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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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some sort of monad defined in terms of a sort of fold
package thing
import scala.language.higherKinds
trait Thing[+T, Context[_]] { parent =>
def foldish[S](s0: S)(f: (S, T) => Context[S]): Context[S]
def map[U](g: T => U) = new Thing[U, Context] {
def foldish[S](s0: S)(f: (S, U) => Context[S]) =
parent.foldish(s0)((s, t) => f(s, g(t)))
def flatMap[U](g: T => Thing[U, Context]) = new Thing[U, Context] {
def foldish[S](s0: S)(f: (S, U) => Context[S]) =
parent.foldish(s0)((s, t) => g(t).foldish(s)(f))
object Thing {
def constant[T, Context[_]](t: T) = new Thing[T, Context] {
def foldish[S](s0: S)(f: (S, T) => Context[S]): Context[S] = f(s0, t)
def empty[Context[_]]: Thing[Nothing, Context] = ??? // can't define an empty Thing, unlike scalaz.Foldable
def emptyOfT[T, Context[_]]: Thing[T, Context] = empty // it is covariant anyway
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