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Forked from chris2k20/
Created October 14, 2023 17:32
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Proxmox Cloud-Init Template Creation Bash-Script (Ubuntu)
# Creats a ubuntu Cloud-Init Ready VM Template in Proxmox
export IMAGENAME="focal-server-cloudimg-amd64.img"
export IMAGEURL=""
export STORAGE="local-zfs-cache"
export VMNAME="ubuntu-2004-cloudinit-template"
export VMID=9000
export VMMEM=2048
export VMSETTINGS="--net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0"
wget -O ${IMAGENAME} --continue ${IMAGEURL}/${IMAGENAME} &&
qm create ${VMID} --name ${VMNAME} --memory ${VMMEM} ${VMSETTINGS} &&
qm importdisk ${VMID} ${IMAGENAME} ${STORAGE} &&
qm set ${VMID} --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci --scsi0 ${STORAGE}:vm-${VMID}-disk-0 &&
qm set ${VMID} --ide2 ${STORAGE}:cloudinit &&
qm set ${VMID} --boot c --bootdisk scsi0 &&
qm set ${VMID} --serial0 socket --vga serial0 &&
qm template ${VMID} &&
echo "TEMPLATE ${VMNAME} successfully created!" &&
echo "Now create a clone of VM with ID ${VMID} in the Webinterface.."
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