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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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  • Save arnehormann/65421048f56ac108f6b5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save arnehormann/65421048f56ac108f6b5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Check speed and compression of `compress/flate` and `compress/gzip` against the `` variants. Please read the comment below!
package main
import (
flstd "compress/flate"
gzstd "compress/gzip"
flkp ""
gzkp ""
pgz ""
var _ io.ReadCloser = (*readCloser)(nil)
type readCloser struct {
var _ io.ReadCloser = (*StatReader)(nil)
type StatReader struct {
R io.Reader
N int64
NoClose bool
func mapReader(r io.Reader, err error) (*StatReader, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &StatReader{R: r}, nil
func (r *StatReader) Read(d []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := r.R.Read(d)
r.N += int64(n)
return n, err
func (r *StatReader) Close() error {
if c, ok := r.R.(io.Closer); !r.NoClose && ok {
return c.Close()
return nil
var _ io.WriteCloser = (*StatWriter)(nil)
type StatWriter struct {
W io.Writer
N int64
NoClose bool
func mapWriter(w io.Writer, err error) (*StatWriter, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &StatWriter{W: w}, nil
func (w *StatWriter) Write(d []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := w.W.Write(d)
w.N += int64(n)
return n, err
func (w *StatWriter) Close() error {
if c, ok := w.W.(io.Closer); !w.NoClose && ok {
return c.Close()
return nil
type NoOp struct{}
func (n NoOp) Read(v []byte) (int, error) {
return len(v), nil
func (n NoOp) Write(v []byte) (int, error) {
return len(v), nil
type SeqGen struct {
i int
func (s *SeqGen) Read(v []byte) (int, error) {
b := byte(s.i)
for i := range v {
v[i], b = b, b+1
return len(v), nil
type Rand struct {
// uses PCG (
state uint64
inc uint64
const pcgmult64 = 6364136223846793005
func NewRand(seed uint64) *Rand {
state := uint64(0)
inc := uint64(seed<<1) | 1
state = state*pcgmult64 + (inc | 1)
state += uint64(seed)
state = state*pcgmult64 + (inc | 1)
return &Rand{
state: state,
inc: inc,
func (r *Rand) Read(v []byte) (int, error) {
for w := v; len(w) > 0; w = w[4:] {
old := r.state
r.state = r.state*pcgmult64 + ( | 1)
xorshifted := uint32(((old >> 18) ^ old) >> 27)
rot := uint32(old >> 59)
rnd := (xorshifted >> rot) | (xorshifted << ((-rot) & 31))
// ok because len(v) % 4 == 0
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(w, rnd)
return len(v), nil
var _ flag.Value = (*NumBytes)(nil)
type NumBytes int64
func (n *NumBytes) String() string {
if *n == 0 {
return "all"
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(*n), 10)
func (n *NumBytes) Set(v string) error {
if v == "all" {
*n = 0
return nil
f := int64(1)
if len(v) > 0 {
switch v[len(v)-1] {
case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
case 'k', 'K':
f = 1024
case 'm', 'M':
f = 1024 * 1024
case 'g', 'G':
f = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
case 't', 'T':
f = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
case 'p', 'P':
f = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
case 'e', 'E':
f = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
return fmt.Errorf("invalid byte size %q, available postfixes kilo..exa (k,m,g,t,p,e)", v)
v = v[:len(v)-1]
i, err := strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
*n = NumBytes(f * i)
return nil
var sources = map[string]func(string) (*StatReader, error){
"seq": func(string) (*StatReader, error) { return mapReader(&SeqGen{}, nil) },
"zero": func(string) (*StatReader, error) { return mapReader(NoOp{}, nil) },
"rand": func(string) (*StatReader, error) { return mapReader(NewRand(0xdeadbeef), nil) },
"file": func(src string) (*StatReader, error) {
if src == "-" {
return &StatReader{
R: os.Stdin,
NoClose: true,
}, nil
return mapReader(os.Open(src))
var extractors = map[string]func(*StatReader) (*StatReader, error){
"flatekp": func(r *StatReader) (*StatReader, error) { return mapReader(flkp.NewReader(r), nil) },
"flatestd": func(r *StatReader) (*StatReader, error) { return mapReader(flstd.NewReader(r), nil) },
"gzkp": func(r *StatReader) (*StatReader, error) { return mapReader(gzkp.NewReader(r)) },
"gzstd": func(r *StatReader) (*StatReader, error) { return mapReader(gzstd.NewReader(r)) },
"pgzip": func(r *StatReader) (*StatReader, error) { return mapReader(pgz.NewReader(r)) },
"none": func(r *StatReader) (*StatReader, error) { return &StatReader{R: r, NoClose: true}, nil },
var compressors = map[string]func(*StatWriter, int) (*StatWriter, error){
"flatekp": func(w *StatWriter, l int) (*StatWriter, error) { return mapWriter(flkp.NewWriter(w, l)) },
"flatestd": func(w *StatWriter, l int) (*StatWriter, error) { return mapWriter(flstd.NewWriter(w, l)) },
"gzkp": func(w *StatWriter, l int) (*StatWriter, error) { return mapWriter(gzkp.NewWriterLevel(w, l)) },
"gzstd": func(w *StatWriter, l int) (*StatWriter, error) { return mapWriter(gzstd.NewWriterLevel(w, l)) },
"pgzip": func(w *StatWriter, l int) (*StatWriter, error) { return mapWriter(pgz.NewWriterLevel(w, l)) },
"none": func(w *StatWriter, l int) (*StatWriter, error) { return &StatWriter{W: w, NoClose: true}, nil },
var sinks = map[string]func(string) (*StatWriter, error){
"none": func(string) (*StatWriter, error) { return mapWriter(NoOp{}, nil) },
"file": func(dest string) (*StatWriter, error) {
if dest == "-" {
return &StatWriter{
W: os.Stdout,
NoClose: true,
}, nil
return mapWriter(os.Create(dest))
var sourceOpts string
var extractorOpts string
var compressorOpts string
var sinkOpts string
func init() {
var tmp []string
for k, _ := range sources {
tmp = append(tmp, k)
sourceOpts, tmp = strings.Join(tmp, ","), tmp[:0]
for k, _ := range extractors {
tmp = append(tmp, k)
extractorOpts, tmp = strings.Join(tmp, ","), tmp[:0]
for k, _ := range compressors {
tmp = append(tmp, k)
compressorOpts, tmp = strings.Join(tmp, ","), tmp[:0]
for k, _ := range sinks {
tmp = append(tmp, k)
sinkOpts, tmp = strings.Join(tmp, ","), tmp[:0]
func helpAndQuit(fs *flag.FlagSet, v interface{}) {
var msg string
hasErr := true
switch err := v.(type) {
case error:
msg = err.Error()
case string:
msg = err
case bool:
// from help; no error
if err {
msg = "unknown flags: \n\t" + strings.Join(flag.Args(), "\n\t")
} else {
hasErr = false
msg = "unknown type in panic"
if hasErr {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "ERROR: "+msg+"\n\n")
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, os.Args[0]+`:
This program helps to test the differences between implementations of
flate and gzip in the standard library and in
By default, it reads data from standard input and writes it to standard
output compressed with
Data is processed in a pipeline; each step is configurable and tracks the
number of bytes processed.
source(-s) => extract(-x) => compress(-c) => destination(-d)
The source can be a file (-s=file -i=FILENAME), the standard input stream
(-s=file -i=-), a repeating sequence of bytes between 0 and 255 (-s=seq),
a sequence of random bytes repeating each run (-s=rand), or an endless
stream of zeroes (-s=zero).
The amount of data read can be limited (-n=NUMBYTES).
The destination is either a file (-d=file -o=FILENAME), the standard output
stream (-d=file -o=-), or it is discarded (-d=none).
Compression (-c=...) and decompression/extraction (-x=...) can be disabled
(-c=none / -x=none) or set to a compression package.
- flatestd: compress/flate
- flatekp:
- gzstd: compress/gzip
- gzkp:
- pgzip:
For compression, the level is configurable, e.g. for fastest (-l=1) or for
best compression (-l=9).
The number of cpu cores set is also configurable (-cpus=2).
Statistics can be shown with (-stats), (-noheaders) suppresses the headers.
Available parameters:`)
func main() {
var (
r *StatReader
x *StatReader
c *StatWriter
w *StatWriter
err error
// flag configuration variables
var (
infile = "-"
outfile = "-"
src = "file"
dest = "file"
extmode = "none"
compmode = "gzkp"
complevel = -1
rmax = NumBytes(-1)
cpus = runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
stats = false
noHeaders = false
help = false
fs := flag.NewFlagSet(os.Args[0], flag.PanicOnError)
fs.StringVar(&infile, "i", infile, "input file; For stdin or non-file: '','-'")
fs.StringVar(&outfile, "o", outfile, "output file; For stdout or non-file: '','-'")
fs.StringVar(&src, "s", src, "source; requires '-i' for 'file'. One of "+sourceOpts)
fs.StringVar(&dest, "d", dest, "destination; requires '-o' for 'file'. One of "+sinkOpts)
fs.StringVar(&extmode, "x", extmode, "extract; One of "+extractorOpts)
fs.StringVar(&compmode, "c", compmode, "compress; One of "+compressorOpts)
fs.IntVar(&complevel, "l", complevel, "compression level (-1|0..9)")
fs.Var(&rmax, "n", "max bytes read, 0 for all")
fs.IntVar(&cpus, "cpus", cpus, "number of cpu cores used (< 0 for all)")
fs.BoolVar(&stats, "stats", stats, "show stats")
fs.BoolVar(&noHeaders, "noheaders", noHeaders, "suppress stats headers (ignored when stats is not set)")
fs.BoolVar(&help, "h", help, "show this help text")
if unknownFlags := fs.NArg() > 0; unknownFlags || help {
helpAndQuit(fs, unknownFlags)
if src == "" {
// map to stdin
src = "-"
if dest == "" {
// map to stdout
dest = "-"
if compmode == "none" {
complevel = 0
if cpus < 0 {
cpus = runtime.NumCPU()
// basic sanity checks
if src != "file" && infile != "-" {
panic("input file must be '-' for non file source")
if dest != "file" && outfile != "-" {
panic("output file must be '-' for non file destination")
if complevel < -1 || 9 < complevel {
panic("compression level -l=x must be (-1,0..9)")
if rmax < 0 {
panic("max bytes read is too small")
// close all open readers and writers
defer func() {
for _, closer := range []io.Closer{x, c, r, w} {
if closer != nil {
if f, ok := sources[src]; ok {
if r, err = f(infile); err != nil {
panic("could not create reader: " + err.Error())
} else {
panic("source reader of type '" + src + "' is unsupported")
if f, ok := extractors[extmode]; ok {
if x, err = f(r); err != nil {
panic("could not create extractor: " + err.Error())
} else {
panic("source extractor of type '" + extmode + "' is unsupported")
if f, ok := sinks[dest]; ok {
if w, err = f(outfile); err != nil {
panic("could not create writer: " + err.Error())
} else {
panic("source writer of type '" + dest + "' is unsupported")
if f, ok := compressors[compmode]; ok {
if c, err = f(w, complevel); err != nil {
panic("could not create compressor: " + err.Error())
} else {
panic("compressor of type '" + compmode + "' is unsupported")
// optionally limit data
if rmax > -1 {
x.R = &readCloser{
Reader: &io.LimitedReader{
R: r, // r is x.R
N: int64(rmax),
Closer: r,
start := time.Now()
// adapted from io.Copy()
buf := make([]byte, 32*1024)
for {
nr, er := x.Read(buf)
if nr > 0 {
nw, ew := c.Write(buf[:nr])
if ew != nil {
if nr != nw {
if er == io.EOF {
if er != nil {
if stats {
took := time.Since(start)
mbpsIn := (float64(r.N) / (1024 * 1024)) / took.Seconds()
mbpsOut := (float64(w.N) / (1024 * 1024)) / took.Seconds()
var format string
if !noHeaders {
format = "" +
"type in\tfile in\tbytes in\t" +
"type extract\tbytes extracted\t" +
"type compress\tlevel\tbytes compressed\t" +
"type out\tfile out\tbytes out\t" +
"cpus\tmillis\t" +
"mb/s in\tmb/s out\n"
format += "" +
"%s\t%s\t%d\t" +
"%s\t%d\t" +
"%s\t%d\t%d\t" +
"%s\t%s\t%d\t" +
"%d\t%.03f\t" +
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, format,
src, infile, r.N,
extmode, x.N,
compmode, complevel, c.N,
dest, outfile, w.N,
runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0), took.Seconds()*1000,
mbpsIn, mbpsOut,
Copy link

Instructions below are for an old version. The program prints its help text with -h. It provides more detailed statistics and better control - and it's easier to adapt now.

It always works in a pipeline: read from a source, pass through decompressor, pass through compressor, write to destination. Each step is configurable and tracks the number processed bytes.

There's an adapted version friendlier to measurements on Windows, it can be found at

This is intended to be used with e.g. pv and time to measure the throughput.
It always reads from stdin and writes to stderr.
The default setting is pass raw input to klauspost gzip with default compression and write it to stdout.

Unknown arguments print a help text:

> # See available arguments by passing something unknown
> ./compress --help
Usage of ./compress:
  -l=-1: compression level (-1|0..9)
  -r="raw": read mode (raw|flatekp|flatestd|gzkp|gzstd|zero|seq|rand)
  -w="gzkp": write mode (raw|flatekp|flatestd|gzkp|gzstd|none)

Available producers / consumers:

  • raw: stdin / stdout
  • flatekp: stdin / stdout compressed with
  • flatestd: stdin / stdout compressed with compress/flate
  • gzkp: stdin / stdout compressed with
  • gzstd: stdin / stdout compressed with compress/gzip
  • zero: an infinite stream of zero bytes
  • seq: a repeating stream of bytes 0..255
  • rand: a deterministic stream of random numbers (the same sequence each call)
  • none: data sink (/dev/null)

Some examples

# check speed of PRNG stream
./compress -r=rand -w=raw | pv > /dev/null

# check speed of PRNG stream compressed by klauspost gzip with level 9
./compress -r=rand -w=gzkp -l=9 | pv > /dev/null   

# check speed of PRNG stream compressed by stdlib gzip with level 9
./compress -r=rand -w=gzstd -l=9 | pv > /dev/null

# check speed of 0-stream compressed by stdlib flate with level 6
./compress -r=zero -w=flatestd -l=6 | pv > /dev/null

# same as above, but use external zero stream
./compress -r=raw -w=flatestd -l=6 < /dev/zero | pv > /dev/null

You can also pipe in a file and write it to .gz - and compare the contents and sizes after decompression.
Or you can do so on the fly. Here's an example for a file named testdata:

diff -q \
    <(./compress -r=raw -w=gzkp -l=9 < ./testdata | gzip -d) \
    <(gzip -c -d < ./testdata | ./compress -r=gzkp -w=raw)

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