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Created October 26, 2016 21:02
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# mnake sure all rows have 99 fields
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"} {print NF}' /uufs/ | uniq
# how many HET (1) and HOM_ALT (3) genotypes were there?
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"} {print $99}' /uufs/ | sort | uniq -c
# get rid of headers except for the first one
(head -n 1 /uufs/; grep -v gt_types /uufs/
# make sure there are no LOW entries (note grep -w for specifificty)
(head -n 1 /uufs/; grep -v gt_types /uufs/ | grep -w LOW
# what col number is the gene column?
head -1 /uufs/ | tr "\t" "\n" | cat -n | grep gene
20 gene
# print, in descending order, the number of variants observed per gene
awk '{print $20}' /uufs/ | sort | uniq -c | awk '{print $2"\t"$1}' | sort -k2,2nr | head -n 50
MUC16 25126
MUC6 20998
AHNAK2 8647
TTN 8244
MUC5B 6907
MUC19 6872
FLG 6681
NBPF10 6375
ANKRD36 5687
HRNR 5576
NBPF1 5472
FAM230A 4745
PABPC3 4733
FAM182B 4497
FRG1B 4409
PDE4DIP 4334
TAS2R31 4208
IGFN1 4176
FCGBP 3925
OBSCN 3869
MUC2 3636
AHNAK 3621
TAS2R43 3586
CTD-3088G3.8 3371
TAS2R19 3115
ANKRD36C 3096
MKI67 3073
ANKRD30B 2986
TAS2R46 2905
NBPF14 2796
GOLGA6L2 2717
NEB 2652
PRAMEF1 2621
TCHH 2564
FLG2 2548
KRT18 2455
ZNF257 2412
NBPF12 2374
PLIN4 2371
NBPF9 2349
FAM186A 2348
PRAMEF2 2345
PRAMEF4 2251
OR4A16 2247
GXYLT1 2228
CNN2 2200
FSIP2 2194
RP11-683L23.1 2173
LILRA6 2137
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