::iterator end() from ofParameterGroup
- const ofParameter< ofVec2f > & getVec2f(size_t pos) from ofParameterGroup
- ofParameter< ofVec2f > & getVec2f(size_t pos) from ofParameterGroup
- const ofParameter< ofVec3f > & getVec3f(size_t pos) from ofParameterGroup
- ofParameter< ofVec3f > & getVec3f(size_t pos) from ofParameterGroup
- const ofParameter< ofVec4f > & getVec4f(size_t pos) from ofParameterGroup
- ofParameter< ofVec4f > & getVec4f(size_t pos) from ofParameterGroup
- vector<shared_ptr< ofAbstractParameter> >::reverse_iterator rbegin() from ofParameterGroup
- vector<shared_ptr< ofAbstractParameter> >::reverse_iterator rend() from ofParameterGroup
- ofReadOnlyParameter(ofParameter< ParameterType > &p) from ofReadOnlyParameter
- ofReadOnlyParameter(ofReadOnlyParameter< ParameterType, Friend > &p) from ofReadOnlyParameter
- ofXml(const ofXml &rhs) from ofXml
- ~ofXml() from ofXml
- string DOMErrorMessage(short msg) from ofXml
- bool addChild(const string &path) from ofXml
- bool addValue(const string &path, T data, bool createEntirePath=false) from ofXml
- void addXml(ofXml &xml, bool copyAll=false) from ofXml
- void clear() from ofXml
- void deserialize(ofAbstractParameter &parameter) from ofXml
- bool exists(const string &path) from ofXml
- bool getBoolValue(const string &path) from ofXml
- float getFloatValue(const string &path) from ofXml
- int64_t getInt64Value() from ofXml
- int64_t getInt64Value(const string &path) from ofXml
- int getIntValue(const string &path) from ofXml
- int getNumChildren() from ofXml
- int getNumChildren(const string &path) from ofXml
- Poco::XML::Document * getPocoDocument() from ofXml
- const Poco::XML::Document * getPocoDocument() from ofXml
- Poco::XML::Element * getPocoElement() from ofXml
- const Poco::XML::Element * getPocoElement() from ofXml
- Poco::XML::Element * getPocoElement(const string &path) from ofXml
- const Poco::XML::Element * getPocoElement(const string &path) from ofXml
- T getValue(const string &path, T returnVal) from ofXml
- bool loadFromBuffer(const string &buffer) from ofXml
- const ofXml & operator=(const ofXml &rhs) from ofXml
- void releaseAll() from ofXml
- void remove() from ofXml
- bool remove(const string &path) from ofXml
- bool removeAttribute(const string &path) from ofXml
- bool removeAttributes() from ofXml
- bool removeAttributes(const string &path) from ofXml
- bool removeContents() from ofXml
- bool removeContents(const string &path) from ofXml
- bool reset() from ofXml
- void serialize(const ofAbstractParameter &parameter) from ofXml
- bool setTo(const string &path) from ofXml
- bool setToChild(unsigned long index) from ofXml
- bool setToParent() from ofXml
- bool setToParent(int numLevelsUp) from ofXml
- bool setToPrevSibling() from ofXml
- bool setToSibling() from ofXml
- bool setValue(const string &path, const string &value) from ofXml
- vector< string > tokenize(const string &str, const string &delim) from ofXml
- void rotate(float degrees) from ofBaseRenderer
- void rotate(float degrees, float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ) from ofBaseRenderer
- void rotateX(float degrees) from ofBaseRenderer
- void rotateY(float degrees) from ofBaseRenderer
- void rotateZ(float degrees) from ofBaseRenderer
- ofPoint & getPositionRef() from ofRectangle
- void set(float _a, float _b, float _c, float _d, float _e, float _f, float _g, float _h, float _i) from ofMatrix3x3
- ostream & operator<<(ostream &os) from ofQuaternion
- istream & operator>>(istream &is) from ofQuaternion
- ofMatrix4x4(const float *const ptr) from ofMatrix4x4
- ofMatrix4x4(const ofMatrix4x4 &mat) from ofMatrix4x4
- ofMatrix4x4(const ofQuaternion &quat) from ofMatrix4x4
- int getMajorProtocolVersion() from ofArduino
- int getMinorProtocolVersion() from ofArduino
- void sendServoDetach(int pin) from ofArduino
- ofCoreEvents & events() from ofMainLoop
- float getHeading() from ofNode
- ofVec3f getOrientationEuler() from ofNode
- float getPitch() from ofNode
- float getRoll() from ofNode
- void orbit(float longitude, float latitude, float radius, const ofVec3f &centerPoint) from ofNode
- void orbit(float longitude, float latitude, float radius, ofNode &centerNode) from ofNode
- void pan(float degrees) from ofNode
- void roll(float degrees) from ofNode
- void rotate(const ofQuaternion &q) from ofNode
- void rotate(float degrees, const ofVec3f &v) from ofNode
- void rotateAround(const ofQuaternion &q, const ofVec3f &point) from ofNode
- void setOrientation(const ofQuaternion &q) from ofNode
- void setTransformMatrix(const ofMatrix4x4 &m44) from ofNode
- void tilt(float degrees) from ofNode
- void rotate(float degrees, float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ) from ofMatrixStack
- void performTessellation(ofPolyWindingMode polyWindingMode, ofMesh &dstmesh, bool bIs2D) from ofTessellator
- void tessellateToMesh(const ofPolyline &src, ofPolyWindingMode polyWindingMode, ofMesh &dstmesh, bool bIs2D=false) from ofTessellator
- void tessellateToPolylines(const ofPolyline &src, ofPolyWindingMode polyWindingMode, vector< ofPolyline > &dstpoly, bool bIs2D=false) from ofTessellator
- void rotate(float az, const ofVec3f &axis) from ofPath
- void rotate(float degrees) from ofGLRenderer
- void rotate(float degrees, float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ) from ofGLRenderer
- void rotateX(float degrees) from ofGLRenderer
- void rotateY(float degrees) from ofGLRenderer
- void rotateZ(float degrees) from ofGLRenderer
- ofMaterial::Data getData() from ofMaterial
- void setData(const ofMaterial::Data &data) from ofMaterial
- void rotate(float degrees) from ofCairoRenderer
- void rotate(float degrees, float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ) from ofCairoRenderer
- void rotateX(float degrees) from ofCairoRenderer
- void rotateY(float degrees) from ofCairoRenderer
- void rotateZ(float degrees) from ofCairoRenderer
- bool load(const ofBuffer &buffer) from ofImage_
- void save(const ofFile &file, ofImageQualityType compressionLevel=OF_IMAGE_QUALITY_BEST) from ofImage_
- void rotate(float degrees) from ofRendererCollection
- void rotate(float degrees, float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ) from ofRendererCollection
- void rotateX(float degrees) from ofRendererCollection
- void rotateY(float degrees) from ofRendererCollection
- void rotateZ(float degrees) from ofRendererCollection
- ofSoundDevice() from ofSoundDevice
- int getDeviceID() from ofBaseSoundStream
- void setDeviceID(int deviceID) from ofBaseSoundStream
- bool setup(int outChannels, int inChannels, int sampleRate, int bufferSize, int nBuffers) from ofBaseSoundStream
- void setDevice(const ofSoundDevice &device) from ofSoundStream
- void setDeviceID(int deviceID) from ofSoundStream
- void setInput(ofBaseSoundInput &soundInput) from ofSoundStream
- void setOutput(ofBaseSoundOutput &soundOutput) from ofSoundStream
- bool setup(int outChannels, int inChannels, int sampleRate, int bufferSize, int nBuffers) from ofSoundStream
- void copyFrom(const vector< float > &floatBuffer, size_t numChannels, unsigned int sampleRate) from ofSoundBuffer
- ~ofEasyCam() from ofEasyCam
- void mouseDragged(ofMouseEventArgs &mouse) from ofEasyCam
- ~ofDirectShowPlayer() from ofDirectShowPlayer
- void draw(float x, float y) from ofDirectShowPlayer
- int getDeviceID() from ofRtAudioSoundStream
- void setDeviceID(int deviceID) from ofRtAudioSoundStream
- void setInDeviceID(int deviceID) from ofRtAudioSoundStream
- void setOutDeviceID(int deviceID) from ofRtAudioSoundStream
- bool setup(int outChannels, int inChannels, int sampleRate, int bufferSize, int nBuffers) from ofRtAudioSoundStream
- void rotate(float degrees) from ofGLProgrammableRenderer
- void rotate(float degrees, float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ) from ofGLProgrammableRenderer
- void rotateX(float degrees) from ofGLProgrammableRenderer
- void rotateY(float degrees) from ofGLProgrammableRenderer
- void rotateZ(float degrees) from ofGLProgrammableRenderer
- ofMesh getCurrentAnimatedMesh(string name) from ofxAssimpModelLoader
- ofMesh getMesh(string name) from ofxAssimpModelLoader
- int getDeviceID() from ofxEmscriptenSoundStream
- void setDeviceID(int deviceID) from ofxEmscriptenSoundStream
- bool setup(int outChannels, int inChannels, int sampleRate, int bufferSize, int nBuffers) from ofxEmscriptenSoundStream
- void setDefaultSerializer(shared_ptr< ofBaseFileSerializer > serializer) from ofxBaseGui
- void loadFrom(ofBaseSerializer &serializer) from ofxLabel
- void saveTo(ofBaseSerializer &serializer) from ofxLabel
- ofxOscArg() from ofxOscArg
- ~ofxOscArgInt32() from ofxOscArgInt32
- ~ofxOscArgInt() from ofxOscArgInt
- ~ofxOscArgInt64() from ofxOscArgInt64
- ~ofxOscArgFloat() from ofxOscArgFloat
- ~ofxOscArgDouble() from ofxOscArgDouble
- ~ofxOscArgString() from ofxOscArgString
- ~ofxOscArgSymbol() from ofxOscArgSymbol
- ~ofxOscArgChar() from ofxOscArgChar
- ~ofxOscArgMidiMessage() from ofxOscArgMidiMessage
- ~ofxOscArgBool() from ofxOscArgBool
- ~ofxOscArgTrigger() from ofxOscArgTrigger
- ~ofxOscArgTimetag() from ofxOscArgTimetag
- ~ofxOscArgBlob() from ofxOscArgBlob
- ~ofxOscArgRgbaColor() from ofxOscArgRgbaColor
- int32_t get() from ofxOscArgRgbaColor
- void set(int32_t _value) from ofxOscArgRgbaColor
- string getRemoteIp() from ofxOscMessage
- ~ofxOscBundle() from ofxOscBundle
- void disableBroadcast() from ofxOscSender
- void enableBroadcast() from ofxOscSender
- void shutdown() from ofxOscSender
- void disableReuse() from ofxOscReceiver
- void enableReuse() from ofxOscReceiver
- void shutdown() from ofxOscReceiver
- void * startThread(void *ofxOscReceiverInstance) from ofxOscReceiver
- void deserialize(ofAbstractParameter &parameter) from ofxXmlSettings
- void serialize(const ofAbstractParameter &parameter) from ofxXmlSettings
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