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Created March 15, 2022 15:46
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#Validação de Dados em Python
name=(input("Type your Name [At least 4 Characters]: "))
age=int(input("Type here your age: "))
salary=float(input("Type here the value of your salary in USD: "))
sex=(input("Type here your Sex: [M for Male and F for Female]: "))
marital_status=(input("Type here your Marital Status [Single, Married, Divorced and Widowed]: "))
while len(name) <= 2:
name=(input("Your name needs to have at least 4 characters, please type your name again: "))
while age <0 or age >150:
age=int(input("Your age needs to be between 0 and 150 years: "))
while salary <= 0:
salary=int(input("Your salary needs to be higher than 0: "))
while (sex !='M') and (sex !="F"):
sex=(input("Error! You can only choose between F or M, please type your option again: "))
while (marital_status!='Single') and (marital_status!='Married') and (marital_status!='Divorced') and (marital_status!='Widowed'):
marital_status=(input(f'{marital_status} is not a valid option, you can only choose between: Single, Married, Divorced and Widowed.\n Please type again your option: '))
print(f'Thank you! Here is the information we saved in our system:\nYour name: {name}\nYour age: {age} years old.\nYou recieve {salary} USD per month.\nYour sex: {sex}.\nYour actual marital status: {marital_status}. ')
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