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Last active October 23, 2018 10:27
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[ROS] optional debugging in launch file
<!-- This only works starting from ROS Kinetic -->
<!-- Allows for passing custom launch-prefix -->
<arg name="launch_prefix" default=""/>
<!-- Launch node through a debugger (valgrind/gdb/rr) -->
<arg name="debugger" default=""/>
<arg name="launch_prefix_switch" value="gdb -ex run --args" if="$(eval debugger=='gdb')" />
<arg name="launch_prefix_switch" value="valgrind" if="$(eval debugger=='valgrind')"/>
<arg name="launch_prefix_switch" value="rr record -h" if="$(eval debugger=='rr')" />
<arg name="launch_prefix_switch" value="uftrace record" if="$(eval debugger=='uftrace')" />
<arg name="launch_prefix_switch" value="$(arg launch_prefix)"
unless="$(eval debugger in ['gdb','valgrind','rr','uftrace'])"/>
<node pkg ="package_example"
launch-prefix="$(arg launch_prefix_switch)">
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