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Write code. Blow minds.

Artem Novichkov artemnovichkov

Write code. Blow minds.
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milnak /
Last active September 21, 2024 16:35
My set of GarlicOS tips #rg35xx

Garlic OS Tips (Windows-based)

GarlicOS Cookbook

Follow these instructions for an easy way to get up and going quickly! These are complete instructions, and will be the easiest way to get started on a new RG35XX.

Set up SD Card

Get a high quality SD (e.g. SanDisk Extreme) card, 128GB or larger, 256GB is recommended. Don't skimp here, they're cheap, and don't use the card that comes with the RG35XX as it's crap.

import Foundation
struct Partial<Wrapped>: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
enum Error<ValueType>: Swift.Error {
case missingKey(KeyPath<Wrapped, ValueType>)
case invalidValueType(key: KeyPath<Wrapped, ValueType>, actualValue: Any)
private var values: [PartialKeyPath<Wrapped>: Any?] = [:]
import UIKit
public struct TextStyle {
let font: UIFont
let color: UIColor
let kerning: CGFloat?
let lineHeight: CGFloat?
Otbivnoe / enum-all-values.swift
Last active February 8, 2018 03:42
Get the all values for enum
extension RawRepresentable {
static var allValues: [Self] {
var index = 0
let iterator: AnyIterator<Self> = AnyIterator {
let current = withUnsafePointer(to: &index) { unsafePointer in
unsafePointer.withMemoryRebound(to: Self.self, capacity: 1) { unsafePointer in
import WebKit
import UIKit
class WebViewController: UIViewController {
var url: URL!
var wKWebView: WKWebView!
@IBOutlet weak var containerView: UIView!
@IBOutlet weak var goBackButton: UIBarButtonItem!
@IBOutlet weak var goForwardButton: UIBarButtonItem!
brennanMKE / EventEmitter.swift
Last active March 7, 2024 04:04
React Native Event Emitter for RCTEventEmitter in Objective-C and Swift
class EventEmitter
/// Shared Instance.
public static var sharedInstance = EventEmitter()
// ReactNativeEventEmitter is instantiated by React Native with the bridge.
private static var eventEmitter: ReactNativeEventEmitter!
private init() {}

Swift build time profiling

Linkdin (of all companies) published a shocking blog today on the performance of Swift build times. They claim that their project compiles faster on their lower speced MacBook Pros (and even a Mac mini) than their 12 core Mac Pros. Even though the Mac Pro is 4 years out of date, the raw number of cores gives it quit an advantage over the 4 core MacBook Pro and especially the 2 core Mac mini. What's even more shocking, is that when they lowered the number of threads available to the compiler, their build times actually went up. It's an interesting article and worth reading. I decided to test their numbers with my own project.

First, I tried building from the command line, cleaning each time to get consistent results:

time xcodebuild -workspace Engagement.xcworkspace -scheme Engagement -sdk iphoneos -configuration Debug clean build | xcpretty
khorbushko / PHPhotoLibrary+SaveImage
Created December 29, 2016 09:27
PHPhotoLibrary+SaveImage - save image with Photos Framework swift 3
import UIKit
import Photos
extension PHPhotoLibrary {
// MARK: - PHPhotoLibrary+SaveImage
// MARK: - Public
func savePhoto(image:UIImage, albumName:String, completion:((PHAsset?)->())? = nil) {
func save() {
bomberstudios /
Last active May 17, 2024 02:53
How to diff your .sketch files in Git

Using sketchtool to diff your .sketch files using text


You need to have SketchTool installed somewhere in your path.


Add this in your ~/.gitconfig file (for some reason, it won't work in a local .gitconfig file):