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Last active August 11, 2024 06:20
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Sharing Jetstream

JetStream Stream Sharing

This is an incremental tutorial on how to share JetStream assets between accounts. The options are not going to be fully explained unless they are vital. The tools used are nats cli and nsc, and both have excellent --help.

Note that this tutorial is expected to be followed in sequence.


Use NSC to create the operator and accounts

First lets create an operator and system account

~/cross-account $ nsc add operator O
[ OK ] generated and stored operator key "OAO65EOMFETMKBGLI2RIPKYBRXV43OP6RLH7RXH3OWWE6F4VLXZ7HPFZ"
[ OK ] added operator "O"
[ OK ] When running your own nats-server, make sure they run at least version 2.2.0

~/cross-account $ nsc add account SYS
[ OK ] added account "SYS"

~/cross-account $ nsc edit operator --system-account SYS
[ OK ] edited operator "O"

Now we are going to create the account hosting the JetStream that we are going to access from different scenarios

~/cross-account $nsc add account A
[ OK ] generated and stored account key "AAGVYTYA44QM2ECWGPALJPFJE4VMZF5ZZEIOYUZOW562REI43QKEILKY"
[ OK ] added account "A"

# here we enable jetstream on account A
~/cross-account $ nsc edit account A --js-disk-storage -1 --js-mem-storage -1
[ OK ] changed global max mem storage to -1
[ OK ] changed global max disk storage to -1
[ OK ] edited account "A"

In order for another account to access JetStream assets in account A, account A must define some exports that the foreign account must import. To keep the example concise, the entire JetStream from account A will be exported. You can refer to other tutorials that allow you to clamp on permissions.

The principal export, will export the complete JS API - this will allow the importer to create and reference APIs that manipulate account A's JetStream.

~/cross-account $ nsc add export --account A --subject \$JS.API.\> --service
[ OK ] added public service export "$JS.API.>"

Note that the above export is all that is required to access JetStream from account A, so long as you are using pull consumers. For now let's ignore push consumers.

Now we create an account that is going to have access to the JetStream from account A

~/cross-account $ nsc add account B
[ OK ] generated and stored account key "AAKRP54IJWX2TJKVHXJ6PJTTPWLNJPFIG5V3IQ5BTDDRFL7TZY564MY7"
[ OK ] added account "B"

Add the import for the JetStream APIs on account A
~/cross-account $ nsc add import --account B --src-account A --remote-subject \$JS.API.\> --local-subject \$JS.A.API.\> --service --name \$JS.A.API.\>
[ OK ] added service import "$JS.API.>"

Generating the Server Configurations

Now that we have the operator, system account, and the accounts A and B, we can generate the server configuration

# generate the config
~/cross-account $ nsc generate config --mem-resolver --config-file accounts.conf --force
[ OK ] wrote server configuration to `~/cross-account/accounts.conf`

To use the configuration, we are going to create a hub configuration that will load the accounts.conf this will allow other more complex setups to share the account configurations. The base configuration for the server hub.conf should have this content:

port: 4222
server_name: hub-server
jetstream {
    store_dir: "./hub"
leafnodes {
    port: 7422
include ./accounts.conf

You can now start the server:

~/cross-account $ nats-server -c hub.conf 
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.964858 [INF] Starting nats-server
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.964938 [INF]   Version:  2.10.11
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.964940 [INF]   Git:      [not set]
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.964942 [INF]   Name:     hub-server
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.964944 [INF]   Node:     N45hlKXl
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.964945 [INF]   ID:       NAVU3I7TRKMLJFQXTTEV75GSGKF5JTTEU3MAPEH54S3WK425J4JBB5M3
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.964955 [INF] Using configuration file: hub.conf
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.964957 [INF] Trusted Operators
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.964958 [INF]   System  : ""
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.964961 [INF]   Operator: "O"
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.964962 [INF]   Issued  : 2024-02-23 09:19:10 -0400 AST
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.964978 [INF]   Expires : Never
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.965464 [INF] Starting JetStream
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.965743 [INF]     _ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ ___   _   __  __
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.965748 [INF]  _ | | __|_   _/ __|_   _| _ \ __| /_\ |  \/  |
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.965749 [INF] | || | _|  | | \__ \ | | |   / _| / _ \| |\/| |
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.965751 [INF]  \__/|___| |_| |___/ |_| |_|_\___/_/ \_\_|  |_|
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.965752 [INF] 
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.965753 [INF]
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.965754 [INF] 
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.965756 [INF] ---------------- JETSTREAM ----------------
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.965759 [INF]   Max Memory:      48.00 GB
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.965761 [INF]   Max Storage:     371.22 GB
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.965762 [INF]   Store Directory: "hub/jetstream"
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.965764 [INF]   Domain:          hub
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.965765 [INF] -------------------------------------------
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.966233 [INF] Listening for leafnode connections on
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.966516 [INF] Listening for client connections on
[68331] 2024/02/23 10:08:38.966676 [INF] Server is ready

Sharing JetStream API to Another Account

Now let's create a user in account A, that will create a stream:

~/cross-account $ nsc add user a -a A
[ OK ] generated and stored user key "UCS7EF3IBDPDB7XAR27T32YFOZU5MA6JQH72UXK3LDAA3I64UW2IB4BP"
[ OK ] generated user creds file `~/.local/share/nats/nsc/keys/creds/O/A/a.creds`
[ OK ] added user "a" to account "A"
~/cross-account $ cp ~/.local/share/nats/nsc/keys/creds/O/A/a.creds a.creds

Now let's use nats cli tool to create the stream S capturing subjects S.>:

~/cross-account $ nats --creds ./a.creds stream add
? Stream Name S
? Subjects S.>
? Storage file
? Replication 1
? Retention Policy Limits
? Discard Policy Old
? Stream Messages Limit -1
? Per Subject Messages Limit -1
? Total Stream Size -1
? Message TTL -1
? Max Message Size -1
? Duplicate tracking time window 2m0s
? Allow message Roll-ups No
? Allow message deletion Yes
? Allow purging subjects or the entire stream Yes
Stream S was created

Information for Stream S created 2024-02-23 10:09:25

              Subjects: S.>
              Replicas: 1
               Storage: File


             Retention: Limits
       Acknowledgments: true
        Discard Policy: Old
      Duplicate Window: 2m0s
            Direct Get: true
     Allows Msg Delete: true
          Allows Purge: true
        Allows Rollups: false


      Maximum Messages: unlimited
Maximum Per Subject: unlimited
Maximum Bytes: unlimited
Maximum Age: unlimited
Maximum Message Size: unlimited
Maximum Consumers: unlimited


              Messages: 0
                 Bytes: 0 B
        First Sequence: 0
         Last Sequence: 0
      Active Consumers: 0

Now that we have a stream, lets add a message:

~/cross-account $ nats --creds ./a.creds req S.1 "hello"
10:10:04 Sending request on "S.1"
10:10:04 Received with rtt 271.235µs
{"stream":"S", "domain":"hub", "seq":1}

Now that we have the source asset in account A, let's create a consumer from account B. Note that we have not enabled JetStream in account B, we are simply going to use the exported APIs from account A to create a consumer that lives in account A, but is used by account B.

The first step is to create a user for B:

~/cross-account $ nsc add user b -a B
[ OK ] generated user creds file `~/.local/share/nats/nsc/keys/creds/O/B/b.creds`
[ OK ] added user "b" to account "B"
~/cross-account $ cp ~/.local/share/nats/nsc/keys/creds/O/B/b.creds b.creds

Now let's connect to the server as the user in B, and create the consumer. Note that we are providing the --js-domain with a value of A. Note that our server is not configured to use domains in this example, but the convention on how we defined the import on account B (--remote-subject \$JS.API.\> --local-subject \$JS.A.API.\> , makes this work exactly the same, so tooling that is domain aware will work because it will use the value specified as the domain as $JS.{domain}.API.> when building JetStream API requests:

nats --creds ./b.creds --js-domain A consumer add
? Consumer name b
? Delivery target (empty for Pull Consumers)
? Start policy (all, new, last, subject, 1h, msg sequence) all
? Acknowledgment policy explicit
? Replay policy instant
? Filter Stream by subjects (blank for all)
? Maximum Allowed Deliveries -1
? Maximum Acknowledgments Pending 0
? Deliver headers only without bodies No
? Add a Retry Backoff Policy No
? Select a Stream S
Information for Consumer S > b created 2024-02-23T10:14:54-04:00


                    Name: b
               Pull Mode: true
          Deliver Policy: All
              Ack Policy: Explicit
                Ack Wait: 30.00s
           Replay Policy: Instant
         Max Ack Pending: 1,000
       Max Waiting Pulls: 512


Last Delivered Message: Consumer sequence: 0 Stream sequence: 0
Acknowledgment Floor: Consumer sequence: 0 Stream sequence: 0
Outstanding Acks: 0 out of maximum 1,000
Redelivered Messages: 0
Unprocessed Messages: 1
Waiting Pulls: 0 of maximum 512

If you read carefully, there is a message already waiting for the consumer. Now let's use a pull consumer in account B.

Let's access have the consumer read the message:

~/cross-account $ nats --creds ./b.creds --js-domain A consumer next S b
[10:16:20] subj: S.1 / tries: 1 / cons seq: 1 / str seq: 1 / pending: 0


Acknowledged message

Push Consumers

To simplify the initial example, we punted push consumers. Push consumers can be thought as subscribers. The listen on a subject and receive messages. This is in contrast to a pull consumer where the consumer makes a request providing a subject that it will listen on for messages. The push consumer is auto-detected by the server when it subscribes to its matching subject. The instant the server detects interest, it will start pushing messages.

To enable account B to get messages from account A sent to a push consumer we need another export in account A.

Push consumer are discouraged when you write a service, but are required for some of the underlying functionality. If you want to use watchers on KV, etc you will run into them.

~/cross-account $ nsc add export --account A --subject "toaccount.*.>" --account-token-position 2
[ OK ] added public stream export "toaccount.*.>"

To enable flow control messages between the server and consumers we also need to add another export:

~/cross-account $ nsc add export --account A --subject \$JS.FC.\> --service
[ OK ] added public service export "$JS.FC.>"

Instead of defining very many exports (one for each consumer in each account), we are going to do just one. The subject for the export has a prefix toaccount followed by two wildcards. The first wildcard must be the account ID of the importing account, this will provide safety. The second wildcard is a differentiator that will be used to identify the consumer, and enable the ability to use prefixes later on.

~/cross-account $ nsc add import --account B --src-account A --remote-subject "toaccount.AAKRP54IJWX2TJKVHXJ6PJTTPWLNJPFIG5V3IQ5BTDDRFL7TZY564MY7.>" --name from_A
[ OK ] added stream import "toaccount.AAKRP54IJWX2TJKVHXJ6PJTTPWLNJPFIG5V3IQ5BTDDRFL7TZY564MY7.>"

~/cross-account $ nsc add import --account B --src-account A --remote-subject \$JS.FC.\> --service
[ OK ] added service import "$JS.FC.>"

Note that the first added import keeps the last wildcard, we will set those that name on the consumer. The first one, as required by the export, is the account ID of the importing account (B)

Regenerate the account configuration

~/cross-account $ nsc generate config --mem-resolver --config-file accounts.conf --force
[ OK ] wrote server configuration to `~/cross-account/accounts.conf`
Success!! - generated `~/cross-account/accounts.conf`

And restart the server:

~/cross-account $ killall nats-server; nats-server -c hub.conf 
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.798026 [INF] Starting nats-server
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.798111 [INF]   Version:  2.10.11
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.798114 [INF]   Git:      [not set]
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.798115 [INF]   Name:     hub-server
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.798117 [INF]   Node:     N45hlKXl
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.798119 [INF]   ID:       NCAEIOV7RTAF7L3BFEYPHXEDD2QVF7MPEH2HH7ZIOBKGCTXB3DDIFX6P
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.798129 [INF] Using configuration file: hub.conf
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.798131 [INF] Trusted Operators
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.798132 [INF]   System  : ""
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.798135 [INF]   Operator: "O"
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.798137 [INF]   Issued  : 2024-02-23 09:19:10 -0400 AST
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.798151 [INF]   Expires : Never
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.798678 [INF] Starting JetStream
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.799007 [INF]     _ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ ___   _   __  __
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.799013 [INF]  _ | | __|_   _/ __|_   _| _ \ __| /_\ |  \/  |
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.799015 [INF] | || | _|  | | \__ \ | | |   / _| / _ \| |\/| |
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.799016 [INF]  \__/|___| |_| |___/ |_| |_|_\___/_/ \_\_|  |_|
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.799017 [INF] 
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.799019 [INF]
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.799020 [INF] 
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.799022 [INF] ---------------- JETSTREAM ----------------
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.799025 [INF]   Max Memory:      48.00 GB
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.799027 [INF]   Max Storage:     375.03 GB
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.799028 [INF]   Store Directory: "hub/jetstream"
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.799030 [INF]   Domain:          hub
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.799031 [INF] -------------------------------------------
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.799961 [INF]   Starting restore for stream 'AAGVYTYA44QM2ECWGPALJPFJE4VMZF5ZZEIOYUZOW562REI43QKEILKY > S'
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.800334 [INF]   Restored 1 messages for stream 'AAGVYTYA44QM2ECWGPALJPFJE4VMZF5ZZEIOYUZOW562REI43QKEILKY > S' in 0s
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.800397 [INF]   Recovering 1 consumers for stream - 'AAGVYTYA44QM2ECWGPALJPFJE4VMZF5ZZEIOYUZOW562REI43QKEILKY > S'
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.800879 [INF] Listening for leafnode connections on
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.801150 [INF] Listening for client connections on
[68994] 2024/02/23 11:28:14.801276 [INF] Server is ready

Let's create the push consumer:

~/cross-account [1]$ nats --creds ./b.creds --js-domain A consumer add
? Delivery target (empty for Pull Consumers)
? Delivery Queue Group 
? Start policy (all, new, last, subject, 1h, msg sequence) all
? Acknowledgment policy explicit
? Replay policy instant
? Filter Stream by subjects (blank for all) 
? Maximum Allowed Deliveries -1
? Maximum Acknowledgments Pending 0
? Idle Heartbeat 30s
? Enable Flow Control, ie --flow-control Yes
? Deliver headers only without bodies No
? Add a Retry Backoff Policy No
? Select a Stream S
Information for Consumer S > bb created 2024-02-23T11:33:03-04:00


                    Name: bb
        Delivery Subject:
          Deliver Policy: All
              Ack Policy: Explicit
                Ack Wait: 30.00s
           Replay Policy: Instant
         Max Ack Pending: 1,000
          Idle Heartbeat: 30.00s
            Flow Control: true


  Last Delivered Message: Consumer sequence: 0 Stream sequence: 0
    Acknowledgment Floor: Consumer sequence: 0 Stream sequence: 0
        Outstanding Acks: 0 out of maximum 1,000
    Redelivered Messages: 0
    Unprocessed Messages: 1
         Active Interest: No interest

And try it out:

~/cross-account $ nats --creds ./b.creds --js-domain A consumer sub S bb
Subscribing to topic auto acknowlegement: true

Consumer Info:
  Ack Policy: Explicit
    Ack Wait: 30s

[11:35:48] subj: S.1 / tries: 1 / cons seq: 1 / str seq: 1 / pending: 0

Note the above consumer subscribed to the target subject which is allowed because of the export on account A.


The previous example enable account B to access JetStream hosted by account A. We are going to add a new example where we add a third account that mirrors the stream in A on its own account - that is the mirror is populated with data from A, but the stream and consumers are owned by the new account.

# add the account
~/cross-account $ nsc add account C
[ OK ] generated and stored account key "ADXJSK7I2VHJORTGIWCJC6L2JJEQ644ESFWTCKC6DKEHY5O5GBLBZWAJ"
[ OK ] added account "C"

# enable jetstream
~/cross-account $ nsc edit account --js-disk-storage -1 --js-mem-storage -1
[ OK ] changed global max mem storage to -1
[ OK ] changed global max disk storage to -1
[ OK ] edited account "C"

# import jetstream from account A
~/cross-account $ nsc add import --account C --src-account A --remote-subject \$JS.API.\> --local-subject \$JS.A.API.\> --service --name \$JS.A.API.\>
[ OK ] added service import "$JS.API.>"

# enable stream mirroring
~/cross-account $ nsc add import --account C --src-account A --remote-subject toaccount.ADXJSK7I2VHJORTGIWCJC6L2JJEQ644ESFWTCKC6DKEHY5O5GBLBZWAJ.\> --name from_A
[ OK ] added stream import "toaccount.ADXJSK7I2VHJORTGIWCJC6L2JJEQ644ESFWTCKC6DKEHY5O5GBLBZWAJ.>"

~/cross-account $ nsc add import --account C --src-account A --remote-subject \$JS.FC.\> --service
[ OK ] added service import "$JS.FC.>"

# add an user to account C
~/cross-account $ nsc add user c --account C
[ OK ] generated user creds file `~/.local/share/nats/nsc/keys/creds/O/C/c.creds`
[ OK ] added user "c" to account "C"

# copy the creds
~/cross-account $ cp ~/.local/share/nats/nsc/keys/creds/O/C/c.creds c.creds

Need to regenerate the account configuration and restart the server

~/cross-account [1]$ nsc generate config --mem-resolver --config-file accounts.conf --force
[ OK ] wrote server configuration to `~/cross-account/accounts.conf`
Success!! - generated `~/cross-account/accounts.conf`

~/cross-account $ killall nats-server; nats-server -c hub.conf
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.798905 [INF] Starting nats-server
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.798984 [INF]   Version:  2.10.11
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.798986 [INF]   Git:      [not set]
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.798987 [INF]   Name:     hub-server
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.798990 [INF]   Node:     N45hlKXl
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.798991 [INF]   ID:       NBPMZODZU42Z2QM2C2LR2XUFZXZWZFQUOPFAKJZ4DTLCCBYVM266H4ZB
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.799001 [INF] Using configuration file: hub.conf
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.799003 [INF] Trusted Operators
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.799005 [INF]   System  : ""
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.799007 [INF]   Operator: "O"
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.799009 [INF]   Issued  : 2024-02-23 09:19:10 -0400 AST
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.799027 [INF]   Expires : Never
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.799790 [INF] Starting JetStream
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.800035 [INF]     _ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ ___   _   __  __
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.800040 [INF]  _ | | __|_   _/ __|_   _| _ \ __| /_\ |  \/  |
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.800042 [INF] | || | _|  | | \__ \ | | |   / _| / _ \| |\/| |
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.800043 [INF]  \__/|___| |_| |___/ |_| |_|_\___/_/ \_\_|  |_|
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.800044 [INF] 
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.800051 [INF]
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.800053 [INF] 
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.800054 [INF] ---------------- JETSTREAM ----------------
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.800057 [INF]   Max Memory:      48.00 GB
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.800059 [INF]   Max Storage:     375.02 GB
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.800060 [INF]   Store Directory: "hub/jetstream"
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.800062 [INF] -------------------------------------------
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.800803 [INF]   Starting restore for stream 'AAGVYTYA44QM2ECWGPALJPFJE4VMZF5ZZEIOYUZOW562REI43QKEILKY > S'
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.801312 [INF]   Restored 1 messages for stream 'AAGVYTYA44QM2ECWGPALJPFJE4VMZF5ZZEIOYUZOW562REI43QKEILKY > S' in 0s
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.801374 [INF]   Recovering 2 consumers for stream - 'AAGVYTYA44QM2ECWGPALJPFJE4VMZF5ZZEIOYUZOW562REI43QKEILKY > S'
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.802038 [INF] Listening for leafnode connections on
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.802290 [INF] Listening for client connections on
[69230] 2024/02/23 11:50:09.802425 [INF] Server is ready

Let's create the mirror:

~/cross-account [1]$ nats --creds ./c.creds stream add --mirror S
? Stream Name SS
? Storage file
? Replication 1
? Retention Policy Limits
? Discard Policy Old
? Stream Messages Limit -1
? Total Stream Size -1
? Message TTL -1
? Max Message Size -1
? Allow message Roll-ups No
? Allow message deletion Yes
? Allow purging subjects or the entire stream Yes
? Adjust mirror start No
? Adjust mirror filter and transform No
? Import mirror from a different JetStream domain Yes
? Foreign JetStream domain name A
Stream SS was created

Information for Stream SS created 2024-02-23 12:11:55

              Replicas: 1
               Storage: File


             Retention: Limits
       Acknowledgments: true
        Discard Policy: Old
      Duplicate Window: 0s
            Direct Get: true
     Allows Msg Delete: true
          Allows Purge: true
        Allows Rollups: false


      Maximum Messages: unlimited
   Maximum Per Subject: unlimited
         Maximum Bytes: unlimited
           Maximum Age: unlimited
  Maximum Message Size: unlimited
     Maximum Consumers: unlimited


                Mirror: S, API Prefix: $JS.A.API, Delivery Prefix: toaccount.ADXJSK7I2VHJORTGIWCJC6L2JJEQ644ESFWTCKC6DKEHY5O5GBLBZWAJ

Mirror Information:

           Stream Name: S
                   Lag: 0
             Last Seen: never
       Ext. API Prefix: $JS.A.API


              Messages: 0
                 Bytes: 0 B
        First Sequence: 0
         Last Sequence: 0
      Active Consumers: 0

Now we create a consumer in account C from stream SS

~/cross-account $ nats --creds ./c.creds consumer add
? Consumer name cc
? Delivery target (empty for Pull Consumers) 
? Start policy (all, new, last, subject, 1h, msg sequence) all
? Acknowledgment policy explicit
? Replay policy instant
? Filter Stream by subjects (blank for all) 
? Maximum Allowed Deliveries -1
? Maximum Acknowledgments Pending 0
? Deliver headers only without bodies No
? Add a Retry Backoff Policy No
? Select a Stream SS
Information for Consumer SS > cc created 2024-02-23T12:17:41-04:00


                    Name: cc
               Pull Mode: true
          Deliver Policy: All
              Ack Policy: Explicit
                Ack Wait: 30.00s
           Replay Policy: Instant
         Max Ack Pending: 1,000
       Max Waiting Pulls: 512


  Last Delivered Message: Consumer sequence: 0 Stream sequence: 0
    Acknowledgment Floor: Consumer sequence: 0 Stream sequence: 0
        Outstanding Acks: 0 out of maximum 1,000
    Redelivered Messages: 0
    Unprocessed Messages: 1
           Waiting Pulls: 0 of maximum 512

And pull messages from it:

~/cross-account [1]$ nats --creds ./c.creds consumer next SS cc
[12:18:29] subj: S.1 / tries: 1 / cons seq: 1 / str seq: 1 / pending: 0


Acknowledged message


A leafnode is a server that is part of a cluster but provides its own authentication domain.

This means that locally authenticated clients are collocated in the remote account; traffic in the remote account can flow to the leafnode and vice versa. With JetStream the leafnode can specify a domain enabling two different JetStream clusters to coexist.

In order to target the different JetStream clusters, we need to modify the server configuration in hub.conf, by specifying the domain option in the jetstream section.

port: 4222
server_name: hub-server
jetstream {
    store_dir: "./hub"
    domain: hub
leafnodes {
port: 7422
include ./accounts.conf

Go ahead and restart your server

~/cross-account $ nats-server -c hub.conf
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.462127 [INF] Starting nats-server
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.462221 [INF]   Version:  2.10.11
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.462223 [INF]   Git:      [not set]
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.462225 [INF]   Name:     hub-server
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.462227 [INF]   Node:     N45hlKXl
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.462228 [INF]   ID:       NBGXQLOTF442NWKHHD7MKQFJRKYY2CC5GXW76D76O3N52LLEYU47H7JQ
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.462239 [INF] Using configuration file: hub.conf
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.462241 [INF] Trusted Operators
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.462242 [INF]   System  : ""
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.462245 [INF]   Operator: "O"
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.462247 [INF]   Issued  : 2024-02-23 09:19:10 -0400 AST
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.462281 [INF]   Expires : Never
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.462921 [INF] Starting JetStream
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.463201 [INF]     _ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ ___   _   __  __
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.463206 [INF]  _ | | __|_   _/ __|_   _| _ \ __| /_\ |  \/  |
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.463207 [INF] | || | _|  | | \__ \ | | |   / _| / _ \| |\/| |
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.463209 [INF]  \__/|___| |_| |___/ |_| |_|_\___/_/ \_\_|  |_|
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.463210 [INF] 
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.463211 [INF]
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.463213 [INF] 
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.463214 [INF] ---------------- JETSTREAM ----------------
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.463217 [INF]   Max Memory:      48.00 GB
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.463219 [INF]   Max Storage:     375.01 GB
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.463220 [INF]   Store Directory: "hub/jetstream"
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.463222 [INF]   Domain:          A
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.463223 [INF] -------------------------------------------
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.464045 [INF]   Starting restore for stream 'AAGVYTYA44QM2ECWGPALJPFJE4VMZF5ZZEIOYUZOW562REI43QKEILKY > S'
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.464384 [INF]   Restored 1 messages for stream 'AAGVYTYA44QM2ECWGPALJPFJE4VMZF5ZZEIOYUZOW562REI43QKEILKY > S' in 0s
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.464432 [INF]   Recovering 1 consumers for stream - 'AAGVYTYA44QM2ECWGPALJPFJE4VMZF5ZZEIOYUZOW562REI43QKEILKY > S'
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.465018 [INF]   Starting restore for stream 'ADXJSK7I2VHJORTGIWCJC6L2JJEQ644ESFWTCKC6DKEHY5O5GBLBZWAJ > SS'
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.465243 [INF]   Restored 1 messages for stream 'ADXJSK7I2VHJORTGIWCJC6L2JJEQ644ESFWTCKC6DKEHY5O5GBLBZWAJ > SS' in 0s
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.465340 [INF]   Recovering 1 consumers for stream - 'ADXJSK7I2VHJORTGIWCJC6L2JJEQ644ESFWTCKC6DKEHY5O5GBLBZWAJ > SS'
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.465686 [INF] Listening for leafnode connections on
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.465948 [INF] Listening for client connections on
[70256] 2024/02/23 13:52:47.466101 [INF] Server is ready

Let's define the leafnode's authentication domain. We could use JWT as we have done on the hub, but for sake of simplicity we are simply going to have a leaf server that has no authentication. If you want to use JWT authentication as we did for the hub, you can do so by creating a new Operator/System account and client accounts. You cannot reuse the set of identities created earlier.

For the leafnode server configuration let's do:

port: 4111
server_name: leaf-server
jetstream {
    store_dir: "./leaf"
    domain: leaf
leafnodes {
    remotes = [
            urls: ["nats://"]
            credentials: "./a.creds"

Note above the remotes entry. The entry doesn't specify an account because we have not configured any accounts on the leafnode. If you were to define accounts, you would need to add the account field to the remotes entry with a value matching the name of the account (if config) or the ID of the account to place the remote on the local account.

We can start the leafnode:

~/cross-account $ nats-server -c leaf.conf
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.673381 [INF] Starting nats-server
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.673561 [INF]   Version:  2.10.11
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.673563 [INF]   Git:      [not set]
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.673565 [INF]   Cluster:  leaf-server
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.673567 [INF]   Name:     leaf-server
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.673569 [INF]   Node:     1nWZLJcM
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.673570 [INF]   ID:       NBINLHRJF7MR2GWDWFH4NDCLNGTPUEELNB45SPMECIB7BCTYK3PD54BI
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.673580 [INF] Using configuration file: leaf.conf
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.673963 [INF] Starting JetStream
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.674161 [INF]     _ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ ___   _   __  __
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.674166 [INF]  _ | | __|_   _/ __|_   _| _ \ __| /_\ |  \/  |
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.674168 [INF] | || | _|  | | \__ \ | | |   / _| / _ \| |\/| |
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.674169 [INF]  \__/|___| |_| |___/ |_| |_|_\___/_/ \_\_|  |_|
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.674170 [INF] 
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.674172 [INF]
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.674173 [INF] 
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.674174 [INF] ---------------- JETSTREAM ----------------
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.674177 [INF]   Max Memory:      48.00 GB
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.674179 [INF]   Max Storage:     374.99 GB
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.674181 [INF]   Store Directory: "leaf/jetstream"
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.674182 [INF]   Domain:          leaf
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.674183 [INF] -------------------------------------------
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.675421 [INF]   Starting restore for stream '$G > MS'
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.676374 [INF]   Restored 1 messages for stream '$G > MS' in 1ms
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.677043 [INF] Listening for client connections on
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.677216 [INF] Server is ready
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.677426 [INF] - lid:8 - Leafnode connection created for account: $G 
[74049] 2024/02/24 09:22:08.679528 [INF] - lid:8 - JetStream using domains: local "leaf", remote "hub"

Accessing Assets Available Through the Leafnode Connection

If we connect to the leafnode, we can see what JetStream assets are available:

~/cross-account $ nats -s localhost:4111 stream ls
No Streams defined

Although we are in the leaf node, and we share traffic with account A, no assets are listed. The reason why is that we are querying the local domain (leaf) for assets. And we have none!.

We can access the remote assets by specifying the domain for the hub:

~/cross-account $ nats -s localhost:4111 stream ls --js-domain hub
│                                  Streams                                  │
│ Name │ Description │ Created             │ Messages │ Size │ Last Message │
│ S    │             │ 2024-02-23 10:09:25 │ 1        │ 38 B │ 23h20m42s    │
│ AA   │             │ 2024-02-23 14:36:21 │ 1        │ 39 B │ 18h54m8s     │

Now let's create a mirror of S, we will store the data for this stream in the leaf domain:

~/cross-account $ nats -s localhost:4111 stream add --mirror S
? Stream Name MS
? Storage file
? Replication 1
? Retention Policy Limits
? Discard Policy Old
? Stream Messages Limit -1
? Total Stream Size -1
? Message TTL -1
? Max Message Size -1
? Allow message Roll-ups No
? Allow message deletion Yes
? Allow purging subjects or the entire stream Yes
? Adjust mirror start No
? Adjust mirror filter and transform No
? Import mirror from a different JetStream domain Yes
? Foreign JetStream domain name hub
? Delivery prefix FromS
Stream MS was created

Information for Stream MS created 2024-02-24 09:23:47

              Replicas: 1
               Storage: File


             Retention: Limits
       Acknowledgments: true
        Discard Policy: Old
      Duplicate Window: 0s
            Direct Get: true
     Allows Msg Delete: true
          Allows Purge: true
        Allows Rollups: false


      Maximum Messages: unlimited
   Maximum Per Subject: unlimited
         Maximum Bytes: unlimited
           Maximum Age: unlimited
  Maximum Message Size: unlimited
     Maximum Consumers: unlimited


                Mirror: S, API Prefix: $JS.hub.API, Delivery Prefix: FromS

Mirror Information:

           Stream Name: S
                   Lag: 0
             Last Seen: never
       Ext. API Prefix: $JS.hub.API
  Ext. Delivery Prefix: FromS


              Messages: 0
                 Bytes: 0 B
        First Sequence: 0
         Last Sequence: 0
      Active Consumers: 0

Getting information on the stream, reveals that we have a mirror, and our message from the original stream is already duplicated in the mirror in the leaf:

~/cross-account $ nats -s localhost:4111 stream info
? Select a Stream MS
Information for Stream MS created 2024-02-24 09:23:47

              Replicas: 1
               Storage: File


             Retention: Limits
       Acknowledgments: true
        Discard Policy: Old
      Duplicate Window: 0s
            Direct Get: true
     Allows Msg Delete: true
          Allows Purge: true
        Allows Rollups: false


      Maximum Messages: unlimited
   Maximum Per Subject: unlimited
         Maximum Bytes: unlimited
           Maximum Age: unlimited
  Maximum Message Size: unlimited
     Maximum Consumers: unlimited


                Mirror: S, API Prefix: $JS.hub.API, Delivery Prefix: FromS

Cluster Information:

                  Name: leaf-server
                Leader: leaf-server

Mirror Information:

           Stream Name: S
                   Lag: 0
             Last Seen: 510ms
       Ext. API Prefix: $JS.hub.API
  Ext. Delivery Prefix: FromS


              Messages: 1
                 Bytes: 38 B
        First Sequence: 1 @ 2024-02-23 10:10:04 UTC
         Last Sequence: 1 @ 2024-02-23 10:10:04 UTC
      Active Consumers: 0
    Number of Subjects: 1

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