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We're here to automate ourselves

Ari Dastidar aridastidar

We're here to automate ourselves
  • San Francisco, CA
View GitHub Profile
### my-script — does one thing well
### Usage:
### my-script <input> <output>
### Options:
### <input> Input file to read.
### <output> Output file to write. Use '-' for stdout.
aseure /
Created December 6, 2017 16:01
Manual "Merge and rebase"
git checkout my-new-feat
git rebase master
git checkout master
git merge my-new-feat --ff
lukeplausin /
Last active August 29, 2024 20:27
AWS, JQ and bash command cheat sheet. How to query, cut and munge things in JSON generally.
# Count total EBS based storage in AWS
aws ec2 describe-volumes | jq "[.Volumes[].Size] | add"
# Count total EBS storage with a tag filter
aws ec2 describe-volumes --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=CloudEndure Volume qjenc" | jq "[.Volumes[].Size] | add"
# Describe instances concisely
aws ec2 describe-instances | jq '[.Reservations | .[] | .Instances | .[] | {InstanceId: .InstanceId, State: .State, SubnetId: .SubnetId, VpcId: .VpcId, Name: (.Tags[]|select(.Key=="Name")|.Value)}]'
# Wait until $instance_id is running and then immediately stop it again
aws ec2 wait instance-running --instance-id $instance_id && aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-id $instance_id
# Get 10th instance in the account
mubbashir /
Last active October 9, 2023 07:10 — forked from dnozay/
jenkins groovy scripts collection.