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Created December 20, 2012 10:25
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a derivative work from climagick's "Let It Snow In Your Terminal" (, see also
require 'set'
rows,columns = `stty size`.scan(/\d+/).map{|x| x.to_i}
# ruby 1.8.x compatible way to say "\u2743"
Flake = ["2743".to_i(16)].pack("U*")
# Shapes from far away to still closer
Snow = ['.','*',Flake]
# flake state descriptor
FlakeState =, :speed, :shape)
# this will map column to a flake [row, speed]
snow_progress = {}
# available columns (initially all columns are available)
avail = 1..columns
# clear terminal
puts "\033[2J"
# terminal positioning
def char_at(char,row,col) ; "\033[#{row};#{col}H#{char}" ; end
# infinite blizzard loop
loop do
# pick a random available column
column = avail.to_a[ rand( avail.size ) ]
# remove it from available columns
avail.delete column
# give a snowflake some random speed
speed = rand( Snow.size )+1
# chose a shape based on speed
shape = Snow[speed-1]
# initialize this particular snowflake
snow_progress[ column ] = 0,speed,shape
# loop over all active snowflakes (clone the hash so we can edit it as we go)
snow_progress.clone.each do |column, flake|
# clear previous snowflake image
print char_at(' ',flake.row,column) if flake.row > 0
# update snowflake model
flake.row += flake.speed
# if still falling
if flake.row < rows
# draw its shape
print char_at(flake.shape,flake.row,column)
# on the ground always draw the Flake
print char_at(Flake,rows,column)
# make its column available again
avail << column
# and remove the snowflake from simulation
snow_progress.delete column
# move the terminal cursor away
print char_at('',0,0)
# ruby 1.8.x buffers stdout by default, flush the current animation frame
# ~17 FPS
sleep 0.06
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