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Created June 13, 2023 12:34
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cmsRun config for 125x to dump some PhL1 collection as in menu ntuple
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
from Configuration.StandardSequences.Eras import eras
from PhysicsTools.NanoAOD.nano_eras_cff import *
from PhysicsTools.NanoAOD.common_cff import *
process = cms.Process("L1Ph2Nano", eras.Phase2C9)
process.options = cms.untracked.PSet(
wantSummary = cms.untracked.bool(True),
allowUnscheduled = cms.untracked.bool(False)
process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet( input = cms.untracked.int32(-1))
process.MessageLogger.cerr.FwkReport.reportEvery = 50
process.source = cms.Source("PoolSource",
fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring(
process.outnano = cms.OutputModule("NanoAODOutputModule",
fileName = cms.untracked.string("L1Ph2menuNano.root"),
outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring("drop *", "keep nanoaodFlatTable_*Table_*_*"),
compressionLevel = cms.untracked.int32(4),
compressionAlgorithm = cms.untracked.string("ZLIB"),
process.end = cms.EndPath(process.outnano)
#process.nanoTask = cms.Task()#p2L1TablesTask)
### This part can be taken from l1trig_cff starting from 13X
l1PtVars = cms.PSet(
pt = Var("pt", float, precision=l1_float_precision_),
phi = Var("phi", float, precision=l1_float_precision_),
l1P3Vars = cms.PSet(
eta = Var("eta", float, precision=l1_float_precision_),
l1ObjVars = cms.PSet(
hwPt = Var("hwPt()",int,doc="hardware pt"),
hwEta = Var("hwEta()",int,doc="hardware eta"),
hwPhi = Var("hwPhi()",int,doc="hardware phi"),
hwQual = Var("hwQual()",int,doc="hardware qual"),
hwIso = Var("hwIso()",int,doc="hardware iso")
### This above part can be taken from l1trig_cff starting from 13X
### Tables definitions
### Muons
process.gmtTkMuTable = cms.EDProducer("SimpleCandidateFlatTableProducer",
src = cms.InputTag('l1tTkMuonsGmt',''),
cut = cms.string(""),
name = cms.string("gmtTkMuon"),
doc = cms.string("GMT Tk Muons"),
singleton = cms.bool(False), # the number of entries is variable
variables = cms.PSet(
charge = Var("charge", int, doc="charge id"),
### Jets
process.scjetTable = cms.EDProducer("SimpleCandidateFlatTableProducer",
src = cms.InputTag('l1tSCPFL1PuppiCorrectedEmulator'),
cut = cms.string(""),
name = cms.string("seededConeJet"),
doc = cms.string("SeededCone 0.4 Puppi jet"),
singleton = cms.bool(False), # the number of entries is variable
variables = cms.PSet(
#### FULL Table definition
p2L1TablesTask = cms.Task(
process.schedule = cms.Schedule(
tasks = [p2L1TablesTask],
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