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Created May 2, 2020 17:16
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Maximally functionalized imperative algo
exception Enough
let n_ints_from_stdin ~n =
let reader count =
if count = n then raise Enough else Some(read_int ())
| Enough -> None
| err -> raise err
Stream.from reader
let loop ~n f =
List.init n (fun _ -> ())
|> List.to_seq
|> Seq.iter f
let pair_of_n_ints ~n ~ints ~factor =
let r = Array.make factor 0
and left = ref 0
and right = ref 0 in
let process () =
let a = ints in
let p = a mod factor in
let mod_diff_index = (factor - p) mod factor in
if r.(mod_diff_index) > a && r.(mod_diff_index) > (!left + !right)
then (left := r.(mod_diff_index); right := a);
if a > r.(p) then r.(p) <- a
loop ~n process;
(!left, !right)
let () =
let n = read_int () in
let ints = n_ints_from_stdin ~n
and factor = 120 in
let (a, b) = pair_of_n_ints ~n ~ints ~factor in
Printf.printf "(%i, %i)\n" a b
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