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Created February 17, 2017 10:19
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puma config template
#!/usr/bin/env puma
require "pathname"
_num_workers = {{ ansible_processor_vcpus }}
_working_dir ="{{ deploy_to }}/current")
_rails_env = "{{ rails_env }}"
workers _num_workers
directory _working_dir.to_s
rackup _working_dir.join("").to_s
environment _rails_env
daemonize false
pidfile _working_dir.join("tmp/pids/").to_s
state_path _working_dir.join("tmp/pids/puma.state").to_s
threads 0,{{ puma_max_threads }}
bind "unix://{{ deploy_to }}/shared/tmp/sockets/puma.sock"
on_restart do
puts "On restart..."
on_worker_boot do
puts "On worker boot..."
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