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Last active June 12, 2024 12:22
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  • Save armicron/19b88aa15838f2688bc86f60ba2f85b5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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boto3 dynamodb, create table
import boto3
very slow
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 deangiberson/aws-dynamodb-local
very fast
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 dwmkerr/dynamodb -inMemory
table_wcu = 2000
table_rcu = 2000
index_wcu = 3000
index_rcu = 2000
table_name = 'localtable'
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', endpoint_url="")
dynamodb.create_table(TableName=table_name, KeySchema=[{'AttributeName': '_id', 'KeyType': 'HASH'}],
ProvisionedThroughput={'ReadCapacityUnits': table_rcu, 'WriteCapacityUnits': table_wcu},
AttributeDefinitions=[{'AttributeName': '_id', 'AttributeType': 'S'},
{u'AttributeName': u'city', u'AttributeType': u'S'},
{u'AttributeName': u'email', u'AttributeType': u'S'},
{u'AttributeName': u'name', u'AttributeType': u'S'},
{u'AttributeName': u'slug', u'AttributeType': u'S'}],
{'IndexName': 'city-index', 'Projection': {'ProjectionType': 'ALL'},
'ProvisionedThroughput': {'WriteCapacityUnits': index_wcu,
'ReadCapacityUnits': index_rcu},
'KeySchema': [{'KeyType': 'HASH', 'AttributeName': 'city'}]},
{'IndexName': 'name-index', 'Projection': {'ProjectionType': 'ALL'},
'ProvisionedThroughput': {'WriteCapacityUnits': index_wcu,
'ReadCapacityUnits': index_rcu},
'KeySchema': [{'KeyType': 'HASH', 'AttributeName': 'name'}]},
{'IndexName': 'slug-index', 'Projection': {'ProjectionType': 'ALL'},
'ProvisionedThroughput': {'WriteCapacityUnits': index_wcu,
'ReadCapacityUnits': index_rcu},
'KeySchema': [{'KeyType': 'HASH', 'AttributeName': 'slug'}]},
{'IndexName': 'email-index', 'Projection': {'ProjectionType': 'ALL'},
'ProvisionedThroughput': {'WriteCapacityUnits': index_wcu,
'ReadCapacityUnits': index_rcu},
'KeySchema': [{'KeyType': 'HASH', 'AttributeName': 'email'}]}])
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